Literary Journalism
Recent papers in Literary Journalism
En este ensayo, Cesar Vallejo en Madrid en 1931, Carlos Fernández y Valentino Gianuzzi analizan y tratan de reconstruir el periodo comprendido entre el 30 de diciembre de 1930 y el 12 de febrero de 1932, que constituye el lapso de tiempo... more
Mass media studies, covering journalism, news and facts. Its dynamic coverage is growing rapidly, starting from the era of the invention of the printing press to the industrial revolution 4.0. The presence of digital media or online... more
Pričujoče delo analizira različne načine poročanja o kriznih razmerah, kjer se novinarji in novinarke soočajo z množičnimi kršitvami človekovih pravic. Vsi ti dogodki, o katerih naj bi mediji poročali, imajo skupno točko – od novinarja... more
In his introduction to Palestinian Walks, Raja Shehadeh remarks that in spite of the great number of travelers to Palestine, travel literature, for the most part, willfully ignored the living experience and existence of the land’s... more
This is a story about stories. Who writes them. Who owns them and what happens when the two things get muddled. It’s a story about true stories, life stories, stories written by amateurs and professionals. It sounds a warning to the... more
Najnowsza książka Hugo-Badera, mimo że realizuje dwa przeplatane gatunki dziennika i swobodnej reporterskiej impresji, jawi się jako prawdziwy reportaż. Dzieje się tak w dużej mierze za sprawą przestrzennej osi utworu, jaką jest Trakt... more
Literary Journalism Studies, vol. 8, n°2, Fall 2016, p. 64-73. Françoise Giroud (1916–2003) was the joint founder, with Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber, of L'Express. She was the managing editor until 1974 and gained political recognition... more
Review by Barbara Rixstine It's two hours to deadline. Your fingers are tapping the keys, but the words in your head seem to have taken a holiday. This seems like the trillionth story you've had to put together on deadline this week, and... more
Article is a study on the representation of Gypsies in Polish literary journalism by Lidia Ostalowska
Fake news is hardly new in journalism, and a sense of historical perspective is clarifying. A thumbnail history in Columbia Journalism Review has pointed to some superficial similarities in hoaxing over the ages “in editorial motive or... more
These are the results of a writers' study into writing about family. 11 magazine writers were interviewed about articles that had a family theme and also won a Western Magazine Award (Canada).
Nella primavera del 1941, Curzio Malaparte si trova nei Balcani, corrispondente di guerra del Corriere della Sera. Il 7 aprile il quotidiano gli pubblica un articolo dal titolo eloquente, « Attraverso la Jugoslavia con l'ultimo "Oriente... more
The novel of Jasper Jones is enriched with main and secondary themes, among which emerge the coming of age, the escapism and the suicide. Reporter Chiara Pucci explains how each one is the cause of the other. “Many of us have learnt to... more
América Latina se ha convertido, por derecho propio, en el epicentro del mejor periodismo narrativo en habla hispana debido a la confluencia de diversos fenóme-nos. El catedrático Antonio López Hidalgo, coordinador de la... more
|ournalism ) ) J ' -, Mttt.l--r: .' () P .r-r ,'ri i :.'-l'..,l: orrimunication ducator \\'rr. r r,rr 2(.)0ti 0 tl0/+ BIiYOND'l'HE SCI{0OLROONI GLOBE: Denrnark, Netherlanrls, Srveden, South Kolea, and \{est Africa as Substantive... more
A partir do diagnóstico de um afastamento entre o público geral e o universo das instituições de ensino e pesquisa, os estudos em Comunicação e percepção pública da ciência buscam soluções para que essa situação se reverta – processo em... more
-Discusses the influence of Slow philosophy, Slow Food movements, and social and environmental policy on principles and practices as they relate to media - Offers a new ethical framework, rooted in sustainability, for the production and... more
O jornalismo literário, gênero que se apropria de técnicas literárias para a narração de fatos, tem reconquistado espaço teórico e editorial no Brasil. As definições do texto que se enquadra na catego-ria, contudo, são díspares e em geral... more
