Morphological theory
Recent papers in Morphological theory
В статье обсуждаются значение морфологических работ А. А. Зализняка для русской и общей морфологии, анализируется ценность его исследований с точки зрения истории лингвистики и возможности развития его теоретических идей. The paper is... more
English: The current study focuses on the grammatical category of person inherent to personal pronouns in Russian and Bulgarian. Even though some Bulgarian parts of speech (mostly verbs, for example) have significant differences in... more
ورقة عن النظرية المورفولوجية في تحليل القصص الشعبي قدمت ضمن أعمال السنة لنيل درجة الماجستير في الفولكلور
Language is a mean of communication which is used by living beings to communicate with each other. There are many important components in language to create a successful communication, such as sound, sentence, meaning, and etc. One of the... more
"Kayardild possesses one of, if not the, most exuberant systems of morphological concord known to linguists, and a phonological system which is intricately sensitive to its morphology. This dissertation provides a comprehensive... more
Urban morphology is a thriving field of enquiry involving researchers from a wide diversity of disciplinary, linguistic and cultural backgrounds. While this diversity has helped advance our understanding of the complexity of urban form,... more
The terms "deponency" and "deponents" originally referred to a particular class of Latin verbs which take passive ("nonactive") morphology but are syntactically active. The term has subsequently been extended to cover verbs in other... more
"This dissertation is about the elements that build verbs, the elements that introduce arguments, and how these elements interact to determine the interpretation of arguments and events. A theory of argument structure is a theory how... more
for the first time in Booij (2005a).
In spite of the central position that the concept word has among the basic units of language structure, there is no consensus as to the definition of this concept (or network of related concepts). Many perspectives are needed in order to... more
Urban morphology is a thriving field of enquiry involving researchers from a wide diversity of disciplinary, linguistic and cultural backgrounds. While this diversity has helped advance our understanding of the complexity of urban form,... more
A language's morphology possesses a large set of meaningful elements, affixes, which combine in order to express an even larger set of semantic meanings; and affixation is the default rule for derivation of new words and word forms.... more
In this paper we will discuss the notion of prominence in morphology by reviewing how morphological heads are defined through their prominence at different levels. After outlining the main issues and, specially, the problems posed by... more
Galls are plant tissue which is controlled by the insect. Galls are outgrowths on the surface of leaf caused by invasion of various organisms like Bacteria, Fungi, Insects, Parasites and Mites. Galls may be found on leaves, stems, twigs,... more
Abstract. Urban morphology is a thriving field of enquiry involving researchers from a wide diversity of disciplinary, linguistic and cultural backgrounds. While this diversity has helped advance our understanding of the complexity of... more
In this paper I will provide a new argument for post-syntactic morphology. The empirical evidence comes from so-called displaced morphology in German verb clusters, where the non-finite verb form selected by a given governor does not... more
Recent work on verb clusters within Continental West-Germanic has argued in favor of restrictive theories of cluster orders that only generate a subset of the logically possible orders in three-verb clusters, explicitly ruling out the 213... more
Syntactic representations the phrases and sentences of a language accommodate the insertion of morpholexical (¼ morphological or lexical) expressions drawn or projected from its lexicon. Morphologists disagree about the types of... more
"Résumé Dans son étude des mots en -Vche, Plénat (2008) affirme que le choix entre les différentes formes du suffixe est sensible à des contraintes de taille et à des contraintes dissimilatives et que l’interaction de ces contraintes est... more
Работа посвящена изложению базовых принципов описания грамматического слова как синтагматической единицы, построенной из морфем, связанных между собой морфолого-синтаксическими отношениями. Подобное описание должно опираться на... more
This study deals with the morphology-pragmatics interface in Modern Greek compounding. The object of investigation are 64 compounds explicitly marked for stance. It is shown that the linking of denotational (semantic and/or categorial)... more
The theory of Distributed Morphology (DM) has been applied to English synthetic compounds by Harley (2009), who proposes an analysis as incorporation structures. After a short introduction on the passage from lexicalism to DM in Latin... more
I argue that displaced morphology in German results from a conflict between the head-finality of the German VP and the possibility of head-initial verb clusters. The phenomenon provides a straightforward argument for post-syntactic... more
Syntactic representations the phrases and sentences of a language accommodate the insertion of morpholexical (¼ morphological or lexical) expressions drawn or projected from its lexicon. Morphologists disagree about the types of... more
The aim of this study is to give the semantic profile of the Greek verb-deriving suffixes -íz(o), -én(o), -év(o), -ón(o), -(i)áz(o), and -ín(o), with a special account of the ending -áo/-ó. The patterns presented are the result of an... more
Syntactic representations the phrases and sentences of a language accommodate the insertion of morpholexical (¼ morphological or lexical) expressions drawn or projected from its lexicon. Morphologists disagree about the types of... more
Syntactic representations the phrases and sentences of a language accommodate the insertion of morpholexical (¼ morphological or lexical) expressions drawn or projected from its lexicon. Morphologists disagree about the types of... more
When speakers need to predict an inflected form of some word, the prediction they make is known to be sensitive to the behavior of lexical neighbors (‘nearby’ words in the lexicon). In this sense, inflectional generalization is analogical... more
This paper deals with the semantic structures of the Event -ízo derivatives in Modern Greek, appearing in the syntactic frames NPi __ NP and NP __. The present analysis incorporates a version of Ray Jackendoff's conceptual semantics... more
This paper deals with the semantic structure of the verbal prefixes apo-, ek(s)-, and kse- in Modern Greek, by considering their interface with pragmatics. 223 verbal creations are examined, elicited by means of language interviews with... more
The purpose of this research is to identify the morphological nature of cancerous cell by employing image processing algorithms so that they can be used to automate diagnostic techniques, reducing the cost and increasing the accuracy of... more
Urban morphology is a thriving field of enquiry involving researchers from a wide diversity of disciplinary, linguistic and cultural backgrounds. While this diversity has helped advance our understanding of the complexity of urban form,... more
"Zum Stand der Dinge" lautet der Titel des im Wortsinne einigermaßen großen und schweren Buches der beiden Autoren Herbert Fitzek und Andreas M. Marlovits, beides Professoren an der Business School Berlin. Auf dem Cover des Buchs prangt... more
Inferential–realisational analyses formalise a language’s inflectional morphology in terms of a mapping from a lexical index and a representation of morphosyntactic properties to a phonological form. Round (2009) has argued that the... more
Slides apresentados da XXVIII Jornada Giulio Massarani de Iniciação Científica da UFRJ em novembro de 2006.Orientadores e colaboradores: professores Miriam Lemle e Aniela Improta França.
This article approaches the debate between lexicalist and syntactic accounts of derivational morphology from a semantic viewpoint. It is argued that the debate between lexicalist and syntactic accounts of event nominalizations may not be... more