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      Political ScienceJustifications and ExcusesMedical errorsCompensation
""Abstract: In studies with questionnaires the main reason reported for trying drugs is the curiosity. However, curiosity does not have an unambiguous meaning. The word itself (in English as well as in Hungarian) has more, sometimes... more
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      Narrative AnalysisJustifications and ExcusesNarratív ElemzésDrug Users
This edited collection explores the moral and social dimensions of ignorance. The volume addresses such issues as the relation between ignorance and deception, ignorance as a moral excuse, ignorance as a legal excuse, and the relation... more
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      EthicsEpistemologyJustifications and ExcusesKnowledge
The aim of the present study was to examine to what degree different mechanisms of moral disengagement were related to age, gender, bullying, and defending among school children. Three hundred and seventy-two Swedish children ranging in... more
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      SociologyCriminologyPsychologyBehavioural Science
El artículo trae al ámbito jurídico-penal la tradicional discusión de la metodología jurídica sobre la conexión entre la prohibición de analogía y las regulaciones excepcionales. En primer lugar, se cuestiona la idea fuertemente asentada... more
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      Justifications and ExcusesDERECHO PENALInterpretación jurídicaLagunas Del Derecho
Ignorance is often a perfectly good excuse. There are interesting debates about whether non-culpable factual ignorance and mistake subvert obligation, but little disagreement about whether non-culpable factual ignorance and mistake... more
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      Free Will and Moral ResponsibilityJustifications and ExcusesMoral BlameMoral Responsibility
Con objeto de establecer las bases de un castigo penal justo, H.L.A. Hart propone una visión alternativa a las versiones tradicionales. El planteamiento de Hart muestra que los enfoques principales no han superado problemas de... more
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      Criminal LawEthicsPhilosophy Of LawConsequentialism
El presente ensayo tiene por finalidad mostrar los puntos más relevantes de la filosofía del lenguaje del filósofo oxoniense, John Langshaw Austin. Para este objetivo se pasará revista a sus principales contribuciones metodológicas, a... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of LanguageAnalytic PhilosophyHistory of Analytic Philosophy
While we've said more than we need to say about the distinction between justification and knowledge, epistemologists have said little about the distinction between justification and excuse. The aim of this paper is to offer some general... more
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      Epistemic JustificationInternalism/ExternalismJustifications and ExcusesReliabilism
Sykes and Matza’s neutralization theory, though a popular framework for understanding deviant behavior, remains badly underdeveloped in the criminological literature. In particular, few attempts have been made to connect it to narrative... more
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      CriminologyJuvenile DelinquencyCritical CriminologyJustifications and Excuses
Książka zawiera gruntowną analizę funkcjonujących w Polsce oraz w Stanach Zjednoczonych rozwiązań prawnych dotyczących obrony koniecznej. Autor w oparciu o poglądy doktryny oraz orzecznictwo przedstawia podobieństwa i różnice w kształcie... more
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      Criminal LawJustifications and ExcusesPrawo KarneSelf Defense
This paper focuses on one community in Cambodia that won back land from a large land deal by grabbing onto the rupture in property relations initiated by a one-year land titling campaign. I document the struggle between competing... more
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      PropertyAgrarian ChangeCambodiaJustifications and Excuses
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      EthicsMoral PhilosophyJustifications and ExcusesMoral Responsibility
Suç teorisinin gelişiminde önemli bir aşamayı hukuka aykırılık ile kusurluluğunun ayrılması oluşturur. Bu durum haksızlık ve kusur ile doğrudan bağlantılıdır. Bu bağ, hukuka uygunluk nedenleri ve kusurluluğu etkileyen haller ile de... more
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      Justifications and ExcusesCeza HukukuCriminal Law, Mens Rea, CulpabiltiyKusurluluk
The central issue in the philosophical debate about hell is whether hell is morally justifiable. The present paper is an indirect contribution to this debate: it identifies and examines the different conceptions of agency that inform this... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionAction ResearchPhilosophy of PunishmentJustifications and Excuses
Legal theory has failed to acknowledge how central a concept self-defense is for the construction of American identities. Across demographic and ideological divides and throughout American history, self-defense has functioned as a... more
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      Criminal LawJurisprudenceViolenceNonviolence
El concepto de Obliegenheit es conocido desde hace tiempo por la ciencia jurídico-penal en el contexto de la provocación de la falta de responsabilidad penal. Allí la lesión de Obliegenheiten sirve como criterio normativo para excluir el... more
