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L’ouvrage de Cervantes, L’Ingénieux hidalgo don Quichotte de la Manche, se présente comme une traduction fictive, la supposée traduction d’un manuscrit arabe, réalisée par un traducteur morisque, et s’inscrit ainsi dans la longue... more
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      SpanglishDon QuijoteTraductionDon Quichotte
The main purpose of this article is re-open the question of middle-age Latin translation of Master John Hus's Оld Czech Cycle of sunday sermons. This translation can be found in two manuscripts located in Moravian Library in Brno. Origin... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval SermonsLiterary Multilingualism
A discussion of Donnchadh Rua MacConmara's poems that relate to Newfoundland.
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      Canadian StudiesIrish StudiesEighteenth-Century literatureEighteenth-Century British History and Culture
An alternative reading of MYS 1.9
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      Japanese StudiesPre-Modern Japanese LiteratureOld JapanesePremodern Japanese Literature
A concise, accessible overview of macaronic Latin literature.
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      Latin LiteratureMultilingualismRenaissance StudiesPoetry
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      Latin LiteratureHumorNeo-latin literatureMacaronic Literature
discusses the circumstances of composition, contents, language, style and criticism of the text (as a macaronic work of Arabic and Persian and as a prosimetric work of prose and verse, as a supposed manual of moral advice), its influence... more
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      Medieval LiteratureIntellectual History of Enlightenmentclassical Persian literatureShiraz
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      HagiographyHistory of ReligionReformation StudiesManuscript Studies
If we in the English-speaking world today are conscious of how much in the life of the mind depends on translation, we owe this realization in large part to George Steiner. His inspiring 1975 book, After Babel, did in less technical, more... more
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      TranslationMacaronic Literature
L’invention d’une langue et d’une littérature macaroniques en Italie s’épanouit comme une forme plaisante et académique de raillerie de l’épique qui produit en 1517 un chef-d’œuvre, le poème héroïque-comique Baldus, composé par le moine... more
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      Reformation HistoryEarly Modern LiteratureItalian ReformationMacaronic Literature
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      Anton Francesco DoniTeofilo FolengoMacaronic LiteratureLudovico Domenichi
i rivolgimenti sociali e linguistici seguiti al Sacco di roma del 1527, che portarono alla progressiva sprovincializzazione e scomparsa del cosiddetto 'romanesco di prima fase' favorirono, nella produzione letteraria, una "latitanza" del... more
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      AriostoPetrarcaGiovan Battista MarinoTeatro barocco
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      Textual CriticismItalian LiteratureLexicographyItalian philology
La imagen de cubierta corresponde al frontispicio de un panfleto redactado por Johannes Cochlaeus: “Las siete cabezas de Martín Lutero”. Editado en latín y alemán en 1529, en Leipzig, Sieben Kopffe Martini Luthers o Luther septiceps... more
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      Reformation HistoryReformation StudiesReformation TheologyHistory of the Reformation
As a phenomenon that involves using one or more languages other than your primary in literature, literary translingualism is ubiquitous in almost all cultures and at all times. Traces of the earliest Persian literary translingual... more
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      Medieval LiteraturePersian LiteratureAchaemenid PersiaBilingualism
Riassunto • L'intervento intende indagare le implicazioni tematico-narrative dovute alla natura agonistica delle prime edizioni del Baldus di Teofilo Folengo. A partire dalla peculiare delegittimazione dell'astrologia e dell'alchimia... more
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      Teofilo FolengoMacaronic Literature
Aims and Objectives/Purpose/Research Questions: The present paper aims to situate Macaronic Latin, a peculiar type of linguistic mixture that was used in literary works in early modern Europe, within the context of phenomena such as... more
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      Latin Language and LiteratureLatin LanguageBilingualismMacaronic Literature
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      Renaissance literatureFilologia Italiana Letteratura Italiana del RinascimentoTeofilo FolengoMacaronic Literature
According to the Hasidic oral tradition, some of its multi-language songs based on the Slavic languages originated in the Cantonist milieu. Taking into account disruptions in the Hasidic tradition, scarcity of existing research, and... more
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      חסידותJewish Folkloreפולקלור יהודיNigun
; saranno valutati dal Comitato scientifico e, se opportuno, da lettori esterni.
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      Italian LiteratureRenaissance literatureLetteratura italianaFilologia Italiana
Realizzazione editoriale: Omnibook, Bari Finito di stampare nel settembre 2020 da Grafiche VD srl, Città di Castello (PG) isbn 978-88-290-0155-2 Riproduzione vietata ai sensi di legge (art. 171 della legge 22 aprile 1941, n. 633)
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance literatureFilologia Italiana Letteratura Italiana del RinascimentoTeofilo Folengo
RESUMEN Este artículo contiene una descripción de la Metrificatio invectivalis de Tomás de Iriarte (1786) y un estudio de las fuentes literarias de este poema macarrónico. ABSTRACT This article contains a description of the Metrificatio... more
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Quaderni Folenghiani, 6-7, 2010: 113-134
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      Intellectual HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance literatureGiordano Bruno
Premessa. Cap. I. Lo storico e il profeta. L’età di Savonarola nella visione di Guicciardini (1. Dal dubbio al silenzio. 2. De futuris contingentibus ». 3. «Pertinacia» e «ostinazione»). Cap. II. Un’orazione per i posteri. Della Casa e... more
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      Italian StudiesRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismRenaissance
Corrected proofs - the essay was written in 2012 and is forthcoming.
