Recent papers in Caucasus
The book is devoted to the analysis of ethno-linguistic and socio-cultural foundations of the identity of Dagestanis. The author discribres particularities of ethno-linguistic situation in the Mountainous and Lowland districts of... more
Цель статьи — освещение сведений по истории Дагестана в VI–IX вв. на основе перевода, интерпретации и сопоставления выдержек из сочинений Абу Касима ибн Хордадбеха и Ахмада ибн Вадиха ал-Йа'куби, относящихся к истории народов Кавказа
According to William Zartman “Borders run across land but through people. On maps they appear as fine one-dimensional lines, whereas on the ground they have many dimensions. Borders are boundaries in depth, space around a line, place... more
On Thursday 1, Friday 2, and Saturday 3 December 2022, the University of Bergamo, will host the annual conference of the Italian Association for the study of Central Asia and the Caucasus (Asiac). Please find attached the Call for Papers... more
Монография посвящена анализу ключевых административно-территориальных преобразований на Северном Кавказе второй половины XIX–XX вв., предопределивших современное состояние организации власти и границ региона. В ней рассматриваются... more
Bu çalışma, "Ardahan Kale ve Kuleleri" adlı kitabın bölümlerinden biridir. Bu kitap içi bölümde, Ardahan'ın Eskiçağ'dan Türk fetihlerine kadar tarihçesi üzerinde durulmuş ve şehrin isminin kökenine ilişkin bir başlığa yer verilmiştir.... more
After the 1917 February Revolution, main expectations of the societies both in Russia and Georgia were related to the Constituent Assembly which, apart from the future form of the state, was to solve the truce, land and national issues.... more
This book presents a neoclassical realist model for explaining foreign policy-unpacking how and why geopolitics, global factors and domestic politics combine in decisions on war and peace. The authors apply the model to the actions of... more
Несколько тривиальных слов от исследователя, автора этих строк. Целеполагание является одной из характеристик научного познания, что наряду с верификацией делает историю наукой. четкое определение параметров исследуемого объекта позволяет... more
del 1991 è stato spesso sottovalutato in Russia. La tesi uffi ciale di Mosca è anzi che "in Ucraina sia in atto una sistematica operazione antirussa, iniziata con "rivoluzione arancione" del 2004, ripresa con la rivolta di Maidan del... more
Richard Cashman, "The Turkish Key to Greater Central Asia", A New Middle East and the Frontiers of a New Geostrategic Imagination, Caucasus International, Vol. 3 • No: 1-2 • Spring - Summer 2013,... more
Last checklist of Diving Beetles of Georgia was published in 1953 by F. Zaitzev and included 80 species; since then taxonomic changes occurred and some new species were registered and described. For this reason, it was necessary to update... more
Review of the genus Nalassus Mulsant, 1854 fauna of Daghestan with geographic distribution and ecology of each species is give. There are 4 species are distribute in Daghestan. Nalassus (Caucasonotus) avaricus sp. n. is a – new species... more
Распад единого грузинского государства в 1460-х гг. не мог не сказаться на ослаблении влияния Грузии в соседних с ней странах и, в частности, позиций христианства в горной Аварии. Именно с этим связывается явное усиление во второй... more
The Azerbaijani military portal recently published information about Baku acquiring French ASTER 30-SAMP/T and VL MICA air-defense missile systems. A representative of the company producing these missile... more
The Kartvelologist #24 /
ქართველოლოგი #24
ქართველოლოგი #24 The presented edition of Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani's "Book of Wisdom and Lies" is a reprint of... more
By understanding demographic trends from more than a century ago, it’s possible to obtain a more nuanced view of the complexities of the current crises in Ukraine and Nagorno-Karabakh.
