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Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesFuture Studies
Print version of PhD Thesis. This practice-based project investigates modalities of performing eco-aesthetic assemblages across the modern nature―culture divide. Assemblages are here understood as non-hierarchical associations between... more
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      Feminist PhilosophyPerformance ArtEcofeminismCritical Posthumanism
A última obra de Almada, intitulada Começar, é um testamento espiritual do artista, compendiando todo o seu saber filosófico e sinestético. Poeta, pintor, coreógrafo, ensaísta, Almada converge neste manifesto em pedra os conhecimentos... more
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      TheosophyArt and PhilosophyIconography and IconologyTheosophy and Antroposophy
Essai de prospective : une littérature sans pouvoir
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of LiteratureLiterature and PhilosophyArt and Philosophy
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      Art and PhilosophyIsraelian ArtSigalit Landau
CURSO: 2º Breve descripción del contenido: La asignatura Filosofía de la ciencia como forma cultural está encaminada a proporcionar una presentación a la vez temática y operativa (metodológica) de las ciencias, que ofrece tanto... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceCultural TheoryArt and PhilosophyScience and Teachnology and Human Values
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      PhenomenologyPhilosophy of ArtConceptual ArtMateriality of Art
«Ser (una isla)» es una práctica de investigación artístico-pedagógica que transita por el arte de acción, la danza, la filosofía, la enseñanza y las artes visuales. Muestra la experiencia del proyecto Ser o no ser (un cuerpo) de Amalia... more
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      Dance StudiesPerformance ArtVisual ArtsArt and Philosophy
Ao que nos referimos quando falamos em território da arte ou quando questionamos quais os limites da mesma? Termo caro à Geografia, o conceito de território abrange uma série de questões relacionadas à fronteira e ao poder, assim como... more
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      Inter And Transdisciiplinary ArtGilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariArt and PhilosophyTRANSDISCIPLINARY STUDIES
Traducción del alemán del texto de Klee Über Moderne Kunst, incluido en el libro Paul Klee: Kunst Lehre, Reclam Verlag, Leipzig, 1991. Este texto fue publicado por primera vez por Benteli Verlag (Berna) en 1945. La traducción fue... more
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      Art and PhilosophyPaul KleeTheory and History of ArtTheory of Art
Hermeneutics as the art of interpreting and understanding text, speech and human action is central to Gadamer’s hermeneutic philosophy. Drawing extensively on Gadamer’s writings on hermeneutics, this essay is an assessment of the... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageHermeneuticsContinental PhilosophyUnderstanding
Art Gallery of All (not only visual) Senses Exercises in and facilitating the direct, active(not merely passive or viewing) participating (as myself, first person) in the sharing of the (undergoing as first person) of sensory experiences... more
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      Cultural StudiesAestheticsArt TheoryMuseum Studies
This paper explores the intellectual and social circumstances that informed the production of Andrea Mantegna’s 'Mars and Venus' (1497), the first painting executed for the studiolo of Isabella d’Este Gonzaga. Documentary evidence... more
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      The Classical TraditionItalian Renaissance ArtArt and PhilosophyAndrea Mantegna
The article offers a new theoretical and analytical perspective on the phenomenon of Edward Hopper’s popularity, contemporary reception and interpretation of his painting, with special focus on the iconic Nighthawks. It looks at selected... more
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      American StudiesArt HistoryFilm StudiesPopular Culture
This paper seeks to reinsert Boccioni’s philosophical ambitions into the discourse surrounding the genesis of Futurist art in Italy, and to better position 'The City Rises' within the landscape of early modernist thought. I argue,... more
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      Friedrich NietzscheModernism20th century Italian artArt and Philosophy
The following essay sketches varieties of imagination operative in the best architectural work. It was published in Warehouse Journal, a student-edited journal produced annually by the Faculty of Architecture, University of Manitoba.... more
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      AestheticsArt HistoryHumanitiesArt
Dissertação de Doutoramento em Estética FACULDADE DE FILOSOFIA DE BRAGA | UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA PORTUGUESA - Setembro 1997 A identidade artística e filosófica da obra de Almada Negreiros exige, pois, a análise e reflexão consertadas, da... more
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      AestheticsArt and Philosophy
Essay for the Warhol Exh., Kunstmuseum Basel, 2011 - exploring the relation of Warhol's concept of subjectivity to his production techniques.
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      AestheticsArt and PhilosophySubjectivityAndy Warhol
If space and materials chosen by Luigi Ademollo in his self-portraits could show that they are suitable to a private and public use in terms of dimension, support and artistic techniques? Through his works, the artist stares intimately... more
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      SemioticsFashion Dynamics: (outside of apparel) ideas, technologies, cultures, frameworksCultural SemioticsVisual Semiotics
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      Spirituality & MysticismArt and PhilosophyReligious StudiesAesthetics and Theories of Art (A. Warburg
BFA Thesis in Visual Arts (Honors). Conceptual theory and influences behind body of work in visual arts/artist talk. The Archaeology of Being explores the nature of emergence—depicting the way being materializes from non-being... more
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      BuddhismArchaeologyArtContemporary Art
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      ReligionBuddhismComparative ReligionMythology And Folklore
Introduction to Anne Sauvagnargues' new collection, _Artmachines: Deleuze, Guattari, Simondon_ (Edinburgh University Press, 2016).
