Papers by regina suryadjaja
Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, May 19, 2022
This paper illustrates how the extraction of land value into volumetric spaces (subterranean spac... more This paper illustrates how the extraction of land value into volumetric spaces (subterranean spaces, elevated infrastructures and high-rise buildings) is rendered possible through accumulation strategies embedded in spatial planning in Jakarta. In doing so, it carefully delves into the shift in Floor-Area Uplift (FAU) compensation policy and its relationship with the expansion of mass transportation system development. We analysed urban planning and high-rise building policy documents from 1975-2017 and modelled the allowable FAU based on those policies. We illustrate, first, the transformation of FAU discourse in urban policies and how its operability is facilitated in discretionary planning regimes. This paper then demonstrates the planning gain delivery and consequences produced through FAU compensation policy. We argued how volumetric urbanism in Jakarta had been produced and sustained through entrepreneurial motives. It continues to segregate the city both in local and urban contexts despite its positivist development goals.
Skripsi S 1 Planologi, Jun 8, 2010
Tulisan ini berupa hasil penelitian dan penulis mencoba untuk melihat penerapan green development... more Tulisan ini berupa hasil penelitian dan penulis mencoba untuk melihat penerapan green development pada satu kawasan, dimana studi kasus yang diambil adalah Rasuna Epicentrum yang dikarenakan kawasan ini adalah satu-satunya kawasan yang mendeklarasikan kawasan dengan konsep “Bakrie goes green”. Adapun maksud dari penulisan ini adalah untuk melihat seberapa jauh penerapan ‘green’ yang dilakukan. Green development memiliki lingkup pada bidang manajemen, transportasi, penggunaan energi, polusi, penggunaan lahan, ekologi, pemilihan material, air, dan kesehatan & keberlanjutan. Namun pada penelitian ini hanya dilihat pada lingkup penggunaan lahan, transportasi, sumber daya alam, efisiensi energi, dan dampak sosial dari pembangunan green development. Diharapkan tulisan ini dapat memberi gambaran mengenai bagaimana menguji statement tersebut dengan meneliti kondisi lapangan dan kemungkinan keadaan kondisi tersebut di masa yang akan datang. Adapun cara penelitian yang dilakukan adalah dengan menghitung penggunaan air, jumlah air yang dapat digunakan kembali, perhitungan kendaraan yang ada di kawasan, kualitas sirkulasi kendaraan dan orang di kawasan, kadar polusi yang timbul dalam kawasan, serta jenis tanaman yang dapat digunakan untuk mereduksi polusi. Diharapkan tulisan ini dapat memberikan inspirasi bagi para stakeholders (pemerintah, pelaku bisnis dan masyarakat) dalam pengembangan properti yang berwawasan lingkungan untuk mengantisipasi pemanasan global.
Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series
This paper illustrates how the extraction of land value into volumetric spaces (subterranean spac... more This paper illustrates how the extraction of land value into volumetric spaces (subterranean spaces, elevated infrastructures and high-rise buildings) is rendered possible through accumulation strategies embedded in spatial planning in Jakarta. In doing so, it carefully delves into the shift in Floor-Area Uplift (FAU) compensation policy and its relationship with the expansion of mass transportation system development. We analysed urban planning and high-rise building policy documents from 1975–2017 and modelled the allowable FAU based on those policies. We illustrate, first, the transformation of FAU discourse in urban policies and how its operability is facilitated in discretionary planning regimes. This paper then demonstrates the planning gain delivery and consequences produced through FAU compensation policy. We argued how volumetric urbanism in Jakarta had been produced and sustained through entrepreneurial motives. It continues to segregate the city both in local and urban co...
Jakarta in early 60’s was nationaility time, by built many nation buildings. At that time, shoppi... more Jakarta in early 60’s was nationaility time, by built many nation buildings. At that time, shopping center enter Jakarta’s market for the first time. At the first time, the aim of shopping center in Jakarta was only to provide a new place to shop, but over time, shopping center evolved. The evolution was very close related to the Indonesian government in charge. Jakarta evolved, so does the shopping center, not only phisically, but also functionally. Nowadays, Jakarta’s inhabitant used to go to shopping center as their vacation destination, s ince there are not many nice open air public places that are served by Municipality of Jakarta, and on the other hand, many new shopping centers that grow in Jakarta with fresh idea, unique concept, and much more facilities for every types of inhabitants . The growth of shopping center itself changed the ‘face’ of Jakarta and vice versa. From this paper, the writer tries to see the evolution of Jakarta’s shopping center, espescially in connecti...