La pasión según Trelew (1973) de Tomás Eloy Martínez forma parte de la historia de censura durante las dictaduras en América Latina y representa un modelo de crónica que continúa ejerciendo influencia en el periodismo latinoamericano. El... more
Literary review of a book on practical permaculture. Wisconsin farmer Mark Shepard argues persuasively that “restoration agriculture”—a style of farming that models itself after the natural ecosystems of the Midwest rather than a... more
Th is article argues that throughout the 1950s and 1960s the communist-sponsored Arabic literary journal al-Jadid played a central role in creating a Palestinian-Arab counterpublic within Israel by challenging Zionist discourses and... more
The New Journalism generates massive terminological confusion regarding what it represents. In general, it is usually associated with any stylistic innovation in journalism, which leads to numerous errors and confusion in the field of... more
El periodismo narrativo ha experimentado un auge importante en Latinoamérica, al calor del llamado boom de la crónica latinoamericana. A nivel más modesto, en el ámbito español, ha logrado un particular impulso de la mano de editoriales... more
New Journalism as a stage or a method of journalism that uses storytelling, like one would to a friend; thus, exhibiting a palpable individual voice. The new journalism, somewhat of a fledgeling genre, balances both literary and... more
Un "Cuadro Resumen" que registra, caracteriza y ordena ochocientas cincuenta (850) piezas textuales creadas por Salarrué para imprimirse en las planas del periódico «PATRIA» [1928-1938], se presenta en esta publicación. Este conjunto de... more
Surveying the integration of multimedia technologies into longform online journalism, Jacobson, Marino, and Gutsche in 2016 described a new wave of digital literary journalism, marked by flagship works such as the New York Times's 2012... more
LIKE THE BIBLICAL story of Christ’s birth, Geraldine Brooks’ 'Nine Parts of Desire: The Hidden World of Islamic Women' begins with a woman refused a room at an inn. In Brooks’ tale, the ‘inn’ is a modern hotel in the Saudi Arabian city of... more
Parijs, tot halverwege de 20ste eeuw het onbetwiste centrum van de Europese cultuur, heeft van oudsher een grote aantrekkingskracht uitgeoefend op Nederlandse kunstenaars en schrijvers. Velen van hen verbleven er kortere of langere tijd,... more
Статья посвящена анализу сообщества российских профессиональных литераторов второй половины 1850-х годов и его реакции на деятельность цензурного ведомства. Писатели этого периода воспринимали цензоров вовсе не как оппонентов, а как... more
{Emma Schick, University of Colorado Boulder} Maisie comes back home, unexpected, on a Tuesday afternoon. One minute, you’re about to be carsick in the back of Mom’s beat up, sour smelling minivan. The next, there’s a girl on the front... more
Jurnalisme sastrawi merupakan salah satu bagian dari jurnalisme baru atau new journalism yang dicetuskan oleh Tom Wolfe pada awal 1960-an. Saat itu media cetak tengah bersaing ketat dengan popularitas siaran televisi. Sebenarnya pada... more
Εντούτοις, επιστρέφοντας και πάλι στην αθωότητα των eighties, εντοπίζουμε ένα βασικό σημείο της αντιφατικότητας που τα χαρακτηρίζει. Γιατί όσο αθώα και να είναι σε κάποιους τομείς, άλλο τόσο διεφθαρμένα είναι σε άλλους. Και το... more
This dissertation examines the role of avant-garde networks in the development of modernist Persian fiction between the 1940s and the mid 1970s. It argues that small, independent literary journals, manifestos, and societies performed... more
1 PRIMERA PARTE. ESCRITURA DEL ESPACIO: LA CIUDAD COMO RELATO 7 Monsiváis y la ciudad 9 La ciudad como espacio simbólico 13 El edén subvertido: de la nostalgia al desencanto 15 La opresión sin salida: el fin de la utopía urbana 20 La... more
“(…) o presente livro é um espelho da arrancada conceitual do campo das narrativas jornalísticas. Compõe um conjunto de artigos que revela a pioneira busca da delimitação de um objeto singular. A diversidade e a complexidade conceitual e... more