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      Scandinavian historyScandinavian StudiesAntiquarianism in the seventeenth centuryAntiquarianism in the sixteenth century
The subject was well known from Ovid's Metamorphoses, which was the source of almost all the mythological subjects that became popular in Netherlandish painting in the late sixteenth and throughout the entire seventeenth centuries. 5 The... more
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      HistoryArtLiterary studiesAntiquarianism in the sixteenth century
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      Literary studiesAntiquarianism in the sixteenth centuryArt Theory and CriticismHistorical Studies
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      Arms and Armor StudiesWars of ReligionSwiss HistoryMedieval Archaeology
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      Antiquarianism in the sixteenth centuryHistorical Studies
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      Antiquarianism in the sixteenth centuryHistorical Studies
Nell'ambito degli studi antiquari sul convito nel mondo greco-romano, e in particolare sul costume antico di cenare sdraiati, al quale gli eruditi del Cinquecento dedicarono una speciale attenzione 1 , la discussione del tema all'interno... more
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      IconographyFood HistoryRoman antiquariansAntiquarianism
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      Renaissance StudiesLinguisticsLiterary studiesAntiquarianism in the sixteenth century
This is a slightly strange but very interesting and scholarly account. It investigates in detail the place played by wolves and the wilderness they inhabited, both in reality and in the Mediaeval mind. It does this by assembling... more
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      ZoologyEcologyMammalAntiquarianism in the sixteenth century
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      Renaissance StudiesTechnology And CultureApplied EconomicsInterdisciplinary History
Publisher’s summary: Nearly half of the children who lived in the cities of the late Italian Renaissance were under fifteen years of age. Grinding poverty, unstable families, and the death of a parent could make caring for these young... more
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      Literary studiesAntiquarianism in the sixteenth centuryArt Theory and CriticismHistorical Studies
Retour page d'accueil Chercher, sur, Tous les supports. Retour page d'accueil, Plus de 1.516.000 de titres à notre catalogue ! Notice. 35.00 € Ajouter au panier. ...
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      Antiquarianism in the sixteenth centuryHistorical Studies
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      Renaissance StudiesLiterary studiesAntiquarianism in the sixteenth centuryArt Theory and Criticism
The paper explores certain aspects of the practice of collecting in Catania in the 18th century, starting from an examination of the collections of the Benedictine monks in the so-called Museum of S. Nicola l'Arena, which is being studied... more
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      History of CollectionsCollecting and CollectionsMuseologyAntiquarianism
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      Church HistoryMedieval MagicAntiquarianism in the sixteenth centuryHistorical Studies
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      Antiquarianism in the sixteenth centuryHistorical StudiesSixteenth Century
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      Renaissance StudiesLiterary studiesAntiquarianism in the sixteenth centuryArt Theory and Criticism
na te lezen. Hans Smit van het Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis ben ik dankbaar voor zijn hulp en kennis en voor het mogen gebruiken van de database van de correspondentie Willem van Oranje nog voor deze voor het publiek... more
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      Antiquarianism in the sixteenth centuryThe militaryHistorical StudiesSixteenth Century
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      Social and Cultural HistoryAntiquarianism in the sixteenth centuryHistorical Studies
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      IconographyArt HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
Editing key texts of the Later Middle and Early Modern Periods of Islamicate Intellectual History This call for applications pursues a novel approach to one of the fundamental problems of Islamicate History, and Islamicate intellectual... more
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      Ottoman HistoryIslamic PhilosophyKalam (Islamic Theology)Manuscript Studies
The famous "Seal of Nero, a Roman intaglio depicting Apollo, Marsyas and Olympus, was once in the collection of Lorenzo il Magnifico and is now in the National Museum of Naples. Two gems related to that "Seal of Nero" are published here... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyArt HistoryHistory of Florence
Performing Race and Torture on the Early Modern Stage-Google Books Result Things of Darkness: Economies of Race and Gender in Early Modern. pean peoples at a time when the population of black peoples in early modern England.
