Peer Tutoring
Recent papers in Peer Tutoring
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of reciprocal peer tutoring (RPT) on student performance in one of the Environmental Control Systems courses offered by the Department of Construction Science, Texas A&M University.... more
This paper presents on the effects of an educational programme involving peer tutoring at school and family tutoring at home on child reading comprehension achievement. We drew upon a sample of 303 students and 223 family tutors. The... more
Salahat, Mohammed, Wade, Steve and Ul-Haq, Izhar ... Application of a Systemic Soft Domain-Driven Design Framework ... Salahat, Mohammed, Wade, Steve and Ul-Haq, Izhar (2009) Application of a Systemic Soft Domain-Driven Design Framework.... more
Although much interest has been generated regarding the functions speaking centers serve and the effects consultations can have, minimal research has addressed the dynamics of consultations themselves. This study documents what speaking... more
Background: This research examined the significant main effect of peer tutoring, storytelling, and gender, on the social skills of pupils with mild intellectual disability. Using the Social Development Theory of Lev Vygotsky as the... more
Eila Burns undertook the enquiry that is the subject of this article while studying for her MEd degree at the University of Birmingham. She is now a lecturer in teacher education at Jyvaskyla University of Applied Sciences in Finland. The... more
This study examined general education teachers' implementation of a peer tutoring intervention for five elementary students referred for consultation and intervention due to academic concerns. Treatment integrity was assessed via... more
A qualitative and quantitative content analysis was conducted of all text-based synchronous online chats at an oral communication peer tutoring center throughout a semester. As a comparative benchmark, chats at the same university’s main... more
A component analysis of the reciprocal peer tutoring (RPT) strategy was performed, which previous research had demonstrated to be effective in producing cognitive gains, lowering subjective distress, and enhancing course satisfaction. One... more
Learning in a Social Context — Peer Tutoring as a Way of Supporting Children's Socio-Cognitive Abilities in Social Interactions The article discusses the problem of the relationship between cognitive development and social abilities. The... more
Oggetto della ricerca è il progetto di peer tutoring "Banca del Tempo", che ha l'obiettivo di sensibilizzare gli alunni alla cultura della solidarietà nella comunità scolastica, valorizzare competenze, prevenire situazioni di disagio,... more
In this paper we present data from a case study examining the influence of employing a reciprocal peer tutoring script in an algorithm visualization environment for educational purposes. We discuss the results as occurred in the context... more
Peer tutoring – il progetto Il progetto prevede che gli studenti delle prime classi siano affiancate, nel corso di tutto l’anno scolastico, da un gruppo di “Tutor”, studenti più grandi che, con il supporto di docenti tutor, seguono i... more
Mathematics is a difficult subject, however, the researcher believes that Mathematics teaching can be made easy depending upon several factors like the teaching strategy in Mathematics instruction. This study investigated the effect of... more
Teachers define target behaviors they a ould like to see improved and determine w hen target behaviors are most problematic. Criterion is set for winning the game and reinforcers are established.
The document presents three sections which contain a list of collaborative techniques and tutor training tips that could be incorporated in a tutorial setting.
