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Lav Diaz, the Filipino master of slow cinema, burst onto the film scene more than a decade and a half ago. In Eastern Europe, he is more or less compared to Béla Tarr, although in more than twenty monstrous streams of images he "films"... more
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      Filipino StudiesLav DiazSlow CinemaFilipino cinema
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      PhilosophyArt HistoryFilm StudiesFilm Theory
Two day course conducted with Auroville Film Institute, Pondicherry
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      Film-PhilosophyCinematic TimeTemporality (Time Studies)Cinema Studies
Violence is a motif in the filmography of independent Filipino filmmaker Lav Diaz. Navigating the spaces where Lav interplays his trauma with that of his country, the paper examines the rural as a site of nostalgia. It provides a nuanced... more
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RESUMO: Este artigo propõe entrelaçamentos entre a cena que choca e processos espectatoriais de desfazimento, oriundos do impacto do encontro com alteridades radicais que se impõem sobre o espectador. Logo, propõe a noção de anatomia do... more
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The Filipino filmmaker Lav Diaz has always been open about the great Russian novelists' influence on his cinema. Reimagining the works of Fyodor Dostoevsky and Leo Tolstoy with his long takes and slow movements to portray and confront the... more
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      Film StudiesFilm AdaptationHistoriographic MetafictionLav Diaz
O objetivo deste texto é discutir o tema da atenção do espectador no cinema como possibilidade de acesso à experiência estética, considerando sua inserção num dispositivo voltado à produção, circulação e exibição de obras audiovisuais.... more
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      HumanitiesArtmovie theater
O cinema do filipino Lav Diaz comporta a ideia de um cinema que leva o espectador a uma experiência sensorial com imagens e também que estas imagens ganham significado porque são alargadas no tempo. Em outras palavras, Diaz espicha o... more
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      NarrativaLav DiazCinematografías PeriféricasFilipino cinema
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      Media StudiesMediaLav Diaz
This study launched a dialectical materialist critique of the long cinematic duration of Lav Diaz’s cinema. His films after Batang West Side (2001) took on the long durational style with running lengths ranging from four (4) hours to... more
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      Dialectical MaterialismPhilippine CinemaCinematic TimeTemporality (Time Studies)
Le cinéma à ses limites, longue durée et spectatorialité impure Type de publication: Article de revue Revue: Écrans 2019-2, n° 12. Lisières esthétiques et culturelles au cinéma
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      Film StudiesNational CinemasLav DiazContemporary Cinema
Este artigo estabelece as bases do que seria o "cinema geologico". Formulado no estudo de realizacoes recentes no âmbito do cinema independente e sem objetivar a definicao de um movimento estetico estruturado, o conceito... more
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      HumanitiesArtmovie theater
O presente artigo pretende refletir sobre as estrategias para a analise filmica a partir do enfrentamento com dois filmes de duracao superior a 400 minutos: As mil e uma noites (2015), de Miguel Gomes, e Cancao para um triste misterio... more
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      HumanitiesFilm StudiesPhilippine CinemaPortuguese Cinema
En parlant du cinéma d’Avi Mograbi, Jean-Louis Comolli écrivait : « [c]haque film au présent de la situation politique et militaire en Israël, mais au présent aussi, affectif, c’est-à-dire à la fois engagé et dépassé, du foyer Mograbi,... more
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      Documentary (Film Studies)Documentary FilmArab-Israeli conflictPalestinian-Israeli conflict
La chiamerei una scena, la scena del soggettile{subjertile), se non ci fosse già qui una forza per trafugare ciò che sempre mette in scena: la visibilità, l'elemento della rappresentazione, la presenza di un soggetto, addirittura di un... more
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      Gilles DeleuzeJacques DerridaCinemaGilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari
Product of audiovisual marketing usually associated with cinema, the trailer has a long tradition and different modes of composition. In the particular case of trailers of TV series, some singularities must be taken for granted, such as... more
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Two of the most important figures in cinema are French film critic André Bazin and Russian filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky whose major contributions gave importance to time-space vis-à-vis realism. This paper situates their seminal writings... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryPhilippine CinemaCinema
Dans un entretien avec Tilman Baumgärtel mené en 2007, Lav Diaz explicite en ces termes le rapport particulier que le peuple philippin entretient avec le temps et l'espace : Nous, Philippins, ne sommes pas gouvernés par le concept du... more
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    • Lav Diaz
Une partie du tournage du film When the Waves Are Gone devait avoir lieu début février 2020 sur l'île luxuriante de Catanduanes, à l'extrême est de l'archipel philippin. Le scénario provisoire de ce film avait été annoncé ainsi par la... more
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    • Lav Diaz
Publié dans "Lav Diaz : faire face", dir. Corinne Maury et Olivier Zuchuat, Post-éditions, 2022, p. 29-49.