Michail Lermontov (1814-1841) ist weltweit als russisches poetisches Genie und Romantiker. In diesem Artikel präsentiere und analysiere ich die Figur des Heldens in seinem aller berühmtesten Roman "EIn Held unserer Zeit".Die analytische... more
The article deals with the patronage network of the first Caucasian Viceroy Michael Vorontsov. The research is based on the patronizing letters of the Viceroy to the Director of the Caucasian Committee Vladimir Butkov, as well as on the... more
Öz XVIII. Yüzyılın başlarına kadar güney ve kuzey Kafkasya, Osmanlı, İran ve Rusya'nın şiddetli bir şekilde rekabet ettiği bir bölge olmuştur. Bölgenin zengin servetlerini ele geçirmekte kararlı olan Rusya, Prut mağlubiyeti sonrasında tüm... more
Zviad Koridze, "Georgian Media and Georgian Facebook", Social Media in Politics and Foreign Policy: Can it Transform Eurasia?, Caucasus International, Vol. 1 • No: 2 • Autumn 2011,... more
A review of an important English translation of the History of the seventh century Armenian historian Sebēos.
man eine Reise in ein neues, unbekanntes Land antritt, versucht man, sich in Gedanken ein möglichst realistisches Bild von dem was einen erwartet, auszumalen. Dabei wird dieses Puzzlebild umso vollständiger und schärfer, je reicher die... more
Fariz Ismailzade, "Overcoming threats to stability in Azerbaijan", The Caucasus in the International Arena: Regional & Global Perspectives, Caucasus International, Vol. 1 • No: 1 • Summer 2011,... more
Komeli Kakachia, "Shifting gears: Georgia’s Persian gambit and the logic of regional geopolitics", The Caucasus and its Neighbors: Towards the Future, Caucasus International, Vol. 2 • No: 1 • Spring 2012,... more
This article examines recent developments in Chechnya with a particular focus on its leader, Ramzan Kadyrov, whose influence has long surpassed the borders of the republic and whose further provocative behaviour and uncontrolled actions... more
במאמר זה מוצג מחקר הבוחן את תפיסותיהם של יהודים עולים מצפון הקווקז ומזרחו (היהודים ההרריים) בנוגע למקומם ומעמדם בחברה הישראלית. עלייה ותהליכי השתלבות של עולים במדינה חדשה מלווים בקשיים הנובעים מהבדלי תרבות ומנטליות. מצב זה יכול להביא... more
We had two tasks in the course of the analysis of the latest Hajdúböszörmény situla
that had been released from impoundment in the autumn of 2015.
that had been released from impoundment in the autumn of 2015.
Bu çalışma, Rusya'nın Güney Kafkasya ile ilgili hedeflerini sağlama çerçevesinde bir uluslar arası hukuk kurumu olan UCM 2 'yi nasıl kullanmak istediğini incelemektedir. Bu çerçevede self-determinasyon ile ilgili mevcut uluslararası hukuk... more
Relations between Armenia and Russia within the scope of Shelter Theory
Najiba Mustafayeva, "The UN Security Council and the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict", 25 Years of Independence in the South Caucasus, Caucasus International, Vol. 7 • No: 1 • Summer 2017,... more
The Article provides an overview of the historiography of the description of Dagestan carpet-weaving as a component of the domestic economy, material culture and aesthetic consciousness, as well as some ornamental and compositional and... more
The classification suggested by the author is based on 735 items, for 120 of wich the absolute date is knows. Is classification is an open one, and the inclusion of any new type of figurine woud not disrupt it. The suggested scheme does... more
Gulmira Rzayeva," A complicated Corridor: Gas to Europe - It's not just economics", The Caspian Energy Dance: Towards a New Age of Partnership?, Caucasus International, Vol. 2 • No: 2 • Summer 2012,... more
Статья посвящена введению в научный оборот нового источника по истории Дагестана и Чечни XVII-XVIII вв., которое условно можно назвать продолжение «Тарих Аргвани». Вместе с тем, в данном источнике описываются и события, не имевшие прямого... more
This book explores the causes and dynamics of ethnic conflict and civil war, distinguishing between onset-based and process-based theories. He introduces a scheme of periodization which links the phase of low-scale inter-ethnic violence... more