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      PaleontologyJewish StudiesJewish HistoryItalian Jewish history
Analysis and archival survey of Samuele Levi's composition. Member of an influential Jewish family, Samuele was a prolific composer and author of opera that were premiered mostly in Venice, at the Fenice Opera House.
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      Venetian HistoryGiuseppe VerdiJewish MusicVenice
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      Jewish StudiesTranslation StudiesItalian StudiesPoetry
When one knows a number of things and understands how they are categorized and systematically interrelated, then he has a great advantage over one who has the same knowledge without such a distinction. It is very much like the difference... more
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      ReligionBiographyRabbinicsProof of God
This study analyses the unique case of the Jewish Italian community in Tunis ('Grana'), during the 19th and 20th centuries, exploring its influence on the political and ideological changes in its country of origin (Tuscany and... more
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      Jewish StudiesColonialismMediterranean StudiesDiaspora Studies
Il protestantesimo è una branca del cristianesimo sorta nel XVI secolo per riformare la Chiesa cattolica, la cui dottrina e la prassi erano considerate deviate e non più conformi alla parola di Dio. Questo movimento religioso, originato... more
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      LutherLutheranismProtestantismJews in Italian Renaissance
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      Italian fascismItalian Jews
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      Jewish StudiesSephardic StudiesSephardi/Mizrahi StudiesWestern Sephardic Diaspora
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      International RelationsInternational RelationsMulticulturalismJewish Studies
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      Italian (European History)Jewish HistoryItalian JewsJewish Emancipation
La "triade Borgia", composta dal pontefice Alessandro VI e dai suoi figli Cesare e Lucrezia, caratterizzò la vita politica e religiosa della penisola italiana nel periodo compreso tra il 1480 e il 1520. Nel mondo giudaico Alessandro VI è... more
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      Jews in Italian RenaissanceItalian Jewish historyBorgia FamilyItalian Jews
גילוי עותק "כוונות הפילוסופים" של אלגזאלי, המעוטר בהערות אוטוגרפיות של רבי יצחק עראמה, "בעל העקידה", הוביל לזיהוי קטעי-כריכה של עקידת יצחק לפרשת שמות - כאוטוגרף של המהדורה השניה של ספר עקידת יצחק. ומכאן לאישוש הנחה שהנחתי בעבר, שמהדורת... more
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      Italian Jewsmedieval Spanish Jewish historyBible Commentary
The etymology of many surnames used by Jews in Italy is readily apparent. Yet, there is also a set of surnames that was either considered by previous authors as being of obscure origin or for which whimsical roots were suggested. The size... more
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      Jewish HistoryJewish OnomasticsItalian Jewish historyItalian Jews
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      DemographyHistorical AnthropologyHistorical DemographyKinship (Anthropology)
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      Antisemitism (Prejudice)Anti-SemitismAntisemitism/RacismsRisorgimento
Una delle comunità italiane storiche, installata da secoli all'estero, è stata quella degli ebrei italiani in Tunisia, comunità detta dei «livornesi» o (secondo la dizione araba e degli ebrei tunisini) dei grana (plurale di gorni). Questi... more
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      Mediterranean and North AfricaTunisiaItalian Jews
Studiosi autorevoli portano in questo volume il loro contributo su Attilio Muggia (1861-1936) ingegnere bolognese, docente alla locale Scuola per gli Ingegneri, teorico e utilizzatore del brevetto Hennebique per le costruzioni in cemento... more
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      Jewish StudiesArchitectureJewish HistoryArchitectural History
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      TalmudJewish-Italian LiteratureRabbinic LiteratureCodicology of medieval manuscripts
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistoryItalian Baroque artJewish Art History
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      Jewish StudiesItalian Jewish historyItalian JewsByzantine Astronomy
Un lavoro collettivo di alcuni tra i più interessanti storici italiani dedicato allo straordinario patrimonio dei cimiteri storici realizzati in Italia dal 1750 all’inizio della seconda guerra mondiale. Un sofisticato laboratorio... more
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      Jewish StudiesArchitectureUrban HistoryJewish History
I primi ebrei la cui presenza è storicamente accertata nella Carpi tardomedievale sono Manuele di Sabbaduccio da Spoleto, che vi compare nel 1412, e suo cognato Elia da Portaleone che nel 1420 abitava con la famiglia e i fratelli in borgo... more
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      Jewish HistoryHistory of the JewsModern Jewish HistoryItalian Jewish history
Around 1538, the Jewish community of Rome was in an uproar. According to local custom, the bride was to stand at the groom’s left. Seemingly, in the wake of Ashkenazi immigration to Italy, a new custom had taken hold: the bride was placed... more
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      KabbalahMarriageItalian Jewish historyItalian Jews
Il volume è frutto di un’accurata indagine dei luoghi di sepoltura ebraici dal punto di vista della storia dell’architettura e delle città. Dagli “orti” o “campacci” medioevali e rinascimentali fino alle sezioni israelitiche nei moderni... more
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      Jewish StudiesArchitectureUrban HistoryJewish History
Il contributo si propone di analizzare la concezione di Eretz Israel come "luogo" dell'identità e dell'identificazione ebraica attraverso il parallelo tra il pensiero e l'esperienza di due figure opposte ma complementari del sionismo... more
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      Space and PlaceItalian JewsHIstory of Zionism and Jewish NationalismImmigration Jewish Demography
