Curiosity & Interest
Recent papers in Curiosity & Interest
C'est intéressant ! ». L'expression est devenue très courante. Imaginez la situation suivante. Hubert sert un grand cru de Bourgogne à Marie-Christine. Après en avoir bu une gorgée, Marie-Christine énonce: « intéressant » et se replonge... more
This presentation will discuss a research project conducted to further develop and validate questionnaire items designed to measure situational interest in an English language learning context. The research project initially focused on... more
Affective designs need to take into account the existence of considerable individual differences in people's emotions. In this study, individual differences in appraisal structure of knowledge emotions were addressed. Participants viewed... more
Speaking with MC Bateson on september 9th (2001), about multiculturalism and respectful ways to connect to others
The essence of the executive protection is to avoid conflict and tragedy through intelligent, proactive thinking coupled with awareness and training. World over, kidnapping for ransom and assassination, has become a multi billion dollar... more
We investigated whether young children are curious about what could have been (''counterfactual curiosity"). In two experiments, children aged 4 and 5 years (N = 32 in Experiment 1, N = 24 in Experiment 2) played a matching game in which... more
In this essay, Susan Engel argues that curiosity is both intrinsic to children’s development and unfolds through social interactions. Thus, it should be cultivated in schools, even though it is often almost completely absent from... more
Metalearning - Bring personal creativity and motivation to curiosity-led learning systems (ecology of wisdom) "Today's fact becomes tomorrow's misinformation" stated Alvin Toffler, futurologist, in 1970. Now changes are accelerating... more
Four studies were conducted to develop and validate a measure of individual differences in attitudes towards gossip (ATG). In Study 1, exploratory factor analyses of responses to a pool of ATG items identified two factors reflecting... more
Diprosopus? Legend? Fake?
The opening chapter of Conchophilia. Shells, Art, and Curiosity in Early Modern Europe (Princeton University Press, 2021). Addresses the labor that enabled the collection of exotic shells in the Netherlands and Europe more generally, and... more
Υπάρχουν σημαντικές ενδείξεις, πως οι δυνάμεις του χαρακτήρα (Character Strenghts) μπορούν να επηρεάσουν ποικιλοτρόπως την ψυχική ανθεκτικότητα. Η παρούσα έρευνα θέτει ως στόχο να διερευνήσει τη σχέση ανάμεσα στο χιούμορ και την... more
How motivation drives learning through a self-directed process, especially in childhood, has become a much theorized, researched, and developed topic. Human learning, once recognized as self-driven, was explored with motivation inquiries,... more
Importance. Interest is considered a significant educational construct. A validated instrument that can reliably be used to measure interest across different subject domains is however not available. Objective. To report the findings... more
El contenido aproximado de colesterol en cada familia de lipoproteínas es (en % por unidad de peso): 1% en los quilomicrones, 18% en las VLDL, 50% en las LDL y 23% en las HDL. Dado que cada familia posee distinta actividad biológica, el... more
There is a kind of seemingly nonsensical play behavior found in the simulation sandbox game genre. This behavior is very spontaneous and impulsive and associated with self-initiated learning, and here the author seeks to better understand... more
Works of art are frequently called "interesting", and the wider grammar of interestingness - "mysterious", "complex", “enlightening”, etc. - is pervasive in contemporary writings about art. Contemporary art has intertwined itself with a... more
The authors examined the relationships among students’ levels of boredom, boredom coping strategies, epistemic curiosity, and graded performance regarding mathematics lessons, with the intention to explore the mediating roles of boredom... more
Cuando los jóvenes emperadores de México llegaron a Veracruz en 1864 visitaron la ciudad de Orizaba. Carlota bautizó a una cascada temporal como la paloma, en honor a su canción favorita mexicana, la canción "La paloma" de Se-bastián... more
An Enlightening Way to Navigate through Mind-Boggling Physics Concepts Physics Curiosities, Oddities, and Novelties highlights unusual aspects of physics and gives a new twist to some fundamental concepts. The book covers both classical... more
This essay explores the difference between a modern, strongly scientific notion of objective knowledge as 'justified true belief' and literary modes of knowledge production which deliberately replace systematic detachment from with... more
This is the abbreviated version of the full version, also available here, having been reduced by ca. 120 pages by taking out certain chapters and appendices.
Mémoire d'Histoire Médiévale (Paris IV) sur les voyages d'espionnage de Ghillebert de Lannoy (Gilbert of Lannoy) et Bertrandon de la Broquière, réalisés par ordre du duc de Bourgogne Philippe le Bon (XVe siècle).
Huesca, ciudad natal de Fidel Pagés, inventor de la anestesia epidural, ciudad fotografiada por Robert Capa en la Guerra Civil y escenario de un mítico concierto de Bob Dylan
El coleccionismo es una manía que no se da en grandes epidemias, pero que aparece regularmente a lo largo de la historia. En la actualidad las cosas que se coleccionan son tan diversas que hay desde tarjetas telefónicas hasta máscaras... more
This article examines how museums and archaeologists present ancient Egypt to the public. For archaeology, the role of the museum is extremely significant as it is the most popular forum through which non-specialists interact with the... more
Curiosity is about being aware and open, checking things out, experimenting, and interacting with in one's surroundings. It is a tendency to wonder, to inquire, to investigate and to seek information about anything that is new or unknown.... more
Condițiilor social-politice în care se desfășura viața oamenilor în timpul și după terminarea celui de Al Doilea Război Mondial. Refacerea economică a țărilor socialiste. Unele definiții ale calității vieții, standardului de viață.... more
好奇心の周辺領域、Holland の職業興味研究 -西 川 一 二 Studies on the individual differences of curiosity 2: various research areas of curiosity, Holland's research in vocational interest Kazuji NISHIKAWA
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
kegunaan tempurung kelapa
Since Berlyne's groundbreaking work in the 1960's, curiosity has been a popular topic for psychological research. Despite a rich history of research, scientists have not been able to agree upon a single definition or taxonomy of... more
This chapter explores the place of curiosity in classical Confucianism by considering the role of questions and practices of questioning in the Analects. Although neither curiosity nor inquisitiveness appear on standard Confucian lists of... more