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Biblical poetry, in particular the psalms of lament, provides a model of how composing one's own lament and performing it to God can be a positive element in healing the effects of trauma. In an empirical study, Zulu youth who had... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationTrauma StudiesLaments (Anthropology)Literature and Trauma
Kate Grenville’s The Secret River (2005) enacts a narrative return to the violent trauma of Aboriginal dispossession and destruction upon which Australia is founded, situating its reader complexly, as both witness to and complicit in the... more
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      Trauma StudiesTwentieth Century LiteratureContemporary LiteratureNeo-Victorian Literature
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      Sociology of SportSport PsychologyLatin American StudiesLatin American and Caribbean History
Elias Khoury’s novel Bab el Shams (Gate of the Sun), which came out in 1998 symbolically marking fifty years to the Palestinian Nakba, is perhaps the most comprehensive narrative of this ongoing event. This fascinating novel has not yet... more
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      Trauma StudiesIsrael/PalestinePalestinian LiteratureLiterature and Trauma
La première pièce de Joanna Laurens, The Three Birds, (2000) propose une révision dramatique du mythe grec de Philomèle qui s’inscrit en contrepoint de la fable telle qu’elle est relatée dans les Métamorphoses d’Ovide. Le rapport à la... more
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      Comparative LiteratureGender StudiesMythologyEnglish Literature
This article presents a quasi-experimental study of a mindfulness-based intervention for traumatically bereaved individuals using a single group with pre-test and post-test design. The intervention consists of the ATTEND model, which is... more
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      Death StudiesTraumatic StressTrauma StudiesBereavement
a/b: Auto/Biography Studies
Volume 14, 1999 - Issue 1
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesGender and SexualityTrauma Studies
This article explores the approach of narrative by trauma survivors in general and the fictional character Etsuko of Kazuo Ishiguro in particular from his novel A Pale View of Hills. It examines how narrative re-building and... more
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      ArtLiterature and Trauma
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      SociologyDeconstructionTrauma StudiesLiterary Theory
Kinderen met (vroegkinderlijk) trauma worden niet (h) erkend en vertonen nog wel eens gedragsproblemen door hun levensomstandigheden. Wat kunnen leerkrachten doen om het onderwijs traumasensitief te maken?
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      Traumatic Brain InjuryTrauma StudiesLiterature and TraumaTrauma
Many children in South Africa grow up in townships, where they are exposed to violence, drugs, gangs, and poverty. Difficulties in their home situations result in many of them lacking soft skills that enable a person to thrive (such as... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationPerformance ArtPerformanceLiterature and Trauma
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      Contemporary LiteraturePostcolonial LiteratureLiterature and Trauma
The presence of absence is a core element in archival theory and practice (Derrida, 1996). Much of the power and meaning in Jon Rafman’s work owes its existence to something that is absent – to what it lacks – as much as to what is... more
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      Digital ArchivesLiterature and TraumaGrief and LossThe Arts In Transforming Conflict and Trauma
Penser la projection comme un opérateur entre littérature et cinéma comporte un risque méthodologique évident, celui de la métaphore : comment se prémunir de la facilité improductive d'une réflexion sur le film qui, du moment qu'il adapte... more
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      Literature and cinemaLiterature and TraumaAdaptation (Film Studies)Ingmar Bergman Films
Mit der vorliegenden Studie wird erstmals für die Psalmenexegese eine Monographie unter der Perspektive der interdisziplinären Traumaforschung vorgelegt. Die Arbeit erschließt, wie sich traumatische Ereignisse auf die narrativ-ästhetische... more
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      ViolenceNarratologyLaments (Anthropology)Literature and Trauma
Since the second half of the 1970s, a corpus of studies focusing on the history of women during the Holocaust has been produced. These studies assert that even though Jewish women shared the annihilation threat with the men, Jewish women... more
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      Gender StudiesArt HistoryJewish StudiesWomen's Studies
These voices of utopia, inseparable from the experience of dislocation, are a unique contribution to the literature of testimony. With her cycle Svetlana Alexievich has established herself as the first major postcolonial author of... more
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      Non Fiction WritingCultural HistoryRussian StudiesSoviet History
Literarische Texte über traumatische Erfahrungen legen sich stets eine eigenartige Sprache zu: die Sprache nämlich, in der das Trauma – dessen wichtigster Grundzug es doch ist, verschwiegen zu werden – schließlich doch noch erzählt und... more
