Recent papers in Ouroboros
An illustrated essay which explores iconography that may be related to the archetype of a fish- or snake-legged Mother Earth. Topics include Sirens, mermaids and melusines; the Gnostic god Abrasax; the Zodiac symbol Pisces; the portrayal... more
This paper is an attempt to review the state-of-the-art on several physical principles related to the movement and levitation of objects. Not only normal, but also paranormal, phenomena are discussed. It is believed that this work... more
My aim in this paper is to demonstrate how Netflix series Dark (Baran bo Odar & Jantje Friese, 2017-2020) mingles scientific logics and developments with occult themes, ideas and symbols. I argue that the philosophical approach of the... more
lecturer on alchemy and its modern applications. www.DWHauck.com Go directly to the start of the text. Abstract The alchemists believed that no transformation— whether in the laboratory, in the body, or in the soul—could succeed without... more
This paper will conduct a detail analyze on Freemasonry's symbolism codified to The Great Seal of the United States obverse and reverse sides, The Apotheosis of George Washington, The Centennial Great Seal of 1882, The Capitol Building... more
This article aims at giving an overall view of the real and mythical topography of the Abaton of Biggeh, which housed a relic, the left leg of the God Osiris, in connection with the rituals. After a geographical and archaeological... more
Wir haben uns bemüht, alle Copyright-Ansprüche zu berücksichten. Sollte uns dennoch ein Fehler unterlaufen sein, bitten wir um Mitteilung. Die Verwertung von Texten, Bildern, Zeichnungen und grafischen Arbeiten jeder Art ist ohne... more
I originally entitled this paper ‘Why are there no uncontroversial examples of philosophical nonsense?’, but since this seemed apt to provoke rather superficial responses, I decided to re-title it. In it I ponder the fact that, not only... more
The paper presents two archaeological finds from the Prespa region with a possible connection to the "Gnostic" ideas of antiquity. The first find is a bronze ring from the site Pločite near the village of Nakolec on the eastern shore of... more
The astrological concept of the 'dragon of the lunar nodes', responsible for eclipses of the sun and the moon, may have derived from a combination of ideas prevailing in Late Antiquity with respect to the ourobóros or 'tail-biting... more
Омаж бес крај ном об на вља њу Да ни ло Вук са но вић, Из ло жба Ма три ца. Мо но ло ги ја у Га ле ри ји Ма ти це срп ске (24. ок то бар 2020.-4. април 2021) Ма три ца. Мо но ло ги ја Да ни ла Вук са но ви ћа сед ма је из ло жба еди ци је... more
Clues to recognition of a more general pattern? Complementary set of suggestive visual patterns Configuration and animation possibilities in 3D Experimental animations in 3D of the ouroboros pattern Future design options for interactive... more
Among Shakespeare’s history plays, Richard II is the least known and performed in Ireland. For a long time, the overthrow and murder of the anointed king was shown to English audiences with the interesting omission of the deposition scene... more
“Form becomes content and a limitless fluid mass choreographs itself into some kind of reality…ouroboros.”
Previous 3D experiments with representations of symbols in 2D Alternative hexagram representation-as a resonance hybrid? Configuring the set of hexagrams as a toroidal Ouroboros Experimental interactive animations of the Ouroboros-Yi Jing... more
The examination of the unique wooden box that shows the coats of arms of Nicholas (Nicolò) Madruzzo (1508-1572) and his wife Dina of Arco (d'Arco) (1499-1551) allows us to reconstruct the antiquarian interests, symbolic and esoteric that... more
Among Shakespeare’s history plays, Richard II is the least known and performed in Ireland. For a long time, the overthrow and murder of the anointed king was shown to English audiences with the interesting omission of the deposition scene... more
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