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Our research is thus into the history of culture and not literary history; or rather it is into literary history as a part or an aspect of a broader history of culture.1
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      HistoryHistory of Literature
Introduction Given the international interest, debate and controversy on questions of the subaltern classes and of relationships of hegemony, it has been thought useful to present here a number of sections (conventionally called... more
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IT IS instructive for any literary student, but especially for a contributor to a new scholarly journal, to browse in the early numbers of those journals that started a generation ago-to read Ronald Crane's ruthless dissections, in the... more
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      HistoryLiterary studies
E. Sarfati, Six leçons sur le sens commun. Esquisse d'une théorie du discours, éd. l'Harmattan, coll. « Du sens », Paris, 2022, 193 p. Résumé.-L'ouvrage de Georges-Elia Sarfati Six leçons de sens commun, publié aux éditions l'Harmattan,... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPhilosophy and the critique of 'common sense'Philosophie du langage
The topics of language and subaltern social groups appear throughout Antonio Gramsci's Prison Notebooks. Although Gramsci often associates the problem of political fragmentation among subaltern groups with issues concerning language... more
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go thanks for their willingness to listen, interrogate and give an opinion about feminism, life and literature. Finally, for all the day-today enthusiastic support at Oxford, for the laughter and the wit, for his interest, and for turning... more
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    • Sociology
Despite the fact that North Jakarta has been prompted as the new frontier of development with megaprojects, artificial islands, and large-scale infrastructures, little attention is paid to the development of small islands in Kepulauan... more
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      PhysicsIOP conference series-MSE
IT IS instructive for any literary student, but especially for a contributor to a new scholarly journal, to browse in the early numbers of those journals that started a generation ago-to read Ronald Crane's ruthless dissections, in the... more
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      HistoryLiterary studiesEnglish Literature and Film Studies
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      HistoryPhilosophyJudgment and decision makingRomance Languages and Literatures
Tristram Shandy deconstructs the conventions of the emerging modern novel almost as fast as its conventions were minted on the page by other 18th century writers. In consequence, readers of this early novel could not just consume the... more
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Drawing on Antonio Gramsci's concepts of hegemony and prestige, the paper explores the relationship between language and power. It looks at how education plays a pivotal role in creating civic consciousness in the masses, promoting... more
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    • Languages
Gramsci in the World, Roberto M. Dainotto and Fredric Jameson Eds.Duke University Press, pp. 113-139.

Paper ISBN: 978-1-4780-0849-1 / Cloth ISBN: 978-1-4780-0799-9
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      GramsciAntonio GramsciSubaltern StudiesDalit studies
Building on recent ground-breaking scholarship on the role of translation in Gramsci’s biography and theory (Carlucci, 2013; Sen, 2003), this paper presents an analysis of selected fragments from the “Prison Notebooks” in their Polish... more
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      Translation and IdeologyLanguage and PowerLanguage and IdeologyIdeology
Im Rahmen der Forschungsplattform "Judgment" fand die interdisziplinäre Fachtagung statt. Die an internationalen Universitäten und Forschungseinrichtungen verankerten Wissenschaftler/innen beleuchteten den Begriff des Urteilens, Praktiken... more
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyEarly Modern HistoryJudgment and decision makingJudgment
Article paru dans la Revue de métaphysique et de morale, N°3, septembre 2017. Abstract : Dans la philosophie la plus contemporaine, essentiellement dominée par la revendication de « réalisme », « l’idéaliste » apparaît, en de multiples... more
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      IdealismImmanuel KantBerkeleyLeibniz
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      AnthropologyPolitical TheoryPoliticsGramsci
The whole issue can be downloaded at Table of Contents: Special Issue: Gramsci and Anthropology: A “Round Trip” edited by Sabrina Tosi Cambini and Fabio Frosini Editorial - Derek Boothman 1... more
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      Cultural StudiesFolkloreSocial and Cultural AnthropologyGramsci
While Gramscian concepts continue to find purchase across a kaleidoscope of intellectual disciplines, the historical-theoretical laboratory of the Sardinian’s 'Prison Notebooks' remains an under-explored resource through which to... more
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      Critical TheoryGramsciAntonio GramsciSubjectivity
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      Social TheoryAntonio GramsciPoverty and Inequality
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      Immanuel KantDavid HumePhilosophieErkenntnistheorie
Moses Mendelssohn wurde immer wieder der Inkonsistenz, ja der Heu-chelei bezichtigt. Auf dem Gebiet der theoretischen Philosophie zeigt sich seine angebliche Inkonsequenz darin, dass er einerseits Anhänger der Leibniz-Wolffischen... more
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      Moses MendelssohnPhilosophy of the Enlightenment
Resumen: Aristóteles argumenta a favor del principio de contradicción, tomando como base la tesis enunciada en Met. Γ 4, 1006a 29-30. El problema es la dificultad de intelección y traducción de esa frase. En este trabajo, se analizan las... more
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      MetaphysicsAristotleAncient PhilosophyAristóteles
In: Johann Nicolas Tetens (1736-1807). Philosophie in der Tradition des europäischen Empirismus, edited by G. Stiening and U. Thiel, Berlin / Boston, De Gruyter, 2014, p. 169-179.
