Re-imagining Democracy 18th-19th Centuries
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Proyectos ideológicos e impacto mediático en el siglo XIX
RESUMEN El trabajo analiza las polémicas en torno a los usos del concepto de democracia durante el proceso de Independencia chilena, entre 1808 y 1833. Mediante una aproximación desde la historia conceptual se examinan los debates y... more
The essay focuses on the Calabrian radical group who had a leading role in the 1848 revolution in Naples, as one of the possible key to interpreting the Neapolitan revolution itself. Moving from the assumption that the subversive choice... more
The paper discusses the political thought of Cesare Balbo (1789–1853), a leading Risorgimento moderate liberal and politician, in the context of the efforts by the Piedmontese political elite to support and legitimise the constitutional... more
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L’articolo prende in esame il progetto di Costituzione inedito del democratico Casimiro De Lieto (Reggio Calabria 1803- Firenze 1874). De Lieto inviò le "Basi d’una Costituzione pel Napoletano" - questo il nome del documento-al ministro... more
Resumen: Entre los diferentes símbolos del republicanismo español, las alegorías femeninas ocuparon un lugar preeminente, al convertirse en figuras rectoras de espacios y de prácticas sociales. Ese "peso simbólico" contrastaba con la... more
"This book provides an in-depth discussion and analysis of democracy in Europe, with a focus on the new EU member states, and makes an important and original contribution to the debate on the future of European democracy. Author Paul... more
Volume pubblicato con i fondi del "Progetto giovani ricercatori" 2001, dell'Università di Perugia. APPENDICE I comuni italiani: un capitolo dell'Histoire des républiques italiennes au moyen âge di Simondi INDICE DEI NOMI pag.
SOMMARIO: L'articolo si sviluppa in tre parti. Nella prima si affronta il tema della coesistenza della doppia patria, della doppia fedeltà, del doppio senso di appartenenza, borbonica e ital-iana, nel Regno di Napoli fino al 1848. Dopo la... more
The article discusses the way in which liberals conceived the relationship between freedom of the press, political liberty, and the Risorgimento. It argues that while all Risorgimento patriots advocated the introduction of freedom of the... more
By focusing on its electoral role, this paper revises some of the prevailing views regarding the Catholic Church's impact on the politics of Colombia between 1830 and 1930. To this aim, the paper offers a brief general overview of the... more
The revolution of 1848 was a crucial step for the apprenticeship in the democratic practices in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Historians have been dedicating scarce attention to this theme, since they consider political life in... more
The article analyses how nineteenth-century Spanish Democrats understood democracy, what were the issues at stake, how they were debated, and how political and social discourses evolved. It focuses on Democrats’ conceptions of... more
The establishment of representative government in Portugal implied the free participation of the citizenry in the formation of public opinion. The right to petition was initially understood as an individual form of participation, but soon... more
L’articolo esplora la rete di relazioni politiche che si sviluppò intorno al democratico meridionale Casimiro De Lieto, dai primi scambi epistolari - nel 1833 - sino alle cospirazioni per la liberazione del Mezzogiorno del 1854-56.... more
That the French Revolution was the product of a vast anti-religious conspiracy was a commonplace of counterrevolutionary writing already in 1790. However, it was only after the beginning of the European wars in 1792 that Catholic... more
That the French Revolution was the product of a vast anti-religious conspiracy was a commonplace of counterrevolutionary writing already in 1790. However, it was only after the beginning of the European wars in 1792 that Catholic... more
The revolutionary wave of the 1790s subverted long-standing balances of power and forced European intellectuals to rethink the geopolitical arrangement of the continent. Some Italian patriots, while advocating the creation of a unitary... more
Les mobilisations actuelles pour une « vraie démocratie » en Espagne s'ancrentelles dans une culture démocratique plus ancienne qu'il n'y paraît ? Florencia Peyrou revient sur l'histoire du républicanisme espagnol : elle le compare aux... more
The arrival of the French army in Italy in 1796 produced a momentous upheaval south of the Alps. Between 1796 and 1799 the whole Italian Peninsula was republicanized, the idea of the Italian nation as a political community was first... more
The publication of Nicola Spedalieri's "De' diritti dell'uomo" ("On the Rights of Man") in 1791 marked a turning point in the relationship between Catholicism and modern political culture. While after the outbreak of the French Revolution... more
English title: The Republicans' Religion: Revolution and Religious Reform in Milan during the Cisalpine Republic
The production of imagined geographies is widely understood as a tool of colonial power. This paper, analyzing the writings of pro-revolutionary Italian patriots in the 1790s, argues that imagined geographies can also be used to subvert... more
After the arrival of the French army south of the Alps in 1796, the entire Italian peninsula was republicanized and the patriots struggled to build popular consensus for the new regimes. In the course of this struggle, the depiction of... more
il mestiere di storico Rivista della Società Italiana per lo Studio della Storia Contemporanea X / 2, 2018 viella SOCIETÀ ITALIANA PER LO STUDIO DELLA STORIA CONTEMPORANEA sede operativa c/o Dip. (carta) ISBN 978-88-3313-200-6 (e-book pdf... more
Traditional religious beliefs played a major role during the revolutionary upheaval of the end of the eighteenth century. This paper analyzes how Italian pro-revolutionary Catholics reimagined the role of religion in the new... more
At the end of the 1830s, Alexis de Tocqueville wrote that the structural transformations that European societies were undergoing at the time were inextricably linked to the emergence of a new family model. In this paper, I shed light on... more
The outbreak of the French Revolution marked the beginning of a new era of international relations. The legacy of Enlightenment cosmopolitanism and the emergence of the new revolutionary principle of popular sovereignty forced politicians... more
As historians have recently pointed out, over the eighteenth century the long-standing notion of republican virtue was eroded by the recognition that the pursuit of private interests provided benefits to the state as a whole. After... more
The revolutionary wave of the 1790s subverted long-standing balances of power and forced European intellectuals to rethink the geopolitical arrangement of the continent. Analyzing the geographical imagination of pro-revolutionary Italian... more
The notion of republican virtue stood at the very heart of revolutionary politics after 1789. Republican thinkers had described virtue as a love for the country requiring the citizens to sacrifice their personal sphere, their feelings,... more
Patrizio napoletano, giureconsulto, reazionario militante dalla congiura dei Baccher ( 1799) e membro del governo controrivoluzionario napoletano del 1821, Giovanni Battista Vecchione (Pozzuoli, Napoli, 1757-1826) fu una delle personalità... more
25 settembre 2018). Notizie su Spano sono infine in: C. Pillon, I comunisti nella storia d 'Italia, Milano 1967, pp. 288, 301, 309, 494, 538, 550, 597, 840-842, 850 s., 887, 916, 928, 956, 966, 1156 P. Spriano, Storia del Partito... more
In March 1791, Pope Pius VI officially condemned the French Revolution. However, the breach between Rome and Paris did not go uncontested. Some sectors of the Curia were afraid that the papal condemnation would produce a schism and urged... more