Language Learning motivation
Recent papers in Language Learning motivation
Socio-educational Model, Self-Determination Theory, and, more recently, L2 Motivational Self System are arguably amongst the widely embraced theories of motivation in the field of foreign and second language learning. However, the... more
This paper investigates young learners " attitudes towards learning English as a foreign language (EFL) under different learning conditions. It reports on the findings of a quantitative study conducted between two comparable groups of... more
The year 2020 marked the 25th year since Bonny Norton published her influential TESOL Quarterly article, ‘Social identity, investment, and language learning’ (Norton Peirce, 1995) and the fifth year since we, Darvin and Norton (2015),... more
In the last decades, research in the field of language learning has focused on understanding the motivational processes beneath people’s interest in studying a second language (L2). For this reason, the attitude/motivation test battery... more
The purpose of the present study is to provide implications on how teachers can make students be more motivated in EFL learning outside the classroom. For this purpose, the present study focuses on; 1) the construct of motivational... more
This study investigates how praising students' success in tasks affects the performance of other students who were not successful. Possible and impossible crossword puzzles were used as an experiment to engender fixed mindsets in half of... more
The use of game features in a classroom context with the goal of increasing the quality of student learning is known as gamified learning intervention. According to the research, gamification can increase student engagement and... more
Beyond their enjoyment aspect, digital gaming has gained the attention of language educators since gamers all around the world often exposed to English while gaming in informal settings. Although the exploration of such informal... more
Thousands of adults enroll annually in private EFL courses in Egypt. What spurs these learners to exert the effort required and pay the fees in a country where access to public education is free at all levels? Our understanding of such... more
The main goal of modern second language (L2) pedagogy is to engender appropriate communication skills among its learners. Hence, willingness to communicate (WTC) in L2 emerged as an important variable in recent years. Several factors have... more
The purpose of this chapter is to offer a glimpse of the range of classroom management–related efforts made by three South Korean middle school teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL). I present the descriptions of the teachers’... more
La combinación de la metodología cuantitativa y cualitativa se presenta como la elección cada más frecuente en las investigaciones de segundas lenguas (ASL). En este artículo, se revisa la evolución y utilidad de algunos de los... more
Tendencias y líneas de investigación en lingüística aplicada a la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera constituye una recopilación de trabajos que tienen el objetivo de ofrecer al lector un conjunto de reflexiones que desde... more
The present study examines the relative ability of variables from three motivational frameworks to predict four non-linguistic outcomes of language learning. The study examines Action Control Theory with its measures of (1) hesitation,... more
Feelings of anxiety, apprehension, and nervousness remain a prevailing phenomenon in learning a second or a foreign language. This explanatory sequential research examined the influence of language learning anxiety on students' second... more
Motivation is a crucial part of language learning and many learners of English begin learning with a strong intrinsic/extrinsic motivation, but in most cases, it lessens in the process of time and these learners eventually lose their... more
Non si abita un Paese, si abita una Lingua.
This study aims to find out the relationships between each type of motivation and English language proficiency of high and low English proficiency students. It also tries to identify differences in each type of motivation between high and... more
This study explores the motivation of English undergraduates to study German. In a context focused approach the history of German language learning in England is reviewed first. The historical findings in combination with a review of L2... more
This dissertation was designed to investigate a number of important factors involved in the process of learning new languages, specifically English. Firstly, it explores the use of language learning strategies adopted by Saudi ESL... more
The determination of motivational factors serves a key to suggest improvements and to enhance the experience of language learning. Various projects and training sessions are held regularly in Pakistan to further refine learning... more
The goal of the current paper is to provide empirical evidence to support the idea that praising students on their academic achievements is detrimental to the progress and self-confidence of those who have experienced failure under the... more
This study analyses the factors that influence the second language learning motivation of refugees in Italy. To do so, we have conducted an ethnography by making interviews and questionnaires to adult refugee students of the Italian... more
Pre-service teacher education courses on subjects such as Biology, Geography or Spanish may include ESP in their curricula. ESP can be taught with a view to reinforcing content and language integrated learning (CLIL). The purpose of this... more
The primary objective of this paper is to investigate the influence of pedagogical intervention on the L2 motivation of Japanese university students. It consequently examines the sensitivity of the new questionnaire developed by Agawa and... more
This article reports on the findings of a study conducted to investigate teachers’ and students’ perceptions of interactive whiteboards (IWBs) in the English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom and to find out differences of perceptions... more
Unser Aufsatz diskutiert aktuelle Debatten zu Sprachen und Mehrsprachigkeit im Bil-dungssystem in Lettland. Theoretischer Hintergrund sind Debatten zur Mehrsprachigkeit, zu Spracheinstellungen und zur heteroglossischen... more
This article investigates the language learning desire of multilingual tourism workers. The data were drawn from two sites in Nepal: an English for occupational purposes class and workplace interactions during treks. The article shows... more
With the growing diversity of ideas related to complex research paradigms, multiple methodologies, and emerging theoretical frameworks underpinning various research studies, research appears an increasingly difficult terrain. The... more
El estudio de las actitudes e ideologías lingüísticas ha crecido en los últimos años. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar los elementos que inciden en la formación de las actitudes e ideologías lingüísticas en el aprendizaje... more
El estudio de la motivación humana es y ha sido centro de interés a lo largo de la historia, a pesar de que, desde la perspectiva científica, se iniciara a partir del siglo XX. Probablemente debamos a los clásicos griegos las primeras... more
Despite the fact that a number of studies have shown a relationship between personality traits (extrovert and introvert) with oral performance in the EFL setting, the link between extrovert and introvert personality, EFL motivational... more
Thousands of adults enroll annually in private EFL courses in Egypt. What spurs these learners to exert the effort required and pay the fees in a country where access to public education is free at all levels? Our understanding of such... more
The main goal of this paper is to see what motivates students to learn Finnish as a foreign language. Previous research and materials on L2 motivation mainly focus on the learning of the English language. To learn more about L2... more
Language learners' attitudes towards the language and its speakers greatly influence the language learning process and the learning outcomes. Previous research and studies on attitudes and motivation in language learning (Csizér 2007,... more
T his paper reports a research study that sought investigating Assiut University College of Education (AUCOE) EFL student teachers’ awareness and use of online authentic materials on the basis of their actual language leaning needs, and... more
In recent years, vision has become a major theme in language motivation research, capturing a core feature of modern theories of language motivation. However, empirical investigations have mostly followed the prototypical design of... more
된 설문지를 작성한 결과를 4가지 변인(성별, 한국어 숙달도, 한국어 학 습 목적, 계승어로서 한국어 학습)에 따라서 학습 동기에 차이가 있는지 분석하였다. 또한 10가지 학습동기 하위변인과 4가지 변인의 상관관계도 조사하였다. 전체적으로 학습자들의 한국어 학습 동기(M=3.65)가 높게 나타났는데, 특히 한국어를 배우고자하는 열망 (M=4.28)이 가장 높았다. 학생들의 통합적 동기(M=3.81)와 도구적... more
Whether students' goals for learning English as a second language (L2) are oriented towards performing better than others or mastering one's skills had not been traditionally investigated in language motivational research. Premised on... more