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This article is made up of two main parts. The first part points out two different definitions of cabinet – that is, functional and legal definitions. It also highlights the strong points and the shortcomings of both, proposing at the... more
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      GovernmentPolitical ElitesMinistersExecutive Politics
The impact of ministry on Australian families is understudied. We conducted a qualitative survey across four years, including an online, anonymous survey of over 281 participants. 99.1% told us that we needed to provide structured, long-... more
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      ReligionChildren and FamiliesFamily CommunicationFaith
(Eng) This paper grasps academic intentions of Bourdieu’s critical sociology, and discusses its practical feasibility. Bourdieu points out the academic error of “theoretical reason” common in both subjectivism and objectivism theory. He... more
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      EmancipationHabitusPierre BourdieuReflexive Sociology
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary HistoryModern History
There seems to be almost universal agreement that Paul restricted women’s role in ministry, largely based on two texts—1 Cor 14:34-35 and 1 Tim 2:11-15.1 Pauline authorship is not crucial to the interpretation of these texts on the role... more
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With the publication of this edition, the Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies completes its 20th year of publication. While we did not plan anything special for this anniversary, I think it is fitting, given the Pentecostal emphasis on... more
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      ChristianityTheologyNew TestamentMissiology and Mission Theology
Together We Can will raise quality of education in Egypt |Mahmoud Abou El Nasr
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      EgyptologyEducationTeacher EducationMinister
In this article, we examine the variation in the institutional powers granted to president to terminate cabinets (by dismissing prime ministers), and appointing ministers to show how variations affect both cabinet durability (and the mode... more
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      GovernmentPolitical ElitesComparative ConstitutionalismMinister
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      Political SociologyGovernmentPolitical ScienceProsopography
Przedmiotem niniejszej pracy jest analiza zasad regulujących odpowiedzialność polityczną ministra w ustroju III Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, zarówno w wymiarze solidarnym (poprzez konstruktywne wotum nieufności wobec Rady Ministrów), jak i... more
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      Ministerial resignationsDemocracy and Good GovernanceGOVERNMENT AND POLITICSGovernment Accountability
This chapter analyzes the decision-making process in Italian political executives and highlights affecting factors. After presenting constraints and opportunities of Italian cabinets, the chapter provides an overview of the years... more
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      Decision MakingGovernmentPolitical CoalitionsItalian Politics
(co-authored with Ferdinand Müller-Rommel and Jan Berz) This book examines the changes in the career experiences and profiles of 350 European prime ministers in 26 European democracies from 1945 to 2020. It builds on a theoretical... more
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      Political PartiesPopulismEuropean PoliticsLeadership (Political Science)
Barnard applied to the court for a review of the minister's decision denying him parole. The court declined to review the decision because it found it to be reasonable. The applicant only discovered the reasons that informed the... more
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      Criminal JusticeParoleMinisterLife Sentences
Silvio Berlusconi has unquestionably been one of Italy’s most important political figures since the early 1990s. The general election campaign of February 2013 demonstrated that he is anything but out of the political game. Consequently,... more
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      Political PartiesItalian StudiesGovernmentPolitical Coalitions
This chapter deals with the internal decision-making process of political executives in parliamentary systems, that is, how executives take their own collective decisions. The focus is on the cabinet system as a whole, including both... more
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      Decision MakingGovernmentExecutive LeadershipLeadership (Political Science)
When it comes to illustrate how cabinets work and to classify them, one very promising way is to look at their internal decision-making processes. In this paper, I give a comprehensive picture of cabinets in parliamentary and... more
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      Decision MakingTypologyExecutive PoliticsPrime Ministership
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      HistoryComparative PoliticsNew Zealand StudiesGovernment
Does Paul Really Want All Women to be Silent? 1 Corinthians 14:34-35
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Ufficio di Segreteria del Consiglio dei Ministri, Dipartimento Affari Giuridici e Legislativi, Pre-Consiglio, Ufficio per il Programma del Governo
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      GovernmentPublic LawMinisterCouncil of Ministers
(co-authored with Ferdinand Müller-Rommel) Executive power has been and will continue to be a prominent and widely used concept in political science. This chapter shows that executive power has mostly been examined in context with... more
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      GovernmentParliamentary StudiesDemocracyAutocracies
This article is made up of two main parts. The first part points out two different definitions of cabinet – that is, functional and legal definitions. It also highlights the strong points and the shortcomings of both, proposing at the... more
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      SociologyGovernmentPolitical SciencePolitical Elites
about portfolio allocation in Eastern and Western Europe is replicated with a differently constituted equation. While Druckman and Roberts's original OLS regression presented a model where constitutive terms were not included, this... more
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      Political PartiesGovernmentPolitical ElitesCabinet
Political advisers are now an established feature of the executive branch of government in the community of Westminster nations. However, there have been few attempts to establish why ministers appoint political staff, and even fewer that... more
