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El presente artículo resume los objetivos y principales resultados de la investigación que desarrollamos en nuestra tesis doctoral, Estudio de la mujer a través de los epitafios. Rituales y honores funerarios en la Colonia Tárraco. En... more
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      Roman HistoryFeminismLatin EpigraphyRoman Epigraphy
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      M. Valerius MartialisMartial 'Epigrams'Latin epigramLatin epitaphs
Alberto MONTANER, «La mora Zaida, entre historia y leyenda (con una reflexión sobre la técnica historiográfica alfonsí)», en Historicist Essays on Hispano Medieval Narrative in Memory of Roger M. Walker, London, Maney Publishing for the... more
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      Oral historyReligious ConversionLatin EpigraphyMedieval Epigraphy
Il testo contiene alcune considerazioni sulla figura di Spartaco e, in generale, sulla condizione degli schiavi nelle campagne e nelle città romane, scaturite in particolare dalla lettura dell'epistola 47 di Seneca a Lucilio.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistorySociology
This article offers a historical reassessment of the obscure commander Constantius and a new translation with textual analysis of his epitaph. Two Carolingian manuscripts preserve the text of a now lost inscription, which is our only... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
Amtropos heu letum livida rupit opus! Huic ingrata tulit tristem Florentia fructum, 10 exilium, vati patria cruda suo, quem pia Guidonis gremio Ravenna Novelli gaudet honorati continuisse ducis, mille trecentenis ter septem Numinis anni,... more
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      Medieval LiteratureDante StudiesItalian StudiesMedieval Latin Literature
"L’epigrafia funeraria cristiana in versi a Milano ha un illustre iniziatore: il più antico epitaffio metrico, databile al 377-378, è quello dedicato da Ambrogio al fratello Satiro. Se la tradizione che lo vuole autore non ha conferme,... more
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      Medieval Latin LiteratureMedieval EpigraphyAmbrose of MilanMilano
Исходным пунктом для доклада служит феномен «читабельности» кладбища, которая в европейской культуре стала остро осознаваться с XVII в., когда возникла мода на кладбищенские прогулки и на чтение надгробных памятников. В эту эпоху... more
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      Cultural StudiesLatin epitaphsCemetriesEpitaphs
Il presente lavoro, incentrato sulla storia del lavoro e dei lavoratori nel mondo romano, si propone di ricostruire, attraverso l'epigrafia monumentale, l'identità e il profilo socio-economico di alcuni individui vissuti a Mutina o nel... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
En el siguiente trabajo, se explicarán aquellas estelas funerarias romanas que incluyan representaciones zoomorfas, acompañando al difunto o en solitario.
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      Roman HistoryIconographyAnimals in CultureLatin epitaphs
When Michelangelo died in Rome in 1564, his body was transported back to his native Florence for an honourable state funeral. The event was an extravagant multi-step affair because of the deep sentiments many Florentines genuinely felt... more
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      Giorgio VasariLatin epitaphs
Il patrimonio epigrafico lapidario modenese, che attualmente comprende circa 300 iscrizioni, ha restituito più di 160 menzioni relative a schiave, liberte e ingenuae vissute a Mutina e nell'ager Mutinensis tra la seconda metà del I secolo... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
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      MuseologyGiorgio VasariLatin epitaphs
Census of all the manuscripts bearing Dante’s epitaphs, with a brief description.
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      Dante StudiesItalian StudiesDante and the ancient commentaries traditionDante
L’Afrique du Nord présente une densité d’épitaphes tardo-antiques élevée, uniquement comparable à celle de l’Italie. Cette contribution donne un bilan des problèmes et des progrès de la recherche funéraire tardive en Afrique pendant les... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyRoman North Africa (Archaeology)Early Christian MartyrsFunerary Epigraphy
I'll be delivering a short version of this draft paper at CAMWS 2018, and discussing this longer version at the Chicago Regional Workshop organized by Alexander Loney later this month, in preparation for a volume on Vergil and Elegy... more
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      History of the BookAudience and Reception StudiesManuscript StudiesVergil
Embedded within the transition from life to death, epitaphs reveal aspects about important boundaries in life, and for Roman women in Late Antiquity this boundary was between childhood and womanhood. Early Christianity accepted girls into... more
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      Women's StudiesEarly ChristianityLate AntiquityLatin Epigraphy
L'obiettivo della ricerca è quello di ricostruire, attraverso l'epigrafia e l'iconografia funeraria, l'identità sociale di alcune donne e bambine mutinensi vissute tra l'età augustea e il IV secolo d.C.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
Un esempio di ambizione sociale e orgoglio professionale da Mutina: la stele del tonsor Lucius Rubrius Stabilio Primus -Luogo di ritrovamento: Modena, via Emilia Est -via Pelusia (1999). -Contesto di riferimento: necropoli orientale di... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistorySocial Psychology
In this paper the scholar offers the first really critical edition of the Epitaphium Leandri, Isidori et Florentinae (ICERV 272), founded on all existing manuscripts. He examines too the textual tradition of this work and analyzes his... more
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      Visigothic SpainIsidore of SevilleLatin epitaphsLeander of Seville
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      IntermedialityLatin EpigraphyGreek and Latin EpigramVirgil
A study of fictive orality in the Republican epitaphs of the CLE reveals that two categories of fictive orality are especially rare, and moreover limited to a specific situation: in a corpus of forty-nine inscriptions, only two (CIL I²... more
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      Latin LiteratureRoman ReligionRoman RepublicLatin Epigraphy
A short paper containing some thoughts about the epitaphs in honour of composer John Dunstaple.
