Jews in Italian Renaissance
Recent papers in Jews in Italian Renaissance
Leon Modena, one of the celebrated personalities of Italian Jewry in the early modern period, is known for his extensive, life-long involvement with music in its various theoretical and practical aspects. The article presents additional... more
Il protestantesimo è una branca del cristianesimo sorta nel XVI secolo per riformare la Chiesa cattolica, la cui dottrina e la prassi erano considerate deviate e non più conformi alla parola di Dio. Questo movimento religioso, originato... more
La "triade Borgia", composta dal pontefice Alessandro VI e dai suoi figli Cesare e Lucrezia, caratterizzò la vita politica e religiosa della penisola italiana nel periodo compreso tra il 1480 e il 1520. Nel mondo giudaico Alessandro VI è... more
The figure of the Italian kabbalist, philosopher and physician Rabbi Yohanan Alemanno has been known to the scholars of Jewish studies for some decades. Nonetheless, his autograph in the Bibliothèque nationale de France (Paris MS 849),... more
Институт этнологии и антропологии им. Н.Н. Миклухо-Маклая РАН, Москва; Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики», Москва). A Short History of Migration Theory in Archaeology Эдельман Джой Иосифовна (Институт... more
2 Duby -Le Goff (a cura di), Famille et parenté dans l'Occident médiéval; Herily, La famiglia nel Medioevo; Klapisch-Zuber, L'arbre des familles; Ead., La famiglia e le donne nel Rinascimento a Firenze; Ead., Parenti, amici e vicini: il... more
The text aims to evaluate the level of participation of the Italian, Ashkenazi and Sephardic Nations in processes of mutual inclusion and family relationships fusion among the three groups, in Ferrara between 1492 and 1598. The archival... more
In the last weeks of 1523, a colorful traveler arrived in Venice from Alexandria: “Dark in aspect, short in stature, gaunt, his language Hagarish [Arabic] and a little Jewish. … He wore striped silk according to the custom of the... more
Sicilian Origins and Roman Splendours of Ferdinando Balami: Pontifical Archiater, Poet and Translator of the First Half of the 16th Century. The career of Ferdinando Balami, which took place in the shadow of papal power in Renaissance... more
La funzione e il ruolo delle donne delle minoranze ha cominciato ad attirare, negli ultimi anni, l'attenzione degli storici. Qualche anno fa è stato organizzato a Napoli un panel di lungo periodo sull'argomento, nel corso del quale sono... more
in Rostros judíos del Occidente medieval, XLV Semana Internacional de Estudios Medievales (Estella-Lizarra, 17-20 de julio de 2018), Gobierno de Navarra, Pamplona 2019, pp. 193-217 (open access volume at:... more
The great handwritten production drawn up by the Jews in Lugo, mainly from 17th to 19th Centuries, kept in the libraries of Europe, United States and Israel, is very important for the identification and reconstruction of the main... more
David ben Isaac de Pomis was an Italian linguist, physician, and philosopher. His life and work are considered a paradigmatic attempt at strengthening the relationship between Jews and Christians. He did so by comparing the two... more
<> Rags, pearls, silks and loans: second-hand retailing and the credit market in the 16th century Venetian ghetto, in CHORD: the Centre for the History of Retailing and... more
The Gate of Heaven (Sha'ar ha-shamayim in Hebrew) is a work based on a kabbalistic parchment scroll, on which there was a drawing of a sefirotic tree. The text was written by an anonymous kabbalist, most probably in Italy during the 14th... more
Le mot de « ghetto » a une histoire ancienne. La réalité à laquelle il renvoyait à l'époque moderne (du XVI e au XVIII e siècle, et même, dans le cas de Rome, encore au XIX e siècle) a été partiellement recouverte par celles que le mot a... more
Rabbi Moses ben Isaac of Rieti (1388-1467) was an Italian rabbi, poet, philosopher, banker, and celebrated physician of pope Pius II. In 1412 he wrote a theological-philosophical poem in terza rima Hebrew verse, titled Miqdásh Mè'at... more
XXXIV Convegno Internazionale dell’Associazione Italiana degli Studi Giudaici, Università di Bologna, Ravenna, 1-3 settembre 2021
