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This paper argues that there was no national press in the 19th century, as we understand the term ‘national’ today (the category was not used by contemporaries). Some London publications such as radical unstamped newspapers, popular... more
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      Media StudiesJournalismBook HistoryMedia History
In 2010, when Pennhurst State School and Hospital, a long-abandoned residential facility for people with intellectual/ developmental disabilities, was reused as a haunted attraction called "Pennhurst Asylum," it sparked a public debate... more
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      Disability StudiesPublic HistoryMemory StudiesLocal newspapers
Збірка містить матеріали про слободу Липці (нині село Харківського р-ну Харківської обл.) та Липецьку волость Харківського повіту (уїзду) Харківської губернії на шпальтах газети «Утро», що видавалась у Харкові впродовж 1906–1916 рр. У... more
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      Ukrainian StudiesVillage StudiesNewspaper HistoryUkraine (History)
Збірка містить матеріали про слободу Липці (нині село Харківського р-ну Харківської обл.) та Липецьку волость Харківського повіту (уїзду) Харківської губернії на шпальтах газети «Южный Край», що видавалась у Харкові впродовж 1880–1919 рр.... more
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      Ukrainian StudiesVillage StudiesNewspaper HistoryUkraine (History)
İşin Özü Hatay ili tarih boyunca sayısız medeniyetlere beşik olmuş ve özellikle Antakya ve İskenderun ilçeleriyle, ticari boyutuyla, sosyo politik anlamda varlığını her zaman anımsatmış bir yapı olarak çok etnili, çok dinli ve çok... more
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      Journalism And Mass communicationLocal newspapersLocal Journalism
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      Media StudiesLocal IdentitiesJournalism HistoryRegionalism
Yerel gazetelerin hizmet ettikleri bölgelerde bilgilendirme, öğretme, eğlendirme, yerel yönetimleri denetleme, kamuoyu oluşturma ve demokratik katılımın sağlanması gibi konularda işlevleri bulunmaktadır. Yereldeki gazeteleri ulusal... more
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      Content Analysis (Research Methodology)Local newspapersIçerik AnaliziYerel Gazetecilik
The daily newspaper in North America has long been a locally based medium that offers an opportunity for media geographers to explore concepts of place and locality. I explore how newspapers create a sense of place about the locality they... more
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      Location-based mediaJournalismContent AnalysisSense of Place
This study explores which sources are ‘‘making’’ local news and whether these sources are simply indicating the type of news that appears, or are shaping newspaper coverage. It provides an empirical record of the extent to which... more
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      JournalismNewspapersNewspapers and online journalismNewspaper
This report examines the state of hyperlocal publishing in the UK and lays out core challenges facing the sector. It was commissioned by the Centre for Community Journalism at Cardiff University and the innovation agency Nesta. The... more
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      JournalismDigital JournalismCivic JournalismCitizen Journalism
Bu Kitabın tüm hakları Etimesgut Belediye'ne aittir. Hiç bir şekilde çoğaltılıp kopyalanamaz. Tebliğlerdeki tüm yorum ve görüşler tebliğ sahiplerinin sorumluluğu altındadır.
