Papers by Andras Schweitzer
Hungarian Cultural Studies, Jan 22, 2016
Hungarian Quarterly, 2009
Journal of International Relations and Development, 2021
Albeit not ignored in the field of International Relations (IR), the local history of East-Centra... more Albeit not ignored in the field of International Relations (IR), the local history of East-Central Europe has seldom been a primary subject of historical IR syntheses: the leading volumes on war and peace focus on decisions made and actions taken by great powers, viewing the region generally as their playground. Theoretical ideas of East-Central European political thinkers about the emergence of war and peace have also only rarely become part of the international discourse. This article highlights the potential of a more inclusive approach in improving the existing theories in security studies. Applying Benjamin Miller's concept and theory of state-to-nation balance (a central element of which is the compatibility between political boundaries and national identifications) to East-Central European political history, the article argues that focusing on the political and social history of the East-Central European region provides valuable lessons vis-à-vis the question of war-proneness of regions and states. Invoking the theoretical framework for peace-making in ethno-territorial conflicts developed by István Bibó, a Hungarian political thinker, the paper demonstrates how connecting the works of lesser known East-Central European academics with the established mainstream of IR could prove beneficial for the study of international politics in the region and further beyond.
HVG weekly, Aug 6, 2011
Although some Hungarian historians try to portray it as a lawful (if unfortunately timed) expulsi... more Although some Hungarian historians try to portray it as a lawful (if unfortunately timed) expulsion of an alien population, evidence shows that the Kőrösmező deportation in the summer of 1941 of close to 20 thousand Jews (many of them Hungarian-born and Hungarian-speaking) to their certain death in war torn Ukraine (mostly in Kamenets-Podolski) is in fact not dissimilar from what the Hungarian authorities did three years later when they diligently helped to send hundreds of thousands to Auschwitz. One difference is that this time it was a German demand that the deportations stopped. A legal procedure in the case was dropped after five years in 1998 because there was no one left to be accused. The invaluable documentation of the investigation was destroyed in 2009 due to mistaken file classification.
... hipotézis megfogalmazását azonban eredményként könyvelhetjük el. ... Hiábavalóság ez a szólam... more ... hipotézis megfogalmazását azonban eredményként könyvelhetjük el. ... Hiábavalóság ez a szólam mindenekelőtt azért, mert a hagyományos arab vallási tolerancia semmi garanciát nem jelent ...Noha Jeruzsálemben és környékén évezredek óta éltek zsidók (elsősorban az általuk ...
International policy makers, even those with a genuine resolve for peacemaking, often shy away fr... more International policy makers, even those with a genuine resolve for peacemaking, often shy away from getting involved with political conflicts where the principle of self-determination clashes with that of the territorial integrity of a state, or devise ad hoc plans that don’t have the potential to become a lasting solution. In the Cold War context of the 1970s social scientist Istvan Bibó observed and explained this phenomenon and suggested a mechanism to correct it. His idea was to set up a special international court for impartial political arbitration and to solve “territorial and state-formation conflicts” by the principle of national self-determination. He proposed to recognize the global territorial status quo as the “constitution of international relations” but to “amend it” by fostering ethnic-linguistic separation in the special case of irreconcilable conflicts. Viewed from today Bibó’s case studies of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Cyprus question have shown remarkable foresight and several of his specific suggestions have become core elements in roadmaps for solving them. Additionally, in contemporary political and scientific discourses on other ethnic-territorial conflicts, opinions seem to shift in line with his views as experiences of the last decades seem to corroborate the validity of his analytical framework and general policy recommendations.
An interview published in May 8, 2010 with Prof Timothy Snyder on 1) whether we should talk of So... more An interview published in May 8, 2010 with Prof Timothy Snyder on 1) whether we should talk of Soviet occupation or liberation of East-Central Europe 2) what could have been the outcome of a prolonged Nazi occupation 3) to what extent can one blame local collaborators of Nazi and Communist terror - and much more...
Búvópatakok - Mélyfúrások. BUDAPEST, Országos Széchényi Könyvtár–1956-os Intézet Alapítvány–Gondolat Kiadó, 2014
BEVEZETÉS E tanulmány a közbeszédben és a politikatudományi diskurzusokban egyaránt széles körben... more BEVEZETÉS E tanulmány a közbeszédben és a politikatudományi diskurzusokban egyaránt széles körben használt fogalompár, a "baloldaliság" és a "jobboldaliság" értelmezési nehézségeivel foglalkozik, tehát elsősorban azokat a kérdéseket kívánja megvizsgálni, amelyek a politikai nézetek, politikai programok "baloldali" vagy "jobboldali" címkézését, illetve elhelyezésüket a bal-jobb skálán mindkét területen problematikussá teszik. Rá kíván mutatni, hogy a fogalomhasználat ellentmondásai különös súllyal jelentkeznek az Elbától keletre. Továbbá át kívánja tekinteni azokat a főbb modelleket, amelyek eddig a fogalmi zűrzavar tisztázásának céljával születtek -nyugaton és keleten.
The widely held view that the Hungarian Holocaust began after German occupation in the spring of ... more The widely held view that the Hungarian Holocaust began after German occupation in the spring of 1944 is simply incorrect.
