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      Immanuel KantSalomo FriedländerPublic PhilosophyOdo Marquard
Jaspers' vision of an ideal university stipulates an institution devoted to the search for truth by virtue of communication. I argue that such an institution requires students who are willing and able to collectively pursue open and free... more
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      EducationExistentialismPhilosophy for Children (P4C)Public Philosophy
I t is hard to find a basis for hope in the world today. Gains in the struggle for women's historic equality are eroded when politicians' demeaning stances toward women and dismissal of their testimony about sexual assault become... more
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      Cultural StudiesEconomicsEthicsEducation
Civility in a social context is the virtue of respecting other people's conflicting perspectives and communicating that respect to those people. Civility thus conceived is something applicable to all moral perspectives equally, something... more
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      EthicsApplied EthicsHumanitiesCritical Thinking
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      WomenSocial ActivismWomen and CultureJane Addams
In addition to the long-standing divide between so-called 'analytic' and so-called 'continental' philosophy, philosophy is challenged in the political realm and concerns about public spending for philosophy increase. This is matched with... more
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      PhilosophyContinental PhilosophyFriedrich NietzscheHans-Georg Gadamer
Provides an in-depth exploration of a major theme, concept, framework, or idea central to the discipline of philosophy. May be taken twice on different themes. Past themes include: Philosophy of Mind & Disability, Virtue Theory &... more
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    • Public Philosophy
Our senses are more varied and diverse than the traditional classifications of sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell suggest. But should proprioception, balance and kinaesthesis, amongst others, be considered additional senses? And if... more
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      Philosophy of SciencePerceptionMultisensory perceptionPublic Philosophy
Applied philosophy illustrates how philosophical theories can be instantiated through empirical specification of open concepts. Philosophy in context is a more open ended and creative philosophical inquiry stimulated by reflection on... more
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      Applied EthicsPublic Philosophy
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      EpistemologyApplied EthicsCritical ThinkingBosnia
In this chapter, we illustrate some of the challenges we have faced doing Philosophy for/with children (P4/WC) in Memphis, Tennessee, as well as the ways in which these obstacles have transformed our practice and mission. From our... more
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      Race and RacismAnti-RacismPhilosophy for Children (P4C)Community of Philosophical Enquiry (P4C)
中文摘要:1990年代以来,中国知识界的典型特征是,思想家淡出,学问家凸显。这种局面形成的原因是公共性的失落。在这个语境下,任剑涛和孙国东分别出版了《公共的政治哲学》和《公共法哲学》,两者都意图回归公共性。然而,公共政治哲学和公共法哲学的共同问题是没有公共的公共性。那么,如何重塑具有公共的公共性呢?重塑公共性的关键是重塑公共知识分子。公共知识分子兼具学问家和思想家的双重身份,因此,他们不同于缺乏学术涵养的公知,也不同于缺乏公共情怀的学者。 Abstract:... more
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      Intellectual HistoryIntellectualsPublic IntellectualsPublic Philosophy
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      PhilosophyEthicsTheories of MeaningMeaning of Life
This essay was written for the second issue of Irish arts magazine Bloomers, which was a tribute to Nan Shepherd's "The Living Mountain". That book is Shepherd's account of her time in the Cairngorm mountain range in Scotland; in it she... more
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      EcologyEpistemology Of Religious ExperienceExplanationEmbodied Embedded Cognition
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      Political PhilosophyGlobalizationPolitical TheoryGlobal Citizenship
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      Evolutionary BiologyEvolutionary PsychologyApplied PhilosophyPhilosophy of Science
This is an edited volume of essays on philosophy as university work and as a 'pirate condition'. Taking inspiration from Gary Hall's pirate philosophy, and from raúl rodríguez freire's critique of the contemporary... more
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      Open Access PublishingGiorgio AgambenGilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariOnline Academic Publishing
Book review of Tim Crane, "The Meaning of Belief: Religion from an Atheist's Point of View."
