Papers by Arzu Korucu
Journal of International Social Research, 2019
Despite the term 'violence' associates the force which strong and powerful people use against the... more Despite the term 'violence' associates the force which strong and powerful people use against the weak in order to have their ways, there lies a deeper truth beneath the surface. According to Erich Fromm, it is possible to say that violence actually stems from impotency or different kinds of weakness and feeling of deficiency. Hence, the origin of violence is psychological. From this point of view, it can be clearly noticed that violence has begun to lose its male character and gains a new and female attribution when examined under the light of some recent researches regarding myths, fairy tales and some religious narratives as the indicators of behavioural patterns in time immemorial. In these narratives, women can also apply violence, even to women. Especially in some famous fairy tales like Jorinda and Joringel, Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella and Snow White, the female violence against female figures becomes strikingly obvious. So, in this study we have turned our perspective to the feminine world in these fairy tales and have tried to analyse the female violence victimizing the heroines by using some theories of analytical psychology and psychoanalysis.
MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2019
Journal of International Social Research, 2018
Trauma theory, especially associated with the works of Cathy Caruth and Judith Lewis Herman, is e... more Trauma theory, especially associated with the works of Cathy Caruth and Judith Lewis Herman, is expressed by Sigmund Freud especially in his works Studies in Hysteria, Beyond the Pleasure Principle and Moses and Monotheism. According to him, trauma is the result of fright which is different from fear and dread. It is different because they both anticipate the danger, but fright is an abrupt experience. The repetitive feature of this unexpected fright is important as well. In this respect, the main problem is actually readaptation to life aftermath of the traumatic event. Otto Rank, a beloved student of Freud, takes this theory a step further and develops the Trauma of Birth theory, in which all the important points in the life of individual are directly associated with birth and father is of secondary importance. Incorporating these theories, D. H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers has sparkling characters like Gertrude, William and Paul each of whom experiences traumatic events. In this study, it is aimed to display and to examine the tragic but persevering efforts of the characters in the work to cope with the trauma in their own way.
Romanian Journal of English Studies
Bernard Shaw describes the important role of play in the cultural development of the individual w... more Bernard Shaw describes the important role of play in the cultural development of the individual with his famous quotation: “We don’t cease to play because we grow old; we grow old because we cease to play.” On the other hand, Donald Winnicott summarizes his basic thesis claiming that “Cultural experience begins with creative living first manifested as play.” In this study, I aim to analyse how the mysterious interaction between mother and child appears in Bruce Holland Rogers’s story named Little BrotherTM through the lens of Freud’s, Jung’s and Winnicott’s theories.
Manas Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2019
Prepossessing and regarded as the unique consolation for the grim reality of death throughout the ages, rebirth is a universal phenomenon. Like other universal phenomena, rebirth is also an archetype, belonging to collective unconscious. Hence, it appears with different forms in works of art, especially in novels. The rebirth archetype, of which most famous form is reincarnation, often intertwines with anima archetype which Carl Gustav Jung defines as the complementary female element in men’s psyche. The aim of this study is to analyse the forms of appearance and results of interaction of these archetypes in Ruh Adam by Hüseyin Nihal Atsız, which are handled strikingly and inventively to the accompaniment of a vast knowledge about mythology.
Key words: Hüseyin Nihal Atsız, Ruh Adam, rebirth, anima, Carl G. Jung
Bernard Shaw describes the important role of play in the cultural development of the individual w... more Bernard Shaw describes the important role of play in the cultural development of the individual with his famous quotation: “We don’t cease to play because we grow old; we grow old because we cease to
play.” On the other hand, Donald Winnicott summarizes his basic thesis claiming that “Cultural experience begins with creative living first manifested as play.” In this study, I aim to analyse how the mysterious interaction between mother and child appears in Bruce Holland Rogers’s story named Little BrotherTM through the lens of Freud’s, Jung’s and Winnicott’s theories.
