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Aim: This article aims to provide researchers unknown diaries from the time of the January Uprising. Within this framework, we will discuss their content and will try to identify the people who signed up to them. We will also take a... more
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This dissertation addresses the problem of manhunts, against criminal fugitives. It establishes new ways of describing and refining mechanisms and techniques, for manhunts. Methods used in this dissertation to meet those objectives,... more
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      CriminologyForensicsSecurity StudiesCrime
Inhuman torture is a common issue in our country. It is happening not only in Bangladesh but also each and every corner of the world. To prevent such a curse from society, country and world lots of national and international laws,... more
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      TorturePresumption of InnocenceArrestDouble Jeopardy
This paper deals with "warrant" which is one of the six modes of production of an accused before a Court of law in Pakistani Jurisdiction. The general procedural law is enacted in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 which is exhaustive... more
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      PoliceStrategy & ExecutionCrpcCriminal Procedure Code
This paper contains the Law of Investigation with text and judicial precedents and tries to explains the aims and objects of investigation and the role with its limitations.
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      PoliceRecoveryCriminal CasesCriminal Procedure Code
!!! BEFORE CITING THIS ARTICLE PLEASE CONTACT TO AUTHOR BECAUSE OF SUBSEQUENT CURRENT AMENDMENTS !!! In this study, right to trial within a reasonable time is addressed and reviewed with its theory and brief history, aspects in both... more
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      Pre-Trial DetentionRight to a Fair TrialArrestRight to a Speedy Trial
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      TanzaniaLibertyFreedomMental health facilities
Ljudje doživljajo zapor kot krivičen, kar pri njih poraja odpor. Po bivanju v totalni instituciji (zapor, psihiatrična bolnišnica ipd.) se vrnejo v prejšnje življenje, v katerem se zopet vrnejo na stare tirnice. Takšni ljudje so pogosto... more
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the term Anticipatory Bail is not found in the Code of Criminal Procedure Code but it is a terminology used in general practice. The Code describes it under Section 438 as Bail in the event of arrest. Arrest is not precluded but it... more
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      PoliceRecoveryCriminal CasesCriminal Procedure Code
As rape remains one of the most underreported and least likely to be cleared of the violent crimes, it is of paramount importance to understand the factors associated with the likelihood of a case being cleared by law enforcement. This... more
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Background: With a high volume of incoming cases and ever-present backlogs, forensic laboratories are often limited with the funding and resources necessary to test every evidence item waiting to be processed. 1 Properly allocating... more
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      EvidenceDeoxyribonucleic AcidProperty CrimeArrest
Several studies have examined the relationship between racial threat and social control imposed on blacks, but evidence of this hypothesis has been mixed. Although dependency on percent black as the main indicator of racial threat in many... more
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      CriminologyCriminal JusticeRacial Inequalities and PolicyPolitical Competition
Законом України №2617-VIII від 22 листопада 2018 року «Про внесення змін до деяких законодавчих актів України щодо спрощення досудового розслідування окремих категорій кримінальних правопорушень» передбачено доповнення КПК України статтею... more
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      Criminal ProcedurePre-Trial DetentionSeizureCriminal Procedure Code
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      LawCriminal LawCriminal JusticeCivil Law
In their article, Przemysław Krawczyk and Bartosz Łukowiak discuss the issue of the habeas corpus procedure. On the basis of a comparative legal analysis, they present a model of the functioning of this institution in Poland and in... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal ProcedureComparative LawHuman Rights
A provisional attachment is a legal measure imposed to ensure that money and collateral receivables can be secured. In Maritime Enforcement Law, a provisional attachment is imposed to secure marine claims, but since maritime trade has... more
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Objectives: Illicit drug abuse and drug-related crimes are still a growing problem worldwide. Understanding the increasing number of individuals arrested for drug charges, as well as their characteristics is necessary to predict and... more
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      AddictionPrisonDrug abuseArrest
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      Police powersArrestBail