Papers by Fabiano Micocci

U+D N.21, 2024
The territorial palimpsest is a dynamic system of relationships evolving over time that has seen ... more The territorial palimpsest is a dynamic system of relationships evolving over time that has seen natural elements interact with those built by man. If, on the one hand, it is therefore possible to read the territory as an architectural construction, on the other hand, we have those economic, natural, and social forces that have influenced the events that transformed the palimpsest. The method of archaeological analysis of the territory proposed by Ignasi de Solà-Morales helps to understand how both collective processes and the radical formative actions exercised by power have contributed to modifying a place throughout its history. The case of the area of the Sanctuary of Hercules Victor and Villa d’Este in Tivoli is exemplary in illustrating how a territory highly characterized from a geomorphological point of view has influenced the urban transformations that have taken place since ancient times, maintaining traits of continuity with the previous stratigraphies. In this sense, the archaeological level has played a fundamental role in establishing the genealogical link between the territory and the transformations that have overlapped subsequently. In particular, Villa d’Este is both an example of architectural creativity and an exercise of power that is grafted onto the territory in continuity with settlement practices despite its high-sounding transforming force. The study proposed here intends to rework both the invariants and the modifications of the morphological structure of the study area by associating them with the type of force that generated them. The aim is to highlight the relationship between architecture, heritage and local resources with the possibility of making hypothesis for future processes of territorial transformation in continuity with the ways in which the previous ones has already have already taken place over time.
Pisano, C., Zaccariotto, G. (eds.), Urbanistic Projects. New Generational Paths in Europe, 2024

Lecture notes in networks and systems, 2023
Since 2000s, Athens has been changed due to imponent urban transformations mainly provoked by the... more Since 2000s, Athens has been changed due to imponent urban transformations mainly provoked by the implementation of large-scale works in occasion of the 28 th Olympic Games in 2004, then by the dramatic effects caused by the impact of the 2008 economic crisis and the imposition of austerity policies and, finally, by the unbalanced growth of the subsequent economic recovery that abruptly halted with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The city has rapidly changed not only its urban configuration, but also the way it has been perceived and represented. During these years, it can be registered a diffuse interest among architects and artists for the use of collage to represent Athens. While during the previous century in Greece collage was mainly limited to the representation of rural and mythological landscape, since 2000s many collaged images embed for the first time many urban features of the contemporary metropolis. This paper aims to present how collage art had been adopted by architects to describe, analyze, critic, and imagine the city as an attempt to find a proper tool to deal effectively with the emerging urban issues that had arose with the new status of Athens as a metropolitan city. In particular, the association between collage and the city will be investigated in relation with the periods of growth (
Spaces and flows: an international journal of urban and extraurban studies, 2013
The international journal of architectonic, spatial, and environmental design, 2013
Lecture notes in networks and systems, 2023
Urban Transcripts Journal, 2020
Bekkering, J. D., Irene Curulli, I., Sjef van Hoof, S. (επ.), Architectural Models as Learning Tools. Lisbon: Caleidoscópio, 2020

Save the Heritage Benefit Corporation (ed.). Life within ruins Essays on architecture restoration theory, 2022
George Simmel, in his famous essay Ruins written in 1911, observes that a ruin is an artifact tha... more George Simmel, in his famous essay Ruins written in 1911, observes that a ruin is an artifact that, on the one side, evokes the memory of how it had been used by men and that, on the other side, collapses under the force of Nature. The sprout of Nature inside a building - that was originally excluded from its original functional program - is a manifestation of new aesthetic concepts.
In 2005, Giorgio Agamben claims that today what was once sacred cannot be profaned anymore because it allows only uses that are coherent with its actual state. For example, the ruins of an ancient building allow only its consumption for touristic uses. The Italian philosopher then advances the hypothesis that such a mechanism can be profaned only with an act of nonchalance typical of art.
This paper aims to investigate practices of profanation of the monument apparatus. The profanation of ruins is thus understood as a process of invading the perimeter that separates the inside from the outside. This investigation will be conducted presenting some collage works that challenge the meaning of preservation and envision some radical ways to re-use and re-signify a ruin.
Borain, P., Corrias, P., Medas, B. & Melis, B. (eds.)., Comunità resilienti: best practice italiane. , 2022
Un abitare an co ancora innova vo Comunità temporanee come esperienza di resilienza sociale Verso... more Un abitare an co ancora innova vo Comunità temporanee come esperienza di resilienza sociale Verso una archite ura per i beni confisca. Resilienza di necessità come risorsa per l'economia sociale Vacan , Francesca Vercellino Fabiano Micocci From "ego" to "eco"-dalla resistenza alla resilienza Pino Scaglione Chiara Quinzii, Diego Terna La comunità del fare: una provocazione sull'ar giano-archite o come membro della comunità