Keywords: Donald Winnicott, Little BrotherTM, play, psychoanalysis
Trauma theory, especially associated with the works of Cathy Caruth and Judith Lewis Herman, is e... more Trauma theory, especially associated with the works of Cathy Caruth and Judith Lewis Herman, is expressed by Sigmund Freud especially in his works Studies in Hysteria, Beyond the Pleasure Principle and Moses and Monotheism. According to him, trauma is the result of fright which is different from fear and dread. It is different because they both anticipate the danger, but fright is an abrupt experience. The repetitive feature of this unexpected fright is important as well. In this respect, the main problem is actually readaptation to life aftermath of the traumatic event. Otto Rank, a beloved student of Freud, takes this theory a step further and develops the Trauma of Birth theory, in which all the important points in the life of individual are directly associated with birth and father is of secondary importance. Incorporating these theories, D. H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers has sparkling characters like Gertrude, William and Paul each of whom experiences traumatic events. In this study, it is aimed to display and to examine the tragic but persevering efforts of the characters in the work to cope with the trauma in their own way.
Uğultulu Tepeler (Wuthering Heights), yayınlandığı dönemde içerdiği gotik ögeler, işlediği aykırı... more Uğultulu Tepeler (Wuthering Heights), yayınlandığı dönemde içerdiği gotik ögeler, işlediği aykırı aşk ve şiddet temalarıyla fazlasıyla ses getiren bir edebi eserdir. Ayrıca yazarı Emily Bronte’nin bir kadın olarak Viktorya dönemi gibi bir geçiş döneminde bir erkek ismi olan Ellis takma adıyla kitabını yayınlaması da, toplumsal cinsiyet bağlamında en az kitabın içeriği kadar ilgi çekicidir. Edebi eserlerde sıkça kullanılan ikili karşıtlıkların çarpıcı örneklerle sergilendiği bu romanda, başlangıçta henüz toplumsal kural ve ayrımlardan habersiz olan Catherine ve Heathcliff karakterleriyle temsil edilen eril/dişil ikiliği, çevreleri tarafından toplumsal cinsiyet rollerinin dayatılmasıyla sahip olduğu kutsallığı yitirip şeytani bir boyut kazanır. Onlar, tıpkı kendilerine yasaklanan Bilgi ağacının meyvesini yiyerek cinselliklerinin farkına varan ve böylece cennetten kovulan Âdem/Havva ikiliğinde olduğu gibi bilinçdışı masumiyetlerini yitirerek uzun bir ayrılığa mahkûm olurlar. Dahası, saf bir Eros içgüdüsünün enerjisiyle ortaya çıkan bu ilişkinin kahramanları, toplumsal kuralların kabul edilmesiyle birlikte yok etme içgüdüsü Thanatos’un yıkıcı etkilerine teslim olarak hem kendilerine, hem çevrelerine ve hem de sonraki kuşağa ağır bir bedel ödetirler. Çalışmamızda, Uğultulu Tepeler’de toplumsal cinsiyet ayrımının eros içgüdüsünü zedeleyerek thanatos’u nasıl baskın hale getirdiği incelenecektir.
Kesik Bir Baş’ta Bir “Kahraman”: Martin Lynch-Gibbon’ın Geç Kalan Yolculuğu
İrlanda köken... more Kesik Bir Baş’ta Bir “Kahraman”: Martin Lynch-Gibbon’ın Geç Kalan Yolculuğu
İrlanda kökenli İngiliz yazar Dame Jean Iris Murdoch, genellikle eserlerinde işlediği orta sınıfa veya burjuvaziye ait etik ve cinsel temalarla dikkat çeker. Kara mizahı ustalıkla kullanan Murdoch, iyi-kötü çelişkisini ve ahlaki ikilemleri mitsel ve trajik öğelerle desteklediği, sıradan gibi görünen, ancak incelikle işlenmiş sahnelerde ortaya koyar. Çalışmamıza konu olan Kesik Bir Baş, yazarın Sigmund Freud’un psikanalitik kuramlarından ve Carl G. Jung’un analitik psikoloji öğretilerinden etkilendiğini en iyi örnekleyen romanlarından biridir. Aynı zamanda 1970’li yıllarda İngiltere’yi sarsan cinsel devrimin habercisi olarak da kabul edilen romanda, başlıca vurgu ensest ve zina olgularını da kapsayan ahlaki tabuların yıkılması ve evlilik konuları üzerindeymiş gibi görünse de, aslında vurgulanmak istenen, romanın kahramanı Martin’in kendi dışında gelişen olaylar sonucunda, apansız çıktığı bir arayış yolculuğudur. Burjuvazi sınıfına mensup orta yaşlı bir şarap tüccarı olan Martin, karısının kendisini aldattığını itiraf etmesiyle başlayan ve sonraki şok edici gelişmelerle yoğunlaşan ahlaki açmazların etkisiyle, içinde kendini ana rahminde gibi huzurlu ve emin hissettiği eski mutlu dünyasından ayrılıp yepyeni, huzursuz ve oldukça yabancı bir dünyaya adım atarak başlar yolculuğuna. Çalışmamızda, Martin karakterinin çıktığı bireyleşme yolculuğunun Jung’un tipik kahramanın yolculuğu fenomeniyle ne derece örtüştüğünü ve Freud’un iğdiş kompleksi ve Medusa kuramlarının kahramandaki tezahür biçimlerini açımlamaya çalıştık.