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      Sociology of ReligionAtheismReligion and PoliticsPublic Philosophy
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      PhilosophyEthicsMuseum StudiesCultural Heritage
Review Jennifer Nagel, Knowledge: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford Press, 2014, 133pp.
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      EpistemologyMetaphilosophyPublic Philosophy
Many normative political theorists have engaged in the systematic collection and/or analysis of empirical data to inform the development of their arguments over the past several decades. Yet, the approach they employ has typically not... more
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      International Relations TheoryFeminist TheoryPolitical TheoryPublic Philosophy
N SP N o r d ic S t u d ie s in P r a g m a t is m H el si n k i -20 15
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      PragmatismConservatismWilliam JamesCharles S. Peirce
Bagaman hindi siguro natin ikakahon sa parehong kategorya ng kahirapan ang mga photocopy personnel at ang, halimbawa na nga, mga batang namamalimos sa overpass ng 2013 [PAGMAMAHAL AT KATARUNGAN: ISANG PILOSOPIKONG PAGMUMUNI-MUNI SA... more
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      Social JusticeSocial and Political Theories of Justice & Human RightsPublic Philosophy
This paper is a self description of the impact that my career work has had outside the discipline of philosophy.
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      Philosophy of TechnologyEnvironmental PhilosophyAnimal StudiesPublic Philosophy
Cassirer argues that philosophers failed to combat the dominant ideology. Today, philosophers struggle to explain their relevance to greater public and governmental powers that see no intrinsic value. Given the current political situation... more
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      Cultural StudiesPhilosophyComedyPolitics
In this paper, I evaluate three views of philosophical pragmatism’s practical implications for academic and non-academic or public discourses, as well as offer my own view of those implications. The first view is that of George Novack.... more
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      MarxismInterdisciplinarityJohn DeweyPragmatism (Philosophy)
The exploration of popular culture topics by academic philosophers for non-academic audiences has given rise to a distinctive genre of philosophical writing. Edited volumes with titles such as Black Sabbath and Philosophy or Buffy the... more
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      Philosophy and popular culturePublic Philosophy
This article explores what the contours of a pragmatist theory of rhetoric would be like in its democratic instantiation. The threat of partisan thought and dogmatism in argument is examined as a threat to the sort of democratic community... more
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      CommunicationPragmatismRhetoricComposition and Rhetoric
With the purpose of extending recent discussions on the need for— and barriers to—publicly engaged research and scholarship, this article links recent discussions emerging within interdisciplinary studies and sustainability science with... more
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      PhilosophyHigher EducationTransdisciplinarityPhilosophy of Transdisciplinarity
I don't know whether undead beings exist. I also think it is an open question whether anyone is evil in, say, the way bad guys are depicted in supernatural horror films and serial killer movies. I do think it's nevertheless puzzling that... more
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      Horror LiteratureHorrorPhilosophy and popular culturePublic Philosophy
It is rather common to witness or formulate peremptory invitations towards those in power to regulate the manner of their discourse, to avoid certain pitfalls of language, to eradicate hate speech. With the spectacular and unprecedented... more
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      Free SpeechSpeech Act TheoryJ. L. AustinFreedom in Political Speech
Розгорнута версія звіту про результати Першого всеукраїнського конкурсу філософських стартапів (ініціатори – Інститут філософії імені Г.С. Сковороди НАН України, Український філософський фонд, Соціологічний центр ім. Н.В. Паніної,... more
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    • Public Philosophy
Analytical report on the First All-Ukrainian Contest of Philosophical Startups, designed to draw attention to public forms of philosophical discourse and communication that go beyond the established institutional academic formats... more
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    • Public Philosophy
Many countries have taken extensive measures to slow COVID-19’s progress and attempt to avert a sanitary collapse. Although the necessity of saving lives seems evident to many of us, these measures will nevertheless have dire economic... more
