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The paper (Foucault Studies, 25 [see link to site*]) builds upon a growing body of critical research on the proliferating use of bibliometrics as a means to evaluate academic research, but brings to it a specifically Foucauldian,... more
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      BibliometricsBiometricsMichel FoucaultFoucault and education
Da Pirrone a Rorty, passando per Socrate, Carneade, Cicerone, Giovanni di Salisbury, Guicciardini, Montaigne, Sorbière, Pascal, Bayle, Hume, Nietzsche, Russell, Rensi, Oakeshott e Popper: il volume offre per la prima volta un quadro... more
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      ScepticismPhilosophical ScepticismHistory Of Political Thought (Political Science)History of Political Thought
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      Religious TolerationPolitical TolerancePierre BayleTolerance, politics, Pierre Bayle.
A collection of fifty essays on Descartes and his influence in the seventeenth century. The first section is devoted to various aspects of Descartes’s philosophy (biography, epistemology, metaphysics, natural philosophy (science),... more
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      Intellectual HistoryPhysiologyMetaphysics17th Century & Early Modern Philosophy
We often judge past moral philosophers in terms of our present normative theories and moral categories. This essay traces a different type of moral philosophy-common throughout the seventeenth century-that stressed philosophical sects,... more
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      Baruch SpinozaHistory of Moral PhilosophySpinozaPierre Bayle
Write an essay on Pierre Bayle and his influence on Western philosophy
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    • Pierre Bayle
In this paper the author presents and philosophically analyses how, respectively, Spinoza in the TTP, Bayle in the Commentaire philosophique, and Locke in the Epistola de tolerantia and other texts, conceive of the possible metaphysical... more
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      ReligionPhilosophy Of Religion17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyLocke
Examining the birth and development of early modern atheism from Spinoza’s Tractatus theologico-politicus (1670) to d’Holbach’s Système de la nature (1770), this study considers Spinoza, Hobbes, Cudworth, Bayle, Meslier, Boulainviller, Du... more
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyHistory of AtheismBaruch SpinozaDavid Hume
Capitolo II

Giulio Cesare Vanini e il libertinismo francese del Seicento. L' emancipazione della trascendenza come impegno per il sovvertimento sociale e politico.
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Introduction to a section comprising seventeen articles on skepticism in the modern world. Attention is given to historical and cultural background that shaped, and was shaped by, skepticism, including globalization, the Reformation, and... more
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      EpistemologyHegelFriedrich NietzscheWittgenstein
Leibniz’s claim that this is the best of all possible worlds has been subject to numerous criticisms, both from his contemporaries and ours. In this paper I investigate a cluster of such criticisms based on the existence, abundance or... more
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      Intellectual History17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyPhilosophical TheologyTheodicy
In Das Kapital lesen schreibt Althusser, dass "die Philosophie Spinozas eine theoretische Revolution anstößt, die in der Geschichte der Philosophie keine Vorläufer hat und wahrscheinlich die größte philosophische Revolution aller Zeiten... more
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      MarxismHegelJohann Wolfgang von GoetheJohann Gottlieb Fichte
Nell’autunno del 1825 Leopardi scrive il Frammento apocrifo di Stratone da Lampsaco, testo che avrebbe visto la luce solo con l’edizione postuma delle Opere (Firenze, Le Monnier, 1845). Composto a circa un anno dal Cantico del Gallo... more
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      Giacomo LeopardiPierre BayleEpicuroTeofrasto
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      History of AtheismPierre BayleHistory of early modern scepticism
Between 1466 and 1467 about twenty men and women from Poli (in Lazio) and Maiolati (Marche) were tried with the accusation of adhering to the heresy of the fraticelli. The examination repeatedly insisted on the “barilotto” (keg)... more
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      Papacy (Medieval Church History)Franciscan StudiesHeresyHeresy and Inquisition
Voltaire, Candide Italian edition with commentary This is one more edition of Voltaire's "Candide" , meant to highlight the wealth of philosophical and theological discussions hidden behind the apparently innocent veil of the most... more
