National Economic Planning
Recent papers in National Economic Planning
Seit jeher hegen Entscheidungsträger insbesondere in Politik und Wirtschaft den Wunsch nach einer optimalen Informationsbasis für ihre Tätigkeit. Informationssystemen zur Entscheidungsunterstützung, die ein solches Optimum an Information... more
La planificación para el desarrollo ha alcanzado tal grado de amplitud e importancia que es necesario entenderla como un sistema. Sus funciones básicas -prospectiva, implementación y evaluación- operan simultáneamente en sectores,... more
2021 ausgezeichnet mit dem Hedwig Hintze Preis des Verbandes der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands (VHD) Legitimation über wirtschaftlichen Erfolg: Das Francoregime als technokratische Verwaltungs- und Entwicklungsdiktatur.... more
Entretien avec Kako Nubukpo, Propos recueillis par Boris Samuel. Dans cet entretien, Kako Nubukpo livre un regard de chercheur et de praticien sur la place des plans dans les sociétés africaines contem- poraines. Élaborées hors du... more
The practice of developing countries started in the 1950’s and 1960’s in countries that were referred to as “underdeveloped” countries. The developing practice is international and has a goal of resource mobilization and allocation in... more
This textbook of Economic Policy is made of four parts: 1. Methodological questions; 2. Welfare Economics; 3. Economic models in a closed economy 4. Economic Policy in an open economy. La Politica Economica è la disciplina che... more
The “special category” status accorded to certain states in the Indian Union allowed for much higher per capita central assistance compared to other states to flow unto these states enabling some of them to march ahead and prompting... more
Reseña de Cibercomunismo por Paul Cockshott y Maxi Nieto para Revista economía de la Universidad Central del Ecuador.
Punto culminante e al tempo stesso simbolo della crisi della programmazione economica nazionale degli anni sessanta, il “Progetto ’80” rappresenta il tentativo più ambizioso, nell’Italia del secondo dopoguerra, di immaginare uno scenario... more
Jensen and Meckling (1994) discuss five alternative models of human behavior and conclude that humans are predominately categorized as being in the resourceful, evaluative, maximizing model (REMM). According to Jensen and Meckling (1994)... more
Qatar’s National Development Strategy 2011-2016 (NDS), launched in March 2011, embodies Qatar National Vision 2030’s (QNV) commitment to carrying out development with responsibility and respect for all human rights. The strategy put... more
This study investigated budget implementation and economic development in Delta State from 1991 to 2010. The study was prompted by the low level of economic development in the state. The study was guided by three research objectives which... more
Economic planning is considered as the most systematic technique for redressing all economic defects. Various countries of the world have already experienced the successful implementation of economic planning in the mean time. In India... more
En el presente título de Páginas Selectas de la CEPAL, se reúne un grupo de trabajos de la CEPAL publicados por el Instituto Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Planificación Económica y Social (ILPES) entre 2013 y 2016. El propósito es... more
RKP merupakan penjabaran dari RPJM Nasional, memuat prioritas pembangunan, rancangan kerangka ekonomi makro yang mencakup gambaran perekonomian secara menyeluruh termasuk arah kebijakan fiskal, serta program Kementerian/Lembaga, lintas... more
Activities which focus, on the one hand, on the articulated development of plans and programs, and, on the another hand, on the predisposition of actions which are strategically functional to specifically achieving the intended goals in... more
La publicación resume un primer análisis de las funciones de la planificación desempeñadas por 15 países de América Latina y el Caribe a través de los formularios entregados por los ministerios y secretarías de planificación de la región
Bangladesh is a darling child of Mother Nature. Very few countries of the world have such natural beauties like Bangladesh. Chittagong, the port city of Bangladesh and is the hub of these natural attractions. It is a division where you... more
This thesis attempts to analyze the calculation debate in socialist planning. This issue was discussed, from the 1920s until the late 1940s, between economists of the Austrian School and socialist economists. The calculation debate can be... more
Sten Ljunggren is worried both by our general proposals for direct democracy and by our advocacy of a system of central planning. This response is in five sections. The first puts the debate into the context of what we see as the key... more