SUMMARY The Tragedy of Narcissism in The Picture of Dorian Gray: Eros Defeated by Thanatos Though... more SUMMARY The Tragedy of Narcissism in The Picture of Dorian Gray: Eros Defeated by Thanatos Though it is possible to trace back the interaction between literature and psychology to the previous periods, indeed it came up how the aspects of psyche which remained hidden by then reflected to the works of art with the help of Sigmund Freud's studies in the 19th century, thus it became an interesting and common research-analysis field in the 20th century. The studies for analysing psyche named as 'psychoanalysis' by Freud put an end to the significant question marks about the ways by which the unconscious affect the human life. However, it cannot be denied that they caused serious debates in point of their application in the works of art, especially in the literary works, because of the relativity of their theories. Our study has aimed at bringing a different view point to the debates about the reflection of eros (love instinct) and thanatos (destruction instinct) in the literary works as well as in the life itself. They are among the basic concepts in psychoanalysis and they were named after the god of Love (Eros) and the god of Death (Thanatos) in Greek mythology. In psyche of Dorian, who is the protagonist of The Picture of Dorian Gray, the unique novel of Oscar Wilde, who was one of the incongruous authors in the 19th century, eros makes an inner directed progress that results in narcissism; this progress ends up with Dorian's suicide that develops as a result of inner directed thanatos. In our study, we have examined the tragedy of Ego which is created by an unbounded narcissism, supported by the hedonistic life philosophy, by transforming eros into thanatos.
Books by Arzu Korucu
Edebiyatta Kadın ve Göç
En yaygın anlamıyla göç, Everett Lee’nin tanımıyla “genel olarak yaşanan yerin kalıcı ya da yarı ... more En yaygın anlamıyla göç, Everett Lee’nin tanımıyla “genel olarak yaşanan yerin kalıcı ya da yarı kalıcı olarak değiştirilmesi” olarak bilinir. Göç üzerine bilinen ilk düzenli çalışmayı 1885 ve 1889 yıllarında yayınladığı iki makaleyle ortaya koyarak göç kanunlarını sınıflandıran Georg Ravenstein’a göre yedinci ve son göç kanunu cinsiyetle ilgilidir. Buna göre kadınlar erkeklere oranla daha fazla göç etme eğilimindedirler. Birçok eleştirmene göre İngiliz romanının babası sayılan Daniel Defoe’nun yazdığı Moll Flanders, dönemin sosyokültürel yapısına göre bir hayli sansasyonel olan kadın kahramanıyla dikkat çekmesi bir yana, aslında tam bir göç hikayesidir. Kanundışı kimliğiyle Moll’un göç sürecini, Medusa ve Medea mitleriyle çözümleyerek, göçün bu romanda ifade ettiği anlamları sorgulayacağız.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Göç, Kadın, Daniel Defoe, Moll Flanders, Medusa, Medeia
In its commonest definition, migration is known as “changing one’s usual habitat temporarily or permanently”, defined by Everett Lee. To Georg Ravenstein, who categorized the laws of migration in two articles he wrote in 1885 and 1889 as the first known regular study on migration, the seventh and last law is concerned with sex. Accordingly, women tend to migrate more often than men do. Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe, regarded by several critics as the father of English novel, is a complete story of migration with its heroine who proves to be rather sensational through her actions in the socio-cultural structure of the period. This study is intended to examine the meanings and dimensions of migration through the analysis of Moll’s migratory process in the light of the myths of Medusa and Medeia.