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      French LiteratureMetaphysicsEthicsFrench History
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      Gilbert SimondonGilles DeleuzeIndividuationEtienne Gilson
Far from being a product of Locke's philosophical genius, the theory of the divine superaddition of thought to matter is rooted in the discussions about Descartes' conception of the soul as res cogitans which took place in France and in... more
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyMaterialismLockeEarly Modern Intellectual History
plus ou moins élaborée. C'est le cas de La Mothe le Vayer, qui écrit «à l'imitation des anciens»; de Huet, qui insère dans son Traité philosophique de la faiblesse de l'esprit humain une esquisse d'histoire du scepticisme; de Simon... more
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      Philosophical ScepticismPierre BayleHistory of early modern scepticism
Lettere, in gran parte inedite, di Timpanaro a Girolamo De Liguori, sul materialismo sette-ottocentesco, sul materialismo antico, sullo Stratone leopardiano, su Spinoza e Bayle, su Rensi, Gramsci, Croce, Gentile, Garin e altri studiosi.... more
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      Benedict de SpinozaGramsciGiacomo LeopardiBaruch Spinoza
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyIntellectual History of EnlightenmentRené DescartesThomas Hobbes
A chapter from Pierre Bayle's Commentaire Philosophique (1686), namely chapter 10 of part II, in Oeuvres diverses, 4 voll., La Haye, Compagnie des Libraires, 1737, vol. II, pp. 436-442.
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      Philosophical ScepticismReligious HistoryReligious TolerationPierre Bayle
The study traces the development of the notion of luxury in religious discourse and the literature of ideas from the late sixteenth to the mid-eighteenth century. The topic is considered against a background of general movements in... more
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      Political EconomyFrench StudiesRousseauMontaigne
Un volume collettaneo dedicato alle interpretazioni del pensiero spinoziano tra XVII e XVIII secolo.
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyHistory of IdeasGiambattista Vico18th Century Philosophy
Although its origins stem from theological debates, the general will would ultimately become one of the most celebrated and denigrated concepts emerging from early modern political thought. Jean-Jacques Rousseau would make it the central... more
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      Intellectual HistoryPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEthics
Título: Descartes y Malebranche sobre el problema del mal: una vía intermedia entre Bayle y Leibniz.
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyTheodicyRené DescartesRené Descartes (in Philosophy/History Of Philosophy/17th Century Early Modern Philosophy)
Pierre Bayle, historien de la philosophie : un sondage * Élu à un poste de professeur à l'académie de Sedan en 1675, Bayle y est chargé d'un cours de philosophie, qu'il rédige péniblement au fur et à mesure pendant les premiers mois de sa... more
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    • Pierre Bayle
Eighteenth-century Epicureanism is often viewed as radical, anti-religious, and politically dangerous. But to what extent does this simplify the ancient philosophy and underestimate its significance to the Enlightenment? Through a... more
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      Intellectual HistoryHistory of IdeasPlatoEnlightenment
La conception malebranchiste de la liberté est originale. Malebranche ne croit pas en une liberté d’indifférence absolue, c'est-à-dire en une capacité d’opérer un choix indépendamment de toute motivation. Il ne croit pas non plus que nous... more
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      Free WillMalebranchePierre Bayle
Review Article: Anton M. Matytsin, The Specter of Skepticism in the Age of Enlightenment. Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University Press, 2016. Pp. 362; Let There Be Enlightenment: The Religious and Mystical Sources of Rationality, ed.... more
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      European EnlightenmentSkepticismEarly Modern PhilosophyPierre Bayle
This paper discusses the canonical contemporary reading of modern skepticism. Such reading, when associated with the Cartesian «paradigm of certainty», reduces the problem to an epistemological obstacle. However, this traditional... more
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      SkepticismPierre BayleSexto Empírico
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyHistory of ScienceBaruch SpinozaPierre Gassendi
La diffusion ou la divulgation de ce document et de son contenu via Internet ou tout autre moyen de communication ne sont pas autorisées hormis dans un cadre privé. © 2017. Classiques Garnier, Paris. Reproduction et traduction, même... more
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyEarly Modern HistoryEnlightenmentEarly Modern Europe