Feliciotti, A., Fleishmann, M. (eds.). ISUF Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form: "Urban Form and the Sustainable and Prosperous City", 2022
The Panthessaliko Stadium was built in Volos, a city 325 km North of Athens, to host some events ... more The Panthessaliko Stadium was built in Volos, a city 325 km North of Athens, to host some events for the 2004 Olympic Games. It is settled in the neighborhood of Xirokampos, on the northern fringe of the city. The area is defined by a variety of typologies and scales that represents very well the urban development of the Greek city since 1970s that has driven to the final loss of any urban morphological coherency. The objective of this paper is to investigate the urban form of Xirokampos with the scope to reframe the typology of the stadium - a special building at a very large scale - as a civic building that may play a crucial role in the city. To understand the impact of this typology on the urban environment is relevant in order to reframe its cultural, social, and formal meaning, both in reference to underused existing sport infrastructure as well as to new planned developments. The paper will investigate, at first, the historical evolution of the urban form of the examined area of Volos in order to understand the relationships among the various parts - characterized by different typologies, forms, and spaces - that compose the neighbourhood, and it will conclude with the presentation of the results of some studies conducted at the Department of Architecture at the University of Thessaly, where students had to analyze and challenge the impact of the stadium by re-designing the surrounding city.
Officina, n. 37 “Mediterraneo Foriero”, 2022
In Greece, tourism represents the main economic activity, but the impact of mass tourism provoked... more In Greece, tourism represents the main economic activity, but the impact of mass tourism provoked the abandonment of many hotels. Therefore, it is urgent to find new strategies for the development of touristic infrastructures based on the possibility to reuse what already exists. The paper presents the case-study of the Xenia Hotel of Tsagarada, abandoned since 2000, investigating the possibilities of reusing through strategies based on a dialogue with the environment, the landscape and the Mediterranean climate. These strategies had been investigated in the workshop Tourism Habitat. The Reuse of the Abandoned Xenia Hotel in Tsagarada, Pelion and the results will be presented here.
Bertolazzi, A., Micocci, F., Turrini, U. (eds.). Energy for hotels Refurbishment strategies in the Mediterranean area among technology, architecture and communication. Franco Angeli., 2022

The Journal of Public Space, 2020
On 8-13 February 2020 City Space Architecture, the publisher of The Journal of Public Space, part... more On 8-13 February 2020 City Space Architecture, the publisher of The Journal of Public Space, participated in the 10th World Urban Forum in Abu Dhabi as an exhibitor, and in collaboration with 16 global institutions promoted the exhibition 'PUBLIC SPACE IS VITAL FOR AN EQUITABLE URBAN FUTURE'. On April 7, while about 40% of global population was under coronavirus lockdown, City Space Architecture and the School of Architecture at The Chinese University of Hong Kong jointly announced the online initiative '2020: A Year without Public Space under the COVID-19 Pandemic' through The Journal of Public Space: after one month of consultation, by email and through online meetings, with academic scholars and colleagues from different geographical locations, we, public space scholars and activists, felt the urgency to build social and health resilience by establishing an open environment for discussion and learning, while taking advantage of technology and virtual platforms tha...

