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      Philosophy of PhysicsKantLeibnizClassical Mechanics
Nossa proposta é investigar como ocorrem as metamorfoses da noção de substância simples no sistema leibniziano, entre Discurso de metafísica, Sistema novo da natureza e a comunicação das substâncias e Monadologia. Trata-se da mesma... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsPhilosophy of ScienceGalileo Galilei
A fresh translation and in-depth commentary of Leibniz's seminal text, the Monadology. Written in 1714, the Monadology is widely considered to be the classic statement of Leibniz's mature philosophy. In the space of 90 numbered... more
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyEarly Modern Intellectual HistoryGottfried Wilhelm LeibnizRepublic of Letters (Early Modern History) Il volume riunisce contributi che, rispondendo ad un’esigenza oggi molto sentita, si interrogano sui... more
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      PlatoGerman IdealismPhilosophy Of LawHegel
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryAristotlePolitical Science
This piece was originally titled "Star Wars, bad guys, and the nature of evil" but was retitled "What makes a good bad guy? Ask a philosopher" by the publisher.
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      SocratesArendtGottfried Wilhelm LeibnizLeibniz (Philosophy)
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      Critical TheoryModal LogicComputer ScienceArtificial Intelligence
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyGottfried Wilhelm LeibnizEarly Modern PhilosophyLeibniz
Naturrecht AUFSATZSAMMLUNG 19-3 Leibniz und das Naturrecht / hrsg. von Luca Basso.-Stuttgart : Steiner, 2019.-201 S. ; 24 cm.-(Studia Leibnitiana : Sonder-hefte ; 54).-ISBN 978-3-515-12288-7 : EUR 44.00 [#6467] Die Geschichte des... more
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      HobbesNatural LawBaruch SpinozaGottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
My aim is twofold. On one hand I will make a survey of the struggles for and calamities involving individuality on the part of 17 th century philosophers with respect to different corporations and institutions. This is the proper task of... more
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      René DescartesEarly Modern Intellectual HistorySpinozaLeibniz
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      SemioticsVisual StudiesFilm StudiesDigital Media
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      Baruch SpinozaSpinozaLeibnizMalebranche
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      AestheticsNelson GoodmanJorge Luis BorgesGerard Genette
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      EpistemologyGeorge BerkeleyGottfried Wilhelm LeibnizJohn Locke
An extensive review of Michael Friedman's recent book.
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy of ScienceImmanuel KantNewton, Isaac
Resumo: Neste artigo analisamos as críticas apresentadas por George Berkeley, em The analyst (1734), ao método das fluxões e à inconsistência intrínseca à noção de infinitésimo do cálculo diferencial e integral, introduzido por Isaac... more
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      Logic And Foundations Of MathematicsCalculusLogicHistory of Mathematics
This dialogue foregrounds the interological nature of media ecology as a style of exploration into the human condition. Besides Marshall McLuhan, it also brings Gilles Deleuze, field theory, and the I Ching, et cetera, to bear on media... more
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      Field TheoryMedia EcologyJungian psychologyGilles Deleuze
Modern akılcılığın Descartes ve Spinoza ile birlikte önemli temsilcilerinden biri Alman filozof Leibniz (1646-1716)'dir. Varlık felsefesinde spiritüalizmi/tinselcililik benimsemiştir. Var olan her şeyin bileşik cisimlerden meydana... more
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      Gottfried Wilhelm LeibnizDescartesLeibnizAydınlanma
This paper explores the question of Leibniz’s contribution to the rise of modern ‘science’. To be sure, it is now generally agreed that the modern category of ‘science’ did not exist in the early modern period. At the same time, this... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceLeibniz (Philosophy)Leibniz
C omo anunciamos en el primer número del volumen 46 de la Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía, se publica aquí la segunda parte del "Dossier Leibniz", con trabajos que abordan los antecedentes escolásticos de la teodicea leibniziana y la... more
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Contemporary theories of sovereignty often focus on how the idea of sovereignty, as supreme and absolute power, can be made compatible with the limitations and restrictions introduced by the principles of federalism and separation of... more
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      SovereigntyFederalismEarly Modern Political ThoughtLeibniz
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      TheologyGerman IdealismKant's Practical PhilosophySalomon Maimon
Monadoloji Leibniz’in felsefesinin bütünün bir özetidir. Leibniz tarafından 1714 yılında Viyana’ya yaptığı son yolculuk sırasında, hem yüksek bilimsel kültürü hem de üstün siyasi meziyetleriyle kendini gösteren Prens Eugène de Savoie için... more
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      Gottfried Wilhelm LeibnizLeibniz (Philosophy)MonadologyLeibniz
1. Reconstrucción del contexto histórico de redacción de la obra. Primeras ediciones en el s. XVIII 2. Ediciones de la Monadología. Interpretaciones histórico-críticas de la génesis de la obra 3. Traducciones y ediciones de la... more
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      Gottfried Wilhelm LeibnizLeibniz (Philosophy)Leibniz
Back Cover with endorsements of the forthcoming collection on Atomism. 508pp. In press, publication date: 12 November 2020
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      BuddhismMetaphysicsHistory and Philosophy of ChemistryMarxism
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      LeibnizMatematicaAnálisis Y Síntesis
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      Gottfried Wilhelm LeibnizLeibniz
Apuntes de clases. Lectura de textos de filosofía moderna. Leibniz y el problema del mal.