Key Words: Migration, Woman, Daniel Defoe, Moll Flanders, Medusa, Medeia
Conference Presentations by Arzu Korucu
Yazında Sanat ve Sanatçı, 2007
8th International IDEA Conference "Studies in English", 2015
Papers by Arzu Korucu
Prepossessing and regarded as the unique consolation for the grim reality of death throughout the ages, rebirth is a universal phenomenon. Like other universal phenomena, rebirth is also an archetype, belonging to collective unconscious. Hence, it appears with different forms in works of art, especially in novels. The rebirth archetype, of which most famous form is reincarnation, often intertwines with anima archetype which Carl Gustav Jung defines as the complementary female element in men’s psyche. The aim of this study is to analyse the forms of appearance and results of interaction of these archetypes in Ruh Adam by Hüseyin Nihal Atsız, which are handled strikingly and inventively to the accompaniment of a vast knowledge about mythology.
Key words: Hüseyin Nihal Atsız, Ruh Adam, rebirth, anima, Carl G. Jung
play.” On the other hand, Donald Winnicott summarizes his basic thesis claiming that “Cultural experience begins with creative living first manifested as play.” In this study, I aim to analyse how the mysterious interaction between mother and child appears in Bruce Holland Rogers’s story named Little BrotherTM through the lens of Freud’s, Jung’s and Winnicott’s theories.
Keywords: Donald Winnicott, Little BrotherTM, play, psychoanalysis
İrlanda kökenli İngiliz yazar Dame Jean Iris Murdoch, genellikle eserlerinde işlediği orta sınıfa veya burjuvaziye ait etik ve cinsel temalarla dikkat çeker. Kara mizahı ustalıkla kullanan Murdoch, iyi-kötü çelişkisini ve ahlaki ikilemleri mitsel ve trajik öğelerle desteklediği, sıradan gibi görünen, ancak incelikle işlenmiş sahnelerde ortaya koyar. Çalışmamıza konu olan Kesik Bir Baş, yazarın Sigmund Freud’un psikanalitik kuramlarından ve Carl G. Jung’un analitik psikoloji öğretilerinden etkilendiğini en iyi örnekleyen romanlarından biridir. Aynı zamanda 1970’li yıllarda İngiltere’yi sarsan cinsel devrimin habercisi olarak da kabul edilen romanda, başlıca vurgu ensest ve zina olgularını da kapsayan ahlaki tabuların yıkılması ve evlilik konuları üzerindeymiş gibi görünse de, aslında vurgulanmak istenen, romanın kahramanı Martin’in kendi dışında gelişen olaylar sonucunda, apansız çıktığı bir arayış yolculuğudur. Burjuvazi sınıfına mensup orta yaşlı bir şarap tüccarı olan Martin, karısının kendisini aldattığını itiraf etmesiyle başlayan ve sonraki şok edici gelişmelerle yoğunlaşan ahlaki açmazların etkisiyle, içinde kendini ana rahminde gibi huzurlu ve emin hissettiği eski mutlu dünyasından ayrılıp yepyeni, huzursuz ve oldukça yabancı bir dünyaya adım atarak başlar yolculuğuna. Çalışmamızda, Martin karakterinin çıktığı bireyleşme yolculuğunun Jung’un tipik kahramanın yolculuğu fenomeniyle ne derece örtüştüğünü ve Freud’un iğdiş kompleksi ve Medusa kuramlarının kahramandaki tezahür biçimlerini açımlamaya çalıştık.
Books by Arzu Korucu
Anahtar Kelimeler: Göç, Kadın, Daniel Defoe, Moll Flanders, Medusa, Medeia
In its commonest definition, migration is known as “changing one’s usual habitat temporarily or permanently”, defined by Everett Lee. To Georg Ravenstein, who categorized the laws of migration in two articles he wrote in 1885 and 1889 as the first known regular study on migration, the seventh and last law is concerned with sex. Accordingly, women tend to migrate more often than men do. Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe, regarded by several critics as the father of English novel, is a complete story of migration with its heroine who proves to be rather sensational through her actions in the socio-cultural structure of the period. This study is intended to examine the meanings and dimensions of migration through the analysis of Moll’s migratory process in the light of the myths of Medusa and Medeia.
Key Words: Migration, Woman, Daniel Defoe, Moll Flanders, Medusa, Medeia
Conference Presentations by Arzu Korucu
Prepossessing and regarded as the unique consolation for the grim reality of death throughout the ages, rebirth is a universal phenomenon. Like other universal phenomena, rebirth is also an archetype, belonging to collective unconscious. Hence, it appears with different forms in works of art, especially in novels. The rebirth archetype, of which most famous form is reincarnation, often intertwines with anima archetype which Carl Gustav Jung defines as the complementary female element in men’s psyche. The aim of this study is to analyse the forms of appearance and results of interaction of these archetypes in Ruh Adam by Hüseyin Nihal Atsız, which are handled strikingly and inventively to the accompaniment of a vast knowledge about mythology.
Key words: Hüseyin Nihal Atsız, Ruh Adam, rebirth, anima, Carl G. Jung
play.” On the other hand, Donald Winnicott summarizes his basic thesis claiming that “Cultural experience begins with creative living first manifested as play.” In this study, I aim to analyse how the mysterious interaction between mother and child appears in Bruce Holland Rogers’s story named Little BrotherTM through the lens of Freud’s, Jung’s and Winnicott’s theories.
Keywords: Donald Winnicott, Little BrotherTM, play, psychoanalysis
İrlanda kökenli İngiliz yazar Dame Jean Iris Murdoch, genellikle eserlerinde işlediği orta sınıfa veya burjuvaziye ait etik ve cinsel temalarla dikkat çeker. Kara mizahı ustalıkla kullanan Murdoch, iyi-kötü çelişkisini ve ahlaki ikilemleri mitsel ve trajik öğelerle desteklediği, sıradan gibi görünen, ancak incelikle işlenmiş sahnelerde ortaya koyar. Çalışmamıza konu olan Kesik Bir Baş, yazarın Sigmund Freud’un psikanalitik kuramlarından ve Carl G. Jung’un analitik psikoloji öğretilerinden etkilendiğini en iyi örnekleyen romanlarından biridir. Aynı zamanda 1970’li yıllarda İngiltere’yi sarsan cinsel devrimin habercisi olarak da kabul edilen romanda, başlıca vurgu ensest ve zina olgularını da kapsayan ahlaki tabuların yıkılması ve evlilik konuları üzerindeymiş gibi görünse de, aslında vurgulanmak istenen, romanın kahramanı Martin’in kendi dışında gelişen olaylar sonucunda, apansız çıktığı bir arayış yolculuğudur. Burjuvazi sınıfına mensup orta yaşlı bir şarap tüccarı olan Martin, karısının kendisini aldattığını itiraf etmesiyle başlayan ve sonraki şok edici gelişmelerle yoğunlaşan ahlaki açmazların etkisiyle, içinde kendini ana rahminde gibi huzurlu ve emin hissettiği eski mutlu dünyasından ayrılıp yepyeni, huzursuz ve oldukça yabancı bir dünyaya adım atarak başlar yolculuğuna. Çalışmamızda, Martin karakterinin çıktığı bireyleşme yolculuğunun Jung’un tipik kahramanın yolculuğu fenomeniyle ne derece örtüştüğünü ve Freud’un iğdiş kompleksi ve Medusa kuramlarının kahramandaki tezahür biçimlerini açımlamaya çalıştık.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Göç, Kadın, Daniel Defoe, Moll Flanders, Medusa, Medeia
In its commonest definition, migration is known as “changing one’s usual habitat temporarily or permanently”, defined by Everett Lee. To Georg Ravenstein, who categorized the laws of migration in two articles he wrote in 1885 and 1889 as the first known regular study on migration, the seventh and last law is concerned with sex. Accordingly, women tend to migrate more often than men do. Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe, regarded by several critics as the father of English novel, is a complete story of migration with its heroine who proves to be rather sensational through her actions in the socio-cultural structure of the period. This study is intended to examine the meanings and dimensions of migration through the analysis of Moll’s migratory process in the light of the myths of Medusa and Medeia.
Key Words: Migration, Woman, Daniel Defoe, Moll Flanders, Medusa, Medeia