Recent papers in Tutoring
W artykule opisano zweryfikowane w praktyce metody budujące i wzmacniające w jednostce poczucie wpływu na rzeczywistość: mentoring, tutoring i coaching. Przedstawiono sposoby prowadzenia działań pomocowych dla osób starszych, którym... more
Math is one of the most dreaded subjects in school and requires the most private tutoring either online or offline. This should also be enriched with much prevalence and effectiveness. Online maths tutors will take you through concepts at... more
Learning in a Social Context — Peer Tutoring as a Way of Supporting Children's Socio-Cognitive Abilities in Social Interactions The article discusses the problem of the relationship between cognitive development and social abilities. The... more
With an estimated 11 percent of all undergraduate students (at least two million) having a disability and the numbers of such students increasing (National Council on Disability, 2015), oral communication tutoring centers face an... more
Este artículo presenta los resultados y las reflexiones obtenidas en una investigación colaborativa realizada en un centro de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, a fin de mejorar el proceso de toma de decisiones del alumnado al finalizar... more
A proposed paper presents academic Tutoring and Coaching as innovative methods of personalized teaching and learning, aimed at maintaining/preserving and developing high quality education at the contemporary university. Both methods... more
Описываются коучинг-стратегии и их использование в повышении квалификации преподавателей высшей школы. Показывается, что коучинг при освоении новых образовательных практик является способом развития профессиональной компетентности... more
Hong Kong’s educational system is indisputably among the best in the world. Here, students choose between three formal schooling options: local schools, which are heavily subsidised and mostly in Cantonese; ESF schools, English-based... more
What follows is the story of Mario (pseudonym), a 12th-grade English-language learner (ELL), and his journey toward becoming an effective reader.
Purpose. Tarticle aims to substantiate the conceptual principles of preparing future teachers for tutoring activities in the information and communication educational environment accordingly to the current state and trends of social... more
COVID-19 created unplanned, fully remote educational spaces. One California community college tutor training program augmented their tutor training practices to pivot to meet the needs of students now confronted with fully online... more
Purpose of this presentation is characteristic of relation between the tutor and the tutee according to The Idea of a University written by St. John Henry Newman (1801-1890). His thought about university ideas and whole public activity... more
Il tutor è una figura professionale di apparizione abbastanza recente, operativa in contesti formativi intenzionali e strutturati, ma l'origine latina del termine rimanda a concetti -sostegno, custodia, protezione -che sono antichi quanto... more
In this bibliography, writing center professionals can find studies that examine the effects of mandatory writing-center visits on students in basic writing programs, first-year composition, and writing-intensive courses across the... more
The present study attempted to find out the Influence of private tuition on Achievement in science among Secondary school pupils of Kerala . A sample of 664 students from government and government aided schools of giving due... more
How well do you know yourself? You can learn to make healthy choices intentionally rather than to unconsciously repeat unhealthy patterns. This course is highly recommended for mental strengthening.
In recent decades the concept of mentoring and functions associated with it have been the subject of great attention. Tests, models, proposals for intervention and even congresses have been derived from that great interest ; however, both... more
Este guião destina-se a orientar a intervenção de programas de tutoria em meio escolar e consta de duas partes essenciais. A primeira parte serve de enquadramento à temática pelo que se procede: à definição do conceito, à apresentação... more
This study sought to investigate the effect of peer learning on attitude toward mathematics of the second year college students at the Pangasinan State University-Bayambang Campus. More specifically, it attempted to determine and compare... more
The present investigation, in fact, aims at shedding light on the importance of positive emotions resulted from positive teacher-student interactions in enhancing students’ involvement in their English language learning. A case study,... more
Human beings] will know the incalculable-that is, safeguard it in its truth-only in creative questioning and forming from out of the power of genuine reflection.
RESUMEN La tutoría universitaria es una labor clásica a la vez que actual, debido a su potencialidad para concretar diversos principios que orientan la formación universitaria en el contexto propiciado por el Espacio Europeo de Educación... more
Arab World English Journal, August 2015 Bejaia University, International Conference Proceedings - 2015 Pp.42-53 Suggesting a Support Centre for Dissertation Writing in EFL at Bejaia University Dr.... more
The need for research-based instructional support for culturally and linguistically diverse students with reading difficulties is a national priority. In this rural Hawaii study, teachers and parents selected four first-grade students who... more
Does the communication center, where students tutor peers in oral, written, and digital communication competencies, offer a safe haven for the tutors to “be themselves” among non-judgmental cohorts? Student communication consultants (n =... more
Wsparcie spo³eczne i poradnictwo dla seniorów Streszczenie: Niepe³nosprawnooeae czêsto towarzyszy osobom starszym. Brak dba³ooeci o dietê, aktywnooeae fizyczn¹ i zdrowy styl ¿ycia znajduj¹ prze³o¿enie w dysfunkcjach psychosomatycznych w... more
Tutors have been shown to have positive effects on a multitude of important student outcomes in educational settings, and are a cost effective, valuable, but often under-utilized resource. Although extensive literature exists on... more
Given the lack of causal evidence from developing countries, we examine the impact of participating in shadow education (private tutoring or other fee-based academic activities outside of formal schooling) on high school student... more
A uma enorme velocidade, observamos variadas mudanças e novas exigências que a sociedade e a economia do conhecimento reivindicam a todos nós.
There is wide agreement on the importance of scaffolding for student learning. Yet, models of individual and face-to-face scaffolding are not necessarily applicable to educational settings in which a group of learners is pursuing a... more
W artykule opisano zweryfikowane w praktyce metody budujące i wzmacniające w jednostce poczucie wpływu na rzeczywistość: mentoring, tutoring i coaching. Przedstawiono sposoby prowadzenia działań pomocowych dla osób starszych, którym... more
Striving to develop soft skills competence on the university level reopens discussions on the notions of competence and soft skills in relation to professional training. It raises the questions of by what means and methods to train and... more
In this article, I highlight some of the narratives that I collected from tutor-mentors and students about their experience as Spanish or Portuguese-speaking youth in the Toronto public education system and within a community-led academic... more
This case study investigates the attitude about studying English in tutorial schools in Thailand, and factors facilitating studying in those tutorial schools. Through interviews and questionnaires, it was found that many high school... more
This study was a result of noticing that classroom teachers, especially in the elementary level often use minimally trained tutors to help striving readers improve on their literacy skills. While desirable, schools are not able to provide... more