Disruptive Innovation
Recent papers in Disruptive Innovation
L’avvento della sharing economy ha rivoluzionato molti servizi proponendo modalità che fuoriescono dagli schemi legislativi. Al centro del dibattito degli ultimi anni vi è il trasporto pubblico non di linea, il quale si trova a dover... more
This is the 5th part of my series of Articles Published on Innovation. In this article, I’ll discus one of the most viral sources of competitive advantage; Omni Channel.
This paper reflects on the innovative research methods of the Digital Economy funded TOTeM (Tales of Things and electronic Memory) project and its engagement with two primary sectors: high street charity retail, and museums. The... more
In response to societal grand challenges, professors have unique opportunities to be changemakers, repurposing their expertise to deploy relevant, timely, practical, and research-backed knowledge for the betterment of communities. Drawing... more
this paper discusses the self-checkout machine is disruptive innovation from the perspective of the cashier.
Proceedings paper in conjunction with the opening keynote address on the 2019 conference theme of Global Digital Society: Impacts on Humanities and Social Sciences. The topic of disruptive technology and our calling suited the author's... more
The paper aims at building a model, which measures the company’s innovative leadership. Currently some innovation indices exist, but all of them evaluate innovativeness on a macro level and not on company’s one. The necessity of such a... more
COVID-19 is a global pandemic (Jaihah) that brings hardships (Haraj). This has affected all aspects of our life. The United Nations Development Programme reported that uncertainties due to this global pandemic are manifold. Under a... more
Nabil Harfoush drills down to focus specifically on business modeling for new innovations. He shows how to develop and evaluate several alternative business models, identify and pursue the most promising combinations, and then develop... more
The Nordic healthcare model is recognized to be one of the most innovative in the world. Here billions of USD are annually invested in developing new treatments, drugs, robots etc. to diagnose and cure diseases. Nevertheless, this study... more
The purpose of this opinion article is to extend the discussion on merits and shortcoming of the technology/innovation disruption theory. The theory obtained certain traction and a disruption language has been adopted by information... more
In building up a marketing strategy, it is a temptation for most companies to look for a one-size-fits-all solution. However, this often leads to a superficial marketing message that hardly resonates with the target customers. In other... more
This Impact Report identifies and summarises the diverse impacts, resulting from the £500m of UK funding of Science and Technology in 2013, using numerous quantitative metrics and short case study extracts. It shows how the varied... more
This paper argues that taking up questions of value can help political ecologists and economists develop a more powerful analysis of the green economy, as it introduces new urban, industrial, and technological dimensions into a... more
The World Wide Web was created as a free and open platform for users to share information with one another. This changed over time as data evolved to become a valuable asset class. This resulted in new business models, with companies... more
Orange Bank market disruption strategy in France in 2017 as another Neobank that uses a mother company as support to penetrate a market that used to be impenetrable. This paper will be discussing the different laws, demands and... more
This paper focuses on the potential opportunities that disruptive innovation may bring to the healthcare sector of emerging and developing economies, and in particular to the one of the leading Sub-Saharan Africa’s country, Nigeria. The... more
In recent years the evolution of the global market has prompted firms to reconfigure strategies in order to compete and maintain ground on the global business platform. The rapid changes in consumer demand and in technological... more
This paper investigates the reaction of incumbent firms to streaming as a disruptive innovation in the music industry through the case study of Universal Music Group, a major record label company. The article is directed at finding the... more
Digital currencies, virtual currencies, in-game currencies, etc., have gathered a lot of attention, despite the difficulties of definition, from all corners of society for many years. Cryptocurrency has gained unprecedented attention... more
By examining the concepts of Disruptive Innovation and Network Effects this review aims to provide recommendations for long-term sustainable and profitable performance of Apple Inc.
The swiftly growing urban population of Nigeria is generating lots of tension in the cities in line with the rapid increase of vehicles. This is due to hitherto reliance on the present parking system which has no standard to check for... more
The aim of this paper is to establish whether Frugal innovation can also be Disruptive innovation. For this purpose, two lesser-known frugal inventions have been selected and critiqued against the criteria of disruptive innovation.
With the rapidly changing world economy, every country around the globe is trying to integrate its economy with the rest of the world. This process is known as globalization. Globalization as a process of integration of economies around... more
Disruptive innovation is a term used to describe innovation that is of highly discontinuous or revolutionary nature, which is the opposite of evolutionary or incremental innovation. The term is becoming more widely recognised, but a... more
Business organizations face constant pressure to achieve and sustain a competitive advantage. Using a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis enable the creation and defining of objectives tailored to the firm’s... more
Contemporary trends in the area of business strategy have shown an inclination toward searching new markets and creating new demands. Deriving from a similar line of inquiry, the Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS) has become very popular among... more
Entrepreneurship was not started in Silicon Valley. Over the course of history there are several examples of entrepreneurial leaders who embraced disruptive change and created empires by leveraging game-changing innovation. For example,... more
New models of innovation and strategies of soft mobility, with the objective of lowering CO2 emissions and noise pollution, eliminate traffic congestion and increase public health, support the development of sustainable cities. In... more
Estudio sobre el liderazgo y la innovación: las claves del éxito en startups tecnológicas Study on leadership and innovation: clues for success in technology-related startups
In 2006, the market share of other silicon suppliers worldwide was increasing. So this case study will arise 2 main question: offer more products or abandon the low price?
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a holistic approach to accounting and auditing processes that have made them more dynamic, secure, and safe. This study demonstrates the principle of robotic process automation (RPA) and how it impacts... more
New technology presents risk for many customers. They react differently toward this risk based on their innate characteristics, the wants and needs of their companies, and the behaviour of other buyers. The Technology Adoption Life Cycle... more
تقول الأسطورة المصرية القديمة: عندما اخترع "تحوتي" الكتابة اقترح على "آمون" أن يستخدمها المصريون لتزيدهم حكمة وقوة في الذاكرة، لكن آمون حذره: إن اختراعك سيجعل المتعلمين يهملون ذاكرتهم، ولن يقدم لهم الحقيقة بل شبيها لها، سوف يظهرون وكأنهم... more
(Paper en español) - Abstract: We usually associate disruptive thinking with the empowerment of the imagination, including innovation. A disruption is what produces a sudden break or interruption. Of course in this case we speak of a... more
Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a technology that contrary to existing production techniques creates products layer by layer. AM exists for more than 30 years but as a result of lapsed patents, its application has expanded significantly in... more
The tobacco industry worldwide has annual revenues of hundreds of billions of dollars, and annual smoking-associated death rates in the millions. Electronic cigarettes appear to be a less harmful alternative to traditional tobacco... more