Visual Language Retention

Multimedia presentation of information in instruction is widely used in many academic and business settings around the world. The multimedia part of this instruction is not only the use of computers, but also includes textbooks with pictures, handouts, videos, etc., anything that uses “multiple” sources of media and multiple perceptions to learn. Today there is a need for a well-defined, wide-spread, and easy to remember definition of visual grammar for presentation software use in the classroom. This research presents the finding of three attributes of this visual grammar, background color, font style, and text density. A platform of presentation software was used to test and define these characteristics on student retention in a classroom setting. In addition, this research was conducted in Japan and the USA to ascertain if there is a cross cultural perceptual difference in retention of information.


Multimedia presentation of information in instruction is widely used in many academic and business settings around the world. The multimedia part of this instruction is not only the use of computers, but also includes textbooks with pictures, handouts, videos, etc., anything that uses "multiple" sources of media and multiple perceptions to learn. Today there is a need for a well-defined, wide-spread, and easy to remember definition of visual grammar for presentation software use in the classroom.

This research presents the finding of three attributes of this visual grammar, background color, font style, and text density. A platform of presentation software was used to test and define these characteristics on student retention in a classroom setting. In addition, this research was conducted in Japan and the USA to ascertain if there is a cross cultural perceptual difference in retention of information.

Chapter 2: Background Color and Retention

The first part of research determined if non-image forming color has an influence on retention of material presented in a learning environment. A presentation was developed and presented to groups of university students in their university's native language, 262 students from three Japanese universities and 111 students from three USA universities.

All characteristics and timings of the presentations were kept constant. The only difference between each language presentation was background color. The colors, blue, dark blue, white, green, and yellow were used in the experiments. A simple quiz was administered after the presentation to determine how much information was retained.

Statistical analysis revealed that the Japanese results of the surveys were statistically significant, p< .05. The overall means of the Japanese data collected are as follows:

Background Color Average Mean (%) Standard Deviation

Background Color Japanese Data Retention Results

The significance of the Japanese data and statistically non-significant USA results is indicative of the mono-cultural vs. multi-cultural societies. This can be related to the emotional meaning of colors in each society (Lockley et al., 2006;Suk & Irtel, 2010;Yoto, Katsuura, Iwanaga, & Shimomura, 2007). Japanese share a common meaning based for certain colors, hence the statistically significand results and the USA students from varied cultural backgrounds and international experiences, revealed a non-statistical result. Past research has proven that emotion does have an influence on retention and certain colors stimulate particular emotions unique for each culture (Dresler, Mériau, Heekeren, and Van Der Meer, 2009;Küller et al.,2008;Lockley et al., 2006).

Chapter 2: Font Style and Retention

The second experiment determined if font style has an influence on retention presented in a learning environment. A presentation pertaining to a public directive was developed and presented to university students in their native language. The Japan The results revealed statistically significant findings for the USA scores. Analysis revealed that in the USA, emotions were closely related to font styles used.

USA students had a high emotional relationship with the Comic Sans font which has a strong negative connotation (Mackiewicz, 2003;Brumberger 2003). Examples of this negativity can be found in current news articles today (Morris, 2012c). Arial is a most widely used font in public transportation in the New York metropolitan area where these surveys were conducted (Shaw, 2008). However the Arial data results had a lower than 10 student survey population and is not a reliable source.

The overall Japanese data for font styles revealed a no statistically significant data comparisons. Japanese fonts are more purposeful and standardized. For example, all textbooks in Japan use a "textbook" style font and the majority of newspapers in Japan use MS-Gothic.

In this part of the research, unconscious emotions generated from certain use of font styles can be determined to have a significant influence on retention of information. The same emotional influence as the background color.