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      Criminal LawPhilosophy of Criminal LawJustifications and Excusesactio libera in causa
This paper aims for a more robust epistemological disjunctivism (ED) by offering on its behalf a new and better response to the 'new evil genius' problem. The first section articulates the 'new evil genius challenge' (NEG challenge) to... more
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      Epistemic JustificationJustifications and ExcusesEpistemological DisjunctivismEpistemic internalism
SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione. -2. L'inesigibilità quale ratio dell'art. 384, primo comma? Alcune osservazioni generali. -3. (Segue) La "lettura romantica": istinto e sentimento. -4. (Segue) La "lettura esistenzialista": il conflitto... more
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      Criminal LawPhilosophy of Criminal LawJustifications and ExcusesNecessity
This essay argues that acknowledging the existence of mind-independent facts is a matter of vital importance, in that acquiescence before the layout of the world is something demanded of knowing agents from the most elementary empirical... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of LanguageAnalytic PhilosophyEpistemology
John Gardner – H.L.A. Hart’s heir on the Chair of Jurisprudence of the University of Oxford – dubs his own theory of personal responsibility an ‘Aristotelian View’. In the first part of the paper, the core of this view – the coincidence... more
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      Free Will, Moral ResponsibilityPractical ReasoningMetaethicsPractical Rationality
Svolti brevi cenni sulla c.d. insanity defense, si analizza la sentenza della Corte Suprema degli Stati Uniti, che ha statuito la costituzionalità di una disposizione statale che abolisce un nucleo fondamentale della c.d. M’Naghten Rule,... more
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      Judicial reviewComparative Criminal LawU.S. Supreme Court LitigationJustifications and Excuses
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      Public International LawState ResponsibilityJustifications and ExcusesState Responsibility in International Law
T. M. Scanlon’s contractualism is a meta-ethical theory that explains moral motivation and also provides a conception of how to carry out moral deliberation. It supports non-consequentialism – the theory that both consequences and... more
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      DeterrenceRestorative JusticePhilosophy of PunishmentJustifications and Excuses
Governments’ policies and actions often precipitate public blame firestorms and mediated scandals targeted at individual or collective policy makers. In the face of losing credibility and resources, officeholders are tempted to apply... more
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      Discourse AnalysisRhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)Public AdministrationCommunication
El texto es un balance de la discusión central de Discusiones 7 relativa a la existencia de derechos de necesidad y deberes de tolerancia. En una primera parte, se presenta brevemente el ámbito de la discusión, así como las tesis... more
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      LawCriminal LawLegal TheoryPhilosophy Of Law
– This article focuses on the themes of " excuses " and " forgiveness " , in order to elucidate the genealogy and the different trends of the contemporary debate about responsibility. To this purpose, the topic will be examined through... more
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      ResponsibilityJustifications and ExcusesForgiveness
En el trabajo desarrollo el concepto de compatibilismo práctico, de inspiración kantiana, de Christine Korsgaard. Primero analizo distintas teorías sobre la libertad de la voluntad en la acción. Luego, trazo distinciones sobre los... more
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      Immanuel KantJustifications and ExcusesPractical ReasonMoral Excuses
Ongoing discussions among international lawyers on defences in state responsibility have close analogies with debates in two other fields: debates in general legal theory on defeasibility in law, and debates in criminal law theory (and... more
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      JurisprudenceInternational LawLegal TheoryPhilosophy of Criminal Law
Türk Ceza Hukuku’nda emrin ifasının hukuki niteliği konusunda farklı görüşler ileri sürülmektedir. Hukuka uygun emirlerin ifasının hukuka uygunluk nedeni teşkil ettiği genel olarak kabul edilmekle birlikte, hukuka aykırı emirlerin... more
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      Criminal LawInternational Criminal LawComparative Criminal LawDoctrine of Justification
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      EpistemologyEpistemic JustificationJustifications and Excuses
This paper, originally written for a conference on criminal law in times of emergency, considers the implications of the 'German Airliner case' for criminal law theory. In that case, the German constitutional court struck down as... more
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      Criminal LawPhilosophy of Criminal LawComparative Criminal LawJustifications and Excuses
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      Speech Act TheoryJustifications and ExcusesJ. L. AustinPerlocutionary Acts
Discusses epistemic norms and the demands that reasons place upon us. Argues against evidentialist views on the grounds that relations between evidence and belief are not the only normatively significant relations. Argues against... more
