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The novel coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has resulted in the disruption of activities in major centres of global production, with adverse portents for contractual obligations across global supply chains. The global pervasiveness and... more
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      Law And Economics (Economics)Transaction CostsLaw of ContractsSupply Chain Management (SCM)
Departing from the seminal question that Coase raised in his 1937 work, this article discusses and assesses incomplete contracts theories' analyses of the firm's boundaries-notably transaction cost theory and the modern theory of property... more
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      Property RightsTheory of the FirmBusiness and ManagementCoordination Mechanisms
This article develops a two-period double moral hazard model with incomplete contracting to explore the implication of a possible adverse effect of unilateral control on the optimal revenue sharing and control allocation in a joint... more
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      BusinessEconomicsGame TheorySocial Science Research Network
IVIE working papers offer in advance the results of economic research under way in order to encourage a discussion process before sending them to scientific journals for their final publication. * My deepest debt of gratitude goes to... more
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      BusinessCorporate FinanceMechanism DesignInternational Finance
Important features of labor relations are that contracts are incomplete, that workers and ®rms very often interact repeatedly and that there are opportunities for social exchange. To assess the relative importance of these features, we... more
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive ScienceGift Exchange
This paper discusses the literature on the enforcement of incomplete contracts. It compares legal enforcement to enforcement via relationships and reputations. A number of mechanisms, such as the repeat purchase mechanism (Klein and... more
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      Institutional EconomicsLaw and EconomicsRelational contractsTransaction Cost
This chapter is a survey of modern theories of the firm. We categorize these as belonging either to the principal-agent or the incomplete contracting approach. In the former category fall, for example, the Alchian and Demsetz moral hazard... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical ScienceEconomic TheoryPhilosophy Of Economics
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      Labor MarketIncomplete Contracts
The novel coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has resulted in the disruption of activities in major centres of global production, with adverse portents for contractual obligations across global supply chains. The global pervasiveness and... more
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      Law And Economics (Economics)Transaction CostsLaw of ContractsComparative Contract Law
The present study is concerned with the evolution of investment chapters of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). Our purpose is to observe the structure and recurrent patterns of the normative content of these chapters in order to ascertain and... more
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      European Union external relationsNAFTAFree trade agreementsBilateral Investment Treaties
New developments in the world economy have triggered research designed to better understand the changes in trade and investment patterns, and the reorganization of production across national borders. Although traditional trade theory has... more
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      EconomicsOrganizational ChangeResearch DesignInternational Trade
Procurement contracts are often incomplete because the initial plans and specifications are changed and refined after the contract is awarded to the lowest bidder. This results in a final cost to the buyer that differs from the low bid,... more
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      EconomicsLatin American Economic HistoryDeveloping CountryMarket Power
What is a firm? What are the main driving forces that explain the trade-off between make-or buy decisions? Since the seminal article of Coase on the nature of the firm (Coase 1937), those questions have been put under the attention of a... more
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      Theory of the FirmEvolutionary theoryResource Based ViewEmpirical Study
Distribution électronique Cairn pour les Presses de Sciences Po. © Presses de Sciences Po. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les... more
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      Economic TheoryEconomic EfficiencyCooperative BehaviorIncomplete Contracts
This paper examines agricultural cooperative organizational models from an ownership rights perspective. Building upon property rights and incomplete contracts theories of the firm, the paper adopts a definition of ownership rights... more
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      AgribusinessProperty RightsTheory of the FirmStrategic Decision Making
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      Business EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityFuzzy LogicCorporate Governance
When procurement contracts are incomplete, they are frequently changed after the contract is awarded to the lowest bidder. This results in a final cost that differs from the initial price, and may involve significant transaction costs due... more
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      Transaction CostIncomplete ContractsStructural model
In a paper to the Thredbo9 Conference, Stanley, Lucas and Betts outlined a framework for the creation and sustenance of a trusting partnership at the tactical level for public transport services. Since that time, the Victorian (Australia)... more
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      BusinessEconomicsServicesPublic Transport
The Knowledge Impact in Society gratefully acknowledges the financial support provided by the Agriculture Council of Saskatchewan through the Advancing Canadian Agriculture and Agri-Food Saskatchewan (ACAAFS) program. Funding for the... more
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      Organizational ChangeAgribusinessProperty RightsCase Studies
In this work we do two things: 1) an assessment of the current academic opinions and of the present situa-tion around the world, 2) a reconsideration of the quantitative evaluaton of corporate governance reforms from the perspective of... more
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      Corporate GovernanceInternational FinanceGeneral EquilibriumSocial Welfare
This paper approaches the question of the appropriate level of decentralisation of power in government as a problem in the allocation of control rights under incomplete contracts.
