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      Digital CinemaPhilippinesPhilippine CinemaLoss and Trauma
This paper deals with the ontogenesis of time in Lav Diaz’s post-Batang West Side cinema. By collaborating with the ideas of Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, Vilem Flusser and Jacques Derrida, the paper... more
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      Media StudiesFilm StudiesGilles DeleuzePhilosophy of Time
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      Philippine CinemaSoutheast Asian CinemaAsian CinemaLav Diaz
Kötetlen, kritikai beszélgetés, levélváltás Tarr Béla: Sátántangó és Lav Diaz: Melancholia című filmjei kapcsán. / An informal, critical discussion and correspondence about Béla Tarr's films Satantango and Lav Diaz's Melancholia. (HU)
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      Art HistoryFilm StudiesFilm TheoryVisual Culture
The dissertation explores the works of the Filipino filmmaker Lav Diaz, the idea of the Anthropocene, and sets up a conceptual dialogue between the two.With his films often extending upto 11 hours, Lav Diaz has by now achieved global... more
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      AnthropoceneLav DiazSlow CinemaEcocinema
This paper insists on the relevance of politics of time in the making of Diaz's cinema.
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      Critical TheoryFilm StudiesFilm TheoryContinental Philosophy
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      Trauma StudiesPhilippine StudiesFilm AestheticsLav Diaz
This is a general overview of the work of Lav Diaz, which I put together for a talk at the Temporary Gallery in Cologne (16 July 2016).
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      Film StudiesTrauma StudiesPhilippinesCinema
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      European CinemaJapanese CinemaAmerican CinemaCinema
Fontaínhas as site (locus, tropoi) of subaltern existence (Spivak), and tropic of privileged places in visual rhetoric. Agamben’s highly debatable concept of "Muselmann". Pedro Costa, Lav Diaz, Apichatpong's films about mourning, the... more
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      PsychologyPhilosophyArt HistoryJewish Studies
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      PaintingPhilippine StudiesFilm AestheticsLav Diaz
Setting itself up with Lav Diaz's feature Death in the Land of Encantos, this paper thinks how might we inherit and live in landscapes damaged by disasters and political corruption.
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      PhilippinesCinema StudiesColorAnthropocene
Kevin Jerome Everson (b. 1965) is arguably one of the most important audio-visual artists/filmmakers working in the U.S. now. Having gained a global recognition through various retrospectives (Viennale, 2014; Visions du Reel, Nyon, 2012;... more
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      Giorgio AgambenGesturesLav DiazHarun Farocki
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      Cinematic TimeDurationLav DiazRunning time
Le cinéma à ses limites, longue durée et spectatorialité impure Type de publication: Article de revue Revue: Écrans 2019-2, n° 12. Lisières esthétiques et culturelles au cinéma
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      Film StudiesNational CinemasLav DiazContemporary Cinema
Il cinema è ancora qualcos’altro rispetto al suo dispositivo? Se il cinema nel nuovo millennio è sempre più pensato, prodotto, fruito e studiato come medium digitalizzato, softwarizzato, deistituzionalizzato e tendenzialmente... more
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      Visual StudiesFilm StudiesDigital MediaDigital Culture
L’oeuvre cinématographique de Lav Diaz est pétrie des espoirs et des souffrances d’un peuple philippin exposé tant à la violence d’État qu’aux cataclysmes climatiques qui dévastent régulièrement l’archipel. Ses films-fleuve s’arriment... more
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      Lav DiazEsthétique Du Cinéma
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      PhilippinesCinema and HistoryLav DiazSlow Cinema
This paper explores the relationship of Andre Bazin's ontological assertions of photographic reality of film with Lav Diaz's long take aesthetics. The paper briefly glosses over three opening scenes of Lav Diaz namely in Heremias (Book... more
