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El conflicto colombiano ha tenido lugar primordialmente en la ruralidad, donde varios grupos armados ilegales y las fuerzas del gobierno han tratado de ganar control sobre el territorio y la poblacion. Mas de 50 anos de conflicto armado y... more
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      Social PsychologyYouth StudiesColombiaPolitical Science
Bosnian director Danis Tanovic is especially known for his directing technic. Tanovic particularly has the own niche of directing incredibly realistic patterns of war and violence. Showing reality and harshness of conflict is a bulwark of... more
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      Postconflict Stuidesfilm studies, Balkan cinemaBalkan Wars
Este documento analiza cómo las víctimas del conflicto armado colombiano restauran su sentido de ciudadanía a partir de las dimensiones expresivas y comunicativas de la acción colectiva. Aquí se introduce un nuevo campo de estudio —el de... more
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      Social MovementsEmotionSocial SciencesHuman Rights
El tema principal de esta tesis doctoral es la transformación de los grupos rebeldes en partidos políticos como un elemento clave para la consolidación y la sostenibilidad de la paz. Subyace la idea de desarmar la política para fortalecer... more
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      Political TransformationPostconflict StuidesDisarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR)FARC EP
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPost-conflict Reconstruction and DevelopmentUrban PlanningUrbanism
Ocuparnos de la eficacia del derecho y de la legalidad, y más específicamente de la cultura de aprehender el ordenamiento jurídico a pesar de la inflación normativa y de la concepción reinante de pretender resolver toda problemática... more
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      Social SciencesColombiaCiencias SocialesPostconflict Stuides
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      SocioeconomicsDevelopment StudiesInternational DevelopmentSustainable Development
Сборник составлен из статей, которые были представлены на конференции «Микрополитические исследования: методы и примеры исследования локальных конфликтов на Кавказе и в Средней Азии», прошедшей в августе 2012 г. базе Ошского... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesResearch MethodologyCaucasusCentral Asia
Texto de la introducción: La vida en sociedad por definición es conflictiva. No existe ningún país en donde no existan conflictividades diversas en torno a temas políticos, económicos, sociales, culturales y ambientales. La... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesColombiaConflictConflict Resolution
В сборнике помещены статьи участников международного семинара по изучению конфликтов и развития на Кавказе и в Средней Азии, проведенного в марте 2011 года в Кабардино-Балкарском государственном университете г.Нальчика. Работы посвящены... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesResearch MethodologyCaucasusCentral Asia
En 2014, la desaparición de 43 estudiantes de una escuela normal rural en Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, hizo evidente al mundo la práctica del delito de desaparición forzada en México. Desde décadas atrás se habían producido acontecimientos... more
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      Social SciencesCiencias SocialesPostconflict Stuides
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      Transitional JusticeTransitional justice and reconciliation processesPostconflict StuidesPostconflict Reconstruction
Introductory chapter for the book "Peacebuilding and Civil Society in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Ten Years after Dayton", edited by Martina Fischer, 2nd edition, 2007, Berlin: Lit-Verlag, pp. 7-46.
