Papers by Dr. Stavroula G Bougadi
Περίληψη Η παρούσα διατριβή έχει ως βασικό σκοπό την διερεύνηση της σχέσης των οικονομικών συνθηκ... more Περίληψη Η παρούσα διατριβή έχει ως βασικό σκοπό την διερεύνηση της σχέσης των οικονομικών συνθηκών και των εγκλημάτων κατά της περιουσίας στην Ελλάδα μεταξύ των ετών 1999-2009. Για την αποφυγή μιας μονοσήμαντης προσέγγισης του θέματος η έρευνα διαχωρίζεται σε δύο μέρη. Στο πρώτο μέρος εξετάζει την σχέση των οικονομικών συνθηκών, με τα διαπραχθέντα αδικήματα κατά της περιουσίας (αστυνομική στατιστική) και των υποκατηγοριών τους (κατά, της ιδιοκτησίας και των περιουσιακών δικαιωμάτων) και στο δεύτερο μέρος την σχέση των οικονομικών συνθηκών με τους καταδικασθέντες για τα εγκλήματα αυτά (δικαστική στατιστική). Οι οικονομικές συνθήκες της χώρας αποτυπώνονται μέσω τριών ευρύτερων οικονομικών δεικτών: ΑΕΠ κατά κεφαλή, Ρυθμός ανάπτυξης του ΑΕΠ, Ανεργία και από έναν πιο στενό οικονομική δείκτη, της Καταναλωτικής Εμπιστοσύνης. Ειδικότερα, ερευνούμε τη σχέση μεταξύ των εγκλημάτων κατά της περιουσίας και των υποκατηγοριών τους με τις ανωτέρω ανεξάρτητες μεταβλητές, χρησιμοποιώντας περιγραφική...
Foresic Research & Criminology International Journal, 2015
Comparative studies at the international level show us that the effect of economic conditions in ... more Comparative studies at the international level show us that the effect of economic conditions in crime depends on the state of economic development and the forms of crimes. In this article we represent reported conclusions of previous studies on this issue and summarize their results. Actually, most recent studies show that violent crimes against property such as robbery and not property crimes in general have affected by economic crisis, while economically motivated crimes such as theft, which do not require use of violence, are affected mainly in times of economic growth. Therefore, it is likely of committing crimes against property, in times of recession, outweigh, the influence of criminal motivation, whereas in times of prosperity, the influence of criminal opportunity.
Asian Journal of Criminology, 2012
Foresic Research & Criminology International Journal, 2016
Imprisonment is a widespread punishment all over the world, but prison is for most of us an unkno... more Imprisonment is a widespread punishment all over the world, but prison is for most of us an unknown experience and anything we know is mostly, through media and cinema representations. Therefore, it is very likely these representations play an important role in formation of our social representation for this matter. Additionally, the audience captivated for issues which are unknown and unreachable and that relate to the criminal behavior and action of institutions of social control of crime, but also to life in prison. In this article we will refer, firstly to the way of representation of prison in fictional films and television series, secondly the research which have been developed about the relationship between the fictional representation of prison and audience's reception and finally we will see what impact have all these to criminal justice community, since research saw that "skilled public" in criminological knowledge share the same perceptions for prison with others.
Imprisonment is a widespread punishment all over the world, but prison is for most of us an unkno... more Imprisonment is a widespread punishment all over the world, but prison is for most of us an unknown experience and anything we know is mostly through media and cinema representations. Therefore, it is very likely these representations play an important role in formation of our social representation for this matter. Additionally, the audience captivated for issues which are unknown and unreachable and that relate to the criminal behavior and action of institutions of social control of crime, but also to life in prison. In this article we will refer, first to the way of representation of prison in fictional films and television series, secondly the research which have been developed about the relationship between the fictional representation of the prison and the audience’s reception and finally we see what impact have all these to criminal justice community, since research saw that “skilled public” in criminological knowledge share the same perceptions for prison with others.
Key words: prison, fictional representations, reception of audience, social construction, criminological knowledge
Comparative studies at the international level show us that the effect of economic
conditions in ... more Comparative studies at the international level show us that the effect of economic
conditions in crime depends on the state of economic development and the forms
of crimes. In this article we represent reported conclusions of previous studies
on this issue and summarize their results. Actually, most recent studies show
that violent crimes against property such as robbery and not property crimes in
general have affected by economic crisis, while economically motivated crimes
such as theft, which do not require use of violence, are affected mainly in times
of economic growth. Therefore, it is likely of committing crimes against property,
in times of recession, outweigh, the influence of criminal motivation, whereas in
times of prosperity, the influence of criminal opportunity.
Cite as: S.G.Bougadi "PRESENTATIONS AND REPRESENTATIONS OF PRISON. The case of television's series PRISON BREAK", Thesis, Panteion University of Athens ,Programme of Postgraduate Studies (MA):“The Contemporary Criminality and its Confrontation", Athens 2009.