Rainer M., János (ed.): Búvópatakok – Széttekintés. 1956-os Intézet, 2013. XIX. évkönyv. Országos Széchenyi Könyvtár – 1956-os Intézet Alapítvány, 2013
Following the logic of earlier scholarly debates on which side is to be blamed for the Cold War i... more Following the logic of earlier scholarly debates on which side is to be blamed for the Cold War it appears that in fact both or neither: it was the inevitable consequence of the fact that two superpowers emerged after the conflagration of WWII. The ideology confrontation mattered much less vis-a-vis this immense global power shift.
Bibó Istvánt -mint ez többek közt a 100. évforduló kapcsán rendezeĴ konferenciákon, illetve közre... more Bibó Istvánt -mint ez többek közt a 100. évforduló kapcsán rendezeĴ konferenciákon, illetve közreadoĴ publikációkból is kitűnt -manapság leginkább példamutató erkölcsi tartásáért tisztelik, mint a fájóan kisszámú magyar gondolkodók egyikét, aki a hányatoĴ 20. században ellen tudoĴ állni különféle színezetű totalitárius, embertelen ideológiák eszmei csábításának, mindvégig hű maradt a humanizmus, a szabadság és a demokrácia eszméjéhez. 1 Ugyanakkor mindmáig számosan naivnak tartják például azokat a politikaelméleti gondolatmeneteit, amelyeket eredendően a trianoni békeszerződés tanulságainak kiterjesztéseként előbb a kelet-közép-európai régió területi és államalakulási konfliktusaival kapcsolatban (A keleteurópai kisállamok nyomorúsága), 2 később pedig néhány egyéb nemzetközi viszály kapcsán tovább általánosítva is megfogalmazoĴ (A nemzetközi államközösség bénultsága és annak orvosságai -Önrendelkezés, nagyhatalmi egyetértés, politikai döntőbíráskodás). 3 1 Bibóval szembeni támadási felület a -két világháború közt széles körben gondolati alapként szolgáló -nemzet-karakterológia használata vagy legalábbis elfogadása (például a magyarországi zsidósággal kapcsolatban), illetve közvetlenül 1945 után a Szovjetunióval kapcsolatos túlzoĴ jóhiszeműsége, például nemzetiségi ügyekben. Egyik sem jelenteĴ azonban nála a humanizmusával kapcsolatos kompromisszumot, sem azt, hogy ezek a konstrukciók kedvezőtlenül determinálták volna későbbi megnyilvánulásait, mint ezt a zsidóüldözések idején, illetve az 1956-os forradalom során tanúsítoĴ kiállása, valamint politikai értelemben talán legjelentősebbnek tekinthető két írása -a zsidókérdésről készíteĴ 1948-as tanulmánya, illetve az 1956-os kiáltványa -is bizonyítja.
The Hungarian Quarterly, 2007
Over the past century Hungarians have contributed considerably to the advance of mathematics, esp... more Over the past century Hungarians have contributed considerably to the advance of mathematics, especially in one field, graph theory, a part of combinatorics. The article is based on conversations with several leading mathematicians living in Hungary and the US.
The over-a-100-year history of the contantly changing Israel/Palestine conflict basically consist... more The over-a-100-year history of the contantly changing Israel/Palestine conflict basically consists of four phases according to who articulated the political claims for the "Holy Land" on the international arena and who took part in the armed clashes. The phases are as follows: 1) confrontations between the Arab elite and Zionists in Ottoman times, 2) a civil war between local Arab and Jewish communities in British-ruled Palestine, 3) a series of wars between Israel and Arab states in a bipolar world, 4) fight for an independent Palestinian state in a unipolar world. During each phase a suitable peace plan was worked out, but the conflict had transformed into a new phase before it could have been implemented. A deeper reason for the failure of the Oslo process could also be the transformation of the conflict: it may - in the spirit of Huntington - enter a fifth, Islam vs. Israel phase, in which Israel cannot make peace with the Palestinians without gaining the recognition of the wider Islamic world. [Résumé from p. 174. of Külügyi Szemle, vol. 3-4., 2005]
Opinion pieces by Andras Schweitzer, Jan 9, 2014
At the time when John Kerry is trying hard to foster a “framework agreement” for the Israeli-Pale... more At the time when John Kerry is trying hard to foster a “framework agreement” for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict comprehensive peace seems as far as 20 years ago. Yet, the Oslo Peace Process that was set in motion then should not be viewed as something in vain. Viewed through the prism of game theory it reached its optimum result and it brought peace closer by offering vital lessons for today.
HVG weekly, Feb 12, 2011
One of the troubles of social sciences is that theories can hardly be tested. Nevertheless, lacki... more One of the troubles of social sciences is that theories can hardly be tested. Nevertheless, lacking controlled experiments, spontaneous transformations of societies still provide useful material sometimes. We can expect some of such food for thought when sooner or later (rather later, many say) the smoke settles in the disturbed Arab world, and it becomes clear which political ideologies become dominant and what sort of social order emerges after the ouster of the hated dictators.
Articles by Andras Schweitzer
Hungarian Spectrum, Apr 8, 2014
It is logical but inadequate to blame the current government or the global financial crisis for t... more It is logical but inadequate to blame the current government or the global financial crisis for the illiberal turn in Hungary as the corruption of the democratic political and market-oriented economic system had already been going on years before it. The article summarizes the main factors for the continuous downslide, the essence of which is that during the last 25 years politicians on the left and right have learned the lesson of how to be popular by being populists.
Papers by Andras Schweitzer
Opinion pieces by Andras Schweitzer
Articles by Andras Schweitzer