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      HistoryComparative PoliticsNew Zealand StudiesGovernment
This article examines the trends in the political and social pathways to the cabinet in the modern Turkish Republic. It intends to fill the lacunae in the literature on Turkey's cabinets and ministerial elites in several respects. First,... more
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      GovernmentPolitical ElitesCabinetMinister
Karen Baehler’s contribution to the previous edition of this journal was a stimulating one in several respects. It provided a reminder of the timelessness of the debate about the rationality of policy-making, gave us something new to... more
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      HistoryComparative PoliticsNew Zealand StudiesGovernment
The advent of Ministerial Advisers of the partisan variety-a third element interposing itself into Westminster's bilateral monopoly-has been acknowledged as a significant development in a number of jurisdictions. While there are... more
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      HistoryEconomicsComparative PoliticsNew Zealand Studies
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      HistoryComparative PoliticsNew Zealand StudiesGovernment
Atti del convegno sul trentennale della Legge n. 400/1988 - LUISS, 20 febbraio 2018
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      GovernmentPublic LawCostitutional LawMinister
Prezentowany artykuł został opublikowany w Biuletynie Informacyjnym pracowników AGH w następstwie tego, że będący gościem na inauguracji roku akademickiego 1999/2000 były rektor AGH, a w momencie inauguracji urzędujący Minister Edukacji... more
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      InvestmentMinisterHistory of AGH University of Science and Technology
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In bijna alle bijdragen in deze bundel staat het thema Reformatie centraal. Van een beweging van onderop, van (een deel van) de bevolking die in verzet kwam tegen het gezag van de katholieke kerk bleek in Drenthe niets. De impuls om in... more
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      Early Modern HistoryReformation HistoryEarly Modern Church HistoryMinisters
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      HistorySociologyComparative PoliticsPublic Administration
Political advisers are now an established feature of the executive branch of government in the community of Westminster nations. However, there have been few attempts to establish why ministers appoint political staff, and even fewer that... more
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      HistoryComparative PoliticsNew Zealand StudiesGovernment
This article analyzes the recruitment and circulation of ministerial and parliamentary elites in Russia from the Soviet Union’s collapse in 1991 until 2009. The social backgrounds and careers of all ministers in 13 cabinets (1991–2009)... more
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      Political SociologyEastern European StudiesRussian StudiesComparative Politics
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      HistorySociologyComparative PoliticsPublic Administration
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      PolandGOVERNMENT AND POLITICSGovernment AccountabilityNational government
Abstract This article examines the trends in the political and social pathways to the cabinet in the modern Turkish Republic. It intends to fill the lacunae in the literature on Turkey's cabinets and ministerial elites in several... more
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      SociologyGovernmentPolitical SciencePolitical Elites
A few months after becoming minister, I used to say that “no one who has never before been an education minister should ever become an education minister”. This silly joke wasn’t usually understood. But what I meant was clear to me: this... more
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Gheorghe Petruşan - az MTA köztestületi tagja - a Foaia Românească magyarországi román hetilap centenáriumi kiadásában "A magyarországi románok és az 1918. évi egyesülés" címmel jelentetett meg írást. Ebben a munkájában felvázolta a 20.... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
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    • Minister
In bijna alle bijdragen in deze bundel staat het thema Reformatie centraal. Van een beweging van onderop, van (een deel van) de bevolking die in verzet kwam tegen het gezag van de katholieke kerk bleek in Drenthe niets. De impuls om in... more
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      Early Modern HistoryReformation HistoryEarly Modern Church HistoryMinisters
Political advisers are an established third element in a number of Westminster-styled jurisdictions, as they are in New Zealand ' s institution of executive government. In this paper we report the initial fi ndings of a research project... more
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      HistoryComparative PoliticsNew Zealand StudiesGovernment
El artículo examina la elección de los ministros y estima las posibilidades de selección de los políticos profesionales vis-à-vis la selección de técnicos o políticos novatos en gabinetes multipartidistas. La selección ministerial es... more
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      Political PartiesGovernmentPolitical CoalitionsPolitical Elites
A lle Parteien wollen Digitalisierung fördern und gestalten. Uneins sind sie aber über die Frage, wer dafür verantwortlich sein soll. Während die FDP ein Digitalministerium fordert, will die CDU einen Staatsminister im Kanzleramt und... more
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Abstract This article examines the trends in the political and social pathways to the cabinet in the modern Turkish Republic. It intends to fill the lacunae in the literature on Turkey's cabinets and ministerial elites in several... more
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      GovernmentPolitical SciencePolitical ElitesParliamentary Affairs
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      Political PartiesGovernmentElectoral SystemsPolitical Elites
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      HistoryComparative PoliticsNew Zealand StudiesGovernment
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      GOVERNMENT AND POLITICSMinisterKonstytucja RPIII Rzeczpospolita
The Changes in the Scopes of Activity of Ministers Directing Branches of Government Administration from 1997 to 2016 Until 1997, the principle of the creation of ministerial offices by statute was in force in Polish constitutional law.... more
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      GOVERNMENT AND POLITICSMinisterPrawo KonstytucyjneKonstytucja