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      Gender StudiesGender and SexualityTrauma StudiesWomen's Literature
Franz Kafka's Letter to His Father is one of the greatest examples in world literature of memory of a traumatic childhood. In it, the author takes a retrospective journey through his life, recollecting and analyzing the reasons for the... more
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      Literature and TraumaPost traumatic stress disorder
While memory guarantees a degree of continuity between past and present, it is not without shortcomings. Powerless in the face of the future and threatened by oblivion, memory has the ability to imprison individuals and communities alike... more
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      History and MemoryHistory, Writing and MemoryLiterature and TraumaWajdi Mouawad
Trauma theory, especially associated with the works of Cathy Caruth and Judith Lewis Herman, is expressed by Sigmund Freud especially in his works Studies in Hysteria, Beyond the Pleasure Principle and Moses and Monotheism. According to... more
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      ArtLiterature and TraumaTraumaOtto Rank
From vampires and werewolves to fairies, Charlotte Brontë's novel Jane Eyre (1847) is filled with creatures more fitting a penny dreadful than a canonical work of Victorian fiction. Monsters stalk the shadowed halls of Thornfield in the... more
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      Literature and TraumaMonsters and Monster TheoryCharlotte BrontëJane Eyre
「白色恐怖」之為一種國家暴力,是解嚴後台灣社會揮之不去的集體記憶,同時也顯露了種種創傷的癥候。本文有意自一個比較的視野出發,著眼於戰後創傷經驗的可比較性、以及東、西方「見證」觀的互譯性,期能透過挖掘台灣「白色恐怖見證文學」獨特的表現/癥候、同時部份借助文學或文化理論的介入,有效地檢視並解剖其敘事,覺察並梳理其繼承;一方面建立白色恐怖創傷敘事的公共意義,另方面探尋白色恐怖成為台灣社會「文化創傷」的可能基礎。... more
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      History of Political ViolenceCollective MemoryLiterature and TraumaLiterary Testimony
Hispánica, nº59, Tokio: Asociación Japonesa de Hispanistas, 2015, pp.61-83. La novela Soinujolearen semea (2003) de Bernardo Atxaga, traducida al castellano por el propio autor como El hijo del acordeonista (2004), merece especial... more
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      LanguagesMemoir and AutobiographyLiterature and TraumaTranslation
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      German StudiesLiteratureFilm Music And SoundSound studies
In 11/9/2001, the whole world, was astounded to hear the news of the World Trade Center's destruction and collapse. On this day, the city of New York mourned, not only for the lives of people who died in these buildings, but also the for... more
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      Literature and TraumaPost 9/11 literature
The process of trauma and healing of central character 'Kambili', in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's novel 'Purple Hibiscus'.
Signs and symptoms of childhood trauma.
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      SociologyPsychologyComparative LiteratureEnglish Literature
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      20th Century German LiteratureLiterature and TraumaExile LiteratureHolocaust Literature
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      American LiteratureWorld LiteraturesModernism (Literature)Narrative
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      Soviet HistoryPolish LiteratureLiterature and TraumaHunger
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      Trauma StudiesHolocaust StudiesLiterature and TraumaHolocaust Literature
Talking about his most unconventional plays, Attempts on Her Life (1997) and Fewer Emergencies (2005), British playwright Martin Crimp recently said that "in this second kind of writing, the dramatic space is a mental space, not a... more
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      PsychoanalysisGender StudiesPhilosophy of MindPerforming Arts
This article explores the enthusiastic reception by gay, lesbian, and mainstream audiences of a German Holocaust document, Erica Fischer’s Aimée & Jaguar: A Love Story, Berlin 1943 (1994), in the context of the emergence of increasingly... more
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      American LiteratureGerman StudiesComparative LiteratureGerman Literature
À la croisée de la littérature, de l’analyse du discours, de la psychanalyse, de la psychologie et des théories sur le trauma, Écrire les Blessures de l’enfance. Inscription du trauma dans la littérature contemporaine au féminin explore... more
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      French LiteratureTrauma StudiesLiterature and TraumaContemporary Women's Writing
Entre dos silencis (1958) és, segurament, la novel•la més remarcable d’Aurora Bertrana després del seu retorn de l’exili. Els motius en són diversos, tot i que destacaríem el fet que l’argument narra les conseqüències devastadores de la... more
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      Memory StudiesLiterature and Trauma
Book review
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      Race and EthnicityCancerVietnam WarMemoir and Autobiography
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      Military HistoryPolitical SociologySocial MovementsPsychology
להביט במאכלת: תגובת קרב בקולנוע התיעודי הישראלי. חיבור לשם קבלת התואר "דוקטור לפילוסופיה".
