Human Resource
Recent papers in Human Resource
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between human resource management (HRM) practices and workers' overall job satisfaction and their satisfaction with pay. Design/methodology/approach The paper... more
Briefly describing each of the following methods of performance appraisal.
A growing literature on determinants of innovative performance focuses on factors such as market structure, firm size, (regional and international) knowledge spillovers, R&D collaboration, conditions for appropriation of innovation... more
W hile modern organizations are more diverse today than three decades ago (Bell, 2007; Cox & Blake, 1991; Thomas & Ely, 1996), leaders continue to grapple with how to support and enable relationships among people who are engaged in a... more
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As the largest archipelagic nation with thousands of islands, the establishment of infrastructure for marine and coastal spatial data is indispensable. Six technical working groups have been formed as a component of spatial data... more
Problem According to the International Health Regulations (IHR), countries need to strengthen core capacity for disease surveillance and response systems. Many countries are establishing or enhancing their field epidemiology training... more
The broad aims of this study are to gain insight into employees'on-the-job learning activities to help them improve their on-the-job learning. The authors define on-the-job learning styles and operationalize the concept to include... more
Police analysts are required to unravel the complexities in data to assist operational personnel in arresting offenders and directing crime prevention strategies. However, the volume of crime that is being committed and the awareness of... more
This paper examines the setting up of accounting procedures and policies in sampled SMEs from Bihor, county selected after criteria of size at the end of 2008. In order to conduct our research we have set up a questionnaire of 25... more
Cross-cultural research is dominated by the use of values despite their mixed empirical support and their limited theoretical scope. This article expands the dominant paradigm in crosscultural research by developing a theory of cultural... more
The implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems is nowadays a key issue for companies. The problems that can appear during their integration, which is always a difficult task, are nowadays better identified, even if their... more
This paper documents a shift in the nature of innovation in the information technology (IT) industry. Using comprehensive data on all IT patents granted by the USPTO from 1980-2002, we find strong evidence of a change in IT innovation... more
This article develops a relational perspective on the coordination of work. Existing theory suggests that relational forms of coordination should improve performance in settings that are highly interdependent, uncertain and... more
Over the last years, many organizations started to use Distance Teaching tools as instruments in employees' qualification programs, creating what we may call E-learning or Virtual Training in Human Resources Development Programs. However,... more
Leistungsentgelt: Leistungsbezogene Entgeltsysteme erfolgreich einführen, umsetzen und modernisieren. Short Method. Hamburg: quayou Verlag 2015.
This article focuses on how membership in a selflrater agreement group (underraters, accurate raters, overraters) is related to self-ratings and others' ratings of self-awareness and leadership effectiveness. It also examines gender... more
Non-union forms of employee representation have become increasingly prominent in UK workplaces in the last 15 years. In addition, partnership working has been encouraged by New Labour, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development,... more
Purpose: Teacher hiring decisions have far-reaching consequences for a school, its students, and faculty. This article examines how new teachers in four states are hired and explores whether the process leads to good matches between these... more
Despite its grounding in a specific and peculiar set of facts, the strict scrutiny mandate of Wisconsin v. Yoder (decided in 1972) has changed the constitutional landscape of custody cases - and it has done so in a way that is unsound... more
To develop a culture of total quality management, a hotel company must make its human-resources department a full-fledged player in the hotel's operations, because specific human-resources practices ntial to a successful TQM program. k... more
Much of existing research on employee engagement is deficient in examining organizational actors' lived experiences of organizational engagement activities. This article, deriving from qualitative research in a public-private partnership... more
Business Process Reengineering (BPR) has been witnessed. This evolution reflects both the increasing maturity of information technology and also the business outlook of firms seeking to use IT for competitive advantage. In this paper we... more
Does temporary work provide a way for individuals to improve their skill levels? Using a sample of more than 4,000 employees of US temporary staffing agencies, we analyse whether blue, white and pink-collar temps get access to company... more
The topics of leadership and organizational culture have attracted considerable interest from both academics and practitioners. Much of the interest in the two areas is based on explicit and implicit claims that both leadership and... more
The lack of human resources is one of the main bottlenecks to achieving the Millennium Development Goals on maternal and child health. A coherent national policy, recognized across government, needs to be in place to overcome this... more
for appropriateness in their culture. U.S. students had significantly higher appropriateness ratings than Eastern students on clarity of presentation, enthusiasm, classroom interaction, and spatial-behavioral communication behaviors.... more
An undeniable shift in focus from traditional production companies to Knowledge-Intensive Firms (KIFs) poses challenges for academics and practioners alike. In particular, effective management of an organization’s human resources has... more
Artificial intelligence can be used to efficiently automate diagnostics, analytics, logging, administering and decision making in the healthcare industry which is facing a human resource crunch in the present times. Artificial... more
Background In low-income countries, unmet surgical needs lead to a high incidence of death. Information on the incidence and safety of current surgical care in low-income countries is limited by the paucity of data in the literature.
Human Resource (HR) researchers haw a tendency to generalize their results and prescriptions across a wide range of organizations without regard to possible contingencies. This can be dangerous. This article demonstrates the nature of the... more
The field of 3d animation has addressed design processes and work practices in the design disciplines for in recent years. There are good reasons for considering the development of systematic design processes for the development of 3d... more
A posteriori error indicators CFD Flow past rectangular cylinders a b s t r a c t
High-performance work systems (HPWS) can be seen as a set of new forms of work organization combined with flexible human resources (HR) practices that enhance organizational performance through employee involvement and empowerment.
As the challenges of managing across borders become increasingly complex, companies are exploring innovative ways to organize and manage people. Many are turning to the use of transnational teams composed of individuals from multiple... more
This article examines the attitudes of a key set of state government officials-state human resource (HR) professionals-toward employment at will (EAW) in state government. It presents original survey data obtained from HR professionals in... more
Using a triangulation of three methods, we devise a framework for the acquisition of the resources vital for the start-up of a business in South Africa. Against the backdrop of the fact that numerous challenges prohibit African immigrants... more