Imprisonment is a widespread punishment all over the world.Overcrowding, drug use, health and med... more Imprisonment is a widespread punishment all over the world.Overcrowding, drug use, health and medal damages are continue to be the major problems of prisons in many countries. But, what do most people know for prison and the prisoners? The prison is for most of us an unknown experience and anything we know is mostly through media and cinema representations. The purposes of this thesis are:
1) to present the main characteristics of fictional representations of prison and especially in the TV series «Prison Break» and what are public’s perceptions of prison.
2) to explore if “skilled public" and "unskilled public" in criminological knowledge have got the same approach or not for prison.
(Thesis in Greek, is available on line :
The modern model of penal control of crime and criminal it constitutes intermixture of the system... more The modern model of penal control of crime and criminal it constitutes intermixture of the systems that were applied occasionally.
Besides, it is characterized by its internationalisation, which begins –traditionally henceforth– from the USA and is scattered in the entire
world. The prisons, internationally, present common characteristics traits as they are: the continuous increase of their population,
the“overpopulation“, the large number of foreigners, pre-judicial people and large majority of men condemned for laws about narcotics,
etc. According to the last record of World Prison Population List, what is based on elements that were available up to in October 2006,
more from 9,25 millions persons are jailed worldwide and most as prejudged despite as condemning. In our country, as in other countries
of Western world, its correctional population increased iniquitous the last fifteen years. In the study that follows we will present tendencies
of incarceration the last decades in Greece compared to other countries and the problems that result from the squalid conditions of
imprisonment and violation of fundamental human rights of inmates.
Book Reviews by Dr. Stavroula G Bougadi
Papers by Dr. Stavroula G Bougadi
Key words: prison, fictional representations, reception of audience, social construction, criminological knowledge
conditions in crime depends on the state of economic development and the forms
of crimes. In this article we represent reported conclusions of previous studies
on this issue and summarize their results. Actually, most recent studies show
that violent crimes against property such as robbery and not property crimes in
general have affected by economic crisis, while economically motivated crimes
such as theft, which do not require use of violence, are affected mainly in times
of economic growth. Therefore, it is likely of committing crimes against property,
in times of recession, outweigh, the influence of criminal motivation, whereas in
times of prosperity, the influence of criminal opportunity.
1) to present the main characteristics of fictional representations of prison and especially in the TV series «Prison Break» and what are public’s perceptions of prison.
2) to explore if “skilled public" and "unskilled public" in criminological knowledge have got the same approach or not for prison.
(Thesis in Greek, is available on line :
Besides, it is characterized by its internationalisation, which begins –traditionally henceforth– from the USA and is scattered in the entire
world. The prisons, internationally, present common characteristics traits as they are: the continuous increase of their population,
the“overpopulation“, the large number of foreigners, pre-judicial people and large majority of men condemned for laws about narcotics,
etc. According to the last record of World Prison Population List, what is based on elements that were available up to in October 2006,
more from 9,25 millions persons are jailed worldwide and most as prejudged despite as condemning. In our country, as in other countries
of Western world, its correctional population increased iniquitous the last fifteen years. In the study that follows we will present tendencies
of incarceration the last decades in Greece compared to other countries and the problems that result from the squalid conditions of
imprisonment and violation of fundamental human rights of inmates.
Book Reviews by Dr. Stavroula G Bougadi
Key words: prison, fictional representations, reception of audience, social construction, criminological knowledge
conditions in crime depends on the state of economic development and the forms
of crimes. In this article we represent reported conclusions of previous studies
on this issue and summarize their results. Actually, most recent studies show
that violent crimes against property such as robbery and not property crimes in
general have affected by economic crisis, while economically motivated crimes
such as theft, which do not require use of violence, are affected mainly in times
of economic growth. Therefore, it is likely of committing crimes against property,
in times of recession, outweigh, the influence of criminal motivation, whereas in
times of prosperity, the influence of criminal opportunity.
1) to present the main characteristics of fictional representations of prison and especially in the TV series «Prison Break» and what are public’s perceptions of prison.
2) to explore if “skilled public" and "unskilled public" in criminological knowledge have got the same approach or not for prison.
(Thesis in Greek, is available on line :
Besides, it is characterized by its internationalisation, which begins –traditionally henceforth– from the USA and is scattered in the entire
world. The prisons, internationally, present common characteristics traits as they are: the continuous increase of their population,
the“overpopulation“, the large number of foreigners, pre-judicial people and large majority of men condemned for laws about narcotics,
etc. According to the last record of World Prison Population List, what is based on elements that were available up to in October 2006,
more from 9,25 millions persons are jailed worldwide and most as prejudged despite as condemning. In our country, as in other countries
of Western world, its correctional population increased iniquitous the last fifteen years. In the study that follows we will present tendencies
of incarceration the last decades in Greece compared to other countries and the problems that result from the squalid conditions of
imprisonment and violation of fundamental human rights of inmates.