The great handwritten production drawn up by the Jews in Lugo, mainly from 17th to 19th Centuries, kept in the libraries of Europe, United States and Israel, is very important for the identification and reconstruction of the main... more
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      Jewish StudiesHebrew LanguageJewish HistoryManuscript Studies
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      EulogiesItalian JewsRamhal, Ramchal, Luzzatto Moshe Hayim, רמח"ל, טבריה
This essay investigates the ways in which Italian Jews used Ladino song as a vehicle to define their cultural identity during the 20th century. The revitalization of a musical repertoire sung in Ladino happened twice during the last... more
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      MusicMusicologyJewish StudiesEthnomusicology
The Mediceo del Principato is one of the most important archival collections produced during the ducal and grand ducal Medici rule, consisting of nearly five million letters, mostly incoming correspondence sent by Florentine emissaries,... more
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      Jewish StudiesEarly Modern HistoryJewish HistoryItalian Jewish history
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      Jewish StudiesJewish MagicItalian JewsJews in Sicily
A poem of Ephraim Luzzatto (1729-1792) in the original Hebrew, along with an English translation, and some remarks about his life and character. The biographical material is not original; it is condensed from a selection of works and... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistoryTranslation of PoetryItalian Jewish history
Le mot de « ghetto » a une histoire ancienne. La réalité à laquelle il renvoyait à l'époque moderne (du XVI e au XVIII e siècle, et même, dans le cas de Rome, encore au XIX e siècle) a été partiellement recouverte par celles que le mot a... more
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      Jewish StudiesJews in Italian RenaissanceItalian Jewish historyGhetto
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      World LiteraturesComparative LiteratureNew MediaJewish Studies
English and Italian interview with Marco Morselli about the importance Elia Benamozegh had for Italian Judaism and Jewish-Christian dialogue
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      Jewish - Christian RelationsItalian Jewish historyItalian JewsElijah Benamozegh
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      Italian StudiesItalian Cultural StudiesItalian CinemaItalian Jewish history
Confraternitas is a refereed journal founded in 1990. It welcomes articles, news, notes of interest to colleagues, notices of forthcoming conferences or papers, and general queries. It is published biannually (Spring and Fall) by the... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance ArtHistory of the JewsChristian Iconography
This book brings together a number of contributions that throw a new light on the history of Jewish communities in late-medieval and early modern Italy (15 th-18 th centuries). The different, monographic approaches form a homogeneous... more
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      Early Modern HistoryItalian (European History)Jewish HistoryEarly Modern Jewish History
Il presente articolo concerne lo studio della vita e della cultura ebraica a Lugo di Romagna grazie all’analisi di fonti manoscritte interne dei secoli XVII-XVIII. Da un lato è stato riscoperto il Pinqas ha-nifṭarim o Registro dei morti,... more
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      Archival StudiesJewish StudiesItalian Jewish historyItalian Jews
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      World LiteraturesJewish StudiesFilm StudiesEuropean Cinema
This article tries to retrace and analyse the role played by the governing bodies of the Tuscan Jewish communities, called the Tuscan Università israelitiche, and by their leaders, in order to promote, obtain and later defend the cause of... more
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      Italian Jewish historyItalian JewsThe European Revolutions of 1848Italian Jews in the Risorgimento
Dopo la peste del 1577, che li aveva colpiti e decimati, gli ebrei di Padova ricominciarono a tenere i verbali delle loro riunioni. Ne emergono storie di tutti i tipi. Ne ho raccolto alcune, anche per suscitare un sorriso nei lettori,... more
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      Jews in Italian RenaissanceItalian Jewish historyItalian Jewsstoria degli ebrei d'Italia
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      History of MedicineItalian fascismItalian Jews
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      DemographyJewish StudiesDigital HumanitiesHistorical Demography
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      Jewish MysticismHebrew ManuscriptsKabbalahHasidism
In questo studio si esaminano alcune testimonianze provenienti dall'Archivio della Comunità ebraica di Ancona riguardanti le pie confraternite attive in città dal XVIII al XX secolo.
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      HistoryCultural StudiesJewish StudiesModern Jewish History
Villani Stefano, “Raccolte di aforismi. Gli Avvertimenti di Alessandro Amidei come plagio e riscrittura di alcune massime di Francesco Guicciardini, Giovan Francesco Lottini e Francesco Sansovino,” in Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore... more
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      Seventeenth CenturyJewish HistoryManuscript StudiesEarly Modern England
This article examines the portrayal of Alexandria as a cosmopolitan space in Arabic-language films written, directed, and produced by Togo Mizrahi (1901-1986) in his Alexandria studio during the 1930s. This article examines two comedies,... more
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      Jewish StudiesModern EgyptJewish-Muslim RelationsMuslim-Jewish Relations
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      Italian StudiesItalian Cultural StudiesItalian LiteratureJewish-Italian Literature
Abstract Studying and writing the history of a minority group such as the Jews is as complex as it is fruitful for analyzing the more general history of Ancient Regime societies. Indeed, this perspective makes it possible to question... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistoryMinority StudiesJewish - Christian Relations
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      Cultural HistoryJewish StudiesSocial RepresentationsJewish History