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesBosniaCivil SocietyPostconflict Peacebuilding and Everyday Priorities
1 El Centro Internacional para la Justicia Transicional (ICTJ) es una organización internacional sin ánimo de lucro especializada en la justicia en periodos de transición. 2 Ardila D., Justicia Transicional: principios... more
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      Human RightsHistory and MemorySocial and Collective MemorySpanish Civil War
ICTJ analytical study with Roxane Cassehgari on Transitional Justice in Lebanon (Prosecutions, Truth and Memory, Reparation, Institutional Reform)
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      SecuritySecurity StudiesCritical Security StudiesLebanon
The following report outlines the findings of desk and field research carried out in 2013-2014 to assess the dynamics between religion and politics in contemporary Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Situated in a sensitive post-conflict... more
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      Religious EducationReligion and PoliticsInterreligious DialogueBosnia and Herzegovina
Tras el regreso a la democracia en Chile, las políticas de justicia transicional iniciaron con la búsqueda de verdad, luego vinieron las políticas de reparación. Pero la justicia en Chile demoró en llegar: este proceso inició en 1998 con... more
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      Social SciencesChileCiencias SocialesHistoria de Chile
We explore if there is potential to embed psychosocial wellbeing impact in global challenges research where the primary aims are not mental-health-related. We are interested in the use of material practices to deliver impact through... more
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      Mental HealthGlobal HealthDeveloping CountriesHumanitarian Intervention
Memory is not a "Matter of the Past". The Challenges of Memory in Colombia from a Philosophical Perspective / La memoria no es "cosa del pasado". Los retos de la memoria en Colombia desde una perspectiva filosófica abstract in English /... more
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      Walter BenjaminMemory StudiesCultural MemorySocial History
How do parties in government and opposition in a contested postconflict state reach out to their diasporas abroad? Do their policies overlap or differ, and if so why? Scholarly accounts on sending states’ outreach towards diasporas have... more
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical PartiesKosovoDiaspora and transnationalism
Active citizenship and participatory community-development approaches have evolved partly in response to perceived aid-dependency among rural communities. In Solomon Islands these methods have met with mixed success. This article reflects... more
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      AnthropologyComparative PoliticsSocial AnthropologyDevelopment Studies
Despite sustained scholarly interest in post-conflict states, there has not been a thorough review and analysis of associated methodology and the challenges of conducting research in these contexts. Addressing this gap, this paper directs... more
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      Qualitative methodologyPost-conflict Reconstruction and DevelopmentAfghanistanFieldwork
As Keith Hart (1986) articulated in his neat phrase ‘two sides of the coin’, money and the state are inextricably intertwined. However, academic discussions of the state tend to fall under the heading of ‘governance’, with implicit... more
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      ReligionChristianityNew Religious MovementsEconomic Sociology
Following conflict, considerable effort is often dedicated to legislative reform. This effort includes not only domestic actors but also international actors frequently acting with the aim of establishing the rule of law. This article... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesTransitional JusticeLegislative DraftingLegislative Studies
Youth frustration was a front-running issue during Nepal’s decade-long civil war (1996–2006) and democratic protests (2003–2006). Young activists were mobilized as foot soldiers in these political battles, but they also capitalized on... more
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      Youth StudiesPolitical TheorySouth Asian StudiesNepal
The current paper is a personal account, describing the behind the scenes of an ongoing translational research project, initiated by Emile Bruneau in 2018, in collaboration with a team of scientists, filmmakers, and protagonists of the... more
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      Social PsychologyBehavioral SciencesColombiaSecurity
Este trabajo muestra la resistencia civil que se dio para oponerse al conflicto que enfrentó a subversivos, Estado y paramilitares en las conocidas operaciones militares Mariscal y Orión del año 2002. Una resistencia enfocada en... more
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      ConflictBiopoliticsPostconflict Peacebuilding and Everyday PrioritiesEstudios sobre Violencia y Conflicto
During Peru’s internal armed conflict (1980–2000), many women formed associations of relatives of victims to demand truth, justice, and reparations. The Asociación Nacional de Familiares de Secuestrados, Detenidos y Desaparecidos del Perú... more
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      Gender StudiesStereotypesMemory StudiesMujeres
Esta investigación analiza acciones particulares de ciudadanías comunicativas de la sociedad civil: maniobras desarrolladas en medio de la contienda por la apropiación del espacio público en zonas urbanas que han padecido altos índices de... more
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      Social MovementsCommunicationPeace and Conflict StudiesSocial Sciences
Ciro, Estefanía (2010) “El Estado en la frontera: la expansión burocrática como estrategia de colonización en el Piedemonte Caqueteño 1910-1930” En: Las Fronteras como espacios sociales en América del Sur: Hacia una perspectiva comparada.... more
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      Peasant StudiesAmazoniaPostconflict StuidesDrugs Policy
