Old Nordic/Germanic Religions
Recent papers in Old Nordic/Germanic Religions
In questo breve testo si tenta di raccogliere le fonti più importanti concernenti la religione germanica. È opportuno tenere presente che la locuzione ‘religione germanica’ racchiude un’ampia varietà di contenuti, in quanto i popoli... more
SAMANDRAG I dette essayet ser eg nærare på Njardarlog (Tysnes i Sunnhordland) slik ein kan skimta eit omriss av øya i bronsealder og fram mot vikingtid, på mytene kring gudinna Nerthus og gudane Njord og Tyr, og synlege far i form av... more
Completata nel 1789, sotto gli auspici dell'Aufklärung tedesca, quest'opera del curato Christfrid Ganander è in assoluto la prima trattazione scientifica di ampio respiro sulla mitologia finlandese e, insieme, una delle sue più preziose... more
The name Gefion by which early Danes invoked a female chthonic deity may occur in first two monster episodes of the Beowulf poem five times. Understood as a proper noun instead of a word for “sea,” the passages appear to argue against... more
The religion of the ancient Germanic people is largely unknown to modern historians. It exerts signs of being the predecessor to the later Norse religion, as well as the successor to the proto-Indo-European religion. Using ancient... more
This doctoral thesis analyses the occurrence and context of human sacrifice in Old Norse religion. The aim of this study is to investigate the written sources that mention human sacrifices in the Late Iron Age Scandinavian cultures and... more
Mitologia nordica: la Creazione. Cosmografia, Teogenesi, Androgenesi.
Una nuova ipotesi sulle vicende di Giacobbe e Abramo
The early Germanic-speaking peoples of Europe lacked a word for 'religion', as one might expect of people who cultivated a variety of religious practices in various times and places. In early Anglo-Saxon England, religious practices and... more
Coauthored with Lauren Fountain. The first in-depth survey of English language translations of Ahmad ibn Fadlan's "Risala" of its kind, intended for researchers, translators, and enthusiasts searching for an 'ideal' translation to... more
The Ahnenerbe, founded in 1935 by
Exkurs: Germanische Magievorstellungen | Miriam Jolien Blümel as deutsche Wort ‚Hexe' hat möglicherweise seinen Ursprung in dem altgermanischen Begriff ‚hagazussa' oder ‚hagzissa'. ‚Hag' bedeutet soviel wie Zaun und verweist auf die Idee... more
HÁVAMÁL : Archaic Basic Edition
Wisdom by ODIN + Translation by OLIVE BRAY
Edited by Fritz Maes
Corrected Facing Transcription-Translation
Old Norse + Victorian English
Non-Profit Educational Usage Only
Wisdom by ODIN + Translation by OLIVE BRAY
Edited by Fritz Maes
Corrected Facing Transcription-Translation
Old Norse + Victorian English
Non-Profit Educational Usage Only
The reception of the Poetic Edda in Germany is as long as it is ambiguous. The remote connection of Germanic and Scandinavian culture and literature led to a distinctive, symptomatic identification with Nordic mythology and the Poetic... more
Discussion of whether most people imagined that there was a family of gods with differing functions in the Old Nordic world
O presente trabalho por meio de uma metodologia comparada entre as fontes literárias e arqueológicas buscou compreender as modificações ocorridas nas praticas cultuais que possibilitaram a forja de ideais, de legitimação e a formação das... more
This monograph traces the history of one of the most prominent types of geographical myths of the North-West Atlantic Ocean: transmarine otherworlds of blessedness and immortality. Taking the mythologization of the Viking Age discovery of... more
An extended review and discussion of Ernst Jünger’s short novel ‘Besuch auf Godenholm’ published in German in 1952 and published for the first time in English in February of 2015 as ‘Visit to Godenholm’ by Edda Publishing. The novel and... more
This paper presents a case study on formula selection and variation in eddic poetry. It includes a general discussion of approaches to formulae in eddic poetry, problems with these, and offers a new model for addressing the relative... more
Throat Singing Vikings: A new translation of the account of Ibrâhîm ibn Ya`qûb al-Tartushi and his visit to the Schleswig area in the 9th century, and his observations of a form of singing that exhibited a 'Humming' sound from the throat... more
This is a compilation of what is known about the Germanic people of the north during the Pre-Roman Iron Age (500 B.C - 100 A.D). Using ancient primary sources as well as other disciplines such as archaeology and linguistics I address... more
This article analyses the 1936 ‘‘Wotan’’ essay by Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung in light of one of its reigning motifs, Ergriffenheit. First, this term is examined within the works of Protestant theologian Rudolf Otto and Indologist... more
Oggigiorno i prodotti di intrattenimento (libri, fumetti, film e serie tv) del mondo anglofono sono pieni di riferimenti e rimandi al mondo norreno, alla sua mitologia e mitografia. Fra i molti esempi, potremo citare la seria tv canadese... more
This paper will shed light on the vestiges of the magic practice of Seiðr that have survived the centuries through oral tradition among the Black Sea-, Volga-, and Pennsylvania-German cultural diasporas of the Americas in the form of the... more
This paper - first published in German, in Herdfeuer (2020) 56 - presents, as an important finding for the history of Germanic religion, in the Christian Middle Ages, an analysis of the praise poem, Carmen de Imagine Tetrici, by the... more
The myth or tale of the theft of the thunder-instrument from the thunder-god by his adversary (ATU 1148b) is encountered almost exclusively in the Circum-Baltic. It is found in Germanic, Sámic, Finnic and Baltic cultures. It is... more
In this seminar paper written in english I focus on the interpretation of the ornaments of some archaeological finds from the 6th and 7th century Carpathian Basin in the context of germanic mythology. The discussion is about bird shaped... more
This brief yet dynamic work explores the fascinating & intriguing Önd-Ur Kennings for Ullr and Skadhi from The Edda and recommends some extraordinary interpretations.
Klappentext: In übersichtlicher Form fasst das Buch unser Wissen über die religösen Vorstellungen der Germanen zusammen. Unter Rückgriff auf archäologische Quellen der germanischen Frühzeit und der Zeit der Völkerwanderung werden die sich... more
In this thesis, I will investigate whether shieldmaidens’ symbolic meaning in the collective imaginary had originates in a timeless heritage (if, for instance, the maiden warrior can be defined as an archetype) or whether they are the... more
So-called horned figures have intrigued scholars for a long time, these being anthropomorphic figures depicted on, or in the shape of artefacts which can be associated with speakers of early Germanic languages during the Younger Iron Age... more
The article considers the image of the Old Norse Vanir gods and their religion that seems to have existed in Nordic oral tradition from pres-Christian times, underlining the degree to which this "religion" was seen as being different in... more
Since ancient times celestial thunder gods have been a familiar feature in mythologies throughout the Indo-European language area. Their Irish counterpart, the Dagda, is a major personage at the centre of the Mythological Cycle, and his... more
Эпоха викингов стала главным потрясением для Европы в конце раннего Средневековья. Однако "внезапное" начало походов скандинавов на Запад в дейстительности не было таким уж спонтанным – ему предшествовал длительный и чрезвычайно... more