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      CinemaLav DiazPost Colonial Theory
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      Bela TarrSlow Cinema
Le cinéma à ses limites, longue durée et spectatorialité impure Type de publication: Article de revue Revue: Écrans 2019-2, n° 12. Lisières esthétiques et culturelles au cinéma
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      Film StudiesNational CinemasLav DiazContemporary Cinema
O presente artigo pretende refletir sobre as estrategias para a analise filmica a partir do enfrentamento com dois filmes de duracao superior a 400 minutos: As mil e uma noites (2015), de Miguel Gomes, e Cancao para um triste misterio... more
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      Film StudiesPhilippine CinemaPortuguese CinemaLav Diaz
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      Film StudiesSoutheast Asian CinemaPhilippine StudiesFilm Aesthetics
O cinema existe e resiste. Longa duração, análise fílmica e espectatorialidade nos filmes de Lav Diaz Lúcia Ramos Monteiro 1 "S'il y a des marges, y at -il encore une philosophie, la philosophie?" (Derrida 1972, IX)
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisPhilippine StudiesLav Diaz
L’oeuvre cinématographique de Lav Diaz est pétrie des espoirs et des souffrances d’un peuple philippin exposé tant à la violence d’État qu’aux cataclysmes climatiques qui dévastent régulièrement l’archipel. Ses films-fleuve s’arriment... more
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      Lav DiazEsthétique Du Cinéma
Setting itself up with Lav Diaz's feature Death in the Land of Encantos, this paper thinks how might we inherit and live in landscapes damaged by disasters and political corruption.
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      PhilippinesCinema StudiesColorAnthropocene
Strutturato come dispositivo fototestuale stratificato, che è al contempo reportage di viaggio, narrazione odeporica, racconto fotografico, guida turistica, 'Tutta la solitudine che meritate', formato dai testi di Claudio Giunta e dalle... more
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      PhotographyLiterature and photographyPhototextualityLetteratura italiana contemporanea
Kötetlen, kritikai beszélgetés, levélváltás Tarr Béla: Sátántangó és Lav Diaz: Melancholia című filmjei kapcsán. / An informal, critical discussion and correspondence about Béla Tarr's films Satantango and Lav Diaz's Melancholia. (HU)
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      Art HistoryFilm StudiesFilm TheoryVisual Culture
Resumo: Este trabalho pretende elaborar uma reflexão sobre a expansão dos sentidos por meio do filme Bacurau, entendido como um texto cultural em que vibra uma intensa potência política. Assim, o artigo interroga as configurações sígnicas... more
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textos: percorrendo espaços de montagem, Aline Dias desenhar – fragmento e montagem, Diego Rayck montagem de sobrevivências em sans soleil, Yurie Yaginuma montagem de sonhos: processos de não-saber,Rodrigo Amboni Organizado por Aline... more
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      Lav DiazContemporary Cinema
This chapter looks at looks at the above film by Lav Diaz.
