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Purpose – Tutoring or mentoring is a form of mutual and informal learning which has distant origins. This is a way of sharing knowledge and experience which has been proved to be extremely useful in educational settings, particularly... more
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    • Collaborative peer tutoring
Peer tutoring – il progetto Il progetto prevede che gli studenti delle prime classi siano affiancate, nel corso di tutto l’anno scolastico, da un gruppo di “Tutor”, studenti più grandi che, con il supporto di docenti tutor, seguono i... more
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      Peer TutoringCollaborative peer tutoring
Las tutorías entre pares son una comprobada estrategia que beneficia tanto al que recibe tutoría como al tutor, debido a que es un sistema de apoyo recíproco en el que el estudiante que asiste se siente más motivado para interactuar que... more
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      Writing Center StudiesWriting CentersWriting Center Theory and PracticePeer Tutoring
The present paper offers a description of the first partial results of a work-in-progress research project on collaborative learning in virtual environments. The project is located at the University of La Rioja (SPAIN), and it involves... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageE-learningLearning and TeachingTeaching of Foreign Languages