Footprint, 2017
The Inclusive Urban Strategy and Action Plan is a study conducted by a multi-disciplinary interna... more The Inclusive Urban Strategy and Action Plan is a study conducted by a multi-disciplinary international team focused on the post-conflict area of Tripoli, the second largest city of Lebanon. The project includes the neighbourhoods of Bab Al-Tabbaneh and Jebel Mohsen and the conflict zone in between where hostilities ended thanks to the implementation of a security plan in 2014. The aim of the proposal is to initiate and foster peace and reconciliation between the conflicting communities, while addressing spatial, social and economic segregations by a holistic and tactical urban approach. The strategy results from a deep study and understanding of the actual fragile conditions in Tripoli, and derives its guidelines from the fractures and the intrinsic resources of the place. It is structured in three main layers (urban armature, functional injections and placemaking) and envisions the possibility to establish new relations and synergies inside the hugely fragmented environment. Inste...
FAM Magazine, 2018
The texts by Professor Zissis Kotionis, a Greek architect and artist, declare two urgencies: on t... more The texts by Professor Zissis Kotionis, a Greek architect and artist, declare two urgencies: on the one hand the needs for theoretical speculation as a support for architectural production, and on the other the need for writing as an indispensable element of design research. The centrality of the text as a project is therefore affirmed. The narrative structure of these texts is made of collections of fragments assembled together, which indicate a multiplicity of operational possibilities rather than codes. It does not matter if they are texts of criticism of architecture, theory or poetry: the same structure is repeated and updated giving new meanings to the process of assembling in form of a text.
Spaces and Flows: An International Journal of Urban and ExtraUrban Studies, 2013
The International Journal of Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design, 2013
Papers by Fabiano Micocci
In 2005, Giorgio Agamben claims that today what was once sacred cannot be profaned anymore because it allows only uses that are coherent with its actual state. For example, the ruins of an ancient building allow only its consumption for touristic uses. The Italian philosopher then advances the hypothesis that such a mechanism can be profaned only with an act of nonchalance typical of art.
This paper aims to investigate practices of profanation of the monument apparatus. The profanation of ruins is thus understood as a process of invading the perimeter that separates the inside from the outside. This investigation will be conducted presenting some collage works that challenge the meaning of preservation and envision some radical ways to re-use and re-signify a ruin.
In 2005, Giorgio Agamben claims that today what was once sacred cannot be profaned anymore because it allows only uses that are coherent with its actual state. For example, the ruins of an ancient building allow only its consumption for touristic uses. The Italian philosopher then advances the hypothesis that such a mechanism can be profaned only with an act of nonchalance typical of art.
This paper aims to investigate practices of profanation of the monument apparatus. The profanation of ruins is thus understood as a process of invading the perimeter that separates the inside from the outside. This investigation will be conducted presenting some collage works that challenge the meaning of preservation and envision some radical ways to re-use and re-signify a ruin.
The research challenged the topic of the hotels energy refurbishment as a flywheel for the upgrade of the building stock in the Mediterranean countries, focusing on the regions of Veneto (Italy) and Central Macedonia (Greece). Various stages of the communication of the re-development project addressed to professionals, owners, investors and companies, developing the tool aiming to enhance the efficiency of the stakeholders to operate within the Smart City.
The medium-term goal was to provide an efficient and dynamic tool to evaluate and program the energy efficiency of a building and, at the same time, to draw some guidelines of intervention encouraging hoteliers to decide for the refurbishment or not. The longterm objective was to stimulate the construction sector introducing innovative and smart technologies to facilitate the refurbishment process.
The hotels energy refurbishment topic was the pretext to widen the interest towards the crucial role of architectural design of touristic facilities in the Mediterranean region. The project studied new touristic models to face the actual climatic and energetic crisis.
This has been considered a fundamental approach to preserve and valorise local environments and landscapes, since they are the main resources of Mediterranean countries. The thematic have been challenged within the international workshop “Tourism Landscape. The Re-use of the Abandoned Xenia Hotel in Tsagarada, Pelion”, held in Volos in 2021.
Angelo Bertolazzi trained at the Department DAUR (University of Padova) and the Department DA (University of Bologna), at Ecole Doctorale Villes Transportes et Territoires (Université Paris-Est), where he achieved his PhD in Architecture and Engineering (2013), and at Départment GSA (ENSA-Paris Malaquais). He is Assistant Professor at the Department DICEA (University of Padova).
Fabiano Micocci graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Roma Tre in 2002 where he also specialized in History of the Design Process (2003). He obtained his PhD degree in Architecture and Urban Design from the University of Florence (2010). ?e is Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture (University of Thessaly, Greece), where he also teaches at the Postgraduate Program Reuse of Buildings and Complexes.