Cultural Rights
Recent papers in Cultural Rights
This essay examines the relationship between two rights guaranteed by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights: the right to culture and the right to free assembly. While the right to culture has been the focus of... more
Apstrakt: Autor u radu nastoji da prikaže razvoj kulturnih prava u praksi Evropskog suda za ljudska prava (u daljem tekstu kao: ESLJP). Nakon uvodnih razmatranja u kojima se ističe slaba razvijenost, ali i sve veći značaj ove grupe... more
This dissertation deals with the problem of cultural rights from the viewpoint of the liberal utilitarianism of John Stuart Mill. It intends to include the author‘s political philosophy in the debates that have been held in recent decades... more
La tesi di dottorato qui pubblicata, frutto delle ricerche condotte dall'autore nel corso del XXIV ciclo -primo del DRASD -è stata discussa il 16 febbraio 2012 e valutata con giudizio "molto positivo" dalla Commissione (composta dai... more
The traditional net bags of West Papua (noken) were recently declared intangible cultural heritage by the UNESCO, which, all of a sudden, propelled them on to a global stage. Given these new developments and given West Papua’s problematic... more
Drawing on Cass Sunstein's theory of incompletely theorized and specifi ed agreements, this article intends to describe, explain and assess the legal regime of the right to participate in cultural life in international law. It off ers a... more
The article analyses the non-recognition of the right to access to culture under EU law and its partial and indirect European implementation which reduced this human right to a right to access cultural markets of other Member States... more
The Mukogodo of Kenya were once hunter-gatherers speaking a Cushitic language. Over the last century, they were absorbed more and more into the orbit of Maa-speaking pastoralists, adopting pastoralism, as well as Maasai culture and... more
« Le droit à l’épanouissement culturel », in Les droits constitutionnels en Belgique, M. VERDUSSEN, N. BONBLED (dir.), Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2011, pp. 1473-1510.
1 C. RomainVille, Le droit à la culture, une réalité juridique -Le régime juridique du droit de participer à la vie culturelle en droit constitutionnel et en droit international, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2014.
The research aimed at (1) determining the efforts of state in providing legal protection and preservation of traditional cultural expressions of the East Java Community, (2) analyzing the Regional Government of East Java in providing... more
IT [english below]:Dalla distruzione dei beni culturali nel vicino oriente, alle lotte per il recupero e la risignificazione dei beni sottratti durante il periodo coloniale, i referenti materiali della memoria culturale e i modi di vita... more
U prvom delu rada izložiću neke od ključnih konceptualnih pro- blema koji se postavljaju pred ideju ljudskih prava, kao i najčešće izlagane argumente kojima se ljudska prava brane kao univerzalni i emancipatorni moderni projekat. Na ovo... more
The first Culture/Justice protocol was co-signed on the 25 th of July 1986 by Jack Lang and Robert Badinter. Following the first international symposium about culture in prison (May-June 1985), this text formalised the interdepartmental... more
The doctoral thesis attempts to build a legal regime for the right to culture, which is an individual right with an important collective dimension. The aim of the doctoral thesis is to enable the right to culture to exert all its effects.... more
La spécificité des droits culturels ne réside pas dans un régime particulier qui leur aurait été octroyé, ainsi qu’une partie de la doctrine l’a un temps suggéré, mais dans leur objet commun : ce sont des droits protégeant la construction... more
This book is a compilation of research papers written by authors from East and Southern African and American based social and environmental advocacy groups. The papers were prepared and presented during the 2009 Skills Share and Learning... more
WHY CUSTOMARY LAW MATTERS: THE ROLE OF CUSTOMARY LAW IN THE PROTECTION OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLESʼ HUMAN RIGHTS PhD thesis available free online at…/27…/EThesisCombined.pdf… Abstract For millions of... more
La trasversalità del cosiddetto diritto al cibo offre l’occasione per una trattazione diffusa del diritto alimentare rispetto alla dicotomia diritto privato diritto pubblico e rispetto al triangolo della giustizia civile, amministrativa e... more
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recently, the issue of human rights and fundamental rights and freedoms has gained importance on an international scale. This situation is directly proportional to the fact that the issue of human rights has grown out of... more
Este trabajo de doctorado busca retratar y analizar algunas de las primeras cartoneras mexicanas y sus maneras de trabajar, para averiguar de qué manera y hasta qué grado pueden estas editoriales alternativas contribuir al desarrollo de... more
Con base en tres amplios marcos de comprensión del museo (el efecto rizoma, el síndrome de Babel y la era relacional), el presente estudio analiza su nivel de protección en la legislación de cinco países de Iberoamérica: Argentina,... more
Advisory Opinion/Legal Report commissioned by the Panhellenic Lawyers' Association (Π.Ε.Δ., Πανελλήνια Ένωση Δικηγόρων) In the present advisory opinion/legal report the status of the Elgin marbles under the norms and principles of Public... more
Seis ensaios que cobrem desde as fontes dos direitos culturais no direito internacional (ONU, sistema interamericano de direitos humanos, União Europeia, Constituições brasileiras) até um enquadramento da cultura na sociologia... more
This paper examines the protection of indigenous peoples’ intangible heritage at the international level. It addresses the problem of appropriation and commodification of traditional and artistic cultural expressions (‘TCEs’) through the... more
The author reviews the most significant activities, research, analyses and recommendations concerning the activities of the National Councils of National minorities in the Republic of Serbia in the field of culture, starting with the... more
Recently, the UN Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights has stated that the intentional destruction of cultural heritage is a violation of cultural rights. The Rapporteur examines a timely issue but bases her statement on... more
This report documents the process of understanding cultures and cultural transformations that embrace and promote women’s rights. It involved mapping discursive interventions across Bangladesh, Indonesia, India and Nepal.
The present work consists of examining the legality of the public exhibition of a film, without authorization or payment to the right holders, on the basis that its exhibition is a fundamental right of access to culture. Accordingly it is... more
From the Liberation to the begining of the 1980's, jail libraries are managed by the penitentiary administration and are organised according to penal reasoning. Handled by penitentiary staff, social workers, educators or... more
Version before final proofreading. The author offers a gender sensitive critique of UNESCO’s program on intangible cultural heritage following the few feminist anthropologists who have pointed out its “blindness” for a frequent... more
The tightening interrelation of cultural property and international security—cultural security—creates a need for the collection and analysis of specialized intelligence. “Cultural intelligence” enables assessments of the tactical and... more
国連人権理事会(UNHRC)は、国際的な人権擁護のための措置として設置しているThematic Special... more
Lake Turkana Wind Power, situated on the eastern shores of Lake Turkana in northern Kenya, is currently the largest wind-power project in Africa and the biggest private investment in Kenyan history. While this project enjoys strong... more
The first Culture/Justice protocol was co-signed on the 25 th of July 1986 by Jack Lang and Robert Badinter. Following the first international symposium about culture in prison (May-June 1985), this text formalised the interdepartmental... more
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Co¬venant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights provide some articles protecting cultural rights. Nevertheless at... more
En este trabajo se expone de qué maneras las editoriales cartoneras mexicanas funcionan como editoriales subalternas que se articulan "desde el pueblo" en un proceso de hazlo-tú-mismo. Se señala tanto al potencial como a las problemáticas... more
Translated in the 1940s by a Basque patriot sailing away form the wreckage of war-devastated Europe for exile in Venezuela, Shakespeare's classic play was rendered into Basque with incredible care and with a political subtext brought... more