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      Social TheoryMarxismGramsciAntonio Gramsci
One of the curious consequences of the application common sense to philosophy is that we end up with something apart from the thing we say whenever we say something. It seems that “common sense” is a formula for instantiating something... more
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      Jacques DerridaBertrand RussellAncient Greek PhilosophyDavid Armstrong
Es gibt unzählige wissenschaftliche und philosophische Anthropologien zwischen Materialismus und Idealismus. Fast alle liefern triftige - monistische – Einsichten in Aspekte des Menschseins. Dialektische Anthropologie besteht darauf, dass... more
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      AnthropologyPhilosophyPhilosophy of MindAdult Education
How do philosophical accusations of talking nonsense relate to the layperson’s notions of meaning and meaningfulness?  If one were to explain carefully what philosophical nonsense was supposed to be, would one be greeted with... more
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      PsychoanalysisMetaphysicsPhilosophy Of LanguageAnalytic Philosophy
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      PsychoanalysisPolitical TheoryEighteenth-Century literatureEighteenth Century History
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Peter Forsskål (1732-1763) dürfte eines der interessantesten Gestalten der nordischen Aufklärung überhaupt sein. Heute erinnert man ihn vor allem als einen begabten Jünger des Botanikers Linnaeus, der während einer Forschungsreise nach... more
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    • Philosophy of the Enlightenment
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      English LiteratureLaurence SterneTristram Shandy
Fundamental problems remain with evidence-based management. We argue that, rather than being addressed, these problems are treated as digressions. One explanation for this is an ongoing incoherence: the evidence-based approach relegates... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural PolicyCommunication and media Studies
This paper explores the problems that derive from the misuse of the conceptual tool of Abstract words. It explores the error that results from applying rigid oppositional logic as the only means to understand Abstract terms. The article... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorConceptual ModellingAristotelian LogicGeneral Semantics
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    • Gramscian Studies
Every tool builds a conceptual box. This cognitive box means a situation within which the tool is useful. Outside of that context, that particular conceptual box, the tool ignores everything else. Thus, it is useless in its ability to... more
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      PragmatismCreativityPragmaticsCreative Problem Solving
An Analysis of the concepts of True and Real going beyond the common sense logic of Aristotle. Showing how our common sense gets confused by the dualism of the logic of Aristotle and the need to use a Non-Aristotelian logic system first... more
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      PragmatismAristotleCritical RealismFuzzy Logic
Britain in the 'long eighteenth century', after the trauma of civil war and under the influence of Enlightenment philosophy, was a breeding ground for discourses of common sense. These centred on the idea of an intuitive, pragmatic human... more
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      EmpiricismEighteenth-Century literatureEnlightenmentBritish Eighteenth-Century Literature and Culture
This essay argues that both Jonathan Swift's corrosive narrative satire A Tale of a Tub (1704) and Laurence Sterne's exuberantly experimental novel Tristram Shandy (1759-67) stage a play-off between common sense and self-reflexivity -... more
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      EmpiricismEighteenth-Century literatureThe NovelBritish Eighteenth-Century Literature and Culture
The idea of this Einladungsschrift was well expressed by the philosopher of religion Paul Deussen (also a friend of Nietzsche): «ähnlich wie schon Platon im Phaedrus Bedenken dagegen äussert, fertige Resultate mitzuteilen, und... more
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    • Immanuel Kant
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      Translation StudiesMarxismTranslation and IdeologyAntonio Gramsci
Abstract: Peirce calls philosophy “Cenoscopy”, that is, a view of the general. By that, he means that its aim is to provide a general view of the positive facts of human life and experience. Thus, cenoscopy begins its inquiries... more
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      PragmatismPeirceCharles S. PeirceCharles Sanders Peirce
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      EnlightenmentIntellectual History of EnlightenmentCommon Sense PhilosophyPhilosophy and the critique of 'common sense'
ABSTRACT:  The term bodyscape encourages thinking about representation of bodies at multiple scales—from different bodies as they move through space to the microlandscape of individual bodily differences. A hegemonic bodyscape's... more
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      ArchaeologyPaleoanthropologySex and GenderFeminist Theory
Th e topics of language and subaltern social groups appear throughout Antonio Gramsci's Prison Notebooks. Although Gramsci often associates the problem of political fragmentation among subaltern groups with issues concerning language and... more
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      MarxismSubalternity, Subaltern AgencyGramsciAntonio Gramsci
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      LogicAristotleRealism (Philosophy)Epistemic Logic
The starting point of every kind of knowledge is our immediate experience or common sense. This experience is the minimum knowledge of reality which everyone acquires. Aristotle considers it to be a dark and evident knowledge about... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindTacit KnowledgeAristotle