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In recent years, scholars have produce literature in constitutional amendments, in particular in analyzing the unamendability phenomenon and its relationship with democracy, abusive and populist constitutionalism. The study of... more
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      Constitutional LawEuropean ConstitutionalismPopulismComparative Constitutional Law
A key focus of much scholarly attention is on the (theoretical) relationship between legal orders. The practical question I intend to answer in this article is the following: how can we know who has the final say – international, European... more
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      Constitutional LawEuropean LawInternational LawLegal Theory
Europe is at a crossroads: Although there is regular talk of crisis, trust in the European Union remains stable and there is a strong upwards trend regarding its positive image (the latest Standard-Eurobarometer 90 shows a record high).... more
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      European StudiesConstitutional LawEuropean integrationEuropean Law
Giovedì 18 luglio 2019 ore 11 Sala riunioni Senato-CdA Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna | Sede di Palazzo Toscanelli, vis Santa Cecilia 3 – Pisa, Tavola rotonda con Gian Luca Conti, Emanuele Rossi, Giovanni Tarli Barbieri, a partire dal volume... more
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      Constitutional LawEuropean ConstitutionalismPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismPopulism
Opracowanie okładki polskiego wydania na podstawie wydania niemieckiego Ewa Wąsowska Zdjęcie na okładce Achim Schmidt ISBN 978-83-61736-96-7 INSTYTUT ZACHODNI 61-854 Poznań, ul Mostowa 27A tel. 61 852 76 91 fax 61 852 49 05 e-mail:... more
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      ChristianityEuropean HistoryEuropean StudiesSelf and Identity
Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès ist in der politischen Ideengeschichte als Denker der Revolution wahrgenommen worden, als Advokat eines Bruchs von Legalität im Namen von Legitimität. Dieser Lesart zufolge hat Sieyès vorrangig als ein... more
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      Human RightsFrench RevolutionEuropean ConstitutionalismConstitutionalism
The fundamental question addressed is whether there is any compelling or convincing argument (s) vis-à-vis to changing our Human Rights Act 1998 and replacing it with a distinctively British Bill of Rights. The overarching theme of this... more
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      Constitutional LawHuman Rights LawHuman RightsEuropean Constitutionalism
"Solidarity is at the same time a foundation of European integration and a condition for its progressive development. This is true for both aspects of solidarity – as a principle of mutual responsibility, and as practical mutual... more
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      Constitutional LawEuropean LawEuropean ConstitutionalismEuropean Union
This article aims to reconstruct and theorise the autonomy of the European Union (EU) legal system by drawing on Hartian legal theory. It comprises four claims. First, the European Court of Justice's (ECJ) 'foundational case law' on... more
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      Constitutional LawEuropean integrationLegal TheoryEuropean Constitutionalism
'Membership of the European Union changes the relationship between Parliament and the courts in the British constitution. Parliament is no longer sovereign and the courts are no longer bound to uphold the will of Parliament.' Can this... more
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      Constitutional LawEuropean LawSovereigntyEuropean Constitutionalism
A Constituição Política da Monarquia Espanhola, de 19 de março de 1812, seria conhecida na Espanha como a Constituição de Cádiz. Sua elaboração precoce fez da Espanha um dos primeiros países do mundo a ter sua Constituição escrita. Ela... more
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      Latin American StudiesConstitutional LawLatin American and Caribbean HistoryPortuguese Studies
Nei primi cinque lustri successivi al trattato di Roma del 1957, gli organismi europei non hanno tenuto in alcuna considerazione il tema della cittadinanza. L’“Europa dei popoli” non costituiva oggetto né di corpus giuridico ad hoc né di... more
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      European StudiesLawComparative LawConstitutional Law
"La legge n. 92 del 2012 ha apportato alcune modifiche alla disciplina dei licenziamenti collettivi, consistenti in una serie di cambiamenti alla procedura prescritta dalla legge n. 223 del 1991. Questa riforma riveste una portata... more
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      European StudiesLawComparative LawConstitutional Law
Nell’attuale quadro normativo europeo i riferimenti al dato culturale sono molteplici, ma è ancora assente una trattazione organica del tema e il settore di riferimento è la cultura considerata in senso più ampio, secondo quanto disposto... more
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      European StudiesLawComparative LawConstitutional Law
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      Comparative LawConstitutional LawEuropean LawEuropean Constitutionalism
Today, concepts of constitutionalism are widely used in international legal scholarship, both to describe and to promote changes in the international legal order in support of the rule of law, the protection of human rights and other... more
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      International LawEuropean ConstitutionalismUnited NationsPublic International Law
I diritti umani appaiono ormai oggetto di una tutela frammentata e diffusa tra Carte e Corti nello scenario internazionale. Sul piano formale, infatti, da una parte la tutela “rigida” delle Costituzioni nazionali dovrebbe garantire il... more
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      Constitutional LawCivil LawFamily studiesHuman Rights Law
Forty Years from Fascism: Democratic Constitutionalism and the Spanish Model of National Transformation
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      European ConstitutionalismComparative Constitutional LawSpain (History)Constitutionalism Convened following Napoleon’s defeat in 1814, the Congress of Vienna is remembered as much for the pageantry of the royals and elites who gathered there as for the landmark... more
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      European HistoryDiplomatic HistoryPanoramasNineteenth-Century Panoramas
В монографії досліджено основні моделі місцевого самоврядування в державах ЄС і Швейцарії, обгрунтовано  їх типологію та пропозиції щодо реформування місцевого самоврядування в Україні.
