Recent papers in Peacebuilding
Scholars increasingly investigate how the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) is contested and negotiated in practice. Yet little knowledge exists on the politics African regional interventions provoke in the societies affected... more
In the past twenty years, democratic participation through activism and civil disobedience has been increasingly expanded with the evolution of information and communication technology. It is assumed that the role of traditional media is... more
Regardless of its military might, the current availability of powerful, easily-concealed weapons makes it difficult for any nation to ensure peace at home or abroad. Moreover, there is growing concern that fear-based strategies of defense... more
This article examines the emergence of counterinsurgency doctrine in Coalition interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq. While counterinsurgency is complimentary to the tenets forwarded by its classical military predecessors in several... more
Peacebuilding presents a formidable challenge to anthropology, because it “enframes” our contemporary world in particular ways. In our introduction to the special section on peacebuilding and anthropology we highlight the changing... more
In this article, I describe some of my research on caring, helping, active bystandership, and the origins of genocide and collective violence, as a background to interventions in real-world settings aimed to create positive change. They... more
Informe de la Fundación Ideas para la Paz. "Desde su constitución como centro de pensamiento independiente en 1999, la Fundación Ideas para la Paz (FIP) ha tenido como uno de sus principales objetivos contribuir de manera eficaz a la... more
Transitional justice is a major concept in promoting peace and reconciliation between conflicting parties. It is usually associated with formal judicial processes such as criminal justice, rule-of law reform and paying reparations. This... more
Conflict Analysis is an important aspect of peace-building and the nitty-gritty involved which can simply be defined as a dynamic process to measure or access an ongoing conflict be it local, national or global. One of the importance of... more
The paper will focus on Imagine, one of the most famous songs written by John Lennon used to communicate to people the support for an anti-war campaign movement. The writer will discuss the song lyrics and try to show how Lennon perfectly... more
This study examines the role of political factors in attitudes toward World War II in contemporary Ukraine. The question under examination is which factors determine public views of the principal warring sides and their leaders in... more
Ce travail est né d’un constat général sur l’actualité de la résolution des conflits armés en Afrique et tout singulièrement en RCA. Si autrefois, l’option militaire était privilégiée comme solution de règlement du conflit, la perspective... more
The European Union (EU) has closely correlated different aspects of the peace process in Bosnia with progress towards European accession. The ‘power of attraction’ of EU membership would presumably induce the Bosnian authorities to accept... more
People abused by angry discipline as children, may tend to abuse or overly punish other people or themselves for perceived wrongs in their adult life. In some individuals, aggressive personality traits may be genetically inherited. The... more
Yep, fuck it. Neoliberalism sucks. We don't need it.
Emerging with increased intensity since the 1990s, peace-building and reconstruction of post-conflict and war-torn societies have become central to today's international relations and assistance agendas. When we are talking about... more
Silahlı çatışmaların ekonomi üzerindeki negatif etkisi ve barış, güvenlik ve ekonomik gelişme arasındaki pozitif ve doğrudan ilişki çatışma çözümü alanının artan oranda ilgi duyduğu konulardan biri haline geldi. Alanda artan farkındalıkla... more
This course is designed to develop: (1) An understanding of the potential risks, dangers, challenges and constraints involved in working in war and post-war contexts; (2) The ability to devise resourceful, ethical, and appropriate... more
SNMPE: "Es gibt keine Strategie, um illegalen Bergbau zu formalisieren oder auszurotten" - Der IWF schlägt eine Erhöhung der Bergbausteuer vor. - Der Botschafter der physisch lebendigen Erde weiss um eine andere Lösung. 04.12.2021... more
Most of the critical peace literature has put 'a local turn' as an important aspect of a paradigm shift in liberal peacebuilding, both in academic and practice-oriented terms. Although most of the made criticism is valid, it is still... more
Securitizing Youth offers new insights on young people’s engagement in a wide range of contexts related to the peace and security field. It presents empirical findings on the challenges and opportunities faced by young women and men in... more
The Oskar Schindler Humanities Foundation established The Irving and Jeanne Glovin Award in 2003, to foster research into the meaning and underlying principles for “good human conduct.” The Foundation is interested in stimulating... more
Despite the fact that it is not the only country facing critical social problems related to inequalities, Colombia is also the only one in Latin America facing an internal armed conflict that has lasted over 50 years. Extremely... more
All education regulated by nation-states is, in one sense, education for (some kind of) peace. In the liberal “social contract” tradition, the purpose of any government is to protect citizens from violence, as a prerequisite for their... more
El gobierno colombiano y el grupo guerrillero de las FARC—EP (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia—Ejército del Pueblo), después de más medio siglo de conflicto en el país, llegaron a un acuerdo de paz en 2016. El Acuerdo de Paz de... more
Este artículo analiza cómo el patrimonio cultural inmaterial puede contribuir a los procesos de construcción de paz durante periodos posteriores a la firma de acuerdos de paz. Asimismo pretende enriquecer el debate alrededor del proceso... more
The United Nations (UN) peacebuilding strategy often establishes a nexus between security, democracy and development. This strategy states that sustainable peace could be achieved whenever institutional reforms towards democratization and... more
This article examines the positionality of local stakeholders in the production of knowledge through fieldwork in qualitative research in Northern Uganda. While scholarly literature has evolved on the positionality and experiences of... more
Evaluation completed for Finland's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for their funding of The Network of Religious and Traditional Peacemakers (through FinnChurchAid) 30 March 2018. Multiple Appendices available upon request.
The Nordic countries have long been renowned for their contribution to international peace and security. This contribution – occasionally viewed by both Nordic and non-Nordic policy-makers and academics as a particular model for... more
The Syrian civil war has seen the weaponization of its land and property rights system by the primary combatant groups in the country. The government is the most robust in its use of the tenure system to locate, target, destroy,... more
A research paper on the implementation of peace in former Yugoslavia from a theoretical point of view.
International peacebuilding is usually discussed as liberal peacebuilding. Indeed, the implementation of liberal-democratic norms and institutions constitutes a core element of mainstream peacebuilding as practiced since 1990. Yet... more
¿Se puede hablar de una política de paz? En el caso de Colombia, el objetivo del gobierno Santos de negociar con la guerrilla de las farc y llegar a un acuerdo de paz ha sido, de hecho, el principal objetivo desde que asumió el poder.... more
Fortunately, there is a science-based approach that can protect Pakistan from both internal and external threats. It is appropriately termed, Invincible Defence Technology (IDT), because it assures invincibility, peace and even economic... more
The message of peace and nonviolence was believed in the early church until the claim of Constantine's vision was endorsed by Eusebius and Lactantius. Scriptures and quotes from early church writers are reviewed, and thought questions... more