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      Gottfried Wilhelm LeibnizMonadologyLeibnizTeodicea
S’il faut une preuve que ce ne sont pas les plus grands génies qui guident la vie du monde, nous pourrons également la trouver dans le fait que, lorsqu’Einstein voulut scruter le dense brouillard du futur social humain, il ne sut parvenir... more
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      Quantum PhysicsPhilosophy of ScienceGeneral RelativityHenri Bergson
Reflexionen und Abschweifungen zum Werk Werner Feiersingers
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      PhilosophyArt TheorySpace SyntaxContemporary Art
Here I have uploaded the final draft of my long introduction to the correspondence. Anyone wishing to quote etc., will need to get hold of the book. However, content-wise it is pretty much what appears in the final version and includes my... more
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyHistory of ScienceSeventeenth CenturyGerman Idealism
本稿は、「初期近代における抽象と概念形成」の1章を予定しているものである。本章の目的は、近世を代表する哲学者である、デカルトやロック、ライプニッツにおける抽象と概念形成の問題を論じるに当たり、 その準備作業として、17 世紀西欧における「抽 象」(abstractio, abstraction)の言説を調査し、その一般的使用を分析することから、17 世紀... more
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      Scholastic PhilosophyAbstractionDescartesLeibniz
Leibniz is important for our contemporary situation because he presents a definitive philosophical theology for dealing with the typically modern problems, in particular problems associated with nihilism, solipsism, political... more
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      Gottfried Wilhelm LeibnizLeibniz (Philosophy)LeibnizAnalysis Situs
Despite the importance of the variational principles of physics, there have been relatively few attempts to consider them for a realistic framework. In addition to the old teleological question, this paper continues the recent discussion... more
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      ModalityLaws of NatureLeibnizPrinciple of Least Action
Proofs of God in Early Modern Europe offers a fascinating window into early modern efforts to prove God's existence. Assembled here are twenty-two key texts, many translated into English for the first time, which illustrate the variety of... more
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      René DescartesGeorge BerkeleyNewton, IsaacBaruch Spinoza
La meraviglia di fronte al mondo è un antico tema della filosofia. All'inizio, essa si presentava come sacro stupore e meraviglia cosmica. Col tempo, è giunta a contemplare l'esistenza dell'uomo e il suo rapporto con le cose. Una... more
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      Max SchelerWittgensteinEtty HillesumHeidegger
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyGottfried Wilhelm LeibnizLeibniz (Philosophy)Leibniz
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      EpistemologyKantKant-studiesImmanuel Kant
This volume tells the story of the legacy and impact of the great German polymath Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716). Leibniz made significant contributions to many areas, including philosophy, mathematics, political and social theory,... more
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      German IdealismGabriel TardeImmanuel KantGottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
This translation of Quod Ens Perfectissimum existit is based on the critical edition in Sämtliche Schriften und Briefe, Series 6, Volume 3, 1980, pp. 578-579. Leibniz composed this little proof in November of 1676. His basic strategy... more
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      Leibniz (Philosophy)LeibnizOntological ArgumentThe Ontological Argument
Written in 1714, the “Monadology” is widely regarded as a classic statement of much of Leibniz’s mature philosophical system. In just 90 numbered paragraphs, Leibniz outlines – and argues for – the core features of his system, starting... more
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyEarly Modern Science and PhilosophyGottfried Wilhelm LeibnizLeibniz (Philosophy)
In this paper I argue that there is an important sense in which we should regard Leibniz as an advocate of mysticism. I make the case for this claim by considering the complex phenomenon of mysticism itself and Leibniz's discussion of... more
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      Philosophy Of Religion17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyPhilosophical TheologyChristian Mysticism
En la presente ponencia quiero adentrar, de manera admitidamente superflua, el tema de la libertad frente a la predestinación. Es uno de los grandes problemas de la teología que lleva a su vez al problema del origen del mal en el mundo y... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy Of ReligionTheology
There is an infinity of figures and of movements, present and past, which enter into the efficient cause of my present writing, and in its final cause, there are an infinity of slight tendencies and dispositions of my soul, present and... more
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyLeibnizSartrePascal
Over the past 2500 years, the concept of free will has been debated by some of the most brilliant minds in ancient and modern history. This paper discusses landmark theories by five well-known philosophers. There are several definitions... more
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      PlatoHobbesHegelFree Will
The Russian philosopher Nikolai Onufrievich Lossky (1870–1965) adhered to an evolutionary metaphysics of reincarnation according to which the world is constituted of immortal souls or monads, which he calls “substantival agents.” These... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionEvolutionRussian Religious PhilosophyRussian Philosophy
The philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz famously asked: “Why is there something rather than nothing?” His answer was that God Himself is a necessary being that could not have failed to exist. Every physical object exists because of some... more
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      ReligionPhilosophyAnalytic PhilosophyPhilosophy Of Religion
It is well known that Leibniz was an omnivorous and eager reader. His references to ancient authors are quite frequent. Admittedly, he is not much in the habit of citing classical poets or other merely literary authors in order to support... more
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyAncient PhilosophyLeibniz