Ingmar Bergman Films
Recent papers in Ingmar Bergman Films
This thesis examines seven films from the cinemas of Ingmar Bergman and Andrei Tarkovsky—Bergman’s The Seventh Seal (1957), Through a Glass Darkly (1961), Winter Light (1963), and The Silence (1963), and Tarkovsky’s Stalker (1979),... more
Статья посвящена средневековой аллегории Danse macabre и ее кинематографическим интерпретациям. Отмечается особая концентрированность, мотивная многосоставность данной средневековой эмблемы, позволяющая интерпретировать ее как понятие,... more
Penser la projection comme un opérateur entre littérature et cinéma comporte un risque méthodologique évident, celui de la métaphore : comment se prémunir de la facilité improductive d'une réflexion sur le film qui, du moment qu'il adapte... more
The Seventh Seal (NC) with Post-Screening Talk Sunday 18 March at 6.15pm 97 mins – Sweden 1957 – Subtitles – Dir: Ingmar Bergman Starring: Gunnar Björnstrand, Bengt Ekerot and Nils Poppe This allegorical drama – centred on a medieval... more
O Sétimo Selo, Gritos e Sussurros e Sonata de Outono, três importantes obras do cineasta sueco Ingmar Bergman, oferecem, respectivamente, a religião, a doença e a família como objetos de estudo, uma vez que são os principais condutores da... more
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book intro in downloadable .pdf] "It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it." --John Steinbeck... more
Em geral, as teorias da religião colocam em relevo o aspecto de fundamentação e construção de sentido que o discurso religioso estabelece. Assim, a religião é tida como fixação de uma ordem frente ao caos, de um sentido frente ao vazio,... more
El presente artículo recorre diferentes proyectos específicos elaborados para la televisión por cineastas trabajando en la órbita de alguna de sus fuentes de origen: teatro en Renoir, novela realista en Pialat, televisualidad en Lynch, y... more
A brief overview and analysis of Ingmar Bergman's 1953 movie Summer with Monika
This essay looks at how the production of the image is a key theme in 'Persona'
Show Me Love is Sweden’s first and until recently only lesbian coming- out story.4 It has become a cult film of modern European and international gay cinema. Show Me Love is both a coming-of-age and a coming-out story, simultaneously a... more
Ingmar Bergman’s Persona (1966) is, undoubtedly, one of the most influencing films in the history of cinema. Its plot, montage, and direction, apart from being unprecedented, are unusually open to interpretation. Numerous theoretical... more
Ingmar Bergman was an internationally respected Swedish film and theatre director and writer whose diverse and complex works continue to captivate audiences worldwide. His films have been considered art and he a poet whilst the themes and... more
A critical review of Pawel Pawlikowski's 'Ida', within the frame of the controversies raised by the film in Poland, and with a look at its implication in the broader debate of Jewish-Polish relations, both in Poland and abroad. The paper... more
Aparição de Vergílio Ferreira, um romance que poderia ter escrito Clarice Lispector (ou Entre persona e pessoa ou Por que os animais não falam?)
is a Swedish cinematographer whose work belongs to what is called "the serious cinema." Ordinarily he writes his own screenplays and directs the filming of them. The title of this particular film, "The Seventh Seal," comes from the book... more
I am writing a research paper in my Film and Philosophy course that explores Ingmar Bergman's The Seventh Seal in relation to Bergman's own fear of death. I will eventually expand on the topic, but I figured I would post the mini version... more
PERSONA gilt sicherlich als einer der rätselhaftesten und experimentellsten Filme Bergmans Oeuvre. Seine wesentliche Ambiguität bringt unvermeidlich riesige Auslegungsschwierigkeiten, auf die die Kritiker seit der Filmpremiere von 1966... more
After a basic outline of the characteristics of film dreams, the essay will use four case studies to give a survey of their history between 1945 and 1990, concentrating on the affiliation of film dreams with dominant cultural themes and... more
Il presente lavoro mira a fornire un approfondimento dell’opera di Ingmar Bergman e dei contesti filosofici, biografici e storico-culturali in cui prende forma, ponendo altresì l’accento sugli sviluppi del modernismo letterario svedese e... more
"I nostri rapporti con il prossimo si limitano per la maggior parte al pettegolezzo e a una sterile critica del suo comportamento. Questa constatazione mi ha lentamente portato a isolarmi dalla cosiddetta vita sociale e mondana. Le mie... more
Es ist schon über 10 Jahre her, daß ich die Filme Ingmar Bergmans für mich entdeckte. Sie zogen mich sofort in ihren Bann. Ich dachte mir, da wird in einer Unmittelbarkeit und Tiefe, die selten erreicht wird, nach den sogenannten... more
This essay analyzes the self-reflexive formal structure of Ingmar Bergman's film, Persona (1966). It shows how the film's commentary on the artificiality of cinema is at the same time a commentary on the subject's alienated existence.