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      EconomicsEuropean Economic IntegrationConflict of InterestDecentralisation
This research concerns incentive principles which drive information sharing and affect database value. Many real world centralization and standardization efforts have failed, typically because departments lacked incentives or needed... more
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      Distributed DatabaseInformation TechnologyDecision Support SystemsMathematical Sciences
The incremental innovations that underly much of modern economic growth typically involve changes to one or more components of a complex product. This creates a tension. On the one hand, a principal would like an agent to contribute... more
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      Economic GrowthControlTheory of the FirmKnowledge
Dalla fine del secolo appena trascorso varie iniziative a l ivello internazionale hanno avviato la formulazione di standard dei sistemi di gestione per la responsabilità sociale delle imprese (corporate social responsbility o, in breve,... more
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      Business EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityFuzzy LogicCorporate Governance
Dalla fine del secolo appena trascorso varie iniziative a l ivello internazionale hanno avviato la formulazione di standard dei sistemi di gestione per la responsabilità sociale delle imprese (corporate social responsbility o, in breve,... more
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      Business EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityFuzzy LogicCorporate Governance
Why do states cooperate bilaterally or multilaterally? This article addresses the issue using the example of international double tax avoidance. It is argued that double tax avoidance exhibits the strategic structure of a coordination... more
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      Political EconomyPolitical ScienceEuropean Union external relationsInstitutional Design
Many couples do not sign prenuptial agreements, even though this often leads to costly and inefficient litigation in case of divorce. In this paper we show that strategic reasons may prevent agents from signing a prenuptial agreement.... more
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      Social WelfareMoral HazardAsymmetric InformationWorking Papers
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      Corporate GovernanceFuzzy set theoryControl StructureFuzzy Set
The parties to a contract typically make a lot of decisions during the time it is in force, and the paper is based on the premise that it takes time to be involved in any one of these decisions. Attempts to economize on decision-making... more
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      MarketingEconometricsEconomic TheoryRisk sharing
We introduce incomplete contracts in a model where multinational firms from a certain country ("North") can decide to serve a foreign market ("South") through exports or through horizontal foreign direct investment (FDI). FDI relies on... more
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      EconomicsForeign Direct InvestmentForeign InvestmentBargaining Power
The paper analyses the process leading to formatiom and perpetuation of high levels of NPAs in Indian public sector banks (PSBs henceforth). It distinguishes between random and non-random reasons of NPAs formation in PSBs. It points out... more
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      EconomicsBankingPublic sectorPolicy Design
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      Economic TheoryEconomic policyRisk ManagementCapital Structure
This article deals with IT outsourcing contracts. Contract amendments are often necessary, either because of changing client needs, or because the contracts themselves are incomplete. In some cases, requests for changes give rise to... more
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      Information TechnologyOutsourcingIT OutsourcingIncomplete Contracts
We investigate the role of a central bank (CB) in preventing and avoiding financial contagion. The CB, by imposing reserve requirements on the banking system, trades off the cost of reducing the resources available for long-term... more
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      Applied MathematicsEconomicsBanking CrisisFinancial Contagion
The deterrence hypothesis predicts that the introduction of a penalty that leaves everything else unchanged will reduce the occurrence of the behavior subject to the fine. We present the result of a field study in a group of day-care... more
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      LawField StudyLegal StudiesBoolean Satisfiability
The paper begins by providing a brief overview and discussion of the modern economics of organization, concentrating in particular on the work of incomplete contract theorists. I then turn to a discussion of Loasby's view of the firm... more