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      Social Contract TheoryPolitical ObligationPublic Philosophy
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      SocjologiaPolitologíaPublic PhilosophyFilozofia
1000-Word Philosophy is seeking submissions! Essay Categories Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art Ethics Epistemology Historical Philosophy Metaphilosophy Metaphysics Phenomenology and Existentialism Philosophy of Race, Sex &... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsPhilosophy of MindAesthetics
Why do public philosophy in prisons? When we think about the value and aims of public philosophy there is a well-entrenched tendency to think in transactional terms. The academy has something of value that it aims to pass on or transmit... more
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      Transformative LearningPrisonsPhilosophy for Children (P4C)Philosophy in the Community
Produzir filosofia voltada ao engajamento com o público é uma tarefa difícil, pois existem barreiras pessoais e acadêmicas a serem superadas. Os filósofos geralmente não recebem suficientes incentivos institucionais para irem além da... more
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      YoutubeFilosofíaPublic PhilosophyFilosofia Da Arte
The paper is the first part of the study of forms of modern public philosophical discourse. The author carries out an analytical review and offers the way of classification of formats of modern philosophizing outside universities and the... more
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      Public SpherePhilosophy of CulturePublic Sphere and Public SpacePublic Philosophy
I want to argue that public philosophy can and must be identified by its purpose. We should ask the question ‘Why do we engage in public philosophy?’ in order to answer the question ‘What is public philosophy?’
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      PhilosophyMetaphilosophyPublic Philosophy
Must the participant to public discourse have knowledge of her beliefs, attitudes and reasons as well as belief-formation processes to have justified political belief? In this paper, we test this question with reference to Jeffrey Stout's... more
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      Self-KnowledgeEpistemic JustificationPublic DiscoursePublic Philosophy
An article in Maine Policy Review in which I describe my volunteer-based outreach program called Philosophy Across the Ages.
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of EducationPublic HumanitiesPHILOSOPHY FOR CHILDREN
This essay argues that publicity is a necessary precondition for both politics and philosophy. Against the backdrop of the traditional dismissal of publicity as a leveling of difference, the author develops Foucault's positive use of... more
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      Critical Prison StudiesPublic PhilosophyFoucault
Zur öffentlichen Relevanz dessen, was wir machen Kai Wortmann "[J]eder Rückgriff auf die Theoriegeschichte und die Versprechen einer kritischen Bildungspraxis sind Aspekte einer hegemonialen Strategie, die auf Wirkung zielt: auf... more
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      Critical TheoryPragmatismEducationPhilosophy of Education
Публічна філософія: освітні та соціальні можливості/ Що таке філософський ренесанс? Які конкретні чинники посприяли розвиткові публічної філософії у нефаховому середовищі поза університетом? Які пріоритети має спільнота для розбудови... more
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    • Public Philosophy
The purpose of the research is to investigate the practices of philosophical communities in Russia within the concept of trading zones and the problem of public philosophy. Our main theoretical framework is the notion of the trading zone,... more
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      PhilosophyTrading Zones and Educational organizationsArt and PhilosophyPublic Philosophy
One of the central issues facing contemporary political theory is the problem of difference. This problem is perhaps clearest in disagreements regarding the role of pluralism between advocates of deliberative, and agonistic, approaches to... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryDialoguePractical Reasoning
A look inside Philosophy Across the Ages
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of EducationPHILOSOPHY FOR CHILDRENPhilosophy for Children (P4C)
Texto na coluna Opinião do jornal Folha de Boa Vista no dia 18/04/2022.
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      PhilosophyVirtues (Moral Psychology)Virtue EpistemologyVirtues and Vices
I once asked my 92-year-old grandfather if he knew who John Dewey (1859–1952) and Jane Addams (1860–1935) were. He shyly responded (perhaps self-consciously aware of his age), “I know who Jane Addams was. Everyone in Chicago in the 1940s... more
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      PhilosophySocial ActivismPragmatism (Philosophy)Progressivism