Un análisis de la construcción fílmica de los sueños en Fresas Salvajes.
Σε αυτή τη μελέτη οι έννοιες του χώρου και του χρόνου προτείνονται σαν θεωρητικό εργαλείο ανάλυσης με σκοπό να αποτελέσουν μια χαρτογράφηση του έργου “Οι Κοινωνούντες”, του Ίνγκμαρ Μπέργκμαν διότι αποτελούν μια αλλαγή παραδείγματος στον... more
Wyprodukowany w 1957 roku film Siódma pieczęć Ingmara Bergmana, to jedno z najbardziej znanych dzieł szwedzkiego reżysera. Mimo że widzowie postrzegają ten obraz przede wszystkim jako film, za kulisami tej produkcji kryje się kilka... more
Este trabalho se propõe a realizar uma análise comparativa entre dois produtos audiovisuais lançados nos anos 1950, o filme de Bergman O sétimo selo e o episódio da série de TV Além da imaginação “One for the angels” a partir da maneira... more
In this master thesis I attempt to shed a new light on the seminal film "The seventh Seal", emphasising its Christian iconography and dispelling it as a film about death or the "silence of God".
Bu çalışmada İsveç'in dünya sinemasına kazandırdığı bir usta olan Ingmar Bergman sineması, filmlerinin temaları çerçevesinde incelenmiş ve yönetmenin sinema tarihinde önemli bir yeri olan Yedinci Mühür filmi ele alınmıştır. Bu çerçevede... more
This was my first substantive piece of film analysis, written at the tender age of 20, with mistakes and grandiose ambitions intact.
O analiză antropologică, culturală și istorică asupra filmului lui Ingmar Bergman, „A șaptea pecete” și a motivului jocului de șah cu moartea.
Brief discussion of the Bergman film, originally appearing in Metro Magazine 120 (1999).
From the back cover: "‘Post-War Modernist Cinema and Philosophy: Confronting Negativity and Time' represents an advanced, sophisticated, extremely well informed and challenging contribution to the rapidly growing area of film-philosophy... more
ÖZET Yönetmenliği ve senaryosu Ingmar Bergman tarafından yapılmış bir film klasiği olan Yedinci Mühür'de İsveç Kraliyeti'nin Haçlı Şövalyeleri'nden biri olan Antonius Block (Max von Sydow), kutsal topraklar için on yıl savaştıktan sonra... more
This article concerns the complex nature of post-war European film modernism’s historicity. According to András Bálint Kovács, this cinema rose in an arc starting from the mid-1950s, peaking in the 1960s, and slowly petering out by 1980.... more
Paul Schrader's 'First Reformed' (2017) is in many ways a thorough embodiment of the aesthetic principles that constitute the so called 'transcendental style in film', as put by the book that Schrader wrote and was published in 1972. This... more
My dissertation entitled, “Ingmar Bergman’s portrayal of death and dreams in his autobiographically influenced films leading to a new film language” argues that the films of the Swedish director, Ingmar Bergman has been inspired from his... more
Is silence torture or transcendence? Film scholar Phoebe Pua examines the presence of metaphysical silence in the cinemas of the two great auteurs Ingmar Bergman and Andrei Tarkovsky. Foregrounding essential similarities and differences,... more