Slow Cinema
Recent papers in Slow Cinema
... One can and perhaps should posit, consequently, that this has led to at least two central areas being presently under-researched and largely ignored in eyetracking studies. First, the gaze analysis of film and television documentary.... more
How can cultural works from the distant past-such as the Middle Ages-teach us ethical modes of behavior for today? One form of ecopoetics emerges through slow practice, making the reader collaborate in the measured process of co-creating... more
This essay considers the aesthetic and cultural importance of the slow, contemplative thriller in contemporary world cinema. While the thriller genre tends to be associated completely with the mainstream—and thus with action-oriented... more
Reviewing The Man from London (2007) Béla Tarr in context of his career and all his contribution to create own style
This chapter examines the aesthetic and perceptual implications of the vestibular sense in Bergensbanen: Minutt for Minutt (The Bergen Train: Minute by Minute) (NRK 2009) and thermoception in Nasjonal Vedkveld (National Wood [Fire] Night)... more
The following is a curatorial note for a screening programme that sought to entangle questions of slowness, technology and the forest. It was a part of PostScripts, an independent artist-run pavilion at the Bangkok Biennale.... more
This book discusses slow cinema, a contemporary global production trend that has recently gained momentum in film theory and criticism. Slow films dispense with narrative progression in favour of a contemplative mood, which is stretched... more
This essay engages the history and aesthetics of slow, contemplative cinema, while drawing on the film-philosophy of Gilles Deleuze. In particular, this essay examines the expressive motif of the "miracle" in two examples of contemplative... more
In this paper, I shall re-evaluate the diachronic, evolutionist model that establishes the Second World War as a watershed between classical and modern cinemas, and ‘modernity’ as the political project of ‘slow cinema’. I will start by... more
This paper deals with the ontogenesis of time in Lav Diaz’s post-Batang West Side cinema. By collaborating with the ideas of Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, Vilem Flusser and Jacques Derrida, the paper... more
This is a very basic roundup of the aesthetics of Slow Cinema and a sweep over my general research into the area.
What I want to suggest is that the aesthetics of dead time in Japón, emblematically developed through the extensive long takes and pans, is an anti-theatrical attempt to assert the film’s status as a measured artistic construction. Japón... more
Pre-order at It is hard to imagine a single film as long anticipated as Roy Andersson’s Songs from... more
This paper discusses the temporal experience of film viewing by analysing the peculiar case of watching slow cinema, a strand of films that foreground temporality through its radical attenuation of narrativity as well as its austere,... more
To answer the question: What does dramaturgy have to do with the landscape? I can blatantly say that if dramaturgy is about drama and landscape about pastoral idyll – nothing. However, the recent cultural history of Western world has... more
‘Slow cinema’ is a movement and term used to describe a type of filmmaking and film culture that distinguishes itself from other cinemas or filmmaking on the basis of its relationship to time and duration. In other words, slow cinema... more
This paper deals with different forms of complexity in puzzle film, a recent trend in mainstream film that has appropriated complex storytelling devices from art-cinema, and slow cinema, a contemporary minimalistic trend in art house... more
Today, dramaturgy is more than ever a vibrant artistic field, on the one hand constantly expanding and on the other, populated with various discourses and practices coming from other social and cultural spheres. Therefore, simultaneously... more
This article examines the relationship between boredom and cinema , particularly by attending to the ways in which it has been used as an aesthetic strategy in contemporary slow fi lms. These films use long takes and dedramatization to... more
(Draft of chapter for James Benning's Environments) James Benning is often described as a filmmaker who focuses on the relation between human beings and their surroundings. He uses very long takes that allow us to rethink our relation to... more
The dissertation explores the works of the Filipino filmmaker Lav Diaz, the idea of the Anthropocene, and sets up a conceptual dialogue between the two.With his films often extending upto 11 hours, Lav Diaz has by now achieved global... more
Lav Diaz does not make short films. Or rather, while we should acknowledge that Diaz has made relatively short, feature-length films – Elegy to the Visitor from the Revolution (Elehiya sa dumalaw mula sa himagsikan, 2011) is only eighty... more
Aiming to make an intervention in both emerging Slow Cinema and classical Trauma Cinema scholarship, this thesis demonstrates the ways in which the post-trauma cinema of Filipino filmmaker Lav Diaz merges aesthetics of cinematic slowness... more
In Focus on Speed, part of Cinema Journal 55.2, edited with an introduction by Tina Kendall (2016)
The article analyzes the various ways in which Godfrey Reggio's experimental documentary films, Koyaanisqatsi (1982), Powaqqatsi (1988) and Naqoyqatsi (2002), tend to incorporate narrative and visual conventions traditionally associated... more
本文旨在以台湾导演蔡明亮电影《郊游》( 2013) 为例,探讨当今西方学界关注的“慢电影”与都市“废墟”美学及文化的关联,涉及空间( 如城市、建筑、自然景观等) 、身体与影像的多重交迭,论述“展现”( presentation) 与“再现”( representation)... more
This paper insists on the relevance of politics of time in the making of Diaz's cinema.
Béla Tarr is a hungarian filmmaker and artist, who’s work has affected and contributed to the slow cinema and avant-garde movement a lot throughout his lifetime. This dissertation focusses around Béla Tarr’s films and how slow cinema... more
This paper discusses the evolution of slow experimental eco-cinema from selective, self-aware experiments of individual artists to environmental videos as well as analyzes how Emily Richardson’s Aspect (2004), James Benning’s Nightfall... more
This essay employs Anthropocene frameworks to examine United States independent director Kelly Reichardt's quiet vignettes of American precarity through the interpretive cinematic apparatus. Reichardt's slow style and lingering gaze are... more
Slow cinema is typically understood as a contemporary global production trend marked by an observational mode that comprises extreme long takes and foregrounding of cinematic space and time. But commentators often overlook the vital role... more
This is a general overview of the work of Lav Diaz, which I put together for a talk at the Temporary Gallery in Cologne (16 July 2016).