It is usually acknowledged that the core contribution of the Enlightenment is pri-marily twofold: the first being the introduction of reason and science as judgmental principles, and the second being the belief in the future progress of... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyIntellectual History of EnlightenmentPhilosophical skepticismEuropean Enlightenment
This is a draft of a chapter I have been commissioned to write for the Cambridge History of the Papacy on the Myth of Pope Joan. The final chapter is due at the end of the summer. The version uploaded here still has some rough edges, and... more
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      Gender StudiesReformation HistoryReformation StudiesHistory of Scholarship
The ancient Greek philosophy of Pyrrhonian skepticism spread across a wide spectrum of disciplines in the 1600s, casting a shadow over the European learned world. The early modern skeptics expressed doubt concerning the existence of an... more
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      Intellectual HistoryEarly Modern HistoryEnlightenmentEarly Modern Europe
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      AtheismEnlightenmentHistory of AtheismJohn Locke
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      HistoriographyEnlightenmentIntellectual History of EnlightenmentHistory of Historiography
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      Pierre Bayletolérance religieuse
Scholarship continues to identify the Enlightenment with secularization, despite the theological tenor of much of the movement's canonical literature. This article proposes an explanation for such a dissonance, before addressing the... more
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      Radical ReformationEnlightenmentSecularizationBaruch Spinoza
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      Thomas HobbesBaruch SpinozaGiordano BrunoHistorical Jesus
sono riservati. Nessuna parte di questa pubblicazione può essere fotocopiata, riprodotta, archiviata, memorizzata o trasmessa in qualsiasi forma o mezzoelettronico, meccanico, reprografico, digitale -se non nei termini previsti dalla... more
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      Thomas HobbesDavid HumeMontesquieuVoltaire
According to most scholars, the Enlightenment was a rational awakening, a radical break from a past dominated by religion and superstition. But in Let There Be Enlightenment, Anton M. Matytsin, Dan Edelstein, and the contributors they... more
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      History of ReligionEnlightenmentIntellectual History of EnlightenmentBaruch Spinoza
Dans plusieurs fables sur l'astrologie, La Fontaine récuse l'idée de destin et esquisse une cosmologie fondée sur le hasard. Or, il s'agit moins d'une position directement métaphysique que de l'effet d'un questionnement rhétorique et... more
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      RhetoricHermeneuticsHerméneutiquePierre Bayle
In the Huguenot refugee community in The Netherlands, known as a hotbed of the early Enlightenment, literary interest in Judaism was ubiquitous, yet actual Dutch Jews were relegated to a marginal position in the exchange of ideas. It is... more
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      Jewish - Christian RelationsEarly Modern Intellectual HistoryRepublic of Letters (Early Modern History)Early Modern Jewish History
SUMARIO ARTÍCULOS R. SALLES Condicionales, tautología y analiticidad en la lógica estoica J. C. LAURSEN Pierre Bayle: el pirronismo contra la razón en el Commentaire philosophique F. BAHR Los escépticos modernos y la génesis del... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy Of Language
The Atelier Montaigne presents Isabelle Moreau (IHRIM/ENS Lyon), La Paresse en héritage : Montaigne, Pascal, Bayle (Champion, 2019). Videoconference and roundtable with Emily Butterworth (King's College London) and Emiliano Ferrari (Lyon... more
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      French Literature17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
Según afirma Hugh Trevor Roper, ningún proceso de persecución política puede ser llevado a cabo sin la connivencia explícita, o al menos la omisión, de quienes conforman una sociedad humana. Retomando esa afirmación, y aplicándola a las... more
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      Political Philosophy17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyEarly Modern HistoryHistory Of Modern Philosophy
This paper traces the history of the philosophical and political justification of religious tolerance from the late 17th century to modern times. In the Anglo-Saxon world, John Locke’s Letter Concerning Toleration (1689) gave birth to the... more
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      EnlightenmentJohn LockeReligious TolerationVoltaire
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      HistoryHistory of ChristianityGalileo GalileiThomas Aquinas