It Professional
Recent papers in It Professional
Objectives and method: As the field of applied sport psychology (ASP) is witnessing a growth in interest in professional practice, it is also faced with the challenge of developing its professional status. Taking into account the lack of... more
Rate making and risk-based pricing give users a definite competitive advantage in the general insurance business. This advantage is all the more compelling if the company is an industry leader. This paper attempts to tie the theory of... more
The application of formal research ethics and governance structures in social work research have lagged behind those applicable in health, although in the UK, social care has been deemed to be covered by those that were used in the NHS.... more
In a rapidly changing IT environment, IT professionals need to keep abreast of technological knowledge. We examined how well this is achieved by developing a motivational model of ''technological knowledge renewal effectiveness.'' We... more
Speed, around-the-clock availability, and security are the most common indicators of quality of service on the Internet. Management faces a twofold challenge. One the one hand, it has to meet customer expectations in terms of quality of... more
... for FISMA (Federal Information Security Management Act) compliance for its Cloud-Computing services in order to be acceptable for the public sector[17]. ... 17. Howard, AB, FISMA compliance for federal cloud computing on the horizon... more
In this paper, we present an example humanitarian open-source software project that has been used since January 2006 at a small liberal-arts college as an experiment in undergraduate CS education. Sahana (Sinhalese for relief) is a free... more
Because of their intuitive interaction styles, multiple-touch devices could trigger a revolution in user interfaces. But how can designers advance this technology?
This paper provides a preliminary analysis on Green IT awareness among Australian IT professionals based on a survey of 322 members of The Australian Computer Society. Overall, the study indicates that there is a discrepancy between IT... more
Requirements have remained one of the grand challenges in the design of software intensive systems. In this paper we review the main strands of requirements research over the past two decades and identify persistent and new challenges.... more
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly... more
E-commerce's impact on real estate is just as significant and multifaceted as in other areas. Its momentum springs from two factors: an increasing population of online customers and increased involvement and investment from the real... more
Information technology (IT) projects are renowned for their high failure rate. Risk management is an essential process for the successful delivery of IT projects. In-depth interviews with IT professionals from leading firms in Western... more
The increasingly global sourcing of IT work and other socio-economic trends are prompting fundamental changes in the availability of IT skills needed in both client and vendor organizations. This article analyzes the results of a survey... more
To understand clouds and cloud computing, we must first understand the two different types of clouds. The author distinguishes between clouds that provide on-demand computing instances and those that provide on-demand computing capacity.
This study investigates variation in IT professionals' experience of ethics with a view to enhancing their formation and support. This is explored through an examination of the experience of IT, IT professional ethics and IT professional... more
Researchers have studied the energy efficiency of hardware, but what about application software? Using an experimental approach, the authors show how applications affect total energy consumption and discuss design factors that could... more
P u b l i s h e d b y t h e I E E E C o m p u t e r S o c i e t y
Ethical issues related to information systems are important to the information technology (IT) professionals. These issues are also significant for organizations and societies. Although considerable literature on IT and related ethical... more
Complex Event Processing (CEP) is a defined set of tools and techniques for analyzing and controlling the complex series of interrelated events that drive modern distributed information systems. This emerging technology helps IS and IT... more
& Privacy, and Software. With the Computer magazine in its 52nd year of publication and most of the others in their fourth decade of publication, IT Professional is one of the youngest magazines, but nevertheless, it has established... more
Maritime management encompasses the employment and manipulation of human resources, financial resources, technological resources and natural resources that relate to the sea, maritime navigation, shipping, port development and coastal... more
Digital visual media represent nowadays one of the principal means for communication. Lately, the reliability of digital visual information has been questioned, due to the ease in counterfeiting both its origin and content. Digital image... more
The diverse ways in which technologies are modified and appropriated into local contexts are an important theme in CSCW research. Today, translocal processes such as the formation of international corporations and the movement of people... more
s rational-emotive therapy (RET) is scrutinized on several conceptual and empirical grounds, including its reliance on constructive assessment and its ethical stance. Its professional impact thus far exceeds its scientific status. Opinion... more
elcome to the fifth IT Professional issue of 2021, devoted to digital transformation (DT). It presents four peer-reviewed papers on this theme, four peer-reviewed feature papers on different topics, and column/department articles that... more
In a society where information represents one of the most valuable assets of business and government, an holistic approach to the management of information systems security is mandatory in order to prevent and detect possible abuse and... more
Objective: Responding to the need for more foster families to provide care for increasing numbers of children coming into care, this study was designed to understand the motivations and needs of foster parents in order to improve... more