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance literatureFilologia Italiana Letteratura Italiana del RinascimentoTeofilo Folengo
An edition of two Old Norse stanzas preserved in a C14th Icelandic learned miscellany (AM 732 b 4°): the first a scurrilous verse ridiculing the rejection of a failed suitor, written in a simple code; the second an ironic stanza... more
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      Skaldic PoetryOld NorseMedieval Icelandic LiteratureIcelandic Manuscripts
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      MessinaGiovanni Della CasaGalateoMacaronic Literature
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      ArchitectureLiteratureJames JoyceJungian psychology
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      French LiteratureLatin LiteratureEnglish LiteratureHistorical Linguistics
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      Textual CriticismReformation StudiesLexicographyItalian Renaissance literature
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      Renaissance StudiesCorpus LinguisticsLatin Language and LiteratureLatin Language
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      Latin LiteratureCode-SwitchingCognitive LinguisticsLatin Language and Literature
We propose a comparative analysis of basic verb morphology in macaronic Latin, a peculiar family of artistic idioms that were used as a literary device in various parts of Europe starting in the Italian Renaissance and lasting until the... more
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      Neo-latin literatureQuantitative MethodsCorrespondence AnalysisLatin linguistics
Šime Demo Macaronic Latin is a peculiar style within Neo-Latin literature that has an unusually large number of hybrid words, wherein the endings are Latin and the stems come from another language. 1 Typical macaronic verses look like the... more
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      Code-SwitchingCorpus LinguisticsNeo-latin literatureLatin Language and Literature
In this article I try to ascertain the aesthetic basis of poetic selection in an unusual chapter in Ibn Dāwūd al-Iṣfahānī's 9th-century anthology entitled Kitāb al-Zahra (The Book of the Flower) titled “poetry that is found elegant for... more
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      Arabic LiteratureAbbasid LiteraturePoeticsMacaronic Literature
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      Latin LiteratureNeo-latin literatureEarly Modern LiteratureLatin Language and Literature
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      Reformation HistoryReformation StudiesGerman ReformationReformation Theology
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      AnticlassicismTeofilo FolengoRenaissane StudiesMacaronic Literature
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      Languages and LinguisticsSlavic LanguagesSlavonic LanguagesPolish Studies
Mantsjoes hebben meer dan 250 jaar geheerst over een reusachtig rijk dat een groot deel van Azië besloeg, waaronder het huidige China. In hun taal, die aan Mongools en Turks verwant is, schreven ze miljoenen teksten die na hun ondergang... more
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      Manchu StudiesMacaronic Literature
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      Old High GermanMacaronic Literature
The study analyzes the literary opus of dr. Joža Lovrenčič (1890–1952), a Slovenian poet, writer, translator, and classicist. Pointing out several details in his curriculum vitae, it deals primarily with his affinity for Graeco-Roman... more
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      Latin Language and LiteratureCentral European StudiesFaustusMacaronic Literature
The article examines the problem of secondarity in a text considered secondary within the Nervalian corpus - his first of prose fiction, published in 1832 under the title "« La Main de Gloire, histoire macaronique ». One of two works... more
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      French LiteratureRomanticism19th Century French LiteratureGérard de Nerval
Franklin Lewis, "GOLESTĀN-E SAʿDI,"  Encyclopaedia Iranica article from 2001, which is also mirrored in Iran on the site:  Markaz-e Sa`di-shenasi  (
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      Persian LiteratureMedieval IslamIslamic StudiesEuropean Enlightenment
Gli ultimi cinque libri del Baldus di Teofilo Folengo sono incentrati sulla catabasi infernale dell’antieroe eponimo, Baldo, e dei suoi compagni: l’impresa del gruppo di ‘eroici furfanti’, finalizzata a debellare le forze diaboliche, è... more
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      Italian LiteratureTeofilo FolengoCatabasisBaldus
Looks at the linguistic "taboo-breaking" of Engonopoulos's early poetry, specifically his mixing of high (Katharevousa), standard (Dimotiki) and argot in a manner guaranteed to annoy linguistic purists of any stripe. Draws a parallel... more
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      Comparative LiteratureTranslation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsSurrealism
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      Print CultureTranslation StudiesTransnationalismHistory of the Book
Wie das „Heltauer Marienlied“ erhielt das „Mediascher Predigtbuch“ seinen Namen nach dem Ort, wo er im 19. Jahrhundert aufgefunden wurde. Anders als das Marienlied, dessen Abschrift von Heltau seit 1916 als verloren gilt , wird das... more
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      Reformation HistoryReformation StudiesGerman ReformationHistory of the Reformation