Power Point Presentations
Most downloaded papers in Power Point Presentations
Over the last few years, there has been a significant increase in the number of researchers dealing with the integration of paper and digital information or services. While recent technological developments enable new forms of... more
Apprenticeship Business Administration - Unit 9 - Deliver a presentation Analyse the advantages and limitations of different methods of, and media for, making presentations Explain how the type and size of the audience affects the... more
PowerPoint is one of the most frequently used tools to present multimedia for educational purposes. Nevertheless, little is known about the users' needs when using PowerPoint during lecturing. Our study focused on the presenter's needs in... more
RESUMO: O presente ensaio de cunho teórico reflexivo propõe que o conceito de Retórica do Design Gráfico pode ser estendido a projetos gráficos de apresentações digitais em Powerpoint, com fins de maximizar sua intenção persuasiva. Para... more
En este documento de trabajo presento algunas recomendaciones para estudiantes que deben defender sus proyectos de tesis ante un tribunal. Algunas de tales recomendaciones son útiles también para defensas de tesis terminadas.
En él aparecen las opciones de cualquier programa de "Minimizar", "Maximizar" y "Cerrar" la aplicación, además de la "Ayuda" (signo de interrogación).
Recent developments in digital pen and paper solutions enable, not only the digital capture of handwriting, but also paper to be used as an interactive medium that links to digital information and services. We present a tool that builds... more
This chapter was written for the EU TEMPUS V programme Consortium for Modern Language Teacher Education (COMOLTE) and submitted there circa 2015 in slightly different form. It has not to my knowledge been published by them but authors... more
In this paper, critical discussions of electronic presentation software, initially focused on PowerPoint, are reviewed. The potentials and pedagogic implications of newer forms, such as Microsoft Producer, Prezi and Xerte, are then... more
Using presentations allow students more flexibility and space to explore creative expression. One form of presentation is Pecha Kucha (PK). PK is an entertaining and creative activity for students to learn to think on the fly while using... more
Bad presentations make lectures useless, while good presentations make lectures useful. Good lectures, and by extension, good presentations are the ones that make us think and make us think more efficiently. Students need to think because... more
Teknik presentasi adalah bagian dari ilmu komunikasi. Komunikasi itu sendiri adalah penyampaian pesan dari pengirim kepada penerima, melalui suatu media. Jadi, mengapa kita perlu belajar teknik presentasi? Dengan belajar, memahami, dan... more
Materi Fikih Bab Haji kelas VIII MTs
Resumen: Para los nativos digitales, el aprendizaje es diferente al que tradicionalmente los docentes estaban acostumbrados con sus estudiantes, ahora los estilos de aprendizaje son distintos, cada estudiante tiene un estilo al cual el... more
Power Point, Mind Maping
Recently, with the growth of technology computer assisted language learning (CALL) has equipped teachers with new tools to transform education. In order to exploit the advantages of CALL, this study explored whether applying Power Point... more
PowerPoint is a valuable communication aid that is now being used in many classrooms. PowerPoint is a type of presentation software that allows one to show colored text and images with simple animation and sound. PowerPoint is just one of... more
Multimedia presentation of information in instruction is widely used in many academic and business settings around the world. The multimedia part of this instruction is not only the use of computers, but also includes textbooks with... more
Hi, I am Samadkhan fromsun chemcial.co ltd India Mai l- [email protected] , SUB- Requesting for Appointment and Introduction For Oil Additives & Compressor cleaner. It is with great pleasure and that we would like to... more
Case studies were employed at university MBA programs for many years. These publications and internet searches, added significantly to learning. It is also a good practice to use case studies for undergraduates. At University of Phoenix,... more
This very essential paper for student
Making a good presentation is always a challenge - it makes us nervous and edgy. But one can overcome this by following the tips mentioned in the attached document. How to make a great presentation? Things required to make a great... more
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of multimedia used as a teaching tool, to compare the effect of two different instructional methods on students' academic achievements and Pakistani Pharmacy student's perceptions of... more
La investigación acción se lleva a cabo en un colegio municipal de Ñuñoa en 2° y 4° básico, donde a partir de observaciones de clases se obtiene la pregunta problematizadora: ¿Cómo aportaría la tecnología al interior de la sala de clases,... more
A challenge to some leading thinking and an introduction of some new ideas.
ABSTRACT A study was carried out on dialectal crosses among 18 maize populations. An analysis was conducted on ear weight data using Griffin's Method 2, Model I to determine general and specific combining ability effects.... more