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      Normative EpistemologyEthics of BeliefEpistemic JustificationEvidence
The argument between retributivists and consequentialists about what morally justifies the punishment of offenders is incoherent. If we were to discover that all of the contending justifications were mistaken, there is no realistic... more
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      Criminal JusticeJurisprudencePhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
Martha Nussbaum that allegedly weaken our need to condemn in order to make explicit what sorts of things that would have to be true for the proverb '"tout comprendre, c'est tout pardonner" ("to understand all is to forgive all")' to... more
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      ExplanationJustifications and Excuses
I offer a novel interpretation of Hume on skepticism, drawing on a theory of excuses—in contrast to justifications and exemptions. Hume’s excuse shows that criticizing one’s beliefs on the basis of skeptical arguments is unreasonable when... more
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      Philosophical ScepticismDavid HumeSkepticismJustifications and Excuses
Whatever the rational and argumentative dimension of his whole philosophy, Spinoza can in no way be considered as a theorist of the “justification” of political action by reference to “values” that could reach an “enlightened conscience”... more
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En los últimos meses son muchos los penalistas que, ante la saturación de los sistemas sanitarios como consecuencia de la pandemia provocada por el COVID-19, se han pronunciado en favor de una reforma-en clave utilitarista-del sistema... more
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      UtilitarianismJustifications and ExcusesTriage
It is commonly asserted that the core teaching of Machiavelli’s political philosophy is that “the ends justify the means.” While numerous scholars of Machiavelli have disputed this interpretation and pointed out that Machiavelli never... more
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      Political TheoryMachiavelliJustifications and ExcusesJames Tully
Just War Theory asserts that armed conflict can be fought in a way that safeguards moral and legal norms while responding to pragmatic/military imperatives. One of the ways in which it seeks to safeguard justice is through specific... more
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      War StudiesJust WarJust War TheoryWar and violence
De positie van slachtoffers in onze rechtsorde is in de afgelopen decennia steeds sterker geworden, niet alleen op het terrein van het strafrecht, maar ook in het privaatrecht en bestuursrecht. Deze ontwikkeling is al vaak gesignaleerd en... more
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      Justifications and ExcusesMedical errorsCompensationDutch East Indies
Questions of right and wrong are sometimes undetermined. What is more, human moral agency is constrained by cognitive and motivational limitations, making it at times hard to know right from wrong and, at other times, to avoid wrongdoing.... more
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      EthicsMoral PsychologyJustifications and ExcusesMoral Dilemmas
In an earlier paper, 'Peter Geach on nonsense, confusion and sin' 1 , I suggested that what one can say in explanation of one's own actions suffers from a severe limitation: one can shed little light on the question why one acted on one's... more
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      EthicsPhilosophy of AgencyMeta-EthicsSelf and Identity
Hukuka uygunluk nedenlerinin manevi unsurları, ceza hukukunun tartışmalı meselelerinden biri olup, bu konuda çok farklı görüşler ileri sürülmüştür. Hukuka aykırılığı objektif olarak kabul eden klasik suç öğretisinde bu unsurlara yer... more
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      Criminal LawComparative Criminal LawDoctrine of JustificationJustifications and Excuses
The principle of humanism is one of the key principles of criminal law, the importance of which can hardly be overestimated. One of the practical expressions of this principle is the concept of excuses and justifications in criminal law.... more
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      Criminal LawHumanismCentral AsiaJustifications and Excuses
T. M. Scanlon’s contractualism is a meta-ethical theory that explains moral motivation and also provides a conception of how to carry out moral deliberation. It supports non-consequentialism – the theory that both consequences and... more
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      DeterrenceRestorative JusticePhilosophy of PunishmentJustifications and Excuses
The New Evil Demon Problem (NEDP) is probably the most serious objection that the upholders of a knowledge-first epistemology face. The general format of the solution that several of them (Littlejohn 2009, forthcoming; Weatherson 2008;... more
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      EpistemologyEpistemic JustificationJustification and evidenceJustifications and Excuses
Can strong desires linked to addictions or 'compulsive' mental disorders constitute the basis for a good excuse? Anthony Kenny claimed that they cannot, insofar as 'irresistible desires' or 'inabilities to will' are simply inconceivable... more
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      Criminal LawFree Will, Moral ResponsibilityDrugs And AddictionAction Theory