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Cet article du Figaro est en quelque sorte surprenant car il ne contient pas même un lien vers le mémoire de l'étudiante et il est donc un peu réducteur, définitivement scolastique et assurément superficiel. Il ressort cependant que... more
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      BuddhismPoliticsTrinity3D printing
The left-right (L-R) ideological dimension has been regarded as a useful cognitive device for orientation in the political realm. Thanks to its absorptive nature it is able to represent a party's stands on various issues simultaneously.... more
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      Voting BehaviorPolitical ScienceIdeologyLeft and Right Political Culture Model
[Resumen] La ideología política suele analizarse en torno a la polaridad del eje izquierda-derecha. Esta forma racional y simplificada de ordenar las diferentes alternativas ideoló-gicas sobre la acción política tiene una serie de... more
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      EmotionPolitical TheoryIdeologyEquality
From the point of view of intellectual tools: a book of critical political theory with empirical indices, at the crossroads of social sciences and political philosophy - An ideological and political history of France since the 1980s (with... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical TheoryIdentity politicsConservatism
Une polémique a eu lieu récemment au Brésil, selon laquelle le nazisme serait une théorie politique de gauche. Contre cette polémique issue de "cercles de droite brésiliens" , l'opinion commune des "historiens sérieux" est que le nazisme... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical ScienceJurgen HabermasPluralism
Ліво-правий одноосьовий політичний спектр: становлення та конструкції З ХХ ст. термін "політичний спектр" входить у вжиток інших країн Європи, зокрема з 1906 р. -Сполученого Королівства. Від тоді в науці виокремлюють таке поняття як... more
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      Political PartiesIdeologyLeft and Right Political Culture Model
Jensen and Meckling (1994) discuss five alternative models of human behavior and conclude that humans are predominately categorized as being in the resourceful, evaluative, maximizing model (REMM). According to Jensen and Meckling (1994)... more
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      MarxismInfidelityNational Economic PlanningDisequilibrium
Richard y Sabina Wurmbrand Fundadores del Ministerio "La Voz de los Mártires" El Pastor Richard Wurmbrand fue autor de más de 20 libros cristianos, traducidos a cerca de 70 idiomas. El más conocido es "Torturado por Cristo" donde... more
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Existen dos líneas de explicación de la actual declinación de los gobiernos latinoamericanos de izquierda. Una perspectiva contextual encuentra su causa en la crisis de la economía global. Una perspectiva militante señala una coalición de... more
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American and Caribbean HistoryPolitical SciencePolitical Extremism/Radicalism/Populism
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural History
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliographie; detaillierte bibliographische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar. ISBN 978-3-88619-440-7 (Band 8/I) ISBN... more
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      Critical TheoryHistorySociologyCultural Studies
The essay is in three parts. The first part (which includes the first three sections) contains historical reflections on the meanings of the concepts ‘left-wing’ and ‘right-wing’, relating them to the ideas of the French Revolution, and... more
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      Antisemitism (Prejudice)NationalismConservative RevolutionConspiracy Theories
In an attempt to start rectifying a lamentable disparity in scholarship, we evince fruitful points of similarity and difference in the ideas of Simone de Beauvoir and Ayn Rand, paying particular attention to their views on long-term... more
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      Fiction WritingCritical TheoryAmerican LiteratureHistory
This is an article on how the Tea Party misunderstands the nature of the Boston Tea Party of 1773, revealing their failure to see how their populism, like that of the colonists themselves, enables them to be manipulated against their own... more
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryPolitical SociologyPolitical Philosophy
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      Political PhilosophyDemocracyClaude LefortLeft and Right Political Culture Model
Title: Communists and Socialists in the General Elections of Interwar Romania (1926-1933). A Comparative Analysis, I This study analyzes the electoral competition between the Romanian Left political movements - the social-democrats and... more
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      Romanian StudiesInterwar Period HistoryElectoral StudiesSocial Democratic Party
this paper analyzes the "situation in Ukraine" through the prism of the Russian New Left and their "third position"
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      European HistoryPolitical SociologyEastern European StudiesEuropean Studies
CASTELLANO/ENGLISH Resumen Surgido en el marco de la crisis social, política y económica de 2001-2002, el gobierno de Néstor Kirchner se presentó como un proyecto de unidad nacional, fundado en la recuperación del Estado como actor... more
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryPolitical SciencePopulismArgentina
At the end of the 1930s, a group of avant-garde Egyptian intellectuals rebelled against what they saw as the gradual retreat of their nation into restrictive social customs and despotism. Forming the Art and Liberty Group, they sought to... more
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      Arabic LiteratureModern ArtSurrealismEgyptian History
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      Intellectual HistoryLatin American and Caribbean HistoryFidel CastroCuban Revolution
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      Orchestral ConductingOrchestral StudiesBasque StudiesPolitical Culture
Existen dos líneas de explicación de la actual declinación de los gobiernos latinoamericanos de izquierda. Una perspectiva contextual encuentra su causa en la crisis de la economía global. Una perspectiva militante señala una coalición de... more
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American and Caribbean HistoryPolitical SciencePopulism
Depuis quelques années, le PTB – le PVDA en Flandre – défraie la chronique politique et médiatique. Le Parti du travail est parvenu à s’imposer comme un interlocuteur, désormais régulier, de la presse audiovisuelle et écrite, et a... more
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      Political PartiesPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismSocialismsCommunism (Revolutions)
Un esempio di incompatibilità tra discorso e cultura: la colonia arcadica Animosa di Venezia Rosina MARTUCCI -Università degli Studi di Salerno Le tre corone di Casacalenda: discorso e cultura nell'itinerario letterario di Pietro Corsi,... more
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      Football (soccer)ViolenceItalian StudiesSubcultures