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      Film StudiesDigital CinemaPhilippine CinemaCinema
In summer 2012, I sat in the Edinburgh Filmhouse and waited for the screening of Florentina Hubaldo, CTE, the new film by Lav Diaz, writer--director from the Philippines, now perhaps best known for his latest film Norte The End of... more
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      Film Music And SoundTrauma StudiesPhilippine StudiesFilm Aesthetics
Ce texte propose une analyse de 'A Lullaby to the Sorrowful Mysteries' (Lav Diaz, 2016), depuis la perspective de ses modalités spectatorielles et appuyée sur la défense bazinienne de « l’impureté cinématographique ». Plutôt qu’enfermer... more
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      Film StudiesNational CinemasLav DiazContemporary Cinema
In his 1936 essay, Walter Benjamin contrasts stage actors with film actors: while the former performs for a live audience, the other performs for technology (the camera, microphones), before a group of specialists (the director, the... more
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      Southeast AsiaAsian CinemaLav DiazContemporary Cinema
Este artigo reflete sobre as estratégias para a análise fílmica a partir do enfrentamento com dois filmes de duração superior a 400 minutos: As mil e uma noites (2015), de Miguel Gomes, e Canção para um triste mistério (2016), de Lav... more
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      Film StudiesPhilippine CinemaPortuguese CinemaLav Diaz
A longa duração – de planos e filmes –, ao lado de uma sensação difusa de lentidão, vem sendo apontada pela crítica e pela academia como tendência do cinema independente contemporâneo, relacionada ao uso dos suportes digitais de gravação... more
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisPhilippine StudiesLav Diaz
Krótka recenzja filmu „Kołysanka do bolesnej tajemnicy” (reż. Lav Diaz, 2016); tekst opublikowany w Gazecie Festiwalowej „Na Horyzoncie”:... more
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      Film StudiesLav DiazKino WspółczesneKrytyka Filmowa
Nous avons rencontré pour la première fois Lav Diaz à Tokyo en octobre 2013, puis un mois plus tard à Manille pour un premier entretien. Rencontre rocambolesque, prévue un matin de novembre 2013, et qui eut lieu…tard le soir. Simplement,... more
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      Asian CinemaLav Diaz
La « tragédie musicale » du réalisateur philippin, Lav Diaz Entretien avec le réalisateur à propos de La saison du diable... more
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      East Asian CinemaCinemaAsian CinemaLav Diaz
O cinema existe e resiste. Longa duração, análise fílmica e espectatorialidade nos filmes de Lav Diaz Lúcia Ramos Monteiro 1 "S'il y a des marges, y at -il encore une philosophie, la philosophie?" (Derrida 1972, IX)
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisPhilippine StudiesLav Diaz
Dans le cadre de la pensée sur la longue durée et la lenteur dans le cinéma contemporain, ce texte offre une analyse de Florentina Hubaldo, CTE (2012), film de six heures réalisé par le cinéaste philippin Lav Diaz. Nous nous... more
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      Film StudiesSoutheast Asian CinemaPhilippine StudiesFilm Aesthetics
Iniziamo con A Lullaby to the Sorrowful Mystery (2016). Il cinema di Lav Diaz, del resto, ci appare da sempre come una paradossale ninnananna sul mistero doloroso: da un lato i traumi dolenti della storia filippina colti sempre tra... more
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      Film StudiesDigital CinemaColonial StudiesLav Diaz
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      Film StudiesAuteur TheoryFilm Festival StudiesOrientalism
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      Documentary (Film Studies)EcopoeticsAsian CinemaLav Diaz
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      Lav DiazContemporary Cinema
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      Contemporary ArtCinemaFilm ExhibitionCuration
Com tempos mortos, planos longos, quadros abertos e roteiro vago, "Beduíno", de Júlio Bressane, e "Na Vertical", de Alain Guiraudie, vão na contramão da aceleração da montagem e da eficiência narrativa de produções comerciais. Sua... more
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      Film StudiesLav DiazSlow Cinema
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      Film StudiesMartin HeideggerPhilippine CinemaCinema