Recent papers in Interactionism
Suspendus aux lèvres d’un conteur, incapables d’interrompre la lecture d’un roman, captivés par un film haletant, nous faisons tous l’expérience quotidienne de ce plaisir apparemment paradoxal que nous tirons de notre insatisfaction... more
Substance-dualist interactionism faces two sorts of challenge. One is empirical, involving the alleged incompatibility between interactionism and the supposed closure of the physical world. Although widely considered successful, this... more
Résumé : Ce second cahier de recherche, d’une série de deux (le premier s’intitulant : « La notion de travail relationnel dans cinq champs disciplinaires : notes analytiques de lecture », Farinas, 2018 c), expose des tendances qui... more
In this essay, I argue that the Causal Closure Argument is not devastating to dualism for the simple reason that the Causal Closure Principle may not be true. At the very least I hope to prove that the steadfast commitment to it by the... more
Qualitative research provides opportunities to study bullying and peer harassment as social processes, interactions and meaning-making in the everyday context of particular settings. It offers the possibility of developing a deep... more
George Herbert Mead's symbolic interactionalism provides a social behaviorist theory of the origin of role-playing. Being a perspective which stresses the inherent theatricality of human interaction and of the human mind, it is therefore,... more
This article has two aims. First, we review the person-situation debate and what we believe to be its central issues. We propose that one of the most central issues in the debate was consistency, and argue that recognizing different... more
Andy Blunden presents a critical review of theories of Concepts in cognitive psychology, analytical philosophy, linguistics, conceptual change theory and other disciplines. The material convered has led many to abandon the idea of... more
In this paper we are planning to put at work the symbolic interactionism theory through a practical application of it. The topic choses in represented by the activity of having lunch at the work place. The research strategy chosen to... more
"Lords Ask, Peasants Answer," in Russian translation: Istorija i antropologija: meždisciplinarnye issledovanija na rubeže XX – XXI vekov, Michael Krom, David Sabean, Gadi Algazi, eds. [History & Anthropology] (St. Petersburg: Alettejja,... more
El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una aproximación teórica a la consigna escolar, pensada como recurso didáctico en el aula. Pese a la brevedad de las consignas, se ha postulado su carácter de texto (Giammateo, Albano y Basualdo,... more
The aim of this study was to investigate how individuals;who had been victims of school bullying;perceived their bullying experiences and how these had affected them;and to generate a grounded theory of being a victim of bullying at... more
The aim with the present study was to investigate bystander actions in bullying situations as well as reasons behind these actions as they are articulated by Swedish students from fourth to seventh grade. Forty-three semi-structured... more
The problem of consciousness, as I present it here, is the problem of reconciling our understanding of consciousness with (i) the evidence for phenomenal transparency and (ii) the evidence that the physical world is causally closed. We... more
Argues that we need to break down the macro-level concepts such as political opportunity structures into smaller causal mechanisms at the micro and interactive level.
Abstract The CELTA course (Cambridge English) offers a receptive skills framework that integrates reading strategies with productive skills, including both speaking and writing (Masduqi, 2008). The framework’s focus on using authentic... more
Chapter 3 of the book Arievitch, I. M. (2017). "Beyond the Brain: An Agentive Activity Perspective on Mind, Development, and Learning". Rotterdam/Boston: Sense Publishers. The book outlines a fundamental alternative to the rising wave of... more
There is a widespread idea that in grounded theory (GT) research, the researcher has to delay the literature review until the end of the analysis to avoid contamination – a dictum that might turn educational researchers away from GT.... more
Kosovar students in Greece provide an interesting diplomatic link between the two countries and a potentially vibrant source of information about bilateral issues relating to culture, identity and attitudes. Investigating their lived... more
I intend to try to say something about category mistakes by considering a theory of metaphor. In this I follow precedent (Magidor 2013, 2017). The focus will be on John Searle’s (1979a) paper on metaphor. However, there will be an... more
This paper explores the perspectives of research participants who use painkillers for reasons other than medically instructed. The paper explores three categories of users; the first, ‘aberrant users’ are those for whom non-medical use is... more
This article in Spanish examines the background, implications and merit of epiphenonalism. The authors systematically present an analytical argument against epiphenomenalism, the argument of the justification of the assertion of the... more
Chapter 5 of the book Arievitch, I. M. (2017). "Beyond the Brain: An Agentive Activity Perspective on Mind, Development, and Learning". Rotterdam/Boston: Sense Publishers. The book outlines a fundamental alternative to the rising wave of... more
Spanish Abstract: Las actuales concepciones de la psicología sobre la interiorización de la interacción deben algo, o mucho, a Sigmund Freud. Hay precedentes muy notables, como Nietzsche, que formulan la constitución del sujeto mediante... more
Le cours vidéo sur YouTube : 3. Sémiotique : Concepts et applications en sociologie 3.1. Sémiotique et pragmatique 3.2. Karl Bühler : le signe langagier dans l’interlocution 3.2.1. L’ Organon Modell 3.2.2.... more
Most of the free will debate operates under the assumption that classic determinism and indeterminism are the only metaphysical options available. Through an analysis of Dennett’s view of free will as gradually evolving this article... more
All reasonable attempts were made to locate the owners of the illustrations published in this book. If you believe you may be one of them, please contact Temple University Press, antl the publisher wîll include appropriate acknowledgment... more
Philosophers continue to debate the metaphysics of the mind, dividing over even such fundamental questions as whether the mind is physical, and if so, in what sense is it physical? Does it causally interact with the body? If so, how? The... more
Ensag -Cresson/NoSoPhi) L'interaction apparaît comme un curieux animal dans le bestiaire des sociologues, un animal à la marge que l'on a bien du mal à classer dans les grandes espèces connues et dont on se demande, somme toute, s'il est... more
Dans les métropoles des pays industrialisés, même dans celles déjà marquées par une histoire d’immigration ancienne, on retrouve de plus en plus de langues, de religions et de nationalités. S’il est vrai que nous sommes entrés dans l’ère... more
There are two kinds of mind-body dualism: epiphenomenalism and interactionism. The difference is concerned with the thesis that physical reality is causally closed: if any non-physical things or properties exist, they cannot influence the... more
In both personality psychology and social psychology there is a trajectory of theory and research that has its roots in Gestalt psychology and interactionism. This work is outlined in this paper along with an exploration of the hitherto... more
This paper, inspired by Goffman’s “presentation of self” and the way we appear to others, provides a framework for the methodological question of how to approach the analysis of life stories. Adopting an interactionist perspective, this... more
The aim of this article is to extend the scope of the models of teacher change to an interactionist view which coordinates sociocultural and constructivist perspectives. Accordingly our focus will be on the cultural and situational... more
A brief explanation of the Mind-Body problem, as well as an overview of arguments both for and against the thought of Dualistic Interactionism within the mind-body problem.
page of Sociology Compass where are the links to full original publication: Numbers inside {} refer to new page numbers in the original publication. {1553}... more
Socialisation theories have traditionally focused on how children are socialised in a rather unidirectional manner, according to a transmission model. However, more recent research and theories show that children are not just passive... more
The aim of this study is to investigate and explain inconsistencies within the social constructions of school rules as they take shape in everyday interactions between teachers and students, and to explore how students interpret these... more
Resumen: Propondremos aquí un análisis de la narratividad de una forma discursiva recientemente aparecida, como son los blogs, en el marco de una teoría emergentista de la narratividad y de sus modalidades discursivas. Las características... more
The paper presents two empirical cases of expert musicians-a classical string quartet and a solo, free improvisation saxophonist-to analyze the explanatory power and reach of theories in the field of expertise studies and joint action. We... more