En lo corrido del siglo se registra cerca de una docena de ejercicios de planeación de largo plazo en América Latina y el Caribe. En esta publicación se presentan los resultados de una investigación de cuatro de estas experiencias... more
Zwischen 2000 und 2018 gab Russlands Staatsspitze acht Pläne in Auftrag, die Orientierung für die langfristige Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik geben sollten. Umgesetzt wurden sie entweder gar nicht oder nur zum Teil. Dass der 2018... more
Introduction au Dossier Raisons et imaginaires de la planification, Politique Africaine 145, 2017 Parler de planification à propos de l’Afrique contemporaine peut paraître anachronique. Pourtant, la poursuite des objectifs internationaux... more
Today's world is gripped between two possible futures: on the one hand, a multipolar alliance in defense of sovereign nation states has organized itself around a paradigm of long-term thinking, scientific optimism and win-win cooperation,... more
Unemployment is a problem of great concern to policy makers of both developing and developed countries as it can yield devastating effect on economic welfare, misery and social instability. Further, unemployment results in some... more
This article attempts to identify the scope of setting Local Government Enterprises (LGEs) to strengthen the ministry of finance in providing necessary financial support to all ministries and their departments especially the Ministry of... more
China's 13th Five-Year Plan (FYP) is the first chance for the Xi-Li administration, which assumed leadership at the 18th Party Congress, to solidify a new course. Notably, ICT is the highest priority sector in the 13th FYP. This article... more
The economic and social crisis of the 1930s prompted unprecedented responses from image practitioners. What are the appropriate means to visualise the highly abstract economic processes that generated the crisis and perpetuate it? Among... more
The aim of this chapter is to provide an overview of the role of money and banking in the former socialist countries in Europe. The model was inspired by Marxist theory, as developed and promulgated by Lenin. In a centrally planned... more
Neste livro, Lea Vidigal demonstra que a criação das empresas estatais no Brasil significou também a constituição da própria atuação empresarial nos vários setores da economia, internalizando o processo de industrialização. O Estado... more
Niti Aayog should start its work by suggesting to remove the distinction between plan and non-plan expenditure, and reduce drastically the number of centrally sponsored schemes
Widmet man sich in diesen Tagen der Beschäftigung mit Themen in und um die DDR, so sieht man sich geradezu widersinnigen Doppelgestalten gegenüber. Die Aktualität und Geschwindigkeit der Entwicklung erlaubt es kaum, einen dieser... more
The study aims to analyze the efficiency of resource allocation for industrial and service sectors in Turkish economy. It focuses on allocation of fixed resources and costs across the sectors as decision making units and setting targets... more
The project aims at defining, conceptualizing and historicizing the paradigm of planning in order to analyze public policies in Western Europe at the national, transnational and supranational level between 1945 and the late 1960s. The... more
The Dutch Central Planning Bureau (CPB) is the most prominent scientific advisory body of the Dutch government on economic issues. By providing a macroeconomic framework the CPB plays an important role in the preparation and coordination... more
This paper suggests that the problem of socialist calculation be reconsidered as a subset of the problem of policy choice, where a large and growing literature outlines the importance of normative and public choice considerations, and for... more
Tourism continues to be a significant source of economic activity for many developing countries. The challenge for such countries has been how best to effectively plan for tourism development within overall national economic development... more
This article aims to present: 1) the differences between national economic planning in system of market economy and national planning in economy system planned by State; 2) the national economic planning in a mixed capitalist economy... more
The post-World War II reconstruction of global trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) has been a significant topic of discussion in the analyses of numerous bilateral economic relations, including those that are located in Asia... more
Auseinandersetzung mit der untergegangenen DDR tut Not; so läßt sich wohl die Situation in Deutschland im zweiten Jahr der Vereinigung beschreiben. Als ich im Sommer 1990 meine erste Arbeit über die Datenverarbeitung im statistischen... more