ABSTRACT This research work sought to improve on the performance of students with peer teaching approach in integrated science. An Action Research was used in this study to improve student’s performance in integrated science. Form Three... more
More and more ESL students are seeking writing help at U.S. college and university writing centers. This trend emphasizes the complementary role of the writing center and ESL writing instruction in improving ESL writing skills. Writing... more
COVID-19 created unplanned, fully remote educational spaces. One California community college tutor training program augmented their tutor training practices to pivot to meet the needs of students now confronted with fully online... more
We investigated the effects of classwide peer tutoring (CWPT) on the classroom behavior and academic performance of students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Typical instructional activities were contrasted with CWPT... more
This paper was written by Analice C. Schwartz for the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), formerly known as The Fast Track Initiative, under the guidance of Helen Abadzi (Senior Education Specialist at the Global Partnership for... more
Il Sociogramma di Moreno e il cooperative learning IL SOCIOGRAMMA DI MORENO È uno strumento che permettere di analizzare le relazioni sociali all’interno di un gruppo classe. Il Sociogramma di Moreno può essere utile per: 1. giungere ad... more
Meta-analysis was used to examine social, self-concept, and behavioral effects of peer-assisted learning (PAL) interventions with elementary school students. An electronic search of PsycINFO and ERIC databases resulted in 36 relevant PAL... more
The issue of writer's block has garnered significant interest in writing center scholarship, and countless identifications, strategies, and coping mechanisms have arisen due to its popularity. However, a cross-generational review of the... more
In this bibliography, writing center professionals can find studies that examine the effects of mandatory writing-center visits on students in basic writing programs, first-year composition, and writing-intensive courses across the... more
Academic dishonesty (or “cheating”) is a serious, yet common problem in educational institutions across all age levels (Anderman and Murdock, 2007). Research has focused mainly on how many students cheat, why and how they go about it, as... more
A classwide peer tutoring program in reading, implemented at 12 elementary and middle schools in three contiguous districts in the middle of a southern state, was evaluated for its effectiveness with three learner types: low achievers... more
This research work is carried out to investigate the effect of peer-tutoring teaching strategy on secondary school student academic achievement in Mathematics. Three research questions and three hypotheses were formulated to guide the... more
“Peer tutoring” merupakan strategi pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PdP) yang melibatkan perkongsian ilmu melalui interaksi sosial di kalangan pelajar. Ia adalah berkonsepkan teori pembelajaran konstruktivis sosial yang dipelopori oleh... more
Youth distress is growing in Italy: statistics for 2014/2015 show an alarming rise of hospitalizations due to depression among young people, as well as a growth of suicides and an increasing percentage of school dropout (15% among natives... more
This 2019 annotated bibliography reviews seven postsecondary peer cooperative learning programs that have been implemented nationally and internationally to increase student achievement. An extensive literature search was conducted of... more
Kajian tindakan yang guru jalankan ini adalah bertujuan untuk meningkatkan prestasi pelajar dalam mata pelajaran Sains bagi pelajar tingkatan tiga yang akan menduduki peperiksaan PMR pada tahun 2011. Seramai 80 pelajar yang terlibat dalam... more
Live delivery of lectures in a discipline-relevant, sustained-content EAP course presents opportunities for students to engage in interactive listening-to-learn practice.
Ze zjawiskiem uczenia spotykamy się w każdej sytuacji wymiany informacji między ludźmi. Występowanie zależności między rozwojem społecznym a poznawczym skłania badaczy do analizowania społecznych uwarunkowań nabywania wiedzy. Jednym z... more
Writing is the bane of most students" careers. It is a complex, creative, and often difficult process due to its many factors. A piece of writing is not just defined by the language and structure being employed, but also the stance and... more
This study aimed to explore the effectiveness of the interactive engagement methods, which is peertutoring to investigate students' learning outcomes towards Physics. In this study two types of teaching method were used; Peer-tutoring and... more
The aim of this study was to assess the outcome of a zoo visit in terms of learning and retention of knowledge concerning the adaptations and behavior of vertebrate species. Basis of the work was the concept of implementing zoo visits as... more
This study investigated the effects of classwide peer tutoring (CWPT) on the acquisition, maintenance, and generalization of science vocabulary words and definitions. Participants were 14 seventh grade students at-risk for failure in a... more
Based on the social cognitive learning theory (1997), peer learning can be viewed as an effective way of enhancing learning. In this study, peer tutoring, a form of peer learning, was examined. The current study investigated the influence... more
This paper presents an integrated model to monitor and evaluate web 2.0 project-based learning through its application in a real higher education environment. Creating communities in the classroom has been the traditional method of... more
Las tutorías entre pares son una comprobada estrategia que beneficia tanto al que recibe tutoría como al tutor, debido a que es un sistema de apoyo recíproco en el que el estudiante que asiste se siente más motivado para interactuar que... more
Peer-mediated approaches have been used for years to improve the academic behaviors of students, especially those with disabilities. The most systematized and well researched of the peer-mediated approaches relates to peer tutoring... more
A classwide peer tutoring program in reading, implemented at 12 elementary and middle schools in three contiguous districts in the middle of a southern state, was evaluated for its effectiveness with three learner types: low achievers... more
Writing centers (WCs) occupy a “middle ground” between professors and pupils – instructional sites that aren’t classrooms, operating via individualized sessions in which student writers and tutors collaboratively address writers’ specific... more