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      CultureNewspaperLocal newspapersNational newspapers
Democracy Fund’s Public Square Program commissioned a series of reports from regions around the country to better understand the complex forces shaping local news ecosystems. In this report, the authors have sought to ask these questions,... more
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      JournalismMedia EcologyLocal newspapers
Our study tries to understand the phenomenon of Entrapment, which is an outcome of (a) security discourses that prioritize pre-emptive community strategies; (b) the ongoing military initiative of the Global War of Terror (GWOT); and (c)... more
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      Media StudiesPolitical ScienceGlobal StudiesCritical Discourse Analysis
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      JournalismAudience and Reception StudiesLocal newspapersLatinx Studies
Tarihsel akış içinde insanoğlu, devamlı surette merak güdüsüyle çevresinde olup biteni öğrenme ihtiyacında olmuştur. Böylesi bir ihtiyacın sonucu olarak ortaya çıkan yazılı basın bilgi ve kanaatlerin oluşmasında ve aktarılmasında önemli... more
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    • Local newspapers
Rachael Jolley (@londoninsider), Research fellow @sheffjournalism and former Editor in Chief of Index on Censorship, has developed a series of podcasts for Pod Academy on News in the Pandemic. This one, on local journalism, is the first... more
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      JournalismDigital JournalismJournalism HistoryLocal media
This article aims to explore the adaptation of local newspapers in the context of socio-economy and politics. Local newspapers are local organizations that have passed the experience with the local society for a long time, and they also... more
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      Local newspapersLocal Politics
Ce chapitre a pour objectif de caractériser un type de presse particulière dont la reconnaissance symbolique dans le contexte français est inversement proportionnelle à son importance sociale : la Presse Quotidienne Régionale. Notre... more
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      Media and DemocracyTerritorialityPress and media historyNewspapers and online journalism
Laburpena Euskarazko tokiko hedabideen egoera zehatza jakitea da ikerketa honen asmoa. Hamar elkarrizketa sakon, hedabide guztiei betearazi zaien galdetegi bat eta focus group bat egin erabili dira metodologia gisa. Dauden hedabide... more
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      JournalismBasque StudiesPressLocal newspapers
A pesquisa em torno dos media de proximidade, sejam eles de âmbito regional, local, hiperlocal ou até comuni tário, tem suscitado um interesse crescente nos anos mais recentes, por parte da comunidade académica. Após um período de... more
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      JournalismRadioProfessional Practice (Journalism)Local Government and Local Development
This project is the advanced and informative system which help users to know news or any interesting things happening around them. This system helps the local public to keep themselves update about the happenings around their city or... more
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      Newspapers and online journalismLocal newspapers
Can Altay has transformed The Showroom into the production site of a single edition newspaper: The Church Street Partners’ Gazette. The second issue continues tracking the redevelopment processes through the inhabitants' voices, while... more
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      Contemporary ArtHomelessnessUrban RegenerationUrban Studies
Our study tries to understand the phenomenon of Entrapment, which is an outcome of (a) security discourses that prioritize pre-emptive community strategies; (b) the ongoing military initiative of the Global War of Terror (GWOT); and (c)... more
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      Media StudiesCritical Discourse AnalysisIslamWar on Terror
This study explores U.S. newspapers’ online readership in the local market by comparing (1) “hybrid” readers who access both the print and online versions and (2) online-only readers. Survey data gathered from twenty-eight newspaper sites... more
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      JournalismMedia EconomicsOnline JournalismNewspapers
Our study tries to understand the phenomenon of Entrapment, which is an outcome of (a) security discourses that prioritize pre-emptive community strategies; (b) the ongoing military initiative of the Global War of Terror (GWOT); and (c)... more
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      Media StudiesPolitical ScienceCritical Discourse AnalysisIslam
The daily newspaper in North America has long been a locally based medium that offers an opportunity for media geographers to explore concepts of place and locality. I explore how newspapers create a sense of place about the locality they... more
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      GeographyJournalismContent AnalysisSense of Place
Local journalism in the UK has been described as being in “crisis”. Local newspapers have experienced years of declining circulations and staff cuts, leading to questions about how effectively those institutions can continue to perform... more
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      JournalismCourtsNewsworkJournalism Studies
There have been many studies on the Voortrekker Centenary of 1938 and the unforeseen consequences it had, including the subsequent surge of Afrikaner nationalism and political developments. As the wagons moved across South Africa, the... more
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      PrejudiceToleranceSocial cohesionAfrikaner nationalism
The tourism sector is one of the most important sectors showing rapid growth and developing. The tourism sector, which has economic, social, cultural and political values, is one of the most important agents especially for the development... more
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      TourismLocal pressLocal newspapersKuşadası
Britain’s wartime reconstruction plans are considered rightly to be a key milestone in the development of British planning. While some have received a good deal of academic attention others, such as Manchester’s 1945 Plan have been... more
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      Urban GeographyArchival StudiesSocial Research Methods and MethodologyResearch Methods and Methodology
Збірка містить матеріали про слободу Липці (нині село Харківського р-ну Харківської обл.) та Липецьку волость Харківського повіту (уїзду) Харківської губернії на шпальтах газети «Южный Край», що видавалась у Харкові впродовж 1880–1919 рр.... more
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      Ukrainian StudiesVillage StudiesNewspaper HistoryUkraine (History)
Asi’deki “Fazilet Adaları” Hatay Yerel Basını İşin Özü Hatay ili tarih boyunca sayısız medeniyetlere beşik olmuş ve özellikle Antakya ve İskenderun ilçeleriyle, ticari boyutuyla, sosyo politik anlamda varlığını her zaman anımsatmış bir... more
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      Journalism And Mass communicationLocal newspapers
This paper examines the content of four local Latvian newspapers in order to find out how the media construct the environment of four inhabited places — Mazsalaca, Kandava, Krāslava, and Ķemeri. The analysis of newspapers “Liesma,”... more
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      Cultural LandscapesLocal mediaLandscapesLatvia
Resumo: Este trabalho objetiva definir características relativas ao jornalismo impresso, de maneira a contribuir com a sustentação teórica de pesquisas que vêm sendo realizadas em torno de jornais com ênfase no local e/ou regional, ou... more
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    • Local newspapers
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      Rural HistoryWar StudiesLocal HistoryNewspaper History
This paper argues that there was no national press in the 19th century, as we understand the term ‘national’ today (the category was not used by contemporaries). Some London publications such as radical unstamped newspapers, popular... more
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      Media StudiesJournalismBook HistoryMedia History
Small-market newspapers can’t do it alone. Other important stakeholders have, and already play, a significant role in this space. But what more can be done? And how might some of these efforts be recalibrated? Below we offer a number of... more
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      JournalismDigital JournalismMedia PolicyOnline Journalism
This article describes how local media in the smallest province of Canada socially constructed the arrival of Hungarian refugees on Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada from 1956-1957. This article addresses the role which the media... more
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      Discourse AnalysisImmigrationImmigration StudiesHistory of Hungary
The daily newspaper in North America has long been a locally based medium that offers an opportunity for media geographers to explore concepts of place and locality. I explore how newspapers create a sense of place about the locality they... more
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      GeographyJournalismContent AnalysisSense of Place
Artikulu honen helburua da euskarazko tokiko komunika-bideen egoeraren aurkezpen berritu bat egitea, azken hiruzpalau urteetan komunikabide batzuk sortu edota bateratu direlako, bereziki. Arreta jarri da sortutako komunikabide berrietan... more
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      JournalismBasque StudiesLocal newspapers
Reservados todos los derechos. Queda rigurosamente prohibida, sin la autorización escrita de los titulares del Copyright, bajo las sanciones establecidas de las leyes, la reproducción parcial o total de esta obra por cualquier medio o... more
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      Corporate CommunicationLocal newspapersbiotechnology SME
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      Victorian poetryNewspaper HistoryHistory of PublishingLocal newspapers
Family historians can spend a lot of time at their computer looking into the depths of the resources of the Trove database at the National Library of Australia. The database is a rich resource of material that can absorb hundreds of hours... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesAustralian Studies
The dominant debate surrounding the legacy local and regional newspaper industry in the UK is one of terminal decline – prompted by the existential threat to advertising revenues which have provided profit for titles since the mid-19 th... more
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      Political EconomyJournalismLocal newspapers
Det råder ingen tvekan om att papperstidningen successivt har tappat i betydelse sedan det tidiga 1990-talet, både när det gäller upplaga och regelbunden läsning. Samtidigt har studier visat att den del av befolkningen som fortfarande... more
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      Media ConsumptionLocal newspapers
Newspapers are workhorse of local news industry and this information is important in order to have an informed citizenry. But, the conventional wisdom is that newspapers are an endangered species and that something drastic needs to be... more
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      Antitrust (Law)Mergers and acquisitionss (law)Media Ownership and ContentNewspapers and online journalism
A research passion of mine for some time has been the local newspapers of the Macarthur region on Sydney’s southwestern urban fringe. As part of this work I have recently had published in Media History (UK) an article called ‘Local... more
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      MythologyAustralian StudiesLocal HistoryStorytelling
This paper focuses on how the work produced by journalists in the Pacific Northwest, and the newsrooms they inhabit, is developing to meet the realities of the journalism industry in 2019.... more
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      JournalismJournalism And Mass communicationLocal newspapersLocal Journalism
This study examines the policy question, what levels of government should address the market failures relating to public affairs coverage and accountability journalism at the local level? The toolbox of possible policy interventions is a... more
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      JournalismMedia PolicyBroadcast JournalismLocal newspapers