Конфликт в Украине привел к изменению геополитической конфигурации на евразийском континенте. Само начало силового конфликта стало точкой отсчета существенных геополитических сдвигов в регионе и мире. Украина, а позже и Сирия, стали... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesInternational SecuritySecurity StudiesCentral Asian Studies
The Dayton Accords ended the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1995. The 10th anniversary gives reason to investigate the post-war period, today's realities and future perspectives. Bosnian authors and international experts express their views... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesBosniaCivil Society and the Public SphereTransitional Justice
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesSecurity sector ReformPeacebuildingPostwar reconstruction
A segunda grande guerra e os conflitos devidos à descolonização podem ser considerados como os últimos confrontos militares cuja lógica subjacente seja de natureza ideológica. De facto, o que Mary Kaldor chama de new war são conflitos que... more
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      Postcolonial TheoryPostcolonial LiteratureWar and LiteraturePostconflict Stuides
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      ColombiaPostconflict StuidesMinning
Questo testo si propone di analizzare la questione del rientro dei rifugiati e dell’accesso alla terra mettendola in relazione alle logiche politiche ed elettorali del Burundi post-conflitto, svelando così le strumentalizzazioni di cui è... more
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      Electoral BehaviorEthnicityBurundiPostconflict Stuides
Building peace from one violent act can take a lifetime. Building peace from a sustained period of violent conflict can take generations. When examining how the rights of victims to justice can be answered through restorative justice... more
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      Criminal JusticeInternational Human Rights LawTransitional JusticePostconflict Stuides
This article provides an overview of the contribution of NGOs and civil society more broadly to efforts to achieve transitional justice around the world. The first section concentrates on civil society within post-conflict states. While... more
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      Human RightsPolitical ScienceTransitional JusticePostconflict Peacebuilding and Everyday Priorities
Two of my research interests concern changes in the logics of the developmentalist state in Caquetá and the process of state-formation as seen from the angle of infrastructure in this same territory (Peñaranda Currie 2020; Peñaranda... more
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      Anthropology of the StateInfrastructure studiesLatin AmericaPostconflict Stuides
¿Cómo habitar de nuevo lugares marcados por el miedo y la muerte? Es la pregunta central que este libro elabora. A partir de experiencias de retorno de poblados de Montes de María, Colombia, se analiza el papel de las prácticas del... more
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      Memoria HistoricaEstudios sobre Violencia y ConflictoNarrativasMemoria
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      Tourism StudiesColombiaMemory StudiesPostconflict Stuides
Abstract Whereas politicians broker peace deals, it falls to the public to embrace peace and help sustain it. The legacy of conflicts can make it difficult for people to support reconciling and reintegrating with former enemies. Here, we... more
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      Post-conflict Reconstruction and DevelopmentGroup Processes & Intergroup RelationsDehumanizationPeace Processes
Poster presentat en el I Congrés Català d'Antropologia (COCA)
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      GuatemalaPostconflict Stuidesjusticia transicional y Derechos HumanosConflicto armado y paz
El presente documento dará cuenta de las modificaciones normativas (constitucionales e infraconstitucionales) que sufrió el Consejo de la Magistratura del Poder Judicial de la Nación con el objeto de justificar el impacto negativo que han... more
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      Social SciencesCiencias SocialesPostconflict Stuides
in Chetail ed. (2009), Post-Conflict Peacebuilding: A Lexicon, Oxford University Press.
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      Nationalism And State BuildingPostconflict Peacebuilding and Everyday PrioritiesPostconflict Stuides
En decadas recentes, e nun crecente numero de escenarios de postconflito en todo o mundo, a participacion da comunidade internacional constituiuse nun elemento critico que, pese as limitacions derivadas da mesma complexidade do contexto,... more
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      Political SciencePostconflict StuidesPostconflict ReconstructionPostconflict Peacebuilding Projects
Conflict, postconflict settings, and other risky research sites are important with wide-ranging policy implications. Microlevel, field-based research lends critical insights to how conflicts work and the mechanisms behind macrolevel... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesSocial Research Methods and MethodologyResearch MethodologyQualitative methodology
El presente documento dará cuenta de las modificaciones normativas (constitucionales e infraconstitucionales) que sufrió el Consejo de la Magistratura del Poder Judicial de la Nación con el objeto de justificar el impacto negativo que han... more
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      Public AdministrationSocial SciencesPolitical InstitutionsAnálisis institucional
Avanzar hacia un futuro que supere el conflicto violento, y que logre reunir a las comunidades azotadas por la violencia y a los que fueron considerados "enemigos", es el objetivo más difícil para una nación que está en vías de... more
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      ReconciliationResentmentPostconflict StuidesPeace & Reconciliation
Conflict, postconflict settings, and other risky research sites are important with wide-ranging policy implications. Microlevel, field-based research lends critical insights to how conflicts work and the mechanisms behind macrolevel... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesSocial Research Methods and MethodologyResearch MethodologyQualitative methodology