Recent papers in Jails
Aim: This article aims to provide researchers unknown diaries from the time of the January Uprising. Within this framework, we will discuss their content and will try to identify the people who signed up to them. We will also take a... more
This book was published on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Ghent jailhouse "Nieuwewandeling". Chapter 1 describes the criminal justice system and the old jails of Ghent in the early modern period and the 19th century. Chapter... more
This article, “How an Inmate-Led Class Is Helping Staff Learn Spanish,” is published in the May/June 2021 issue of the American Jails magazine. The publication is the official organ of the American Jail Association (AJA). Visit... more
This article undertakes a "history of the present" as a means of intervening in current debate around the closure of the Rikers Island jail complex and its replacement with smaller "state of the art" jails. We argue that the telling of... more
Libraries play a vital role in providing access to information for all of society’s members. This role is even more evident in prison, where libraries offer resources that engage a prisoner’s mind and provide a means of escape, so to... more
Even though the legitimizing intents of both the modern penitentiary and the archive—the latter understood as the physical deposit of memory—are radically different, could the principles central to their founding discourses and eventual... more
Wright, Kevin A. 2013. "The Private Prison" In Francis T. Cullen, Cheryl Lero Jonson, and Mary K. Stohr (Eds.) "The American Prison: Imagining a Different Future" (pp. 173-192). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Voici mon mémoire de Master 2
In recent decades, the criminalization of immigration and the use of private prisons have increased in popularity. The criminalization of immigration and the privatization of prisons work hand in hand in shaping the American criminal... more
RESUMEN La presente investigación busca indagar las razones por las cuales el sistema penitenciario peruano presenta una serie de problemas que impiden que cumplan con su función principal plasmada en la norma jurídica del país: la... more
This chapter is divided into three parts. The first part enunciates the argu- ment about Hindu Orientalism and identifies the strategies of its operation. In the second part, I demonstrate the argument by discussing the responses to the... more
Prison socializes an inmate to hyper-calculative behavior. It teaches him patience in planning and pursuing his goals, punishes him severely for his mistakes and rewards him generously for smart action. No wonder that inmates are such... more
Abstrakt Siç dihet Shqipëria është një shtet i vogël nga aspekti gjeografik në Ballkan. Për sa i përket anës fetare shqiptarët përbëhen prej myslimanëve, të krishterëve ortodoksë, katolikë dhe protestantë si dhe një pakice të vogël... more
"Il lavoro affrontato dal dott. Chiodo consente una ricognizione ampia ed efficace dello stato dell'arte in materia di regime differenziato, attraverso una disamina analitica dei suoi punti qualificanti e delle più evidenti criticità.... more
The research seeks to determine if participation in art therapy programs while incarcerated will lower the offender’s chance of recidivism – the act of being re-arrested and re-admitted to the corrections system after prior release.... more
Perhaps the simplest principle in psychology is that people are motivated to feel good and to avoid negative feelings. Yet, we human beings are a complicated sort.
The modern model of penal control of crime and criminal it constitutes intermixture of the systems that were applied occasionally. Besides, it is characterized by its internationalisation, which begins –traditionally henceforth– from the... more
From the Liberation to the begining of the 1980's, jail libraries are managed by the penitentiary administration and are organised according to penal reasoning. Handled by penitentiary staff, social workers, educators or... more
A growing body of literature explores how participation in programming in correctional institutions predicts inmate misconduct. Theory and extant research suggest that engagement in structured and prosocial activities promotes positive... more
Este artículo propone una reflexión en torno al ejercicio punitivo estatal, con el propósito de evidenciar que el proyecto neoliberal en Colombia, en marcha desde finales del siglo XX, se ha sostenido sobre la expansión del sistema... more
Exploring experiences and issues related to menstruation amongst different groups of menstruators. Rajasi Kulkarni There are women different than mainstream women who face discrimination, may not have access to facilities, and may also... more
El monstruo y el potro: el Homo sacer totalizado. Construcción del sujeto dominado a través del lenguaje cotidiano en dos instituciones totales, la cárcel y el ejército. El sujeto dominado –Homo sacer– en las instituciones totales,... more
Bail or Jail in Economic Offences
Women prisoners suffer from greater disabilities than men do. The psychological stress caused by separation from children, the unhelpful attitude of close relations, uncertainty about the future are all factors which make their life... more
This article details how a subset of women can perceive of prison as temporary refuge from the hardships and marginalization they face on the outside. It focuses particularly on a group of 88 women incarcerated in western Canada. A large... more
Wacquant (2002) calls for ethnography to meet the jailhouse on its own terms, noting the dearth of first-hand writing from the carceral facility. This article describes a creative representation of qualitative research made by the author... more
Authors: Golembeski, Cynthia A., Kimberly R. Dong, and Ans Irfan. The United States has approximately 5 percent of the world's population but incarcerates nearly 25 percent of the world's incarcerated population and produces nearly 25... more
Demand made under O.C.G.A. 50-18-70 thru 50-18-77 for electronic recordings of areas accessible to The Public, made at the DeKalb County Georgia Adams Juvenile Justice Center, on October 28 - 29, 2020, re: Introduction of Courthouse... more
Los presos, personas privadas de libertad y alejadas de su cotidianidad, se encuentran en un lugar y en una situación en la que resignifican todo aquello que ha cambiado en sus vidas, como por ejemplo, su vinculación con la reli- gión... more
Este trabajo reconstruye los derroteros de un elenco de caciques "de menor porte" de los pueblos de reducción de los corregimientos adyacentes al lago Titicaca entre fines del siglo XVI y mediados del siglo XVII, específicamente de... more
A new inmate, or `rookie', who enters a total institution usually faces `tests' and `games' organized by the 'old crew'. I argue that such initiation rituals are often designed by inmates in order to uncover a rookie's personal... more
Discussion of Season One of the popular comedy series with attention to issues of racism and criminal justice.
Frances Joseph-Gaudet (1861?-1934) was an African American social activist, prison reformer, educator, and temperance campaigner. She served as a voluntary social worker in New Orleans city jails and later established the Colored... more
This essay examines Lil Wayne's Rikers Island memoir Gone 'Til November, certainly the most boring prison book ever written. I argue that the boredom has little to do with Wayne's narrative abilities or eye for the picturesque details of... more
This article, “Wilkinson Facility Turns Pallets into Bookcases,” is published in the May/June 2021 issue of the American Jails magazine. The publication is the official organ of the American Jail Association (AJA). Visit... more
This article investigates the recently passed Bill C-83, which aims to reduce harms caused by segregating people with mental health issues. In order to assess the capacity of the Bill to support meaningful change, the history of mental... more
A partir del análisis de la Encuesta de Presos Condenados de ochos países de América Latina, el documento contribuye a expandir el conocimiento sobre las mujeres privadas de libertad. En primer lugar, los resultados del estudio... more