  Looking at the Knife:  Combat Stress Reaction in Israeli Documentary Cinema. Thesis for the degree of "DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY".
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      EthicsFilm StudiesFilm TheoryIsrael Studies
In her book-length works i is a long memoried woman and “Picasso, I Want My Face Back,” the Guyanese-British poet Grace Nichols uses poetry to give a voice to a particular woman in history. The lyrical subjects speaking in these works, an... more
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      Comparative LiteratureEthicsPostcolonial StudiesPoetry
This essay identifies a particular mode of testimonial writing, ‘hybrid testimony’, which is produced through creative collaborations between victims of historical violence and professional writers. Through analysis of two... more
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      TestimonyPostcolonial StudiesTrauma StudiesMemory Studies
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book summary in downloadable .pdf] According to the poet Elias Canetti, "All the things one has forgotten / scream for help in dreams." To the ancient Egyptians they were prophecies, and... more
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      Military HistoryPsychologyAbnormal PsychologyClinical Psychology
Literature is a consequential medium that refl ects human phenomena through artistic mode. It helps in recalling past traumatic experiences though more oft en in a masked form. Th e memories of the bellicose confl icts are recounted by... more
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      Northeast IndiaLiterature and TraumaIndian LiteratureLiterature and Identity
The long-awaited extensively revised and expanded version of Mogenson's provocative earlier book, God Is a Trauma: Vicarious Religion and Soul-Making. Despite is title, this book is not about theology. When a psychologist writes about... more
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      ReligionJungian psychologyTrauma StudiesLiterature and Trauma
In his 2008 selection of poems András Visky unified his biographical trauma (of being departed to the Romanian Gulag in the age of 2) and the traumatic "event" of faith in the sense of the derridian "secret". Just like the secret of... more
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      Radical Orthodoxy (Theology)Jacques DerridaHungarian StudiesKierkegaard
“Is the Holocaust Western?” Such a question is posed by Jeffrey Alexander in his work, The Meanings of Social Life where he also acknowledges that, in other parts of the world, the Holocaust is not a common reference of WWII (83). In... more
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      Memory StudiesHolocaust StudiesMemoir and AutobiographyLiterature and Trauma
By Joy Ernst and Tina Maschi Elder abuse is a global systemic problem in which one or more traumatic or stressful life experiences directly affect older adults, their families, and communities. Despite its devastating impact, the... more
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      Traumatic StressTrauma StudiesLiterature and Trauma
" The 9/11 terrorist attack on the United States has become one of the most represented disasters in history since it produced an unprecedented visual impact on those... more
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      IntermedialityIntermediaLiterature and Trauma9/11 Literature
Trauma Studies Anthology is out from Wydawnictwo Universitas. It contains essays by Cathy Caruth, Ruth Leys, Dominick LaCapra, Henry Bond, Geoffrey Hartman, Joshua Hirsch, Stef Craps etc. translated into Polish with my introduction.... more
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      PsychoanalysisTrauma StudiesLiterature and TraumaLacanian psychoanalysis
A controversial characteristic in F. H. Batacan’sSmaller and Smaller Circles is the humanization of its antagonist, Alejandro Benitez-Carlos Jr. (also known as Alex). In the story, he was a cruel serial killer who dehumanizes the bodies... more
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      Literature and TraumaLacanian psychoanalysisSerial killers
Remarked from her very first book, Voica (published in 1924), and up to her last novel Le Témoin de l’éternité, printed first in France in 1975 and translated into Romanian in 1995, Henriette Yvonne Stahl turned from a promising female... more
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      Modernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Romanian LiteratureRomanian StudiesModernity