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      European HistoryEuropean UnionEuropean EnlargementPresentation
Análise amortizada: método agregado, método do contador, método do potencial. Exemplos: contador binário, tabelas dinâmicas, árvores chanfradas (splay trees).
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      Data Structures and AlgorithmsPresentation Slides
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      Personality PsychologyGender StudiesGenderSymbolism
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      Information LiteracyMedia EducationPresentation SlidesPower Point Presentations
Bài thuyết trình dự án The Lotus Center Võ Chí Công Ciputra sản phẩm biệt thự, liền kề, chung cư
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      Book HistoryKeywordsPresentation Slides
Árvores de busca balanceadas: árvores rubro-negra. Introdução, propriedades, operações de busca, inserção e remoção.
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      Data Structures and AlgorithmsPresentation Slides
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Over the last few years, there has been a significant increase in the number of researchers dealing with the integration of paper and digital information or services. While recent technological developments enable new forms of... more
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      Information SystemsEngineeringComputer ScienceSoftware Engineering
sebelum melakukan penyuluhan kita harus tahu apa topik yang masih hangat dibicarakan masyarakat agar audiens tertarik untuk mendengarkan. penyuluh harus menguasai materi yang akan diberikan
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      EbolaPresentation SlidesPower Point PresentationsPenyuluhan
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      PowerPointPresentation SlidesSubject Verb Agreement
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      Internet StudiesSociology of the InternetPresentation SlidesPower Point Presentations
On ignore trop souvent ce que l'histoire de l'art doit à l'écran. La rupture épistémologique que les projections, fixes et animées, génèrent au sein de la discipline est mésestimée. Elles renouvelèrent pourtant les modes de reproduction... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryEarly CinemaFilm History
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      Presentation SlidesPPT PresentationPower Point Presentations
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      Skeletal muscle biologyMedicineMusculoskeletal BiomechanicsMuscle Physiology
Power Point of Tourism Marketing Chapter 7
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism ManagementTourism
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      ArachnidaBiologiePresentation Slides
- Autthor
- Settings
- Plot and structure
- Cahracters
- Narrator
- Symbols
- The two endings
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      English LiteratureShort story (Literature)Presentation SlidesQaisra shahraz
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Report writing is an essential skill for professionals.  A report aims to inform, as clearly and succinctly as possible. This document gives some general guidelines for writing a perfect professional report.
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      Creative WritingReportPresentation Slides
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Lahirnya kerajaan-kerajaan yang bercorak Hindu-Budha merupakan salah satu bukti adanya pengaruh kebudayaan Hindu-Budha di Indonesia. Pada masa pemerintahan kerajaan-kerajaan ini, tradisi agama dan kebudayaan Hindu-Buddha di Kepulauan... more
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      PendidikanSejarahPresentation SlidesPendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial
The aim of this thesis is to design and analyse an optimal lightweight chassis for the GUtech Shell Eco Marathon Team (GSET) prototype vehicle 2016. Considering the fact that increased weight has a detrimental effect on fuel economy, this... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringComposite Materials and StructuresCompositesComposite Materials
Banyaknya jumlah kerajaan-kerajaan Hindu-Buddha di Indonesia mewariskan peninggalan sejarah yang banyak pula. Peninggalan-peninggalan itu antara lain adalah bangunan, patung/arca, relief, prasasti dan kitab-kitab.
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      PendidikanSejarahPresentation SlidesPendidikan Ips
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Geotechnical engineering is one of the oldest engineering types which deals with the ancients civilization and can provide effective tools for evaluating the methods used in the construction of historic monuments, determining the reasons... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeotechnical EngineeringTextbook ResearchPresentation Slides
Sorting pada pemrograman adalah proses mengurutkan data yang berada dalam suatu tempat penyimpanan, dengan urutan tertentu.
Dalam bab ini yang akan dibahas adalah internal sort yaitu data yang berada dalam array satu dimensi.
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      Sorting AlgorithmsSortingPresentation SlidesArray
Hubungan dagang antara India dan Cina semula dilakukan melalui jalur darat (jalur sutera). Kenapa disebut Jalur Sutera? Karena barang yang diperdagangkan umumnya adalah kain sutera dari Cina. Selain kain sutera, wawangian dan... more
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      PendidikanSejarahPresentation Slidessejarah Indonesia
The science of Effective Presentations was contributed by Prezi, the platform of presentation. Storytelling with Prezi tool, you will contribute to more persuasive, more engaged, and more visualized presentations with the audiences.
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      Presentation SlidesPresentasion Training
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      Mechanical EngineeringEducationStandardizationPendidikan
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      PrehistoryPresentation Slides
*EN* Class material. Slide presentation on Goethe's novel Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre, as presented at University of São Paulo (Brazil) on 27th April 2016. In German and Portuguese. *PT* Slides apresentados na Universidade de São Paulo, no... more
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      Johann Wolfgang von GoetheBildungsromanPresentation SlidesWilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre
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      Data Structures and AlgorithmsPresentation Slides
The total tunnel length, including the cut-and-cover sections is 19,576 m for the road and 21,230 m for the railway. The vertical height difference is about 72 m with the lowest level of the road alignment at -57.480 m.
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      Civil EngineeringGeotechnical EngineeringDeep excavation and urban tunnellingTunnel Engineering
• The kingdom geographically covers-
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      AkuntansiEkonomiPresentation SlidesJURNAL AKUNTANSI
Perencanaan dalam Manajemen dasar
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      ManagementQuality ManagementProject ManagementStrategic Management