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      LinguisticsAfrican LiteraturesLiterary studiesAfrican American
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      Travel WritingLandscape ArchitectureNorthern RenaissanceItalian Renaissance Art
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      Literary studiesAntiquarianism in the sixteenth centuryArt Theory and CriticismHistorical Studies
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      Early MusicDante StudiesItalian StudiesRenaissance Studies
Pirro Ligorio (1513-1583), architetto di nobili origini napoletane, si distinse per la sua attività di antiquario e direttore di scavi nella Roma post rinascimentale. Per l’Edizione Nazionale delle Opere di Pirro Ligorio vede adesso la... more
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      AntiquarianismRenaissance antiquarianismAntiquarianism in the sixteenth centuryHistory of Antiquarianism
Severi uomini d' arme, instancabili viaggiatori, accorti diplomatici, mecenati alla ricerca di visibilità, appassionati collezionisti in instabile equilibrio tra matura consapevolezza intellettuale, antica protervia e progressivo... more
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      History of CollectionsRenaissance antiquarianismAntiquarianism in the seventeenth centuryAntiquarianism in the sixteenth century
La personalità del vicentino Pietro Stefanoni (1557ca.-1642 ca.), noto per essere stato il più grande editore delle incisioni dei Carracci, è qui ricostruita per la prima volta partendo dalle sue due uniche lettere note, indirizzate a... more
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      History of ScienceRepublic of Letters (Early Modern History)AntiquarianismAntiquarianism in the seventeenth century
In virtù dell'importanza rivestita nel mondo greco-romano dal banchetto, quale momento di socialità e di scambio intellettuale, e delle profonde differenze che distinguevano l'antico triclinium dai conviti moderni -prima fra tutte il... more
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      IconographyArt HistorySociology of Food and EatingRome, City of
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      Antiquarianism in the sixteenth centuryNuma PompiliusRoman ForumThe fourth century AD
Page 1. Sixteenth CenturyJournal XXVIII/4 (1997) Machiavelli and the Rhetorica ad Herennium: Deliberative Rhetoric in The Prince Virginia Cox Christ's College, Cambridge ... with Machiavelli's rhetorical practice... more
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      Antiquarianism in the sixteenth centuryHistorical StudiesSixteenth Century
Le immagini riprodotte nel volume sono tratte dalle Cinquecentine, conservate, in gran parte, nella Biblioteca Universitaria di Pisa (vedi il sito): Nella prima metà del Cinquecento, in concomitanza con... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural HeritageItalian StudiesRenaissance Studies
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      EgyptologyHistorical AnthropologyCultural HeritageOttoman Arab Provinces
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      Roman numismatics and archaeologyAntiquarianism in the seventeenth centuryAntiquarianism in the sixteenth centuryJacob Spon
Even though the issue of the relationship between the painting of Domenikos Theotokopoulos and the art of antiquity has been dealt with by historiography it does not seem to have been exhausted. There is little doubt that Theotokopoulos... more
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      Renaissance RomeAntiquarianism in the sixteenth centuryCreteEl Greco
This article argues that Onofrio Panvinio's 1571 study of the Roman triumph embodies a central innovation of sixteenth-century classical scholarship, the use of visual reconstructions alongside textual accounts to communicate the details... more
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      The Classical TraditionAntiquarianismRenaissance antiquarianismReception of Antiquity
Among the different copies of the Epigrammata Antiquae Vrbis (1521) published by J. Mazochius and abundantly annotated by 16th century humanists, Jean Matal’s (ms. Vat. Lat. 8495) is undoubtedly the one that reveals the clearest... more
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      Renaissance HumanismLatin EpigraphyRenaissance antiquarianismAntiquarianism in the sixteenth century
La ricerca apre uno squarcio su un aspetto distintivo della ricca produzione grafica di Giovan Ambrogio Figino, allo scopo di riconsiderare sotto diversi punti di vista il suo interesse per l’Antico. A partire dall’analisi di un disegno... more
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      DrawingPrints and DrawingsReception of AntiquityAntiquarianism in the sixteenth century
Canterano (RM): Aracne, 2018
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      IconographyArt HistoryCensorshipArt
The coinages of Alexander the Great and the République des médailles
(16th-18th c.). A compendium of printed sources: 2 (1736-1797)
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      Alexander the GreatClassical Reception StudiesAntiquarianismAncient Greek Numismatics
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      Renaissance StudiesLiterary studiesAntiquarianism in the sixteenth centuryArt Theory and Criticism
This paper analyses the epigraphic itineraries undertaken through the western fields of Lisbon in the first half of the 16th century, as inferred from the Anonymus Neapolitanus and the Codex Valentinus, attempting to clarify questions... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismLatin EpigraphyRoman Epigraphy An unpublished speech of Alberico Gentili to the Oxford scholars in defence of jurisprudence. Several manuscripts of Alberico Gentili (S. Ginesio 1552 - London 1608) are conserved... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesEarly Modern HistoryEarly Modern England An unpublished speech of Alberico Gentili to the Oxford scholars in defence of jurisprudence. Several manuscripts of Alberico Gentili (S. Ginesio 1552 - London 1608) are conserved... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
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      Venetian art and architectural historyVenetian HistoryHistory of CollectionsAncient numismatics (Archaeology)
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      History of CollectionsAntiquarianismRenaissance antiquarianismAntiquarianism in the sixteenth century
... | Ayuda. Michael Servetus: Intellectual Giant, Humanist, and Martyr (Book). Autores:Michaela Valente; Localización: Sixteenth century journal: the journal of Early Modern Studies, ISSN 0361-0160, Nº. 3, 2004 , pags. 949-950. ...
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      Antiquarianism in the sixteenth centuryHistorical StudiesSixteenth Century
This contribution (in German) presents the complete set of Jacopo Strada's numismatic works in their chronological order. It includes the printed works as well as the manuscripts preserved in several European cities (Gotha, Vienna,... more
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      NumismaticsAntiquarianism in the sixteenth centuryJacopo StradaJacob Fugger