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      MusicEarly MusicMusicologyMedieval Church History
Nec minus interea Misenum in litore Teucri flebant et cineri ingrato suprema ferebant. principio pinguem taedis et robore secto ingentem struxere pyram, cui frondibus atris 215 intexunt latera et feralis ante cupressos constituunt,... more
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      VergilAncient Greek MusicRoman EpigraphyGreek and Roman Epigraphy
Sobre el epitafio de La istòria de Leànder y Ero de Joan Roís de Corella y otros textos parecidos de su producción.
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      MitologyMitologiaLatin epitaphsLiteratura Catalana Medieval
"During recent rescue excavations conducted on Petra Zoranića square in Zadar, the remains of an earlier-known church were discovered, which has been identified as the Church of St. Peter of the Windlass mentioned in medieval... more
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)Early Medieval ArchaeologyCarolingian StudiesLatin Epigraphy
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      ClassicsRoman EpigraphyVulgar LatinLatin epitaphs
Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. Aux termes du Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle, toute reproduction ou représentation, intégrale ou partielle, faite par quelque procédé que ce soit (photocopie, photographie, microfilm, bande... more
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      Latin LiteratureLate Latin LiteratureGreek and Latin EpigramLatin poetry
The article proposes the documentation relating to the epitaphs that adorned the lost grave of King Alfonso II of Aragon in the Cathedral of Messina. These texts are analyzed both under the historical aspect and in relation to their... more
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      ClassicsRenaissance HumanismItalian HumanismClassical Reception Studies
In this part of the lecture we will examine the identity value of work for three lower-class children: Pagus (goldsmith), C. Vettius Capitolinus (embroiderer) and Quartulus (miner).
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
L'epigramma III, 59 di Marziale offre lo spunto per riflettere sul ruolo delle categorie sociali subalterne nelle città romane, con particolare riferimento a Bononia e a Mutina, dove un ciabattino e un lavandaio, dice il poeta, offrirono... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural StudiesArchaeology
This paper examines Latin epitaphs which particularly focus on the career of mime actresses. These epitaphs have a personal attachment to the mimes and give us an opportunity to look at their lives in a different direction. While... more
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      Latin EpigraphyRoman theatreLatin epitaphsRoman Mimes
In this short paper the author presents the first transcription and the analysis of the text of Sidonius Apollinaris’ epitaph as it is transmitted by a manuscript of a private collection. The author proposes also a reconstruction of the... more
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      PhilologyLatin LiteratureLate Latin LiteratureRare Books and Manuscripts
This article presents an analysis of the neo-Punic funerary inscriptions construed with the verb ṭnʾ - traditionally translated as “to erect.” A new etymology and meaning of this verb is presented. Furthermore, other morpho-syntactic... more
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      PhilologySemitic languagesEtymologyComparative Semitic Linguistics
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      Charters and PaleographyLatin epitaphsAugustinian Canons
Edition, translation and commentary of Hidalgo's epitaph, printed in 1604 in his Thesaurus of True Surgery. It was written in a baroque style by his son-in-law, a professor of Medicine at the University of Seville. He erroneously placed... more
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      SurgeryWound HealingGalenNeo-Latin Poetry
This paper studies the use of writing in the Roman province of Aquitaine, a province that can be described in several senses as bipartite. Like our province, our work is made up of two parts: the first examines the appearance and... more
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      Celtic StudiesCeltic PhilologyRoman ReligionCeltic Linguistics
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      AdministrationRoman ProsopographyLatin epitaphsIllyrian Emperors
L'articolo è dedicato allo studio del raro gentilizio Purpurarius, noto dalla metà degli anni '80 del secolo scorso e attestato finora solo a Mutina. Il presente contributo rappresenta anche l'occasione per confermare, a partire dalle... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
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      Greek and Roman EpigraphyAncient IllyricumLatin epitaphsAncient Greek and Latin poetry
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      ClassicsRoman EpigraphyVulgar LatinLatin epitaphs
La stele modenese del tonsor L. Rubrius Stabilio Primus si rivela una fonte preziosa per riflettere su varie problematiche legate alla considerazione del lavoro nel mondo antico. Molto interessante e complessa è anche la storia familiare... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
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      Latin EpigraphyLatin epitaphsLeuquesEpigraphie latine
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      Late AntiquityGreek and Latin EpigramPeripateticsEpigram (Classics)
Tutti i diritti riservati Proprietà artistica e letteraria riservata per tutti i Paesi Ogni riproduzione, anche parziale, è vietata Stampa Tipografia S. Giuseppe srl, Pollenza (MC) Questo volume è stato pubblicato con il patrocinio del... more
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      Latin EpigraphyMedieval Latin PoetryLatin epitaphsCori (LT)
The Great Northern War (1700-1721) between Sweden and Denmark saw the tension between these two nations rise to unprecedented levels. When the Swedish king Charles XII was killed in 1718, Danish poets saw that occasion as their ultimate... more
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      Neo-latin literatureInscriptionsLatin epitaphs
Il saggio è dedicato ad alcune figure professionali del mondo romano legate alla lavorazione e alla vendita dell'oro e di manufatti realizzati con questo metallo prezioso. Nel testo si analizzano in particolare le testimonianze... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
In this paper I intend to study a particular variant of Latin inscriptions, that is to say, the epitaphs devoted to Dean Pedro Bencomo (1749-1828) and also provide their edition and translation. As all of them were written in the 19th... more
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      Translation StudiesLatin LanguageTraducciónLingua Latina
The visible use of spolia in late antique Rome seems comparable to the way classical remains are reused more broadly in late antique culture, whether that be classical motifs in art, or classical texts in poetry. In the same way that... more
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyEarly ChristianityLate AntiquityVergil