This study explores the reading and writing practices of Joseph Ha-Kohen, a sixteenth-century Jewish chronicler from Genoa, against the background of his Italian and Spanish sources: in what ways and why did he adapt, change or subvert... more
Copies du Zohar dans la Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Description paléographique, codicologique et textuelle par Cristina Ciucu
Direction scientifique: Philippe Bobichon et Laurent Héricher
Hébreu 778 à 787
Direction scientifique: Philippe Bobichon et Laurent Héricher
Hébreu 778 à 787
Preview (first page) of the article published in «Bruniana & Campanelliana» XXVI (2020), n. 2: "Marsilio Ficino’s Cosmology : Sources and Reception", ed. H. Darrel Rutkin and Denis J.-J. Robichaud, pp. 437-452
The signature of Marchion in small Latin humanistic characters can be spotted in seventeen Hebrew manuscripts, all of which were found to be related in one way or another to Florence. 1 This peculiar signature is in fact a censor-mark... more
Dopo la peste del 1577, che li aveva colpiti e decimati, gli ebrei di Padova ricominciarono a tenere i verbali delle loro riunioni. Ne emergono storie di tutti i tipi. Ne ho raccolto alcune, anche per suscitare un sorriso nei lettori,... more
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of... more
In recent years, the history of the Jews in Italy in the early modern era has been at the center of many studies that are beginning to painstakingly trace the affairs of this minority group within the major events of the period. Based on... more
The annals of the Hebrew printing in Bologna (Italy), from its beginning in 1477-80 and until 1540. Fourteen editions are described bibliographically and shortly outlined in their contents.
Shimshon (AKA Samson or Sanson) Morpurgo is a classic Italian Renaissance personality-physician, rabbi, liturgist/poet, author. The present contribution is not primarily intended to expand upon Morpurgo’s narrative biography, though it... more
Published in 1987, this volume contains the first census of 16th century Hebrew editions preserved in the public libraries of Emilia Romagna, in northern Italy. Rich in testimonies of the Jewish past, Emilia Romagna is home, among other... more
in «Zakhor. Rivista di storia degli ebrei in Italia», IX (2006), pp. 13-43
Judah Moscato was a Jewish Renaissance philosopher , whose writings combine the richness of the Jewish tradition of Bible, Talmud, philosophy-theology, and Kabbalah with neo-Platonic imagery then popular in Italy, especially in Florence.
Lo scopo che questo studio si propone è di analizzare due aspetti particolari della concezione del rabbino Isacco Lampronti: da un lato il suo atteggiamento verso la cultura tradizionale ebraica, dall'altro la sua posizione nei confronti... more
Il comportamento femminile nella società e in famiglia nel Rinascimento italiano (XVI secolo) era disciplinato da un rigido codice etico che pervadeva la vita quotidiana delle donne regolandone ogni aspetto. In grande maggioranza, esse... more
While there is an extensive body of research on Christian authors of the Renaissance period writing on Muslim history, my German-language study represents the first scholarly work on their Jewish counterparts. Based on various Hebrew... more
PhD dissertation on the private library of R. Rapahel ben Jacob ha-Cohen of Prato (Italy, c. 1515-1541) published with 23 codicological and palaeographical descriptions. Thèse de doctorat remaniée et publiée avec notices codicologiques... more
Scribal Habits and Codicological Features of the Oldest Hebrew Account Book in Italy - The David Patterson Lectures, Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, 11th March 2021
Scholars have long been puzzled as to the correct interpretation of Miqneh Abram (Peculium Abrae, Abraham de Balmes, Venice 1523), a grammar of the Hebrew language in Hebrew and Latin. I argue that the treatise is strongly influenced by... more
Discusses the continuities and discontinuities within Isaaco Lampronti's Halakhic Encyclopedia, Pahad Yitzhak.Also addresses the similarities between it and the Arukh of Nahan b. Yehiel of Rome.