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      Organizational LearningTheory of the FirmReal OptionIncomplete Contracts
Following the implementation of the land reform in the 1990's, land rentals have developed in Romania, mainly in a reverse tenancy configuration. The paper provides an analysis of contractual practices in this configuration, based on... more
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      Market StructureMultidisciplinaryPerspective TakingLand reform
Much real-world contracting involves adding finding new clauses to add to a basic agreement, clauses which may or may not increase the welfare of both parties. The parties must decide which complications to propose, how closely to examine... more
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      EconomicsEconomic Analysis of Public PolicyIncomplete Contracts
Un partenariat public-privé rigide ou flexible ?. Théorie et application aux concessions routières à péage par Laure ATHIAS et Stéphane SAUSSIER | Pr esses d e Sci e nces Po | Re vue économique 2007/3 -Volum e 58 ISSN 0035-2764 | ISBN... more
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      Economic TheoryEconomic EfficiencyCooperative BehaviorIncomplete Contracts
It is suggested that individual behavior under ambiguity, or knightian uncertainty, may represent an alternative explanation for contractual incompleteness with respect to the traditional approach in terms of transactions costs. This... more
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      Moral HazardEconomic analysisTransaction CostIncomplete Contracts
We scrutinize the conceptual framework commonly used in the incomplete contract literature. This literature usually assumes that contractual incompleteness is due to the transaction costs of describing-or of even foreseeing-the possible... more
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      EconomicsRisk AversionConceptual FrameworkTransaction Cost
We develop an endogenous growth model with R&D spillovers to study the long run consequences of o¤shoring with …rm heterogeneity and incomplete contracts. In so doing, we model o¤shoring as the geographical fragmentation of a …rm's... more
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      EconomicsOffshoringGrowthEndogenous Growth
This paper explores the link between boundedly rational behaviour and incomplete contracts. The bounded rationality of the agents in our world is embodied in a constraint that the contracts they write must be algorithmic in nature. We... more
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      EconomicsBounded RationalityIncomplete Contracts
This paper adresses the impact of trust on private equity contracts. Trust between investor and entrepreneur is essential to help overcome control problems, especially in an environment with severe agency risks and incomplete contracts.... more
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      Private EquityAgency ProblemIncomplete Contracts
We survey the theoretical literature on privatization and efficiency by tracing its evolution from the applications of agency theory to recent contributions in the field of political economy. The former extend the theory of regulation... more
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      EconometricsPolitical EconomyAgency TheoryRegulation
In this work we do two things: 1) an assessment of the current academic opinions and of the present situa-tion around the world, 2) a reconsideration of the quantitative evaluaton of corporate governance reforms from the perspective of... more
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      EconomicsCorporate GovernanceInternational FinanceGeneral Equilibrium
This paper adresses the impact of trust on private equity contracts. Trust between investor and entrepreneur is essential to help overcome control problems, especially in an environment with severe agency risks and incomplete contracts.... more
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      Private EquityAgency ProblemIncomplete Contracts
This paper suggests that due to the changing nature of the firm in today's business world, viewing shareholders as the sole residual claimants is an increasingly tenuous description of the actual relationships among a firm's various... more
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      ManagementProperty RightsCorporate GovernanceStrategic Management
Dalla fine del secolo appena trascorso varie iniziative a l ivello internazionale hanno avviato la formulazione di standard dei sistemi di gestione per la responsabilità sociale delle imprese (corporate social responsbility o, in breve,... more
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      Business EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityFuzzy LogicCorporate Governance