Jakarta as an urban area has responsibility to provide public spaces as an environment balancing ... more Jakarta as an urban area has responsibility to provide public spaces as an environment balancing that can be used and enjoyed by all Jakarta civilians, which one that a city should provide is park. DKI Jakarta has city parks which locations are spread around Jakarta. City parks have different size, characteristic, form, and condition. Generally, parks that located in the city center or activities center have a better condition than parks located in suburb. Moreover, parks in Jakarta have a gap in between, at different location. Parks function and location distribution that spreads around Jakarta is better have a good concept, so that it can optimize their functions in order to fulfill the public space needs in urban area. It would be great if all the city parks in Jakarta have a good condition and optimized function, which can support a livability of a city. This paper tries to identify the park's system and development concept in Jakarta and how to maintain them. The result tha...
Post industrial in Indonesia (after 1990’s) had created innovations in many things especially in ... more Post industrial in Indonesia (after 1990’s) had created innovations in many things especially in technology that brings problems and benefits at the same time. Technology makes distance become zero for the people that makes people more connected to each other, but on the other hand technology also creates people without life. Many people really connected to technology for their works that makes many people also having their time, everyday, mostly in the office. Besides that, the condition of urban transportation in Jakarta, makes many people run out of time on the street, in the car, in the middle of Jakarta’s traffic, that happened almost for every people from every age. This condition makes stress level in Jakarta increased every year. Still, in the middle of business traffic, people need to refresh their life, so that they can preserve and increase their quality of life as well. Since there are not many nice open air public places that are served by Municipality of Jakarta, and o...
this paper is a result of a research that is trying to describe the implementation a go green sta... more this paper is a result of a research that is trying to describe the implementation a go green statement on the Bakrie company project located in Kuningan that is Rasuna Epicentrum estate. As it is known green development consisted on several aspects as follows: management, transportation, energy use, land use, pollution, ecology, material use, water, and health % well being. But this article will only look at land use, transportation, natural resources, energy efficiency, and its social impact. It is expected that this article could mention the test result of all the aspects mention about. The tools that are used in this research are the total calculation of the water that are use in the aream the water volume that will be recycled, generated traffic, people and vehicle circulation, pollution that can be made, and type of plant that can help to reduce the pollution. It is expected that this article can bring an inspiration for all the stakeholders, such as government, property deve...
Sustainability is enable people to meet their own needs as well as allowing future generations to... more Sustainability is enable people to meet their own needs as well as allowing future generations to meet theirs . Nowadays many people start to discuss about sustainability and how to live with it , that in fact, quite hard to do. As we know, to create a sustainable community, active participation from the people is needed, which is also hard to do without having a good effort from themselves, and it has to be sustain, also known as social sustainability. Social sustainability as a basic thing to make a sustainable environment has been proved by some villages in Jakarta. These villages have different conditions and backgrounds. But they have something in common, creativity. They able to change the face of their environment become a nicer one by greening the village and turn garbage into things that has an economic value. By this study, the writer tr y to describe how these work s can be done in these villages and can be adopted by others . So that, from a small community could give a ...