El binomio izquierda-derecha es una de las más reconocidas y difundidas distinciones del pensamiento político moderno. Sin embargo, a diferencia de otros conceptos, ha recibido escasa atención de parte de los estudiosos. La izquierda ha... more
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      Political PhilosophyMarxismPolitical ScienceLiberalism
Political stances of Left and Right are neither steadily used nor are uniformly regarded in Western European countries. The keys of this multiplicity can be found in Modern History, where Reformation and Revolution still determine the... more
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      European StudiesFrench RevolutionReformation HistoryIdeology
El documento, fue escrito para su difusión en XEMC-TV la televisora chetumaleña que narra 200 años de lucha ininterrumpida del pueblo mexicano, para tener un gobierno nacional mexicano libre del poder omnímodo de oligarquía local y... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyHistorical SociologyDevelopment Studies
Norberto Bobbio marca o pensamento da segunda metade do século XX pela frescura da sua abordagem e pelo esforço que dedica a conciliar a tradição da esquerda fundada na igualdade, e a tradição liberal, construída na preservação da... more
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      European StudiesItalian (European History)Italian StudiesHuman Rights
The uploaded text appeared, with slight modifications, in the collectaneous volume 'Bürokratiepolitiken. Schriften zur Verkehrswissenschaft 44', edited by Frank Jödicke, Reinhold Knoll, Christopher Schlembach, Walter Seitter, Sonderzahl... more
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      Social PolicyLiberalismNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)European Union
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American and Caribbean HistoryMarxismPolitical Science
This paper introduces a crucial dimension for the spatial and comparative analysis of party systems, cleavages, and the conduct of political campaigns. It presents the concepts of “high” and “low” in politics, and the related high-low... more
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      Parties; Political cleavagesPolitical SpaceSocial CleavagesHistory of Manners
Le analisi e le interpretazioni accademiche, mediatiche e politiche del Movimento 5 Stelle si sono divise tra chi lo considera uno dei tanti membri della famiglia del populismo europeo, e chi ne sottolinea la vicinanza con il patrimonio... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical PartiesPolitical SciencePopulism
Innerhalb der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD) ist ein Austausch der geistigen und geistlichen Fundamente im Gange. Vorläufiger Höhepunkt waren die jüngsten Entwicklungen in der EKD in Richtung weitgehend flächendeckender... more
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      Sexual ViolenceLutheranismChild Sexual Abuse68er Bewegung
En este estudio se analizan los escritos juveniles de Methol correspondientes a sus aproximaciones a problemas de carácter histórico-político, prestando particular atención a los elementos provenientes del marxismo y la tradición... more
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      Latin American StudiesMarxismArgentinaNew Left
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      Canadian HistoryCanadian PoliticsFirst World WarSocial movements and revolution
A lo largo de sus dos siglos como identidad política, la izquierda ha mantenido una compleja relación con el cristianismo. Desde posiciones históricas de radical hostilidad y combate, las formas actuales de la izquierda parecen ver una... more
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      ChristianityEuropean StudiesPolitical PhilosophyRevolutions
Los Andes, Mendoza, 25 ene, 2017.
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      Political PartiesPolitical ScienceIdeologyArgentina
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      Political PhilosophyDemocracyClaude LefortLeft and Right Political Culture Model
"Kapitali është ajo pjesë e pasurisë e dedikuar për të krijuar më tepër pasuri" Alfred Marshall
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Colección. Buenos Aires, Universidad Católica Argentina, año VIII, n. 13.
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      Political PhilosophyMarxismPolitical ScienceJurgen Habermas
BEVEZETÉS E tanulmány a közbeszédben és a politikatudományi diskurzusokban egyaránt széles körben használt fogalompár, a "baloldaliság" és a "jobboldaliság" értelmezési nehézségeivel foglalkozik, tehát elsősorban azokat a kérdéseket... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical SciencePolitical IdeologyParty Politics
"Introduction 1: The underside of difference and the limits of particularism • Semiotics and some programmatic consequences of the culture wars • A postmodern society? Vattimo’s wager • A more cautious optimism • The underside of... more
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      Self and IdentityHistory of IdeasGlobalizationPolitical Theory
Bangladesh is at a critical juncture. Many seem to think it is on the verge of becoming a middle-income country and celebrate that idea. Others are wary what such a development can mean for the millions of people still struggling to... more
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      Political EconomyPolitical ScienceSouth AsiaPolitics
Abstract: South Africa is troubled with cross-generational differences and intolerance when it comes to making sense of democracy. While, the struggle generation feels that they are responsible of shaping the country`s future. The... more
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      DemocracyDependency TheoryBorn FreesLeft and Right Political Culture Model
It has been argued that for many people simply having a democratically structured government and holding elections is enough, but in essence, this would lead to an authoritarian interpretation of democracy. In Southern Europe, and... more
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      Media StudiesHuman RightsPolitical ScienceLiberalism
The text is a fragment of a chapter from Marcin Kościelniak’s book "Egoiści. Trzecia droga w kulturze polskiej lat 80" [Egoists. A Third Way in Polish Culture of the 1980s]. In the book, the author considers the first Solidarity movement... more
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      Performance StudiesReligion and PoliticsPolish HistoryNationalism
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySociology of ReligionMiddle East Studies
Occupy Wall Street. The Ku Klux Klan. The Animal Liberation Front. The Islamic State. The Westboro Baptist Church. What do these things have in common? They are all contemporary social movements. Social movements are experiencing a... more
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      Critical TheoryHistorySociologySocial Movements
En el contexto post-neoliberal en el que nos encontramos en este momento, el paradigma que gobierna la constelación de los estudios culturales latinoamericanos se ha vuelto anacrónico y necesita ser modificado. El autor sostiene que las... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryCultural StudiesLatin American Studies