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      Constitutional LawEuropean ConstitutionalismLocal GovernmentEuropean Union
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      JurisprudenceConstitutional LawAmerican Legal and Constitutional HistoryLegal Theory
Padova, CEDAM, 2008 (1a ristampa 2011), pp. 425
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      Constitutional LawEuropean ConstitutionalismJudicial reviewEuropean Constitutional Law
Introduzione alla ripubblicazione del Manifesto di Ventotene, nel volume "Ventotene. Un manifesto per il futuro", manifestolibri, 2014, a cura di Giuseppe Allegri e Giuseppe Bronzini, con saggi, tra gli altri, di Luciana Castellina, Pier... more
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      European HistorySocial MovementsEuropean StudiesConstitutional Law
Luis I. Gordillo Pérez y Naiara Arriola Echániz, coautores
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      Constitutional LawLegal HistoryEuropean ConstitutionalismEuropean Constitutional Law
Третій випуск навчального посібника серії «Проблеми сучасної конституціоналістики» присвячений сучасному українському конституціоналізму. Подано виклад сутності та змісту конституціоналізму як публічно-правової системи конституційної... more
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      Constitutional LawResearch MethodologyEuropean ConstitutionalismComparative Constitutional Law
In the last twenty years, the EU policy in the field of digital technologies has shifted from a liberal economic perspective to a constitutional-based approach. The development of digital technologies has not only challenged the... more
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      Information TechnologyLawConstitutional LawTechnology
Research Topic : "Constitutionalism" . Programme: LL.M. (Master of Laws) Course Name: COMPARATIVE PUBLIC LAW OR SYSTEM OF GOVERNANCE Definition of Constitutionalism ,Meaning of Constitutionalism,Traditions of Constitutionalism,... more
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      JurisprudenceConstitutional LawEuropean ConstitutionalismComparative Public Law
In der positiv-verfassungsrechtlichen Perspektive der Gegenwart kulminiert die verfassungsrechtliche Bedeutung des Staatsvertrages vom St. Germain offenkundig im fünften Abschnitt des dritten Teils des Abkommens bzw. den darin... more
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      Constitutional LawInternational LawHuman RightsEuropean Constitutionalism
in Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo, 2005, I, pp. 59-93
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      European integrationEuropean ConstitutionalismEuropean Constitutional LawLegislative Drafting
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      Constitutional LawMarxismPolish HistoryRevolutions
Une contribution relative à l’autonomie institutionnelle des Etats membres dans l’Union européenne pourrait apparaître quelque peu vaine. La doctrine en la matière est en effet aussi ancienne que foisonnante . Pourtant, à bien y... more
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      European LawEuropean ConstitutionalismEuropean UnionEuropean Constitutional Law
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      Comparative LawPolitical TheoryEuropean ConstitutionalismComparative Constitutional Law
Il volume intende offrire una visione relativamente sintetica ma approfondita del ruolo della Convenzione Europea dei Diritti dell’Uomo, e della giurisprudenza della Corte di Strasburgo, nel nostro ordinamento, a partire dallo scenario... more
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      European ConstitutionalismEuropean Constitutional LawEuropean Convention of Human RightsLegal interpretation
Article 260 TFEU (the former Article 228 EC) now provides for financial sanctions to be applied more easily, and in more situations. This paper examines the operation of the new rules, and the impact that they could have on the... more
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      European LawEuropean ConstitutionalismEuropean and International LawEuropean Constitutional Law
The paper explores the key components of the political project of post-war West Germany and the role of the Rechtsstaat within it. It argues that the post-war German state developed a specific reading of the rule of law as an order based... more
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      Natural LawEuropean ConstitutionalismGerman Intellectual HistoryHistory of Legal Thought
The emphasis in contemporary democratic theory and in the history of political thought on the peculiarly abstract theory of popular sovereignty of Locke and his twentieth-century intellectual descendants obscures a crucial relationship... more