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      Critical TheoryAestheticsPhilosophy of FilmContemporary French Philosophy
Review of Georges Didi-Huberman's The Surviving Image: Phantoms of Time and Time of Phantoms: Aby Warburg's History of Art.
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      German StudiesAnthropologyPhilosophy Of ReligionArt History
Platon, Politeia (Devlet) diyaloğunda psukhê’de (psyche, nefs) söz konusu bir “sahne değiştirme” (periakteon) fiili olarak betimlediği felsefe (philosophia) faaliyetinin metin üzerinden mümkün bir muhakemenin konusu olamayacağını, hem... more
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      PhilosophyArtArt TheoryPlato
The research undertaken in the following paper bases its analysis on the model of the decentralized governance, offered in the case of blockchain technologies. The focus will be centered on some social elements of innovation introduced by... more
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      PhilosophyDigital MediaSocial Contract TheoryContemporary Art
Explores the concept of multiplicity in Deleuze and Guattari’s work and its relevance to artistic practice Provides a series of philosophical encounters with the concept of multiplicity Points to the potentialities circulating in various... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsPhilosophy of TechnologyFilm Studies
In this work I deal with the theophanic side of the Ursprung des deutschen Trauerspiels by Walter Benjamin. It means that the essence of being reveals itself in the allegorical figure of Saturn and in its rule: the methaphysics of... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsPhilosophy Of LawBaroque Art and Literature
Unpublished paper on art criticism workshop, Makassar Biennale 2015
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      Art CriticismArt and Philosophy
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      AestheticsConsciousnessCognitive NeuroscienceArt and Philosophy
Öz Modern anlayışla birlikte düşünmenin farklı formları kendisini görünür kılar. Ve bunlar, filozofların düşünme dizgeleri açısından farklı şekillerde ifade edilmektedir. Bu düşünce... more
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      ArtG.W.F. HegelArt and Philosophy
Dans « La danse comme métaphore de la pensée », Badiou part de la danse comme métaphore de la pensée chez Nietzsche pour ensuite réfléchir sur le rôle fondamental que la danse joue dans la poétique mallarméenne. L'auteur énumère plusieurs... more
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      French LiteraturePhilosophyDance StudiesLiterature
Due to the 20th century mathematical and scientific developments of Georg Cantor, Max Karl Planck, Albert Einstein, and Werner Heisenberg, concepts once relegated to obscurity, such as irrationality, infinity, insolvability, and chaos,... more
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      MathematicsPhysicsTheoretical PhysicsQuantum Physics
Aesthetics seminar final paper submitted to Dr. Curtis Carter, Marquette University, 2020
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      SemioticsAestheticsGilles DeleuzeAffect/Emotion
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      DramaTheatre of the AbsurdArt and PhilosophySamuel Beckett and Philosophy
PICT 2016-0204. Agencia de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCyT/ Fondo para la Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (FONCyT). Centro de Investigaciones Filosóficas (UA CONICET).
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      Cultural HistoryAestheticsReception StudiesHistory of Ideas
A paper looking at the idea of 'Cyclical Time' in photography and film, focusing on two particular artists whose work has been highly influential in contemporary culture. Tim MacMillan developed the technique of "Bullet Time" popularised... more
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      PhilosophyFilm StudiesFilm TheoryAnimation
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      AestheticsVisual StudiesArt HistoryRenaissance Studies
"Serial Drawing offers a timely and rigorous exploration of a relatively little-researched art form. Serial drawings – artworks that are presented as singular works but are made up of distributed parts – are studied in fresh, contemporary... more
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      AestheticsVisual StudiesArt HistoryContemporary Art
In this article I argue that the strong fascination that Wittgenstein has had for artists cannot be explained primarily by the content of his work, and in particular not by his sporadic observation on aesthetics, but rather by stylistic... more
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      AestheticsArt HistoryPhilosophy of ArtWittgenstein
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      TechnologyArt TheoryPhilosophy of ArtLanguage and Power
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      Byzantine StudiesOrnament (Archaeology)Art and PhilosophyAlois Riegl
Mit dem Begriff des „Paradigmenwechsels“ prägte Thomas S. Kuhn 1962 die Diskussion über Prozesse des Wandels in den Wissenschaften wegweisend. War der Begriff ursprünglich als ein rein deskriptiver konzipiert, so hat er inzwischen in den... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsPhilosophy of ScienceTheodor Adorno
Between the 6th and the 7th December 2017, the Faculty of Theology commemorated the eightieth anniversary of the untimely death of one of Russia’s great polymath thinkers of the twentieth century, Pavel A. Florensky (1882-1937). While... more
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      Philosophy Of MathematicsCultureReligion and ScienceArt and Philosophy
The circle and the sphere, in philosophical speculations, exist as symbols of perfection, as metaphors of divinity, as models of eternity as well as approximations of essential properties of cognitive acts. Their geometry is also an... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy Of MathematicsVisual metaphorVisual Thinking
Kavramsal anlamda ironi içerikli okumalara açık olarak konumlanan grotesk, trajedi ile mizahı eş zamanlı olarak imgeye dönüştüren bir sözcüktür. Antik Çağ'dan günümüz sanat pratiklerine kadar çok geniş bir zaman aralığında görünürlük... more
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      Art TheoryPaintingArt and Philosophygrotesk