Jakarta as the capital city of Indonesia, has many activities, especially in the economic aspect.... more Jakarta as the capital city of Indonesia, has many activities, especially in the economic aspect. In order to fulfill people’s needs, many developers and government tried to create and maintain the living of urban economic. For the past 10 years, Jakarta has been growth rapidly (both physically and economically) that can be seen from the property development that has been built in Jakarta for a decade. The new phenomenon in property development that has been shown up in the last 6 years until now is superblocks development. The Superblock development emerged due to the increasing of price of the land, especially within prime area. The Superblock development, theoretically, has more than three functions within the same area, that serve almost the whole city needs by integrating functions (or planned to be integrated) and usually have a massive density. The goal of superblock development is to create integrations between all these different buildings’ functions that create urban life ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Despite the fact that North Jakarta has been prompted as the new frontier of development with meg... more Despite the fact that North Jakarta has been prompted as the new frontier of development with megaprojects, artificial islands, and large-scale infrastructures, little attention is paid to the development of small islands in Kepulauan Seribu, north of Jakarta, focused on Panggang island, one of the inhabited islands in Kepulauan Seribu, among Indonesia’s densest islands. There were the three challenges to the urbanization of small islands in the Jakarta megaregion, including: population growth, land availability and reclamation, and essential infrastructure provision. Through a participatory workshop with local authorities and communities, this paper proposed a model of sustainable settlement planning in Panggang Island, based on housing need assessment and spatial structure improvement to ensure the future settlement sustainability in Panggang island. To conclude, this paper critically reflects on the engagement process with local communities and the challenges in actualizing the s...
The development of new tow+ns in the Greater Jakarta have passed 25 years since the start of the ... more The development of new tow+ns in the Greater Jakarta have passed 25 years since the start of the first new town, Bumi Serpong Damai in Jakarta western region in 1985. This paper aims to evaluate the development of the new towns in the Greater Jakarta area (Jabodetabek). Evaluation is limited to a new town profile. Profile is pervading characteristic of the new town development in each region (west, east, and south of Jakarta), the number of people living in a new town; infrastructure and residential products built. The study shows that the new town which is ideally built to reduce the burden of its parent town and to meet housing needs, have not been able to achieve its objectives.
Belajar dari pengalaman, tak kenal maka tak sayang, itu pula yang diterapkan oleh masyarakat yang... more Belajar dari pengalaman, tak kenal maka tak sayang, itu pula yang diterapkan oleh masyarakat yang terdapat di Kampung Rawajati. Masyarakat yang terdapat di Jakarta Selatan ini berusaha untuk mengenal lingkungannya sehingga dapat mencintai lingkungan serta menjadikan lingkungan sebagai kawan. Hal ini terjadi tidak hanya terhadap lingkungan, namun juga terhadap sampah yang ada di lingkungan tersebut. Sampah yang dihasilkan oleh masyarakat di Kampung Rawajati diubah sehingga menjadi memiliki nilai tambah bagi masyarakat setempat, baik dari segi ekonomis, segi sosial dan segi lingkungan. Dimana ketiga aspek ini merupakan syarat mutlak yang harus dipenuhi sebagai dasar dari pembangunan yang berkelanjutan. Adapun tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah agar dapat mengambil pengalaman hunian ramah lingkungan di Kampung Rawajati dan menerapkannya di lokasi lain. Perjuangan untuk menjadikan satu kelompok masyarakat untuk sama-sama mencintai lingkungan tidaklah mudah dan tidak terwujud dalam waktu y...
Proceedings of IFoU 2018: Reframing Urban Resilience Implementation: Aligning Sustainability and Resilience, 2018
Proceedings of IFoU 2018: Reframing Urban Resilience Implementation: Aligning Sustainability and Resilience, 2018
Ruang terbuka hijau (RTH) merupakan salah satu perangkat pembentuk kota, dimana didalam UU Penata... more Ruang terbuka hijau (RTH) merupakan salah satu perangkat pembentuk kota, dimana didalam UU Penataan Ruang No. 26 telah ditentukan luas total ruang terbuka hijau adalah minimal 30% dari luas kawasan perkotaan. Penyediaan RTH dalam satu kota dapat disediakan oleh pemetintah (RTH publik) dan swasta (RTH privat). RTH privat yang disediakan oleh swasta saat ini mengalami perubahan seiring dengan perkembangan kota dimana fenomena pembangunan kota mengarah kepada pembangunan superblok dimana terdapat lebih dari 3 fungsi dalam satu kawasan dan membentuk ciri khas tersendiri dalam rangka penyediaan ruang publik. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis ruang terbuka yang ada di kawasan superblok dan dampak penyediaan RTH superblok yang secara tidak langsung akan mempengaruhi image kota itu sendiri. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi ruang terbuka hijau yang terdapat pada 2 kawasan superblok di Jakarta dan membandingkan luas dari masing-masing RTH privat yang disediakan pada superblo...
Papers by regina suryadjaja