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      HobbesEuropean ConstitutionalismNationalismEarly Modern England
Επιμέλεια: Αιμιλία Γανταδάκη Εαρίνο Εξάμηνο 2019 Κλίμακιο: Γεραπετρίτης, Γιαννακόπουλος, Δρόσος. Το εν λόγω αρχείο αποτελεί καταγραφή σημειώσεων από τις παραδόσεις του μαθήματος Εφαρμογών Δημοσίου Δικαίου, διανθισμένες σε ορισμένα... more
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      European LawHuman Rights LawEuropean ConstitutionalismInternational Human Rights Law
The central conservative truth is that it is culture, not politics that determines the success of a society. The central liberal truth is that politics can change a culture and save it from itself." -Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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      American HistoryIntellectual HistorySociology of CultureConstitutional Law
Конституційне право України : навч.-метод. посібник / [Д. С. Терлецький, М. В. Афанасьєва, Ю. Д. Батан та ін.] ; за заг. ред. Д. С. Терлецького. Одеса. 2020. 242 с. Навчально-методичний посібник підготовлено відповідно до вимог державних... more
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      Constitutional LawEuropean ConstitutionalismTeaching MethodologyDemocracy
Saggio pubblicato nel volume "Fare gli Italiani. Dalla costituzione dello Stato nazionale alla promulgazione della Costituzione repubblicana (1861-1948), a cura di G. Parlato e M. Zaganella, Roma, Edizioni Nuova Cultura, 2011, pp.... more
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      European ConstitutionalismConstitutional TheoryConstitutionalismConstitutional History
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      HistoryLawCanon LawConstitutional Law
Стаття присвячена аналізу правомірності відновлення дії окремих положень Конституції України у 2014 році на основі дослідження співвідношення принципів вер­ ховенства права та верховенства конституції. Зроблено висновок, що за умов еволю­... more
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      Constitutional LawEuropean ConstitutionalismComparative Constitutional LawConstitutional Theory
The paper analyses the intersections of Polish and European constitutionalism in the inter-war period. Although Poland had followed a unique constitutional path due to its historical background, nevertheless the general constitutional... more
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      European ConstitutionalismComparative Constitutional LawEuropean Legal HistoryPoland
Навчальний посібник містить тематичний матеріал, який є нетрадиційним для навчального курсу конституційного права. Передбачається, що логіка змісту і розміщення матеріалу дасть науково-освітній і практично-прикладний поштовх для розвитку... more
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      Constitutional LawHuman RightsEuropean ConstitutionalismComparative Constitutional Law
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      European LawEuropean ConstitutionalismEuropean Constitutional LawCrisis Economica De Europa
I testi nei box si devono a Ivana Bruno, ad eccezione di quelli ricorrenti alle pp. 9, 23, 26-31, 34, 35, 37, 40, 41, 50, 51, 87, 89, 92,93 a cura di Daniela Novarese ed Enza Pelleriti e alle pp. 57, 58, 59, 75, 76 a cura di Pierfrancesco... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryConstitutional LawEuropean Constitutionalism
Contemporary constitutional theory remains divided between competing approaches to the interpretation of normative texts: between originalism or original intent, on the one hand, and living constitution approaches, on the other. The... more
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      Comparative ReligionJewish LawCanon LawComparative Law
Translated by J. B. Owens, Ph.D., Professor of History, Idaho State University Because I have noted increased attention to the history of European fascist movements, I thought that there might be some interest in having available in... more
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      European HistoryPolitical ScienceEuropean ConstitutionalismFascism
journal article published in Korean - 근대 초기 유럽 자연법의 세계관과 정치사상 Natural jurisprudence was one of the most important intellectual traditions, along with republicanism, that weighed upon early modern European thought. If Republicans were... more
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      Natural LawEuropean ConstitutionalismThomas HobbesAbsolutism
Constitutionalism is changing but the direction of change is an uncertain and open issue. What can be the role of the comparative constitutional law and of the comparative lawyer in front of different contemporary visions of... more
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      Comparative LawConstitutional LawGlobalizationEuropean Constitutionalism