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      European CinemaJapanese CinemaAmerican CinemaCinema
Ce texte propose une analyse de 'A Lullaby to the Sorrowful Mysteries' (Lav Diaz, 2016), depuis la perspective de ses modalités spectatorielles et appuyée sur la défense bazinienne de « l’impureté cinématographique ». Plutôt qu’enfermer... more
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      Film StudiesNational CinemasLav DiazContemporary Cinema
Fontaínhas as site (locus, tropoi) of subaltern existence (Spivak), and tropic of privileged places in visual rhetoric. Agamben’s highly debatable concept of "Muselmann". Pedro Costa, Lav Diaz, Apichatpong's films about mourning, the... more
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      PsychologyPhilosophyArt HistoryJewish Studies
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      PhilippinesCinema and HistoryLav DiazSlow Cinema
il cinema del nuovo millennio 8 3.2. Un nuovo tradizionalismo 3.3. L'asse Disney-Pixar 3.4. Fiabe per adulti 3.5. Oltre il canone 3.6. L'animazione europea, fra tradizione e innovazione 3.7. Il sottile fascino dell'"animetism"... more
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      East Asian CinemaFilm Festival StudiesAsian Cinema
In his 1936 essay, Walter Benjamin contrasts stage actors with film actors: while the former performs for a live audience, the other performs for technology (the camera, microphones), before a group of specialists (the director, the... more
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      Southeast AsiaAsian CinemaLav DiazContemporary Cinema
Dans le cadre de la pensée sur la longue durée et la lenteur dans le cinéma contemporain, ce texte offre une analyse de Florentina Hubaldo, CTE (2012), film de six heures réalisé par le cinéaste philippin Lav Diaz. Nous nous... more
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      Film StudiesSoutheast Asian CinemaPhilippine StudiesFilm Aesthetics
The dissertation explores the works of the Filipino filmmaker Lav Diaz, the idea of the Anthropocene, and sets up a conceptual dialogue between the two.With his films often extending upto 11 hours, Lav Diaz has by now achieved global... more
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      AnthropoceneLav DiazSlow CinemaEcocinema
Kevin Jerome Everson (b. 1965) is arguably one of the most important audio-visual artists/filmmakers working in the U.S. now. Having gained a global recognition through various retrospectives (Viennale, 2014; Visions du Reel, Nyon, 2012;... more
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      Giorgio AgambenGesturesLav DiazHarun Farocki
Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
29-30 novembre 2018
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      Visual StudiesItalian Literature
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      Giorgio VasariGiorgio Vasari and art historiographyGiorgio Vasari, Biography and the concept of the Renaissance
Nous avons rencontré pour la première fois Lav Diaz à Tokyo en octobre 2013, puis un mois plus tard à Manille pour un premier entretien. Rencontre rocambolesque, prévue un matin de novembre 2013, et qui eut lieu…tard le soir. Simplement,... more
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      Asian CinemaLav Diaz
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      Lav DiazCinéma asiatique
La « tragédie musicale » du réalisateur philippin, Lav Diaz Entretien avec le réalisateur à propos de La saison du diable... more
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      East Asian CinemaCinemaAsian CinemaLav Diaz
Este artigo reflete sobre as estratégias para a análise fílmica a partir do enfrentamento com dois filmes de duração superior a 400 minutos: As mil e uma noites (2015), de Miguel Gomes, e Canção para um triste mistério (2016), de Lav... more
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      Film StudiesPhilippine CinemaPortuguese CinemaLav Diaz
Iniziamo con A Lullaby to the Sorrowful Mystery (2016). Il cinema di Lav Diaz, del resto, ci appare da sempre come una paradossale ninnananna sul mistero doloroso: da un lato i traumi dolenti della storia filippina colti sempre tra... more
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      Film StudiesDigital CinemaColonial StudiesLav Diaz
Com duração de 24 horas, a instalação "The Clock", do artista Christian Marclay, reúne fragmentos de filmes que trazem imagens de relógios ou menções às horas do dia, condensando um século de história do cinema.
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      Film StudiesContemporary Art